README for --------------------------- This perl file downloads ORACLE MetaLink metadata and dumps it to a directory. It uses wget to get the files. USAGE: ------ perl -wget_loc : wget location if you dont want to use the default wget. (optional. If not given default wget is used) -to : Directory where you want to download Oracle Metadata files (optional if not specified current directory will be used) -http_user : Metalink username (mandatory) -http_pass : Metalink password (mandatory) -proxy_user : Proxy username (optional; needed only if proxy requires authentication) -proxy_pass : Proxy password (optional; needed only if proxy requires authentication) -proxy_host : Proxy url (mandatory if proxy_user and proxy_pass are given. format: host:port) Example: perl -to /downloads/metadata -http_user abc_us -http_pass xxxx -proxy_user sysman -proxy_pass xxxx -proxy_host PARAMETERS: ----------- Mandatory parameters: --------------------- -http_user : This is your Oracle MetaLink username. -http_pass : This is your Oracle MetaLink password. Optional parameters: -------------------- -to : This is the location where you want to dump the metadata. Please provide complete path. Relative paths would be considered from the current working directory. Also this location would be created if it is not existing. If not given files would be dumped to the current directory. -wget_loc : If you dont want to use the default wget, you can provide your own wget. -proxy_user : If your proxy requires authentication, then you need to provide the proxy username here. -proxy_pass : If your proxy requires authentication, then you need to provide the proxy password here. -proxy_host : This is the location of your actual proxy server. The format is :. If you have a wgetrc (wget startup file) then that would take precedence over this variable.The $HTTP_PROXY set up in the wgetrc would be used. Look at the wget manual for more details. OUTPUT FORMAT: -------------- Initially some information regarding generic variables like PERL, SCRIPT etc along with USER passed parameters are printed out in a block enclosed by "###################################################" After that for each wget call, the summary is printed in a block enclosed by "---------------------------------------------------" At the end of the execution, you will have 8 xml files in the directory you specify in the '-to' option.