Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: swlib_pkgbody.sql 25-jul-2007.05:51:01 kashukla Exp $ Rem Rem swlib_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem swlib_pkgbody.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem kashukla 07/25/07 - Rem sacgoel 09/06/06 - checking for null condition using "IS NULL Rem rattipal 09/13/06 - Backport sacgoel_net2 from main Rem kashukla 08/29/05 - fixing bug-4535569 Rem kashukla 08/26/05 - modifying update_entity Rem wsmit 08/01/05 - purging Rem kashukla 07/25/05 - Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem wsmit 06/14/05 - sql inject issues Rem kashukla 04/01/05 - inclusion of revision parameter in revision record type Rem wsmit 02/18/05 - delete of version in directory Rem wsmit 01/20/04 - ensure reference order Rem kashukla 01/19/05 - edited the function update_entity() Rem kashukla 12/20/04 - deleting references while deleting an entity Rem kashukla 12/08/04 - adding procedure delete_entity Rem kashukla 12/07/04 - edit the insert_reference() to include the Rem target_revision_info correctly Rem kashukla 11/23/04 - to edit the procedure update_entity Rem wsmit 10/14/04 - add place to store root filepath Rem wsmit 09/23/04 - Rem wsmit 09/10/04 - documents Rem wsmit 08/26/04 - add directory Rem rmadampa 07/25/04 - Rem rmadampa 07/22/04 - rmadampa_swlib_sql_scripts Rem rmadampa 07/19/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY MGMT_SWLIB AS SUCCESS_RET CONSTANT INTEGER := 0; ERROR_RET CONSTANT INTEGER := 1; ENTITY_EXISTS_ERR CONSTANT INTEGER := 2; ENTITY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR CONSTANT INTEGER := 3; DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR CONSTANT INTEGER := 4; REFERENCE_EXISTS_ERR CONSTANT INTEGER := 5; DIRECTORY_EXISTS_ERR CONSTANT INTEGER :=6; MAX_MAJOR_VER CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := '99'; MAX_MINOR_VER CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := '9'; NEW_ENTITY_VER CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := '0.0'; CURRENT_REVISION CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; NON_CURRENT_REVISION CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 0; PRODUCTION_VERSION CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; CURRENT_VERSION CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 0; PRODUCTION_MATURITY CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'PRODUCTION'; NEW_REVISION CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; CRLF CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5) := CHR(13)||CHR(10); ----------------------------------------------------------- ASSERTFAIL EXCEPTION; ASSERTFAIL_C CONSTANT INTEGER := -20999; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(ASSERTFAIL, -20999); PKGNAME_C CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20) := 'MGMT_SWLIB'; PROCEDURE assert (bool_IN IN BOOLEAN ,msg_IN IN VARCHAR2 := null); ----------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE insert_revision_i(p_revision_rec IN MGMT_SWLIB_REVISION_RECORD, p_entity_id IN RAW, p_revision OUT VARCHAR2, p_revision_id OUT RAW, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE update_revision(p_revision_rec IN MGMT_SWLIB_REVISION_RECORD, p_entity_id IN RAW, p_reference_list IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_LIST, p_en_is_dirty IN NUMBER, p_revision OUT VARCHAR2, p_revision_id OUT RAW, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE insert_reference(p_reference IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_RECORD, p_target_rev_id IN RAW, p_index IN NUMBER, p_revision_id IN RAW); PROCEDURE update_reference(p_reference IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_RECORD, p_target_rev_id IN RAW, p_revision_id IN RAW, p_reference_id IN RAW); PROCEDURE add_revision_documents(p_revision IN MGMT_SWLIB_REVISION_RECORD, p_revision_id IN RAW); PROCEDURE modify_documents(p_reference IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_RECORD, p_revision_id IN RAW, p_reference_id IN RAW, p_new_ref IN NUMBER); PROCEDURE insert_document(p_ref_document IN MGMT_SWLIB_DOCUMENT_RECORD, p_revision_id IN RAW, p_reference_id IN RAW); PROCEDURE update_document(p_ref_document IN MGMT_SWLIB_DOCUMENT_RECORD, p_revision_id IN RAW, p_reference_id IN RAW); PROCEDURE insert_platforms(p_platforms MGMT_SWLIB_PLATFORM_LIST, p_entity_id RAW); PROCEDURE update_platforms(p_platforms MGMT_SWLIB_PLATFORM_LIST, p_entity_id RAW); PROCEDURE insert_rev_parameters(p_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST, p_revision_id RAW); PROCEDURE insert_parameters(p_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST, p_entity_id RAW); PROCEDURE update_rev_parameters(p_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST, p_revision_id RAW); PROCEDURE update_parameters(p_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST, p_entity_id RAW); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Name: get_major_version --Package: mgmt_swlib --Purpose: Extract the major version from a version string mm.n --IN Parameters: -- curr_ver VARCHAR2 the version string --RETURN Value: -- VARCHAR2 the major version of the version string --ERROR Codes: --Notes: -- FUNCTION get_major_version(curr_ver VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS maj_ver VARCHAR2(2); dot_index NUMBER(1); BEGIN --find the dot dot_index := instr(curr_ver, '.'); IF dot_index > 0 THEN IF dot_index = 1 THEN --first is dot maj_ver := '0'; ELSE -- dot after first digit maj_ver := substr(curr_ver, 1, dot_index-1); END IF; ELSE --no dot, only major maj_ver := curr_ver; END IF; RETURN maj_ver; END get_major_version; -- --Name: get_minor_version --Package: mgmt_swlib --Purpose: Extract the minor version from a version string mm.n --IN Parameters: -- curr_ver VARCHAR2 the version string --RETURN Value: -- VARCHAR2 the minor version of the version string --ERROR Codes: --Notes: -- FUNCTION get_minor_version(curr_ver VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS min_ver VARCHAR2(1); dot_index NUMBER(1); BEGIN --find the dot dot_index := instr(curr_ver, '.'); IF dot_index > 0 THEN --there is a dot min_ver := substr(curr_ver, dot_index+1); ELSE --no dot, only major min_ver := '0'; END IF; RETURN min_ver; END get_minor_version; -- --Name: get_next_version --Package: mgmt_swlib --Purpose: Generate the next version for a given version string -- of the form mm.n. Rolls over to version 0.1 on maxing -- out at 99.9. --IN Parameters: -- curr_ver VARCHAR2 the version string --RETURN Value: -- VARCHAR2 the next version of specified version string --ERROR Codes: -- -1 for invalid input --Notes: -- FUNCTION get_next_version(curr_ver VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS maj_ver VARCHAR2(2); min_ver VARCHAR2(1); next_ver VARCHAR2(4); BEGIN IF length(curr_ver) > 4 OR curr_ver IS NULL THEN --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid input found for curr_ver=' || curr_ver); RETURN '-1'; END IF; maj_ver := get_major_version(curr_ver); min_ver := get_minor_version(curr_ver); IF min_ver = MAX_MINOR_VER THEN -- after 99.9, next version is 0.1 IF maj_ver = MAX_MAJOR_VER THEN maj_ver := '0'; min_ver := '1'; ELSE maj_ver := maj_ver + 1; min_ver := '0'; END IF; ELSE min_ver := min_ver + 1; END IF; next_ver := maj_ver || '.' || min_ver; RETURN next_ver; END get_next_version; PROCEDURE get_current_entity_version(entityId raw) AS TYPE cur_typ IS REF CURSOR; c cur_typ; query_str VARCHAR2(1000); version VARCHAR2(64); next_ver VARCHAR2(16); BEGIN query_str := 'SELECT version FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_VERSIONS' || ' WHERE entity_id = :entityId' || ' AND is_current = 1'; OPEN c FOR query_str USING entityId; LOOP FETCH c INTO version; EXIT WHEN c%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Current version is '||version); next_ver := get_next_version(version); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version is '||next_ver); END LOOP; CLOSE c; END get_current_entity_version; PROCEDURE test_gnv(v VARCHAR2) AS inp_ver VARCHAR2(10); exp_ver VARCHAR2(10); ver VARCHAR2(10); errMsgs VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN errMsgs := ' '; inp_ver := '.0'; exp_ver := '0.1'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for .0 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '0.0'; exp_ver := '0.1'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for 0.0 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '0.1'; exp_ver := '0.2'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for 0.1 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '0.9'; exp_ver := '1.0'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for 0.9 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '0.8'; exp_ver := '0.9'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for .8 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '0.7'; exp_ver := '0.8'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for 0.7 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '12.5'; exp_ver := '12.6'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for 12.5 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '99.9'; exp_ver := '0.1'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for 99.9 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '1.989'; exp_ver := '-1'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for 1.989 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := '111.9'; exp_ver := '-1'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for 111.9 is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; inp_ver := ''; exp_ver := '-1'; ver := get_next_version(inp_ver); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next version for - is ' || ver); if ver <> exp_ver then errMsgs := errMsgs || 'Input ver=' ||inp_ver||', Exp ver='||exp_ver||', Actual ver='||ver||CRLF; end if; if errMsgs <> ' ' then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('FOLLOWING ERRORS FOUND.....'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(errMsgs); end if; END test_gnv; PROCEDURE insert_entity(p_entity IN MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_RECORD, p_entity_id_hex OUT VARCHAR2, p_revision_id_hex OUT VARCHAR2, p_revision OUT VARCHAR2, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS cnt INTEGER := 0; l_platforms mgmt_swlib_platform_list := p_entity.platform_info; l_params mgmt_swlib_params_list := p_entity.params_info; l_revision_rec mgmt_swlib_revision_record := p_entity.revision_info; l_entity_id mgmt_swlib_entities.entity_id%TYPE := null; l_directory_id mgmt_swlib_directories.directory_id%TYPE := p_entity.directory_id; l_revision_id mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions.revision_id%TYPE := null; BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; -- Validate that there is no other entity with the same name SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entities mse, mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions mser WHERE AND mse.entity_id = mser.entity_id AND rawtohex(mse.directory_id) = l_directory_id AND mser.status != 2;--upper case check?? --how do we get a set of error codes allocated for swlib pl/sql code?? IF cnt > 0 THEN p_result := ENTITY_EXISTS_ERR; p_err_desc := 'An entity with the specified name already exists'; RETURN; END IF; INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_entities(name, owner, description, type, directory_id, vendor) VALUES(, p_entity.owner, p_entity.description, p_entity.type, hextoraw(p_entity.directory_id), p_entity.vendor) RETURNING entity_id INTO l_entity_id; p_entity_id_hex := rawtohex(l_entity_id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EntityId is ' || rawtohex(p_entity_id_hex)); --insert platforms insert_platforms(l_platforms, l_entity_id); --insert the parameter name value pairs insert_parameters(l_params, l_entity_id); --insert a new revision for this entity insert_revision_i(l_revision_rec, l_entity_id, p_revision, l_revision_id, p_result, p_err_desc); IF l_revision_id IS NULL THEN RETURN; END IF; p_revision_id_hex := rawtohex(l_revision_id); END insert_entity; PROCEDURE update_entity(p_entity IN MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_RECORD, p_reference_list IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_LIST, p_en_is_dirty IN NUMBER, p_revision OUT VARCHAR2, p_revision_id_hex OUT VARCHAR2, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS cnt INTEGER := 0; l_platforms MGMT_SWLIB_PLATFORM_LIST := p_entity.platform_info; l_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST := p_entity.params_info; l_revision_rec mgmt_swlib_revision_record := p_entity.revision_info; l_entity_id MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITIES.ENTITY_ID%TYPE := null; l_revision_id mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions.revision_id%TYPE := null; BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Entity id '||p_entity.entity_id); l_entity_id := hextoraw(p_entity.entity_id); -- Validate that the entity exists SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entities en, mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions er where en.entity_id = p_entity.entity_id and en.entity_id = er.entity_id and er.status <> 2; IF cnt = 0 THEN p_result := ENTITY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR; p_err_desc := 'Entity doenot exist'; RETURN; END IF; -- Validate that the name is not updated to an existing entity in the same directory SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entities en, mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions er where = and en.entity_id <> p_entity.entity_id and en.entity_id = er.entity_id and er.status <> 2 and (en.directory_id = p_entity.directory_id or (en.directory_id is null and p_entity.directory_id is null)); IF cnt = 1 THEN p_result := ENTITY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR; p_err_desc := 'Cannot rename an entity to an existing entity name'; RETURN; END IF; UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entities SET name =, description = p_entity.description, type = p_entity.type, directory_id = hextoraw(p_entity.directory_id), vendor = p_entity.vendor WHERE entity_id = l_entity_id; assert(SQL%ROWCOUNT = 1, 'Entity must exist'); --Update the platforms assoc with the entity update_platforms(l_platforms, l_entity_id); --Update the parameters assoc with the entity update_parameters(l_params, l_entity_id); --update the existing revision record update_revision(l_revision_rec, l_entity_id, p_reference_list, p_en_is_dirty, p_revision, l_revision_id, p_result, p_err_desc); p_revision_id_hex := rawtohex(l_revision_id); END update_entity; PROCEDURE delete_entity(p_entity_id IN VARCHAR2, p_entity_rev IN VARCHAR2, p_result OUT NUMBER, p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS cnt NUMBER := 0; max_revision mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions.revision%TYPE := null; l_is_current mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions.is_current%TYPE := 0; l_reference_id mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions.revision_id%TYPE := null; CURSOR C1 IS SELECT revision_id FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions WHERE RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id; BEGIN p_result := SUCCESS_RET; p_err_desc := null; if (p_entity_rev is null) then SELECT count(1) into cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entities WHERE RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id ; if (cnt > 0) then UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions SET is_current = 0, status = 2 WHERE RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id; --set the directory id to null UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entities SET directory_id = null WHERE RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id; --delete all references OPEN C1; LOOP FETCH C1 INTO l_reference_id; EXIT when C1%notfound; DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_references WHERE source_id = l_reference_id; END LOOP; CLOSE C1; --delete all references which are referring to this entity DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_references WHERE rawtohex(target_id) = p_entity_id; else p_result := ENTITY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR; p_err_desc := 'Entity to be deleted does not exist'; RETURN; end if; else SELECT count(1) into cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions WHERE RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id and revision = p_entity_rev and status <> 2; if (cnt > 0) then SELECT IS_CURRENT, REVISION_ID into l_is_current, l_reference_id FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions WHERE RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id and revision = p_entity_rev and status <> 2; UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions SET is_current = 0, status = 2 WHERE RAWTOHEX(revision_id) = l_reference_id; if (l_is_current = 1) then SELECT MAX(revision) into max_revision FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions WHERE status <> 2 and RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id; if (max_revision is not null) then UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions SET is_current = 1 WHERE RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id and revision = max_revision; else --set directory_id to null UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entities SET directory_id = null WHERE RAWTOHEX(entity_id) = p_entity_id; end if; end if; --delete the references DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_references WHERE source_id = l_reference_id; --delete the references which are referring to this entity DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_references WHERE RAWTOHEX(target_id) = p_entity_id and target_revision_id = l_reference_id; else p_result := ENTITY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR; p_err_desc := 'Entity to be deleted does not exist'; RETURN; end if; end if; END delete_entity; --for internal consumption only PROCEDURE insert_revision_i(p_revision_rec IN MGMT_SWLIB_REVISION_RECORD, p_entity_id IN RAW, p_revision OUT VARCHAR2, p_revision_id OUT RAW, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS l_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST := p_revision_rec.rev_params_info; l_curr_revision MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS.REVISION%TYPE := null; l_maturity_status_id MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS.MATURITY_STATUS_ID%TYPE := 0; BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; BEGIN --pick up the current in-use version SELECT revision INTO l_curr_revision FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions WHERE entity_id = p_entity_id AND is_current = CURRENT_REVISION; --update the current is_current=1 row to 0 UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions SET is_current = NON_CURRENT_REVISION WHERE entity_id = p_entity_id AND is_current = CURRENT_REVISION; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_curr_revision := NEW_ENTITY_VER; END; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Updated revision record ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT); --incoming revision to be used??? --create a new revision DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Curr revision is ' || l_curr_revision); p_revision := get_next_version(l_curr_revision); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next revision is ' || p_revision); IF p_revision_rec.maturity_status IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT maturity_status_id INTO l_maturity_status_id FROM MGMT_SWLIB_MATURITY_STATUS WHERE maturity_status = p_revision_rec.maturity_status; END IF; INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions(entity_id, revision, revision_author, maturity_status_id, status, product, product_version, data_type, checksum, is_current) VALUES(p_entity_id, p_revision, p_revision_rec.revision_author, l_maturity_status_id, p_revision_rec.status, p_revision_rec.product, p_revision_rec.product_version, p_revision_rec.data_type, p_revision_rec.checksum, CURRENT_REVISION) RETURNING revision_id INTO p_revision_id; add_revision_documents(p_revision_rec, p_revision_id); insert_rev_parameters(l_params, p_revision_id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('RevisionId is ' || rawtohex(p_revision_id)); --insert references --insert_references(p_references, -- l_revision_id, -- p_result, -- p_err_desc); END insert_revision_i; PROCEDURE insert_revision(p_revision_rec IN MGMT_SWLIB_REVISION_RECORD, p_entity_id_hex IN VARCHAR2, p_revision_id_hex OUT VARCHAR2, p_revision OUT VARCHAR2, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS l_entity_id MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITIES.ENTITY_ID%TYPE := hextoraw(p_entity_id_hex); l_revision_id mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions.revision_id%TYPE := null; BEGIN l_entity_id := hextoraw(p_entity_id_hex); insert_revision_i(p_revision_rec, l_entity_id, p_revision, l_revision_id, p_result, p_err_desc); p_revision_id_hex := rawtohex(l_revision_id); END insert_revision; --For internal consumption only PROCEDURE update_revision(p_revision_rec IN MGMT_SWLIB_REVISION_RECORD, p_entity_id IN RAW, p_reference_list IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_LIST, p_en_is_dirty IN NUMBER, p_revision OUT VARCHAR2, p_revision_id OUT RAW, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS l_params mgmt_swlib_params_list := p_revision_rec.rev_params_info; l_revision mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions.revision%TYPE; --l_revision_flag NUMBER(1) := 0; l_maturity_status_id MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS.MATURITY_STATUS_ID%TYPE := 0; BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; --check if a new revision record(first time entry) is required --or update the existing revision record --SELECT COUNT(1) INTO l_revision_flag --FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions --WHERE entity_id = p_entity_id; --IF l_revision_flag = 0 IF p_en_is_dirty = 1 THEN insert_revision_i(p_revision_rec, p_entity_id, p_revision, p_revision_id, p_result, p_err_desc); insert_references(p_reference_list, p_revision_id, p_result, p_err_desc); ELSE --FOR UPDATE;--wait till row becomes available??? IF p_revision_rec.maturity_status IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT maturity_status_id INTO l_maturity_status_id FROM MGMT_SWLIB_MATURITY_STATUS WHERE maturity_status = p_revision_rec.maturity_status; END IF; UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_revisions SET revision_author = p_revision_rec.revision_author, maturity_status_id = l_maturity_status_id, status = p_revision_rec.status, product = p_revision_rec.product, product_version = p_revision_rec.product_version, data_type = p_revision_rec.data_type, checksum = p_revision_rec.checksum, modified_date = SYSDATE WHERE entity_id = p_entity_id AND revision = p_revision_rec.revision AND status <> 2 RETURNING revision_id, revision INTO p_revision_id, p_revision; assert(SQL%ROWCOUNT = 1, 'One revision record must be updated'); --update/add revision documents add_revision_documents(p_revision_rec, p_revision_id); --update the parameters info update_rev_parameters(l_params, p_revision_id); END IF; END update_revision; PROCEDURE insert_references(p_references IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_LIST, p_revision_id_hex IN VARCHAR2, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS cnt INTEGER := 0; l_target_rev_id MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS.REVISION_ID%TYPE := null;--logic not decided BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; --(check uniquenes of reference names???) IF p_references IS NOT NULL THEN -- delete all the current references if present DELETE FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REFERENCES WHERE rawtohex(source_id) = p_revision_id_hex; FOR i IN 1..p_references.count LOOP --need to retrieve the target revision id from the target id --and target production values --if target_id is set and target_revision not set --then production version is checked IF p_references(i).target_revision IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT revision_id INTO l_target_rev_id FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS WHERE entity_id = p_references(i).target_id AND revision = p_references(i).target_revision; END IF; insert_reference(p_references(i), l_target_rev_id, i, hextoraw(p_revision_id_hex)); END LOOP; END IF; END insert_references; PROCEDURE insert_reference(p_reference IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_RECORD, p_target_rev_id IN RAW, p_index IN NUMBER, p_revision_id IN RAW) IS l_reference_id MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REFERENCES.REFERENCE_ID%TYPE; BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_entity_references(source_id, name, type, refindex, target_id, target_revision_id, target_production) VALUES(p_revision_id,, p_reference.type, p_index, hextoraw(p_reference.target_id), p_target_rev_id, p_reference.target_production) RETURNING reference_id INTO l_reference_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserted reference name=' ||; modify_documents(p_reference, p_revision_id, l_reference_id, 1); END insert_reference; PROCEDURE update_reference(p_reference IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_RECORD, p_target_rev_id IN RAW, p_revision_id IN RAW, p_reference_id IN RAW) IS BEGIN UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_references SET target_id = hextoraw(p_reference.target_id), target_revision_id = p_target_rev_id, target_production = p_reference.target_production WHERE reference_id = p_reference_id; assert(SQL%ROWCOUNT = 1, 'One reference record must be updated'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Updated reference name=' ||; modify_documents(p_reference, p_revision_id, p_reference_id, 0); END update_reference; PROCEDURE add_revision_documents(p_revision IN MGMT_SWLIB_REVISION_RECORD, p_revision_id IN RAW) IS cnt INTEGER := 0; l_documents MGMT_SWLIB_DOCUMENT_LIST; BEGIN l_documents := p_revision.documents; IF l_documents IS NOT NULL THEN FOR i IN 1..l_documents.count LOOP SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_documents WHERE name = l_documents(i).name AND revision_id = p_revision_id AND reference_id IS NULL; IF cnt > 0 THEN update_document(l_documents(i), p_revision_id, NULL); ELSE insert_document(l_documents(i), p_revision_id, NULL); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END add_revision_documents; PROCEDURE modify_documents(p_reference IN MGMT_SWLIB_REFERENCE_RECORD, p_revision_id IN RAW, p_reference_id IN RAW, p_new_ref IN NUMBER) IS cnt INTEGER := 0; l_ref_documents MGMT_SWLIB_DOCUMENT_LIST; BEGIN --modify associated documents l_ref_documents := p_reference.documents; IF l_ref_documents IS NOT NULL THEN FOR i IN 1..l_ref_documents.count LOOP IF p_new_ref = 1 THEN --new reference with new document insert_document(l_ref_documents(i), p_revision_id, p_reference_id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('New Ref Doc inserted'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Old Ref Doc : '||l_ref_documents(i).name); SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_documents WHERE name = l_ref_documents(i).name --upper case check?? AND reference_id = p_reference_id; --check if document exists IF cnt > 0 THEN --existing reference with existing document update_document(l_ref_documents(i), p_revision_id, p_reference_id); ELSE --existing reference with new document insert_document(l_ref_documents(i), p_revision_id, p_reference_id); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END modify_documents; PROCEDURE insert_document(p_ref_document IN MGMT_SWLIB_DOCUMENT_RECORD, p_revision_id IN RAW, p_reference_id IN RAW) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_entity_documents(revision_id, name, reference_id, value) VALUES(p_revision_id,, p_reference_id, p_ref_document.value); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('-->Inserted doc name=' ||; END insert_document; PROCEDURE update_document(p_ref_document IN MGMT_SWLIB_DOCUMENT_RECORD, p_revision_id IN RAW, p_reference_id IN RAW) IS BEGIN IF p_reference_id IS NULL THEN UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_documents SET name =, value = p_ref_document.value WHERE reference_id IS NULL AND revision_id = p_revision_id; ELSE UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_documents SET name =, value = p_ref_document.value WHERE reference_id = p_reference_id AND revision_id = p_revision_id; END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('-->Updated doc name=' ||; END update_document; PROCEDURE insert_platforms(p_platforms MGMT_SWLIB_PLATFORM_LIST, p_entity_id RAW) IS BEGIN IF p_platforms IS NOT NULL AND p_platforms.count > 0 THEN FOR i IN 1..p_platforms.count LOOP INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_entity_platforms(entity_id, platform) VALUES(p_entity_id, p_platforms(i)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserted platform ' || p_platforms(i)); END LOOP; END IF; END insert_platforms; PROCEDURE update_platforms(p_platforms MGMT_SWLIB_PLATFORM_LIST, p_entity_id RAW) IS cnt INTEGER := 0; l_sel_platforms VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN IF p_platforms IS NOT NULL AND p_platforms.count > 0 THEN FOR p IN 1..p_platforms.count LOOP IF p = 1 THEN l_sel_platforms := EM_CHECK.ENQUOTE_LITERAL(p_platforms(p)); ELSE l_sel_platforms := l_sel_platforms || ','|| EM_CHECK.ENQUOTE_LITERAL(p_platforms(p)); END IF; SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_platforms WHERE platform = p_platforms(p) AND entity_id = p_entity_id; IF cnt = 0 THEN --insert the new platforms INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_entity_platforms(entity_id, platform) VALUES(p_entity_id, p_platforms(p)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserted platform ' || p_platforms(p)); END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Selected Platforms '||l_sel_platforms); --delete the previously inserted, currently removed EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_platforms' ||' WHERE platform NOT IN('||l_sel_platforms||')' ||' AND entity_id = :1' USING p_entity_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted Platforms '||SQL%ROWCOUNT); ELSE DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_platforms WHERE entity_id = p_entity_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted Platforms '||SQL%ROWCOUNT); END IF; END update_platforms; PROCEDURE insert_parameters(p_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST, p_entity_id RAW) IS BEGIN IF p_params IS NOT NULL THEN FOR i IN 1..p_params.count LOOP INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_entity_parameters(entity_id, name, value) VALUES(p_entity_id, p_params(i).name, p_params(i).value); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserted parameter name=' || p_params(i).name ||' value='||p_params(i).value); END LOOP; END IF; END insert_parameters; PROCEDURE update_parameters(p_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST, p_entity_id RAW) IS cnt INTEGER := 0; l_sel_params VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN IF p_params IS NOT NULL AND p_params.count > 0 THEN FOR p IN 1..p_params.count LOOP IF p = 1 THEN l_sel_params := EM_CHECK.ENQUOTE_LITERAL(p_params(p).name); ELSE l_sel_params := l_sel_params || ',' || EM_CHECK.ENQUOTE_LITERAL(p_params(p).name); END IF; SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_parameters WHERE name = p_params(p).name AND entity_id = p_entity_id; IF cnt > 0 THEN --update existing parameter UPDATE mgmt_swlib_entity_parameters SET value = p_params(p).value WHERE name = p_params(p).name AND entity_id = p_entity_id; assert(SQL%ROWCOUNT = 1, 'One parameter record must be updated for the entity'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Updated parameter ' || p_params(p).name); ELSE --insert the new parameter INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_entity_parameters(entity_id, name, value) VALUES(p_entity_id, p_params(p).name, p_params(p).value); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserted parameter ' || p_params(p).name); END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Selected Parameters '||l_sel_params); --delete the previously inserted, currently removed EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_parameters' ||' WHERE name NOT IN('||l_sel_params||')' ||' AND entity_id = :1' USING p_entity_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted Parameters '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' for entity '||rawtohex(p_entity_id)); ELSE DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_entity_parameters WHERE entity_id = p_entity_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted Parameters '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' for entity '||rawtohex(p_entity_id)); END IF; END update_parameters; PROCEDURE insert_rev_parameters(p_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST, p_revision_id RAW) IS BEGIN IF p_params IS NOT NULL THEN FOR i IN 1..p_params.count LOOP INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_revision_parameters(revision_id, name, value) VALUES(p_revision_id, p_params(i).name, p_params(i).value); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserted revision parameter name=' || p_params(i).name ||' value='||p_params(i).value); END LOOP; END IF; END insert_rev_parameters; PROCEDURE update_rev_parameters(p_params MGMT_SWLIB_PARAMS_LIST, p_revision_id RAW) IS cnt INTEGER := 0; l_sel_params VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN IF p_params IS NOT NULL AND p_params.count > 0 THEN FOR p IN 1..p_params.count LOOP IF p = 1 THEN l_sel_params := EM_CHECK.ENQUOTE_LITERAL(p_params(p).name) ; ELSE l_sel_params := l_sel_params || ',' || EM_CHECK.ENQUOTE_LITERAL(p_params(p).name) ; END IF; SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM mgmt_swlib_revision_parameters WHERE name = p_params(p).name AND revision_id = p_revision_id; IF cnt > 0 THEN --update existing parameter UPDATE mgmt_swlib_revision_parameters SET value = p_params(p).value WHERE name = p_params(p).name AND revision_id = p_revision_id; assert(SQL%ROWCOUNT = 1, 'One parameter record must be updated for the revision'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Updated revision parameter ' || p_params(p).name); ELSE --insert the new parameter INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_revision_parameters(revision_id, name, value) VALUES(p_revision_id, p_params(p).name, p_params(p).value); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserted revision parameter ' || p_params(p).name); END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Selected Parameters '||l_sel_params); --delete the previously inserted, currently removed EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_revision_parameters' ||' WHERE name NOT IN('||l_sel_params||')' ||' AND revision_id = :1' USING p_revision_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted revision Parameters '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' for revision '||rawtohex(p_revision_id)); ELSE DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_revision_parameters WHERE revision_id = p_revision_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted revision Parameters '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' for revision '||rawtohex(p_revision_id)); END IF; END update_rev_parameters; PROCEDURE insert_directory(p_directory MGMT_SWLIB_DIRECTORY_RECORD, p_directory_id_hex OUT VARCHAR2, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS l_directory_id mgmt_swlib_directories.directory_id%TYPE := null; cnt INTEGER := 0; BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; -- Validate that parent/name combination unique SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM MGMT_SWLIB_DIRECTORIES WHERE AND parent_id=p_directory.parent_id; IF cnt > 0 THEN p_result := DIRECTORY_EXISTS_ERR; p_err_desc := 'A Directory with the specified absolute name exists'; RETURN; END IF; INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_directories(name, parent_id, description, owner) VALUES(, hextoraw(p_directory.parent_id), p_directory.description, p_directory.owner) RETURNING directory_id INTO l_directory_id; p_directory_id_hex := rawtohex(l_directory_id); END insert_directory; PROCEDURE update_directory(p_directory MGMT_SWLIB_DIRECTORY_RECORD, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; UPDATE mgmt_swlib_directories SET name =, parent_id = hextoraw(p_directory.parent_id), description = p_directory.description, owner = p_directory.owner WHERE directory_id = hextoraw(p_directory.directory_id); assert(SQL%ROWCOUNT = 1, 'Directory must exist'); END update_directory; PROCEDURE update_filepaths(p_paths MGMT_SWLIB_PATH_LIST, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; DELETE FROM mgmt_swlib_data_directories; IF p_paths IS NOT NULL AND p_paths.count > 0 THEN FOR i IN 1..p_paths.count LOOP INSERT INTO mgmt_swlib_data_directories(filepath) VALUES(p_paths(i)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserted file path ' || p_paths(i)); END LOOP; END IF; END update_filepaths; -- -- PROCEDURE : purge -- -- PURPOSE -- -- this is a method that will: -- i) delete rows for revisions when those revisions are purged -- ii) return any file paths that are not being referenced by anyone -- following the deletion, so they can be deleted in java -- PROCEDURE purge(p_files OUT MGMT_SWLIB_PATH_LIST, p_result OUT NUMBER,--success/error code p_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2) IS l_files MGMT_SWLIB_PATH_LIST := MGMT_SWLIB_PATH_LIST(); i1 INTEGER := 0; cnt INTEGER := 0; BEGIN p_err_desc := null; p_result := SUCCESS_RET; p_files := MGMT_SWLIB_PATH_LIST(); SELECT MSED.EXTERNAL_KEY BULK COLLECT INTO l_files FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_DATA MSED, MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS MSER WHERE MSED.REVISION_ID = MSER.REVISION_ID AND MSER.STATUS = 2; DELETE FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_DOCUMENTS WHERE REVISION_ID IN ( SELECT REVISION_ID FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS WHERE STATUS = 2); DELETE FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS WHERE STATUS = 2; DELETE FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITIES WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT REVISION_ID FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS WHERE MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_REVISIONS.ENTITY_ID = MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITIES.ENTITY_ID ); IF l_files.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN l_files.FIRST..l_files.LAST LOOP SELECT COUNT(1) INTO cnt FROM MGMT_SWLIB_ENTITY_DATA MSED WHERE MSED.EXTERNAL_KEY = l_files(i); IF cnt = 0 -- ie no other references THEN p_files.extend(1); i1 := i1+1; p_files(i1) := l_files(i); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END purge; PROCEDURE assert (bool_IN IN BOOLEAN ,msg_IN IN VARCHAR2 := null) IS BEGIN IF NOT NVL(bool_IN,FALSE) -- fail on null input THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR ( ASSERTFAIL_C, 'ASSERTFAIL:'|| PKGNAME_C||':'||SUBSTR(msg_IN,1,200) ) ; END IF; END assert; END MGMT_SWLIB; / show errors; /