#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: AS-INSTALL- 05-dec-2005.21:21:23 rattipal Exp $ # # AS-INSTALL- # # Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # AS-INSTALL- - # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # rattipal 12/05/05 - Backport rattipal_mytrans from main # rattipal 11/09/05 -rattipal update # kashukla 09/09/05 - kashukla_bug-4592807 # kashukla 09/07/05 - Creation # $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin"; use strict; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/provisioning/provisionCommon.pl"; main(); sub main() { print "\nInstalling Single Instance Application Server"; my $exitstatus ; #get the path where the AS shiphome is located on the target machine. my $currentfolder_cmd="pwd"; my $currentfolder=`$currentfolder_cmd`; chomp $currentfolder; print "\nCurrent folder is: $currentfolder"; #get the name of the tar file associated with the AS component. my $binaryFile = get_oraComponentFilename(); # installFilePath variable stores the location of the AS tar file. print "\nComponent binary filename is $binaryFile"; my $installFilePath="$currentfolder/$binaryFile"; print "\nComponent binary filepath is $installFilePath"; #constants my $ORACLE_HOME = "ORACLE_HOME"; my $ORACLE_HOME_NAME = "ORACLE_HOME_NAME"; my $AS_PASSWD = "AS_PASSWD"; my $LANGUAGE = "LANGUAGE"; my $INSTANCE_NAME = "INSTANCE_NAME"; my $INSTALL_USER = "INSTALL_USER"; my $WORKING_DIR = "WORKING_DIR"; # Get all the AS Component properties specified by user during creation time. my $oracleHome = get_oraComponentProperty($ORACLE_HOME); my $oracleHomeName = get_oraComponentProperty($ORACLE_HOME_NAME); my $asPasswd = get_oraComponentProperty($AS_PASSWD); my $language = get_oraComponentProperty($LANGUAGE); my $instanceName = get_oraComponentProperty($INSTANCE_NAME); my $installUser = get_oraComponentProperty($INSTALL_USER); my $workingDir = get_oraComponentProperty($WORKING_DIR); # Location of the default Response file. my $defaultResponseFile = $workingDir."/Disk1/stage/Response/"; # Log file for the installation my $logFile = "/tmp/as-installer.out"; # Data Structure that will hold the command line parameters. my %cmdLineParam; # Check if the user has specified the required Component properties. # If not, exit displaying proper error message my $errorMsg = ""; my $flag = 0; if (!($oracleHome=~/null/ || $oracleHome eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied ORACLE_HOME:$oracleHome"; $cmdLineParam{$ORACLE_HOME} = $oracleHome; } else { $flag = 1; $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $ORACLE_HOME"; } if (!($oracleHomeName=~/null/ || $oracleHomeName eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied ORACLE_HOME_NAME:$oracleHomeName"; $cmdLineParam{$ORACLE_HOME_NAME} = $oracleHomeName; } else { $flag = 1; $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $ORACLE_HOME_NAME"; } if ($asPasswd=~/null/ || $asPasswd eq '') { $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $AS_PASSWD"; $flag = 1; } if (!($instanceName=~/null/ || $instanceName eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied INSTANCE_NAME:$instanceName"; } else { $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $INSTANCE_NAME"; $flag = 1; } if (!($installUser=~/null/ || $installUser eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied $INSTALL_USER:$installUser"; } else { $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $INSTALL_USER"; $flag = 1; } if (!($workingDir=~/null/ || $workingDir eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied $WORKING_DIR:$workingDir"; $workingDir = $workingDir."/"; } else { $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $WORKING_DIR"; $flag = 1; } if ($flag) { print "\nUser didnt specify $errorMsg. Specify as AS Component. Installation aborted. Exiting ... "; exit 1; } if (!($language=~/null/ || $language eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied LANGUAGE:$language"; $cmdLineParam{"COMPONENT_LANGUAGES"} = "{\"$language\"}"; } #add some commandLine params that are required for installation. $cmdLineParam{"LOCATION_FOR_DISK2"} = $workingDir."Disk2"; $cmdLineParam{"LOCATION_FOR_DISK3"} = $workingDir."Disk3"; $cmdLineParam{"LOCATION_FOR_DISK4"} = $workingDir."Disk4"; # update the command Line params my $commandLine = &updateCommand(\%cmdLineParam); # create the working directory as $installUser user. system("sudo -u $installUser mkdir -p $workingDir"); $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\nFailed while creating $workingDir directory."; exit $exitstatus; } chdir $workingDir; $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\nFailed while changing the directory."; cleanup($workingDir,$installUser); exit $exitstatus; } # Untar the AS Shiphome as $installUser user. print "\nUntaring the AS Shiphome, This will take sometime. Please wait..."; my $command = `sudo -u $installUser tar -zxvf $installFilePath`; $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\nFailed while untaring the AS Shiphome."; cleanup($workingDir,$installUser); exit $exitstatus; } # Modify the response file to include instance and password info. system("sudo -u $installUser chmod 777 $defaultResponseFile"); open (INFO, ">> $defaultResponseFile"); print INFO "\niASinstanceName=\"$instanceName\""; print INFO "\niASinstancePW=\"$asPasswd\""; print INFO "\noracle.iappserver.instance:szl_InstanceInformation={\"$instanceName\",\"$asPasswd\",\"$asPasswd\"}"; close (INFO); system("sudo -u $installUser chmod 755 $defaultResponseFile"); # Run runInstaller as $installUser user. my $runInstaller = $workingDir."/Disk1/runInstaller -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -waitForCompletion -noConfig $commandLine -responseFile $defaultResponseFile > $logFile"; print "\nExecuting runInstaller This will take sometime. Please wait..."; print "\n$runInstaller"; $command = `sudo -u $installUser $runInstaller`; $exitstatus = $? >> 8; print "\n Exit Code: $exitstatus"; if ($exitstatus != 0 && $exitstatus !=1) { print "\nFailed while Executing runInstaller"; print "\nSee log file:$logFile for details"; cleanup($workingDir,$installUser); exit $exitstatus; } print "\nExecuting root.sh This will take sometime. Please wait..."; my $rootExec=`echo | $oracleHome/root.sh -silent -waitForCompletion`; $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\n Failed while executing root.sh"; cleanup($workingDir,$installUser); exit $exitstatus; } # Now run the config tool command #set env variables delete($ENV{"CONSOLE_CFG"}); delete($ENV{"EMSTATE"}); $ENV{$ORACLE_HOME} = $oracleHome; $ENV{"LD_LIBRARY_PATH"} = "$oracleHome/lib:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"; $ENV{"PERL5LIB"} = "$oracleHome/perl/lib:$oracleHome/perl/lib/5.6.1:$oracleHome/perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1:$ oracleHome/perl/lib/5.6.1/i686-linux:$oracleHome/perl/lib/5.6.1/i686-linux/auto"; my $configCmd = `su -m $installUser $oracleHome/cfgtoollogs/configToolCommands >> $logFile`; $exitstatus = $? >> 8; print "\n Exit Code: $exitstatus"; if ($exitstatus != 0 && $exitstatus !=1) { print "\nFailed while Executing Config Tools Commands"; print "\nSee log file:$logFile for details"; cleanup($workingDir,$installUser); exit $exitstatus; } cleanup($workingDir,$installUser); print "\nSuccessfully Installed the AS"; exit 0; } sub cleanup() { my $workingDir = $_[0]; my $installUser = $_[1]; system("sudo -u $installUser rm -rf $workingDir"); my $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\nFailed while removing $workingDir dir"; exit $exitstatus; } } sub updateCommand() { my $hashref = $_[0]; my $command; while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$hashref) ) { $command = "$command $key=\"$value\""; } return $command; }