#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emagent/sysman/admin/scripts/crs_vip.pl /st_emagent_10. 2009/03/06 03:49:16 ajdsouza Exp $ # # crs_vip.pl # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved. # # NAME # crs_vip.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ajdsouza 11/12/08 - Bug fix 7529426 # ajdsouza 01/11/08 - Bug fix 6723959 # hying 09/13/05 - alert on one node, clear on all # hying 07/26/05 - 4518389, collect all vips on each node # hying 01/10/05 - hying_crs_metrics # hying 12/30/04 - Creation # require "emd_common.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; my $oldOH; BEGIN { use POSIX qw(locale_h); my $clocale='C'; for ( qw ( LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_TIME LC_NUMERIC LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LANG LANGUAGE ) ) { $ENV{$_}=$clocale; } setlocale(LC_ALL,$clocale) or warn "WARN:Failed to set locale to $clocale \n "; # save ORACLE_HOME and restore it back in END $oldOH = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} if $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; # temporarly setting environment only in dev view env # this code is not avtive in production # !! DO NOT CHANGE THE CLUSTER NAME HERE WHEN YOU # CHECK IN AS THIS WILL BREAK REGRESSION # # IF YOU ARE CREATING A HAS VIEW CREATE IT # WITH VIEW NAME t # e.g. if sa view is sa3114 the has view should be sa3114t # the clustername is the has view should be newdb_cluster if ( $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT} and not $ENV{HAS_USE_SHIPHOME} ) { my $advrt = $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT}; $advrt =~ s/_ag$//; $advrt = $advrt."t"; $ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}="$advrt/oracle"; $ENV{CSS_CLUSTERNAME}='newdb_cluster'; $ENV{CRS_HOME}="$ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{CV_HOME}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{OCR_ROOT}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/data.ocr"; $ENV{OCR_LOC}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/ocr.loc"; $ENV{OCR_DEVELOPER_ENV}='TRUE'; $ENV{HAS_DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT}='TRUE'; $ENV{CV_JDKHOME}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/jdk15"; $ENV{ORA_ENVIRON_OPTS}='true'; my $libs = "$ENV{CRS_HOME}/lib:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/lib:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/opsm/lib"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}="$libs:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" if $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}="$libs" unless $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/bin:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/bin:$ENV{PATH}" if $ENV{PATH}; $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/bin:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/bin" unless $ENV{PATH}; } } my $crs_home = shift(@ARGV); # CRSHome if ($crs_home eq "") { exit 0; } my $node_name = shift(@ARGV); # NodeName ################################# # View testing required ENV #$ENV{OCR_LOC} = "/etc/oracle/ocr.loc"; #$ENV{OCR_DEVELOPER_ENV}="true"; #$ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME} = $crs_home; #$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "$crs_home/lib:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"; ################################# my $cmd = "$crs_home/bin/crs_stat"; #bug fix 6723959 $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}=$crs_home; my $result = `$cmd`; my @lines = split(/\n/, $result); my $i = 0; my ($var, $val, $resource, $original_host, $current_host, $state, $on, $relocated); while ($i < $#lines) { ($var, $val) = split(/=/, $lines[$i]); if ($var eq "NAME") { debug("Resource name: $val"); $resource = $val; #bug fix 7529426 if ($val =~ /ora\.(.+)\.vip$/) { $original_host = $1; while ($i < $#lines) { $i++; ($var, $val) = split(/=/, $lines[$i]); if ($var eq "STATE") { ($state, $on, $current_host) = split(/ /, $val); debug("Current host: $current_host"); $relocated = ($original_host ne $current_host)? 'TRUE':'FALSE'; if ($relocated eq 'TRUE' && $node_name eq $current_host) { printf "em_result=$resource|$relocated|$current_host\n"; debug("em_result=$resource|$relocated|$current_host\n"); } else { printf "em_result=$resource|FALSE|$current_host\n"; debug("em_result=$resource|FALSE|$current_host\n"); } last; } } } } $i++; } sub debug { my ($line) = @_; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("$line"); } exit 0