README ------ This is the README for an application which allows you to upload MetaLink Metadata to the OMS from the command prompt. Version : 10.2 GC FILES: ------ (the wrapper for the actual classfile UpdateARUTables.class which is located in emCORE.jar. It takes care of calling the class file with appropriate parameters and also does error handling) USAGE: ------ perl [download | upload | update] If download: -to : Directory where you want to store the aru data -dl_url : MetaLink URL -dl_user : MetaLink username -dl_pass : MetaLink password -rep_conn : Repository connection string :: -rep_user : Repository username -rep_pass : Repository password Example: perl download -to=/downloads/aru -dl_url= -dl_user=abc -dl_pass=xxxxx -rep_user=sysman -rep_pass=xxxxx If upload: -from : Directory where you want to store the aru data -rep_conn : Repository connection string :: -rep_user : Repository username -rep_pass : Repository password Example: perl upload -from=/downloads/aru -rep_user=sysman -rep_pass=xxxxx If update: -dl_url : MetaLink URL -dl_user : MetaLink username -dl_pass : MetaLink password -rep_conn : Repository connection string :: -rep_user : Repository username -rep_pass : Repository password Example: perl download -dl_url= -dl_user=abc -dl_pass=xxxxx IMPORTANT POINTS: ----------------- -> $ORACLE_HOME should be defined for this script to work. -> You need to have sysman privileges to execute this script. PARAMETERS: ----------- download This will download all the MetaLink Metadata to the directory specified. -> The -to directory should be existing. If not present, the program will exit out with a fileNotFoundException. -> The -dl_url should be complete including the http://. Dont just give -> The repository connection string consists of the host, port and sid in the format :: upload This uploads the MetaLink metadata to the respository and calculates the policy violations. -> The from directory needs to be existing and containing 8 MetaLink metadata files. -> The repository connection string consists of the host, port and sid in the format :: update This option essentially does a combination of the above two options without saving the MetaLink metadata in a intermediary location. It just downloads the MetaLink Metadata and directly uploads it to the repoistory and calculates policy violations. -> The -dl_url should be complete including the http://. Dont just give -> The repository connection string consists of the host, port and sid in the format ::