Proxy testing Standalone Application. Files: ------ 1) ProxyStandAlone.class This is the application, which tests the proxy. It uses another package called HTTPClient and the corresponding jar file is called http_client.jar Details about execution are given below. Usage: ------ ProxyStandAlone [direct | proxy] [testML] -testurl (not required if testML specified) -urluser (optional) -urlpasswd (optional) -timeout (300000 ms taken by default if not mentioned) -proxyhost -proxyport (port 80 taken as default if not mentioned) -realm (optional) -user (optional) -passwd (optional) -verbose (optional. It is off by default) Parameters: ----------- The first parameter is mandatory and should be either direct or proxy. This indicates whether we are using a proxy or a direct connection. The second parameter 'testML' indicates whether we want to validate connectivity to MetaLink and this case the testurl is not needed. This should be a second parameter. -testurl: The testurl is the URL which we are trying to reach via proxy or a direct connection. This field is mandatory if testML is not specified. -timeout: The timeout is the time after which you want the HTTPConnection to timeout. It is the time in milliseconds. This field is optional in both cases and if not given, it defaults to 300000ms (5 minutes). -verbose: This gives a lot of debug information like HTTP logs and also prints the output of the file. The next 5 fields make sense only in case of a proxy and are ignored if we use direct connection. -proxyhost: This field is the proxy host and is mandatory for proxy. -proxyport: This field indicates the port for the proxy. If not given it defaults to port 80. -realm, user, passwd: They are used to provide basic authorization to the proxy. Important points about the usage: If direct is used then only testurl is mandatory. If proxy is used then only proxyhost is mandatory. If testML is used then testurl is not needed and testML has to be the 2nd argument. Execution: ---------- Go to the directory where ProxyStandAlone.class exists and run the command. $ORACLE_HOME needs to be defined. $> java -classpath .:$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/http_client.jar ProxyStandAlone Pay special attention to the classpath. It starts with ".:$ORACLE_HOME". You are including the current directory and then the path for the http_client.jar. Output: ------- You first get all the Program Parameters you used. The final output consists of a tuple containing 'Status Code' and 'Reason'. If everything ran all right and the url was accessible, the output would be "Result : Status Code:200, Reason:OK" The verbose option gives out a lot of intermediate headers used by the HTTPClient package, which helps in debugging. If there is some error, then the Status Code and Reason would be different. Examples: Result : Status Code:407, Reason:Unauthorized (if you gave bad credentials) Result : Status Code:502, Reason:Bad Gateway (if the URL did not exist) Examples: Direct connection to $> java -classpath .:$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/http_client.jar ProxyStandAlone direct -testurl= -timeout=10000 Proxy Connection to using proxy and default port 80. $> java -classpath .:$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/http_client.jar ProxyStandAlone proxy -testurl= Proxy Connection to MetaLink using proxy and MetaLink credentials $> java -classpath .:$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/http_client.jar ProxyStandAlone proxy testML -proxyport=80 -urluser=abc_us -urlpasswd=xxxxx Proxy Connection to MetaLink using proxy and MetaLink credentials with Basic Authentication. $> java -classpath .:$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/http_client.jar ProxyStandAlone proxy testML -proxyport=80 -urluser=abc_us -urlpasswd=xxxxx -realm="proxy authorization" -user=abc_proxy -passwd=xxxxxx