# Copyright (c) 1995, 2003, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. # # NAME: # # sorainit.tcl : This file contains the OSD definitions and procedures # used by all tcl scripts. # $Log: $ # Revision 1.5 04/03/2000 kduvvuri sgi merge - bug1243405 # Revision 1.4 1996/08/22 22:08:04 yliu # added tempfile, mvfile, etc # # Revision 1.3 1996/03/07 22:29:17 ebosco # Added import export load # # Revision 1.2 1995/11/08 19:22:12 yliu # change df option for Solaris # # Revision 1.1 1995/08/11 01:25:07 yliu # Initial revision # ######################################################################## # # Porting Note : # Most of the procedures in this file are based on Unix commands. # If you need to change any of the procedures for you port, please do # the following : # if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "your platform name"} { # do your platform stuff # } else { # the original code # } # # You can use nmitclsh or tclsh to acquire your platform name. Use the # following command in nmitclsh or tclsh : # puts $tcl_platform(os) # ######################################################################## proc concatname {components} { # Given file name components, construct a complete file name # For VMS, only the last component is returned, because symbols # are used to invoke programs on VMS, not full paths. global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set full_path [lindex $components [expr [llength $components] -1]] } else { append full_path [lindex $components 0] set no_components [llength $components] set i 1 while {$i < $no_components} { append full_path "/" append full_path [lindex $components $i] incr i } } return $full_path } proc AGENT_ORACLE_HOME {} { # return the oracle_home of the agent installation global env return $env(ORACLE_HOME) } proc ORACLE_HOME {} { # return the oracle of the target service global oramsg set oHome $oramsg(orahome) return $oHome } proc ORACLE_SID {} { # return the oracle_sid of the target database global oramsg set temp_list [oradbsnmp get applName.$oramsg(oraindex)] set osid [lindex $temp_list 1] return $osid } proc DB_VERSION {} { # return the Database Version of the target database # Will return NULL string if the database version is not available, # the version will not be available if the database or listener is down. global oramsg set dbver " " if { ![catch {oradbsnmp get applVersion.$oramsg(oraindex)} out] } { if {[string match "*Server not open*" $out] == 0 } { set ver [lindex $out 1] regsub -all {\.} $ver {} ver set dbver [string range $ver 0 1] return $dbver } } return $dbver } proc DEFAULT_INITFILE {} { # return the default filename (full path) of "init.ora" global oramsg global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set fn "ORA_PARAMS" } else { append fn [ORACLE_HOME] "/dbs/" "init" [ORACLE_SID] ".ora" } return $fn } proc LSNRCTL { { Listener "" } } { # return the full path name for listener control application # Unix, return symbol invoking program for VMS global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set lsnrctlexec "LSNRCTL"; } else { set lsnrctlexec "" if { $Listener == "" } { if {[file exists [concatname [list [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME] bin lsnrctl]]]} { set lsnrctlexec [concatname [list [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME] bin lsnrctl]] } } else { if {[file exists [concatname [list [lindex [getlsnrdata $Listener] 3] bin lsnrctl]]]} { set lsnrctlexec [concatname [list [lindex [getlsnrdata $Listener] 3] bin lsnrctl]] } } } return $lsnrctlexec } proc getlsnrdata { name } { # returns the listener entries from snmp_ro.ora set shortname "" set longname "" set configfile "" set homename "" set snmprohdl [open [SNMPRO_FILE] r] while {[gets $snmprohdl line] >= 0} { if {[regexp -nocase "snmp.shortname.$name *= " $line]} { set shortname [string trim [string range $line [expr [string first = $line] +1] end] " "] } if {[regexp -nocase "snmp.longname.$name * =" $line]} { set longname [string trim [string range $line [expr [string first = $line] +1] end] " "] } if {[regexp -nocase "snmp.configfile.$name *=" $line]} { set configfile [string trim [string range $line [expr [string first = $line] +1] end] " "] } if {[regexp -nocase "snmp.oraclehome.$name *=" $line]} { set homename [string trim [string range $line [expr [string first = $line] +1] end] " "] } } close $snmprohdl return [list $shortname $longname $configfile $homename] } proc SQLDBA {} { # return the full path name of the sqldba executable set sqldbaexec "" ; if {[file exists [concatname [list [ORACLE_HOME] bin sqldba]]] } { set sqldbaexec [concatname [list [ORACLE_HOME] bin sqldba]]; } return $sqldbaexec } proc SQLPLUS {} { # return the full path name of the sqlplus executable # return the symbol invoking sqlplus for VMS global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set sqlplusexec "SQLPLUS"; } else { set sqlplusexec ""; if {[file exists [concatname [list [ORACLE_HOME] bin sqlplus]]] } { set sqlplusexec [concatname [list [ORACLE_HOME] bin sqlplus]]; } } return $sqlplusexec } proc SVRMGRL {} { # return the full path name of the svrmgrl executable # symbol that runs it if VMS global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set svrmgrlexec "SVRMGRL" } else { set svrmgrlexec ""; if {[file exists [concatname [list [ORACLE_HOME] bin svrmgrl]]] } { set svrmgrlexec [concatname [list [ORACLE_HOME] bin svrmgrl]]; } } return $svrmgrlexec } proc RMAN {} { # return the full path name of the rman executable global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set rmanexec "RMAN" } else { set rmanexec ""; if {[file exists [concatname [list [ORACLE_HOME] bin rman]]] } { set rmanexec [concatname [list [ORACLE_HOME] bin rman]]; } } return $rmanexec } proc OS_SHELL_EXEC {command} { # execute a command within an OS shell global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { exec $command } else { set tmpfile [tempfile osc] set code [catch {exec sh -c $command >& $tmpfile}] set fd [open $tmpfile r] set output [read $fd] close $fd rmfile $tmpfile return -code $code $output } } proc BROADCAST {message} { # broadcast the message global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { exec reply \"$message\" } else { set tmpfile [tempfile bdc] set fd [open $tmpfile w] puts $fd $message close $fd if {$tcl_platform(os) == "DYNIX/ptx"} { # for sequent exec /etc/wall < $tmpfile } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "AIX" || $tcl_platform(os) == "HP-UX" || $tcl_platform(os) == "OSF1" || $tcl_platform(os) == "UnixWare" || $tcl_platform(os) == "dgux" } { exec /usr/sbin/wall < $tmpfile } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} { exec /usr/bin/wall < $tmpfile } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "IRIX64"} { exec /etc/wall < $tmpfile } else { exec /usr/sbin/wall -a < $tmpfile } rmfile $tmpfile } } proc TNS_ADMIN {} { # return the tns_admin directory of the agent's environment global env global tcl_platform if {[info exists env(TNS_ADMIN)] && [file isdirectory $env(TNS_ADMIN)]} { set dir $env(TNS_ADMIN) } else { if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set dir "TNS_ADMIN:" } else { set dir [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME]/network/admin } } return $dir } proc RDBMS {} { # return the name of the rdbms product return "rdbms" } proc NETWORK {} { # return the name of the network product return "network" } proc NETWORK_TRACE_DIR {} { # return default directory where the trace files go global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { append dir {ORA_ROOT:[} [NETWORK] {.TRACE]} } else { append dir [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME] "/" [NETWORK] "/" trace } return $dir } proc SNMPRO_FILE {} { # return the fully qualified filename for snmp_ro.ora global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { append fn [TNS_ADMIN] snmp_ro.ora } else { append fn [TNS_ADMIN] "/" snmp_ro.ora } if { [file exists $fn] } { return $fn } } proc SNMPRW_FILE {} { # return the fully qualified filename for snmp_rw.ora global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { append fn [TNS_ADMIN] snmp_rw.ora } else { append fn [TNS_ADMIN] "/" snmp_rw.ora } if { [file exists $fn] } { return $fn } } proc SERVICES_FILE {} { # return the fully qualified filename for services.ora global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set fn "ORA_AGENT:SERVICES.ORA" } else { append fn [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME] "/" [NETWORK] "/" agent "/" services.ora } if { [file exists $fn] } { return $fn } } proc DBSNMPVER_FILE {} { # return the fully qualified filename for services.ora global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set fn "ORA_AGENT:DBSNMP.VER" } else { append fn [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME] "/" [NETWORK] "/" agent "/" dbsnmp.ver } if { [file exists $fn] } { return $fn } } proc diskstats {file_list} { # Input: a list of the files or empty for all file systems # Output: 5 lists, filesystems, total space, avail space, pct free and # mount points global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { if {[llength $file_list] == 0} { ORATCL_DEBUG "diskstats: error: file_list is empty" error "" } set no_file [llength $file_list] set i 0 while { $i < $no_file } { set dev_name [lindex $file_list $i] lappend filesystem $i if { [catch {exec @ora_agent:disk_usage $dev_name {"TOTAL"}} s_total] || [catch {exec @ora_agent:disk_usage $dev_name {"AVAIL"}} s_free] } { ORATCL_DEBUG "diskstats: \@ora_agent:disk_usage failed: $temp" error "" } lappend total [expr $s_total + 0] lappend free [expr $s_free + 0] lappend pct_free [ expr round(($s_free + 0.0) * 100 / $s_total) ] lappend mount $dev_name incr i } } else { # various UNIX flavours # default settings - suits most Unix platforms if {[llength $file_list] > 0} { set df_cmd "df -k" } else { set df_cmd "df -k -l" } # relative position within one line set df_cols 6 set filesystem_col 0 set total_col 1 set free_col 3 set pct_col 4 set mount_col 5 # exceptions: either different command, switches or layout of output if {$tcl_platform(os) == "HP-UX" } { if {[llength $file_list] > 0} { set df_cmd "df -P -k" } else { set df_cmd "df -P -k -l" } } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "AIX" } { set df_cmd "df -k" set df_cols 7 set free_col 2 set pct_col 3 set mount_col 6 } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "IRIX64" } { set df_cols 7 set filesystem_col 0 set total_col 2 set free_col 4 set pct_col 5 set mount_col 6 } if {[llength $file_list] > 0} { set df_cmd [ concat $df_cmd $file_list ] } # issue command to determine the disk usage # using a pipe instead of exec to get rid of the unwanted header if { [ catch { open "|$df_cmd"} cmd_pipe] } { ORATCL_DEBUG "diskstats: open failed: $cmd_pipe" error "" } set i 0 set no_file 0 while {[gets $cmd_pipe line] >= 0} { if { ($i > 0) && ([lindex $line $total_col] != 0) } { lappend filesystem [lindex $line $filesystem_col] lappend total [lindex $line $total_col] lappend free [lindex $line $free_col] set used [lindex $line $pct_col] regexp {([0-9]+)} $used junk capacity lappend pct_free [expr 100 - $capacity] lappend mount [lindex $line $mount_col] incr no_file } incr i } # any errors during command execution will be reported on close of pipe if { [ catch { close $cmd_pipe } cmd_err] } { ORATCL_DEBUG "diskstats: close failed: $cmd_err" error "" } } if { $no_file > 0 } { lappend ret_val $filesystem $total $free $pct_free $mount } else { ORATCL_DEBUG "diskstats: error: no valid filesystem" error "" } return $ret_val } proc diskusage {file_list} { # Input: a list of the files or empty for all file systems # Output: 4 lists, filesystems, total space, percent of avail space and mount points if { [catch { diskstats $file_list} temp] } { error "" } lappend ret_val [lindex $temp 0] [lindex $temp 1] [lindex $temp 2] [lindex $temp 4] return $ret_val } proc pctdiskusage {file_list} { # Input: a list of the files or empty for all file systems # Output: 4 lists, filesystems, total space, percent of avail space and mount points if { [catch { diskstats $file_list} temp] } { error "" } lappend ret_val [lindex $temp 0] [lindex $temp 1] [lindex $temp 3] [lindex $temp 4] return $ret_val } proc swapusage {} { # returns the percent of available swap space # for solaris: global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "AIX"} { catch {exec /usr/sbin/lsps -s} buffer regexp {([0-9]+)%} $buffer whole used_pect set avail_pct [expr 100 - $used_pect] return $avail_pct } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "OSF1"} { # for compaq catch {exec /sbin/swapon -s} buffer set finish [string length $buffer] set fin1 [expr $finish -98] set st1 [expr $finish -101] set total [string range $buffer $st1 $fin1] set tkbytes [expr $total * 10] set pfin1 [expr $finish -3] set pst1 [expr $finish -5] set percent [string range $buffer $pst1 $pfin1] set avail [expr $tkbytes * $percent] return $percent } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "DYNIX/ptx"} { # for sequent: catch {exec /etc/swap -f} buffer regexp {([0-9]+) free} $buffer whole avail return [expr $avail/2] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "HP-UX"} { catch {exec /usr/sbin/swapinfo -t} buffer set used [lindex $buffer [expr [llength $buffer] - 4]] regexp {([0-9]+)%} $used whole used_pct set pct_free [expr 100 - $used_pct] return $pct_free } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} { catch {exec /usr/bin/free -o -m | grep Swap} buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s%s" junk1 total used free set free_dbl [format %3.2f $free] set total_dbl [format %3.2f $total] set pct_free [expr [expr $free_dbl / $total_dbl] * 100] return $pct_free } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "UnixWare"} { catch {exec /etc/swap -s} buffer regexp {([0-9]+) blocks available} $buffer whole avail regexp {([0-9]+) blocks used} $buffer used_whole used set avail_dbl [format %3.2f $avail] set used_dbl [format %3.2f $used] set pct_avail [expr [expr $avail_dbl / [expr $used_dbl + $avail_dbl]] * 100] return $pct_avail } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "dgux"} { #for DG catch {exec nsar -r 5 2 | grep Average} buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s" ave freemem freeswp set avail [expr [expr $freeswp - $freemem] / 2 ] exec echo "{s += \$2; print s}" > /tmp/pat catch {exec admswap -o list -bu | grep y | nawk -f /tmp/pat | tail -1} total exec /bin/rm /tmp/pat set avail_pct [expr [expr $avail / $total] * 100 ] return $avail_pct } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "IRIX64"} { catch {exec /etc/swap -sb} buffer regexp {([0-9]+) blocks available} $buffer whole avail_tmp set avail [expr $avail_tmp / 2] regexp {([0-9]+) blocks used} $buffer used_whole used_tmp set used [expr $used_tmp / 2] set avail_dbl [format %3.2f $avail] set used_dbl [format %3.2f $used] set pct_avail [expr [expr $avail_dbl / [expr $used_dbl + $avail_dbl]] * 100] return $pct_avail } elseif { $tcl_platform(os) == "VMS" } { catch {exec @ora_agent:avail_swap_pages} avail } else { catch {exec /etc/swap -s} buffer set tmp1 [split $buffer =] set tmp2 [split [lindex $tmp1 1] ,] set used [string trim [lindex [lindex $tmp2 0] 0] " k"] set avail [string trim [lindex [lindex $tmp2 1] 0] " k"] set avail_dbl [format %3.2f $avail] set used_dbl [format %3.2f $used] set pct_avail [expr [expr $avail_dbl / [expr $used_dbl + $avail_dbl]] * 100] return $pct_avail } } proc getcpuutil {} { # returns the cpu utilization (user+system) on the node global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { catch {exec @ora_agent:cpu_utilization} cpu_pct return $cpu_pct } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "AIX"} { catch {exec vmstat 5 2 | tail -1} buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs user sys id wa return [expr $user + $sys] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "DYNIX/ptx"} { #for sequent catch {exec sar 5 2} buffer } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} { catch { exec vmstat -n 5 2 } buffer set total [string length $buffer] set idlestart [string wordstart $buffer [expr $total -1]] set idle [string range $buffer $idlestart end] return [expr 100 - $idle] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "OSF1"} { catch {exec vmstat 5 2} buffer set finish [string length $buffer] set start [expr $finish - 9] set buffer1 [string range $buffer $start $finish] scan $buffer1 "%3s%3s%3s" user sys idle return [expr $user + $sys] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "UnixWare"} { catch {exec sar -P ALL -u 2 | tail -2 | head -1} buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s" name user sys return [expr $user + $sys] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "dgux"} { #for DG catch {exec nsar -u 5 2 | grep Average } buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s%s" ave usr sys idle return [expr $usr + $sys] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "IRIX64"} { #for IRIX 64bit catch {exec sar 5 2 | grep Average } buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s%s" ave usr sys idle return [expr $usr + $sys] } else { catch {exec vmstat 5 2} buffer set buffer [string trim $buffer] if {[string first "State change" $buffer] != -1} { set buffer "" catch {exec vmstat 5 2} buffer ORATCL_DEBUG "buffer = $buffer" if {[string first "State change" $buffer] != -1} { error "Unexpected system change while evaluating cpuutil-retry failed" } } } if {$tcl_platform(os) == "HP-UX"} { set finish [string length $buffer] set start [expr $finish - 9] set buffer1 [string range $buffer $start $finish] scan $buffer1 "%3s%3s%3s" user sys idle return [expr $user + $sys] } else { # The parsing for Solaris works fine for Sequent as well since sar also # gives the idle time as the last field. # Removed Sequent specific code. See bug 1398809 for details set total [string length $buffer] set idlestart [string wordstart $buffer [expr $total -1]] set idle [string range $buffer $idlestart end] return [expr 100 - $idle] } } proc getpaging {} { # returns the paging activity on the node in KB per sec global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { catch {exec @ora_agent:page_fault_rate} pf_rate return $pf_rate } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "AIX"} { catch {exec vmstat 5 2} buffer set finish [expr [string length $buffer] - 26] set start [expr $finish - 30] set buffer1 [string range $buffer $start $finish] scan $buffer1 "%5s%4s%4s%4s%4s%5s%4s" fre re pi po fr sr cy return [divide [expr $pi + $po] 5] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "HP-UX"} { catch {exec vmstat 5 2} buffer set finish [string length $buffer] set finish [expr $finish -23] set start [expr $finish - 45] set buffer1 [string range $buffer $start $finish] scan $buffer1 "%5s%5s%6s%5s%6s%5s%6s%7s" re at pi po fr de sr in return [divide [expr $pi + $po] 5] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "OSF1"} { # for compaq catch {exec vmstat 5 2} buffer set finish [expr [string length $buffer] - 21] set start [expr $finish -10] set buffer1 [string range $buffer $start $finish] scan $buffer1 "%5s%5s" pi po return [divide [expr $pi + $po] 5] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "DYNIX/ptx"} { # for sequent catch {exec sar -w 5 2} buffer set finish [string length $buffer] set start [expr $finish - 39] set buffer1 [string range $buffer $start $finish] scan $buffer1 "%5s%5s%5s" pi bi po return [divide [expr $pi + $po] 5] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "UnixWare"} { catch {exec sar -p | grep Av | tail -1} bufpgi catch {exec sar -g | grep Av | tail -1} bufpgo scan $bufpgi "%s%s%s%s%s%s" name at atf atm pi rest scan $bufpgo "%s%s%s%s%s%s" name at atf atm po rest set pi [expr $pi * 100] set po [expr $po * 100] return [expr $pi + $po] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "dgux"} { #for DG catch {exec nsar -p 5 2 | grep Average } buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s%s%s%s" ave atch pgin ppgin pflt vflt catch {exec nsar -g 5 2 | grep Average } buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s%s%s" ave pgout ppgout pgfree pgscan return [expr $pgin + $pgout] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "IRIX64"} { #for IRIX 64bit catch {exec sar -w 5 2 | grep Average } buffer scan $buffer "%s%s%s%s%s" ave pi bpi po extra return [divide [expr $pi + $po] 5] } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} { #Collect paging stat - run 1 catch {exec cat /proc/stat | grep page} page_run1 catch {exec date +%s} sec_run1 ## make the program sleep for 1 second catch {exec sleep 1} junk #Collect paging stat - run 2 catch {exec cat /proc/stat | grep page} page_run2 catch {exec date +%s} sec_run2 #debug statements ORATCL_DEBUG "run1 = $page_run1" ORATCL_DEBUG "run2 = $page_run2" ORATCL_DEBUG "secs = $sec_run1, $sec_run2" #get actual data from tmp buffers ###paging - run 1 scan $page_run1 "%s%s%s" page pi1 po1 ORATCL_DEBUG "Actual pi1=$pi1, po1=$po1" ###paging - run 2 scan $page_run2 "%s%s%s" page pi2 po2 ORATCL_DEBUG "Actual pi2=$pi2, po2= $po2" #calculate paging per second set time_diff [expr $sec_run2 - $sec_run1] if {$time_diff == 0} { set time_diff 1 } set tot_pi [expr $pi2 - $pi1] set tot_po [expr $po2 - $po1] set tot_paging [expr $tot_pi + $tot_po] set output [divide $tot_paging $time_diff] ORATCL_DEBUG " Value : $output " return $output } else { catch {exec vmstat 5 2} buffer if {[string first "State change" $buffer] != -1} { set buffer "" catch {exec vmstat 5 2} buffer if {[string first "State change" $buffer] != -1} { error "Unexpected system change while evaluating paging - retry failed" } } set count 0 while {$count < 15} { set buffer1 [string trim $buffer] set total [string length $buffer1] set indexoflastword [string wordstart $buffer1 [expr $total -1]] if {$count == 13} { set po [string range $buffer1 $indexoflastword end] } if {$count == 14} { set pi [string range $buffer1 $indexoflastword end] break } set buffer [string range $buffer1 0 [expr $indexoflastword -1]] set count [expr $count + 1] } return [divide [expr $pi + $po] 5] } } proc tempdir {} { # returns a directory name which will be used to store temporary files global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { return "ORA_AGENT_TMP:" } else { return "/tmp" } } proc tempfile {ext} { # returns a temporary file name given its extention global tcl_platform set base0 [lindex [oratime] 3] regsub -all {:} $base0 {} base if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set temp [tempdir] append temp $base.$ext } else { set temp [concatname [list [tempdir] $base.$ext]] } set i 0 while {[file exists $temp] == 1} { if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { set temp [tempdir] append temp $base$i.$ext } else { set temp [concatname [list [tempdir] $base$i.$ext]] } incr i } return $temp } proc rmfile {filename} { # remove a file global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { if {[string last ";" $filename] != [string length $filename]-1} { append filename ";" } exec delete/nolog $filename } else { exec /bin/rm -f $filename } } proc catfile {filename} { # display a file global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { exec type $filename } else { exec /bin/cat $filename } } proc echofile {input filename} { # echo a string to a file global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { exec type/output=$filename $input } else { exec /bin/echo $input > $filename } } proc mvfile {filenames destination} { # move files to other location eval exec /bin/mv [glob $filenames] $destination } proc import args { # execute import global oramsg global tcl_platform setOracleEnvironment if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { # The brackets have to be stripped from the args set args [string range $args [expr [string first "{" $args] + 1] [expr [string last "}" $args] - 1]] exec imp $args } else { set args [join $args " "] exec /bin/sh -c "$oramsg(orahome)/bin/imp $args < /dev/null" } restoreOracleEnvironment } proc export args { # execute export global oramsg global tcl_platform setOracleEnvironment if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { # The brackets have to be stripped from the args set args [string range $args [expr [string first "{" $args] + 1] [expr [string last "}" $args] - 1]] exec exp $args } else { set args [join $args " "] exec /bin/sh -c "$oramsg(orahome)/bin/exp $args < /dev/null" } restoreOracleEnvironment } proc loader args { # execute sql loader global oramsg global tcl_platform setOracleEnvironment if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { # The brackets have to be stripped from the args set args [string range $args [expr [string first "{" $args] + 1] [expr [string last "}" $args] - 1]] exec sqlldr $args } else { set args [join $args " "] exec /bin/sh -c "$oramsg(orahome)/bin/sqlldr $args < /dev/null" } restoreOracleEnvironment } proc ALERTFILE {} { # return the alert file name of the target database global oramsg global tcl_platform if {[catch { set temp_list [oradbsnmp get rdbmsSrvParamCurrValue.$oramsg(oraindex).] } err]} { ORATCL_DEBUG "ALERTFILE:: oradbsnmp failed : $err" return "" } if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { regsub {[?]} [lindex $temp_list 1] $oramsg(orahome) dump_dest catch {exec @ora_agent:current_nodename} curr_node set curr_node [string range $curr_node 0 [expr [string length $curr_node]-2]] append alert_name $dump_dest ":" $curr_node "_" [lindex $temp_list 1] "_alert.log" } else { regsub {[?]} [lindex $temp_list 1] $oramsg(orahome) dump_dest regsub {[@]} $dump_dest [ORACLE_SID] dump_dest lappend components $dump_dest set temp_list [oradbsnmp get applName.$oramsg(oraindex)] append file_name "alert_" [lindex $temp_list 1] ".log" lappend components $file_name set alert_name [concatname $components] } return $alert_name } proc BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST {} { # return the background_dump destination of the target database global oramsg set temp_list [oradbsnmp get rdbmsSrvParamCurrValue.$oramsg(oraindex).] regsub {[?]} [lindex $temp_list 1] $oramsg(orahome) dest return $dest } proc USER_DUMP_DEST {} { # return the user_dump destination of the target database global oramsg set temp_list [oradbsnmp get rdbmsSrvParamCurrValue.$oramsg(oraindex).] regsub {[?]} [lindex $temp_list 1] $oramsg(orahome) dest return $dest } proc ARCHIVE_DEST {} { # return the archive destination of the target database global oramsg set temp_list [oradbsnmp get rdbmsSrvParamCurrValue.$oramsg(oraindex).] regsub {[?]} [lindex $temp_list 1] $oramsg(orahome) arch_dest return $arch_dest } proc getagentstatus {} { # returns status of agent if { [catch {exec [AGENTCTL] status -ping} buffer] } { if {[string first [string trimright [msgtxt1 [NETWORK] NMS 383] "\n"] $buffer] >= 0 } { return [list 0 [string trimright [msgtxt1 [NETWORK] NMS 383] "\n"]] } return [list -1 $buffer] } if {[set index [string first [msgtxt1 [NETWORK] NMS 481] $buffer]] >= 0 } { return [list 1 [string range $buffer $index end]] } else { return [list -1 ""] } } proc startagent {} { # starts the agent if { [lindex [getagentstatus] 0] != 1 } { if { [catch {exec [AGENTCTL] start >/dev/null} buffer] } { return [list -1 $buffer] } } return [list 0 [string trimright [msgtxt1 [NETWORK] nms 411] "\n"]] } proc stopagent {} { # stops the agent if { [lindex [getagentstatus] 0] != 0 } { if { [catch {exec [AGENTCTL] stop >/dev/null} buffer] } { return [list -1 $buffer] } } return [list 0 [string trimright [msgtxt1 [NETWORK] nms 409] "\n"]] } proc ORATCL_DEBUG {message} { # trace macro for oratcl scripts global env global tcl_platform set trace_level [lindex [getagenttraceinfo] 0] if { ($trace_level != 0) && ([string toupper $trace_level] != "OFF") } { if { [lindex [getagenttraceinfo] 1] == "" } { if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { append fn [NETWORK_TRACE_DIR] oratcl.trc } else { append fn [NETWORK_TRACE_DIR] "/" oratcl.trc } } else { if {$tcl_platform(os) == "VMS"} { append fn [lindex [getagenttraceinfo] 1] oratcl.trc } else { append fn [lindex [getagenttraceinfo] 1] "/" oratcl.trc } } catch {set fh [open $fn a] puts $fh $message flush $fh } # close the file only if it was successfully openned if { [info exists fh] } { close $fh } } } global orainstargs proc ListPackages {} { set code [catch {set home [checkHomeDefined]} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } set code [catch {loadOsm} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } set code [catch {set packageList [lindex [getPackageInfo] 0]} msg] if {$code} { error $msg } puts [agentGetMessage 150 "------------ ---------------- ------------- -----------------"] puts [agentGetMessage 151 "Package name Operating system Response file Number of products"] puts [agentGetMessage 150 "------------ ---------------- ------------- -----------------"] if { [llength $packageList] == 0} { puts [agentGetMessage 152 " ************* No Packages ************* "] puts [agentGetMessage 150 "------------ ---------------- ------------- -----------------"] return } foreach packageinfo $packageList { set packageFullName [lindex $packageinfo 0] set packageDir [getPackageDir]/[lindex $packageinfo 1] set packageDir [getPackageDir]/[lindex $packageinfo 1] set packageFileName [lindex [generatePackageName $packageFullName ] 1] set rspFileName $packageDir/$packageFileName.rsp set os [lindex $packageinfo 2] set noPrds [llength [lindex $packageinfo 4]] puts "$packageFullName $os $rspFileName $noPrds" } puts [agentGetMessage 150 "------------ ---------------- ------------- -----------------"] } proc loadOsm {} { set loadedPackages [package names] if { [lsearch -exact $loadedPackages osm] == -1 } { set code [catch {package require osm 1} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } } } proc GenerateResponse { pkgName {backupRspFile ""} } { set code [catch { serializeJob } msg] if {$code} { error $msg } set code [catch {GenerateResponse_helper $pkgName $backupRspFile} msg] if {$code} { unserializeJob error $msg } } proc GenerateResponse_helper { pkgName {backupRspFile ""} } { set code [catch {set home [checkHomeDefined]} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } set code [catch {loadOsm} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } set packageID [generatePackageName $pkgName] set name [lindex $packageID 0] puts [agentGetMessage 153 "Initiating Response file generation ..."] set fileName [lindex $packageID 1] set code [catch {getPackageInfo $name} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } set package [lindex [lindex $msg 0] 0] ; set packageDir [lindex $package 1] set location [getPackageDir]/$packageDir set inpRspFile $location/$fileName.rsp set outRspFile $location/$fileName.rsp if { $backupRspFile != "" } { if { [file exists $backupRspFile] == 1 } { error [agentGetMessage 154 "Backup file already exists"] } if { [file exists $inpRspFile] == 0 } { error [agentGetMessage 155 "Default response file does not exist"] } set code [catch {set srcfd [open $inpRspFile r]} msg ] if { $code } { error $msg } set code [catch {set destfd [open $backupRspFile w]} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } while { [gets $srcfd buffer] >= 0 } { puts $destfd $buffer } close $srcfd close $destfd } set code [catch {generateStagingArea [list $pkgName] "" -interactive -respfile $inpRspFile -record $outRspFile } msg] if { $code } { error $msg } cd $home/orainst } proc generateStagingArea {name context args} { global orainstargs set packageID [generatePackageName $name] set name [lindex $packageID 0] set fileName [lindex $packageID 1] set instCmd [createInstallerArgs $args] set code [catch "getPackageInfo {$name} " msg] if {$code != 0} { error $msg } set package [lindex [lindex $msg 0] 0] ; set packageDir [lindex $package 1] set location [getPackageDir]/$packageDir set os [lindex $package 2] ; set relNum 1 set prodlist [lindex $package 4] ; set packagePrdFiles [lindex $package 5] ; if {[lsearch -exact $instCmd /rspsrc] == -1} { set respFile "/rspsrc $location/$fileName.rsp" } else { set respFile "" } set code [catch {unArchivePackage "$location/$fileName" "$location"} tarmsg] if {$code != 0} { error $tarmsg } set prdFileNum 0 set prdFile [lindex $packagePrdFiles $prdFileNum] set prdPath $location/$relNum/$prdFile set orainstargs "$instCmd $respFile /prd $prdPath /install [compileForcedInstallationList $prodlist]" puts [agentGetMessage 156 "Execute the following 2 commands to complete response file generation"] puts "./orainst \$orainstargs" puts "EndGenerateResponse $name" } proc EndGenerateResponse { name } { set code [catch {EndGenerateResponse_helper $name} msg] if {$code} { unserializeJob error $msg } set code [catch { unserializeJob } msg] if {$code} { error $msg } } proc EndGenerateResponse_helper { name } { set code [catch {set home [checkHomeDefined]} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } set code [catch {loadOsm} msg] if { $code } { error $msg } set packageID [generatePackageName $name] set name [lindex $packageID 0] set fileName [lindex $packageID 1] set code [catch "getPackageInfo {$name} " msg] set relNum 1 if {$code != 0} { error $msg } set package [lindex [lindex $msg 0] 0] ; set packageDir [lindex $package 1] set location [getPackageDir]/$packageDir delDir $location/$relNum cd $location set code [catch {compressPackage $location/$fileName} msg] if {$code != 0} { error $msg } puts [agentGetMessage 157 "Response file generation complete"] } proc checkHomeDefined { } { set code [catch {set home [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME]} msg] if { $code } { error "ORACLE_HOME not defined" } return $home } proc createInstallerArgs cmd { set out {/c} set code [lsearch -exact $cmd -interactive] if {$code == -1} { lappend out /silent } set code [lsearch -exact $cmd -respfile] if {$code != -1} { set tmpname [lindex $cmd [expr $code + 1]] lappend out /rspsrc $tmpname } set code [lsearch -exact $cmd -record] if {$code != -1} { set tmpname [lindex $cmd [expr $code + 1]] lappend out /rspdest $tmpname } return $out } proc setOracleEnvironment {} { global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { global env setOracleEnvironment_OracleHome setOracleEnvironment_Path global setOracleEnvironment_Ld_Library_Path global setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls global setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls32 global setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls33 if { [info exists env(ORACLE_HOME)] } { set setOracleEnvironment_OracleHome $env(ORACLE_HOME) set env(ORACLE_HOME) [ORACLE_HOME] } if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "HP-UX"} { if { [info exists env(SHLIB_PATH)] } { set setOracleEnvironment_Ld_Library_Path $env(SHLIB_PATH) set env(SHLIB_PATH) [ORACLE_HOME]/lib:$env(SHLIB_PATH) } } else { if { [info exists env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)] } { set setOracleEnvironment_Ld_Library_Path $env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) set env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) [ORACLE_HOME]/lib:$env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) } } if { [info exists env(PATH)] } { set setOracleEnvironment_Path $env(PATH) set env(PATH) [ORACLE_HOME]/bin:$env(PATH) } # # Unset ORA_NLS* variables so that they default to the correct # value. See bug 644607 for details # if { [info exists env(ORA_NLS)] } { set setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls $env(ORA_NLS) unset env(ORA_NLS) } else { set setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls "" } if { [info exists env(ORA_NLS32)] } { set setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls32 $env(ORA_NLS32) unset env(ORA_NLS32) } else { set setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls32 "" } if { [info exists env(ORA_NLS33)] } { set setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls33 $env(ORA_NLS33) unset env(ORA_NLS33) } else { set setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls33 "" } } } proc restoreOracleEnvironment {} { global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { global env setOracleEnvironment_OracleHome setOracleEnvironment_Path global setOracleEnvironment_Ld_Library_Path global setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls global setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls32 global setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls33 if { [info exists env(ORACLE_HOME)] } { set env(ORACLE_HOME) $setOracleEnvironment_OracleHome } if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "HP-UX"} { if { [info exists env(SHLIB_PATH)] } { set env(SHLIB_PATH) $setOracleEnvironment_Ld_Library_Path } } else { if { [info exists env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)] } { set env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) $setOracleEnvironment_Ld_Library_Path } } if { [info exists env(PATH)] } { set env(PATH) $setOracleEnvironment_Path } # # Restore ORA_NLS<*> values # if { $setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls != ""} { set env(ORA_NLS) $setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls } if {$setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls32 != ""} { set env(ORA_NLS32) $setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls32 } if {$setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls33 != ""} { set env(ORA_NLS33) $setOracleEnvironment_Ora_Nls33 } } } proc PINGCMD {node packet_size} { set total_time 0 set avg_time 0 #PING *node*: 64 data bytes #72 bytes from *node* ( icmp_seq=0. time=88. ms #72 bytes from *node* ( icmp_seq=1. time=94. ms #72 bytes from *node* ( icmp_seq=2. time=91. ms #72 bytes from *node* ( icmp_seq=3. time=99. ms #----*node* PING Statistics---- #4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss #round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 88/93/99 set ping_iterations 4 set ping_args "-s $node $packet_size $ping_iterations" set ping_search {time[<|=]} set ping_regexp {%d %s %s %s %[()0-9.]: %[a-z_]=%d. time%[=<]%d} set code [catch {OS_SHELL_EXEC "ping $ping_args"} output] if { $code == 0 } { set output_list [split $output \n] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $output_list]} {incr i} { if { [regexp -nocase $ping_search [lindex $output_list $i]] } { set line [lindex $output_list $i] if { [scan $line $ping_regexp a b c d e f g h t] != 9} { return -code 1 $output } else { set total_time [expr $total_time+$t] set t "" } } } if { $total_time > 0 } { set avg_time [expr $total_time/$ping_iterations] } set output $avg_time } return -code $code $output } proc IPLOOKUP {node} { #Server: foo.us.oracle.com #Address: # #Name: *node* #Address: set ns_args "$node" set ns_search "Name:" set ns_regexp {%[a-zA-Z]:%[0-9., ]} set code [catch {OS_SHELL_EXEC "nslookup $ns_args"} output] if { $code == 0 } { set output_list [split $output \n] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $output_list]} {incr i} { if { [regexp -nocase $ns_search [lindex $output_list $i]] } { set ip_line [lindex $output_list [expr $i+1]] if {[scan $ip_line $ns_regexp a ip_address] != 2} { return -code 1 $output } else { set output [string trim $ip_address] } } } } return -code $code $output } proc joboutfile { ftype id } { return [file join [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME] network agent jobout $ftype$id] } proc AGENTCTL {} { set agentctlexec "" set agentctlexec [concatname [list [AGENT_ORACLE_HOME] bin agentctl]] return $agentctlexec } proc EMDROOT_NOTEXIST_MSG {} { global output lappend output "Please use the following format in emtab at $tabfile." lappend output "DEFAULT=" } proc EMCTL { emdroot } { return "$emdroot/bin/emctl" } proc EMDROOT_FUNC {} { global SCRIPT_FAIL global tcl_platform global output set osname $tcl_platform(os) if { [string compare $osname "SunOS"] == 0 } { set tabfile "/var/opt/oracle/emtab" } if { [string compare $osname "HP-UX"] == 0} { set tabfile "/etc/emtab" } #check that emtab file exists if { [file exists $tabfile] == 0 } { # emtab file does not exist lappend output "File $tabfile, does not exist." return $SCRIPT_FAIL } #make sure that the emtab file is readable if { [file readable $tabfile] == 0 } { #emdtab file does not have read permissions lappend output "File $tabfile is not readable." return $SCRIPT_FAIL } if [catch {open $tabfile r} fd] { lappend output "Could not open file $tabfile." return $SCRIPT_FAIL } foreach line [split [read $fd] \n] { if {[string compare -length 8 "DEFAULT=" $line] == 0} { if {[string length $line] == 8} { #emtab file contains DEFAULT= string but nothing after it lappend output "emtab file contains DEFAULT= without value." return $SCRIPT_FAIL } } set emdroot [string trim [string range $line 8 end]] return $emdroot } }