Rem Rem $Header: severity_pkgbodys.sql 01-may-2008.23:59:54 pmodi Exp $ Rem Rem severity_pkgbodys.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem severity_pkgbodys.sql - utility functions used by severity trigger Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pmodi 05/07/08 - Backport pmodi_bug-7010707 from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem pmodi 03/30/07 - Backport:Bug-5901284/5012587 Ignore ierr -ve Rem durtaion clsoing in Agent UP/DOWN sev Rem smalathe 09/04/07 - Bug 6379336: Fix query in get_severity_labels Rem pmodi 05/28/07 - Bug-6038522 Check previous status fro website Rem target Rem pmodi 06/11/07 - Backport pmodi_bug-6038522 from main Rem rrawat 02/07/07 - Backport rrawat_5382668_10.2.0.2 from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem pmodi 03/16/06 - Bug:5095885 Perf related change in severity Rem purge routine Rem pmodi 03/16/06 - Bug:5095885 Perf related change in severity Rem purge routine Rem pmodi 08/07/06 - Backport pmodi_bug-5095885 from main Rem rkpandey 03/10/06 - Fix host notif supress Rem rkpandey 08/02/06 - Backport rkpandey_fix_host_notif from main Rem neearora 07/24/06 - project 21470. Added exec_crs_event_callbacks Rem jsadras 07/17/06 - Backport jsadras_bug-4897312 from main Rem jsadras 01/17/06 - Bug:4897312, clear_open_alerts Rem jsadras 01/02/06 - add function for logging violation from external Rem systems Rem hbadheka 12/27/05 - Add new function Rem rpinnama 12/09/05 - Backport rpinnama_bug-4635074 from main Rem pmodi 12/01/05 - Backport pmodi_bug-4740910 from main Rem pmodi 11/21/05 - Add procedure for vio. deletions Rem rpinnama 09/29/05 - Fix 4639503 : Handle out of time sequence errors Rem while processing agent_up Rem jsadras 09/12/05 - add keys_from_mult_colls Rem paachary 09/01/05 - Bug 4586135 Rem yaofeng 08/31/05 - fix alert history Rem gan 08/30/05 - bug 4559108 Rem jsadras 08/02/05 - Bug:4529040, key exceptions handle Rem rpinnama 07/25/05 - Fix 4415154 : Return new tatus from Rem process_unreachable_clear Rem jsadras 07/19/05 - get_metric_data fix 4501159 Rem jsadras 07/07/05 - Add clear_alerts/clear_alerts for key Rem jsadras 07/04/05 - add cfg_columns to current violation Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem pmodi 06/20/05 - Bug:4389284- Change for NLS Message Rem pmodi 06/17/05 - Use existing API for deleting violation Rem pmodi 06/10/05 - Bug:4406767 -New proc for key-val deletion Rem vkgarg 06/07/05 - return target timezone in get_severity_labels Rem rpinnama 05/17/05 - Change violation_duration default to NULL Rem rpinnama 04/20/05 - Fix 3981814: Calculate notif status based on Rem status before blackout Rem rpinnama 04/15/05 - Remove redundant traces Rem jsadras 04/01/05 - convert to urowid Rem jsadras 03/30/05 - Bug:3952025, purge_rowids made to urowid Rem rpinnama 04/05/05 - Add message parameter to clear_open_alers API Rem jsadras 03/10/05 - Bug:4186866, convert to use timezone region Rem neearora 03/03/05 - Added entry for emdw_log Rem ancheng 02/17/05 - bug 2662095 Rem rpinnama 02/21/05 - Use violation API to close stateless severities Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem yaofeng 02/08/05 - improve sql performance Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem streddy 01/30/05 - Handle non-unique cluster memberships Rem scgrover 01/27/05 - change ROWID type for iot conversion Rem ramalhot 01/17/05 - g_member_guid->g_contains_guid Rem rpinnama 01/25/05 - Fix 4144032: Do a proper receovery for agent up after blackout Rem snakai 01/06/05 - use gensvc_avail instead of bcn_avail pkg Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem jsadras 12/05/04 - purge apis Rem rpinnama 11/30/04 - Fix 3893345 : Fix add_target to delete avail Rem data before bootstrapping it. Rem rpinnama 11/18/04 - Bug 4016430: Fix availabilty purge to remove Rem less records Rem rpinnama 10/04/04 - Fix bug 3806046. Rem groyal 09/23/04 - Change default of Rem MGMT_CURRENT_VIOLATION.EXEMPT_BY Rem rpinnama 09/20/04 - Support informational violations Rem rpinnama 09/14/04 - Apply default Rem ramalhot 08/25/04 - cutover to new assoc tables Rem rpinnama 09/12/04 - Apply defaults on NULL values Rem rpinnama 09/08/04 - mgmt_severity -> mgmt_violations change Rem rpinnama 09/07/04 - Add inser_violation API Rem rpinnama 04/12/04 - Lock availability to serialize updates to Rem availability system Rem yaofeng 11/11/03 - don't use . * Rem rpinnama 10/31/03 - Fix severity purge Rem streddy 10/07/03 - Initialize comp target availability Rem rpinnama 10/15/03 - Dont accept unreachable clear during blackouts Rem rpinnama 09/07/03 - Add purge policy callbacks Rem rzazueta 08/26/03 - Fix bug 2992498 Rem streddy 06/30/03 - Handle cluster member changes in OMS mediated monitoring Rem streddy 06/09/03 - Master Agent support Rem yaofeng 06/04/03 - fix wrong condition Rem mbhoopat 05/13/03 - support server alerts Rem streddy 04/17/03 - Handle composite targets during agent up/down Rem streddy 04/07/03 - Handle repository only targets Rem rpinnama 05/05/03 - Fix bug 2938027 : Remove time sequence check for blackouts Rem ancheng 03/24/03 - support 5 composite keys Rem jpyang 03/31/03 - nls support Rem rpinnama 03/03/03 - Consolidate avail record cursor Rem rpinnama 03/14/03 - Consolidate avail record cursor Rem ancheng 02/13/03 - target version fix Rem ancheng 12/12/02 - target version support Rem rpinnama 01/23/03 - Handle severities received during UNKWN after BLKOUT Rem rpinnama 12/18/02 - Add ordering for agent down Rem rpinnama 12/05/02 - Discard severities received during blackouts Rem skini 11/15/02 - Fix invalid cursor problem Rem rpinnama 11/08/02 - Add add_target API Rem rpinnama 11/01/02 - Disable logging for heartbeats Rem rpatti 10/31/02 - remove grp availability Rem rpinnama 11/06/02 - Close cursors Rem rpinnama 11/06/02 - Give lowest precedence to UNKNOWN status Rem yaofeng 09/26/02 - fix wrong column name Rem rpinnama 09/19/02 - Remove unnecessary errors Rem hsu 09/23/02 - fix no alert problem Rem yaofeng 08/22/02 - fix outer join problem Rem yaofeng 08/22/02 - fix outer join; improve performance Rem yaofeng 08/20/02 - fix wrong outer join Rem rpinnama 08/19/02 - Fix 2520691 : Exclude Rem yaofeng 08/16/02 - multi column key support Rem yaofeng 08/15/02 - fix passing out an invalid record Rem rpinnama 08/15/02 - Loop through availability till we get a non-agentdown state Rem yaofeng 08/14/02 - use constans in SQL Rem yaofeng 08/13/02 - simplify severity chart computation Rem rpinnama 08/02/02 - Catch out-of-time sequence severities. Rem snakai 07/25/02 - beacon funcs/procs moved to pkg Rem rpinnama 07/25/02 - Fix host availability when EMD bounces Rem rpinnama 07/22/02 - Use newly created errors and exception Rem rpinnama 07/18/02 - Check for is_group property also Rem yaofeng 07/19/02 - add navigation on alert history page Rem rpinnama 07/09/02 - Populate the unreachable message Rem snakai 06/23/02 - add beacon availabililty Rem yaofeng 06/24/02 - fix severit chart problems Rem rpinnama 06/25/02 - Use constants for error messages Rem yaofeng 06/21/02 - add procedures for severity history chart Rem rpinnama 06/18/02 - Log errors Rem rpinnama 06/12/02 - rpinnama_tgt_avail Rem rpinnama 06/06/02 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY EM_SEVERITY AS G_MODULE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := MODULE; TYPE max_timestamp_cur IS REF CURSOR ; -- Forwad declaration - Start FUNCTION get_avail_string_nls(p_avail_status IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 ; -- Forwad declaration - End PROCEDURE lock_avail_for_tgt(p_target_guid IN RAW) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'lock_avail_for_tgt:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO l_target_guid FROM MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid FOR UPDATE; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'lock_avail_for_tgt:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END lock_avail_for_tgt; PROCEDURE lock_avail_for_agt(p_emd_url IN VARCHAR2) IS l_avail_statuses t_number_list; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'lock_avail_for_agt:Entry p_emd_url = ' || p_emd_url, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; SELECT current_status BULK COLLECT INTO l_avail_statuses FROM MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid IN (SELECT target_guid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE emd_url = p_emd_url) ORDER BY target_guid FOR UPDATE; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'lock_avail_for_agt:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END lock_avail_for_agt; -- -- PURPOSE -- Checks whether the target is in blackout for the given timestamp -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- p_target_guid - target guid for which to check the blackout -- p_coll_ts - timestamp that needs to be checked for blackout -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- Returns TRUE if the timestamp is in blackout for the target -- FALSE otherwise. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity trigger -- FUNCTION is_sev_in_blackout(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_coll_ts IN DATE) RETURN BOOLEAN IS l_cnt_blkout NUMBER := 0; l_is_blackout BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'is_sev_in_blackout:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_coll_ts = ' || p_coll_ts, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_cnt_blkout FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT AND start_collection_timestamp <= p_coll_ts AND (end_collection_timestamp >= p_coll_ts OR end_collection_timestamp IS NULL); IF (l_cnt_blkout > 0) THEN l_is_blackout := TRUE; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'is_sev_in_blackout:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_is_blackout; END is_sev_in_blackout; -- -- PURPOSE -- Adds the target to the severity sub system -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the insert_target_trigger -- PROCEDURE add_target(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_is_group IN NUMBER, p_timezone_region IN VARCHAR2) IS l_start_time DATE := NULL; l_timezone_region MGMT_TARGETS.timezone_region%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'add_target:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_target_type = ' || p_target_type || ' p_is_group = ' || p_is_group || ' p_timezone_region = ' || p_timezone_region, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; l_start_time := TRUNC( (MGMT_GLOBAL.SYSDATE_TZRGN(p_timezone_region) - 32), 'DD') ; -- only if not a group - insert the bootstrap record for availability IF (p_is_group = 0) THEN -- Delete any existing records. -- Should not have any previous records. DELETE FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; DELETE FROM mgmt_current_availability WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; DELETE FROM mgmt_availability_marker WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; -- Add bootstrap records.. INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, start_collection_timestamp ) VALUES (p_target_guid, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, l_start_time); INSERT INTO MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, severity_guid, start_collection_timestamp) VALUES (p_target_guid, mgmt_global.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, NULL, l_start_time); INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER (target_guid, marker_timestamp, marker_avail_status ) VALUES (p_target_guid, l_start_time, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'add_target:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END add_target; PROCEDURE insert_violation( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_collection_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, p_violation_guid IN RAW DEFAULT SYS_GUID(), p_violation_level IN NUMBER, p_violation_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_violation_duration IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_annotated_flag IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_notification_status IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, p_value IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_string_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_advisory_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_key_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_key_operator IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_load_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, p_user_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '') IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'insert_violation:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp || ' p_violation_guid = ' || p_violation_guid || ' p_violation_level = ' || p_violation_level || ' p_violation_type = ' || p_violation_type || ' p_violation_duration = ' || p_violation_duration || ' p_annotated_flag = ' || p_annotated_flag || ' p_notification_status = ' || p_notification_status || ' p_value = ' || p_value || ' p_string_value = ' || p_string_value || ' p_message = ' || p_message || ' p_message_nlsid = ' || p_message_nlsid || ' p_message_params = ' || p_message_params || ' p_action_message = ' || p_action_message || ' p_action_nlsid = ' || p_action_nlsid || ' p_action_message_params = ' || p_action_message_params || ' p_advisory_id = ' || p_advisory_id || ' p_cfg_coll_name = ' || p_cfg_coll_name || ' p_cfg_key_value = ' || p_cfg_key_value || ' p_cfg_key_operator = ' || p_cfg_key_operator || ' p_load_timestamp = ' || p_load_timestamp || ' p_user_name = ' || p_user_name, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; INSERT INTO mgmt_violations (target_guid, policy_guid, key_value, collection_timestamp, violation_level, violation_type, violation_duration, violation_guid, annotated_flag, notification_status, value, string_value, message, message_nlsid, message_params, action_message, action_message_nlsid, action_message_params, advisory_id, cfg_coll_name, cfg_key_value, cfg_key_operator, load_timestamp, user_name) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_policy_guid, NVL(p_key_value, ' '), NVL(p_collection_timestamp, SYSDATE), p_violation_level, NVL(p_violation_type, 0), p_violation_duration, NVL(p_violation_guid, SYS_GUID()), NVL(p_annotated_flag, 0), NVL(p_notification_status, 1), p_value, p_string_value, p_message, p_message_nlsid, p_message_params, p_action_message, p_action_nlsid, p_action_message_params, p_advisory_id, p_cfg_coll_name, p_cfg_key_value, p_cfg_key_operator, NVL(p_load_timestamp, SYSDATE), NVL(p_user_name, '') ); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'insert_violation:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END insert_violation; -- -- Update a violation row. -- PROCEDURE update_violation( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE, p_violation_level IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_violation_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_violation_duration IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_annotated_flag IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_notification_status IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_value IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_string_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_advisory_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_key_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_key_operator IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_load_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_user_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_violation:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp || ' p_violation_level = ' || p_violation_level || ' p_violation_type = ' || p_violation_type || ' p_violation_duration = ' || p_violation_duration || ' p_annotated_flag = ' || p_annotated_flag || ' p_notification_status = ' || p_notification_status || ' p_value = ' || p_value || ' p_string_value = ' || p_string_value || ' p_message = ' || p_message || ' p_message_nlsid = ' || p_message_nlsid || ' p_message_params = ' || p_message_params || ' p_action_message = ' || p_action_message || ' p_action_nlsid = ' || p_action_nlsid || ' p_action_message_params = ' || p_action_message_params || ' p_advisory_id = ' || p_advisory_id || ' p_cfg_coll_name = ' || p_cfg_coll_name || ' p_cfg_key_value = ' || p_cfg_key_value || ' p_cfg_key_operator = ' || p_cfg_key_operator || ' p_load_timestamp = ' || p_load_timestamp || ' p_user_name = ' || p_user_name, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE mgmt_violations SET violation_level = NVL(p_violation_level, violation_level), violation_type = NVL(p_violation_type, violation_type), violation_duration = NVL(p_violation_duration, violation_duration), annotated_flag = NVL(p_annotated_flag, annotated_flag), notification_status = NVL(p_notification_status, notification_status), value = NVL(p_value, value), string_value = NVL(p_string_value, string_value), message = NVL(p_message, message), message_nlsid = NVL(p_message_nlsid, message_nlsid), message_params = NVL(p_message_params, message_params), action_message = NVL(p_action_message, action_message), action_message_nlsid = NVL(p_action_nlsid, action_message_nlsid), action_message_params = NVL(p_action_message_params, action_message_params), advisory_id = NVL(p_advisory_id, advisory_id), cfg_coll_name = NVL(p_cfg_coll_name, cfg_coll_name), cfg_key_value = NVL(p_cfg_key_value, cfg_key_value), cfg_key_operator = NVL(p_cfg_key_operator, cfg_key_operator), load_timestamp = NVL(p_load_timestamp, load_timestamp), user_name = NVL(p_user_name, user_name) WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value AND collection_timestamp = p_collection_timestamp; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_violation:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END update_violation; -- -- Delete a violation row. -- PROCEDURE delete_violation( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'delete_violation:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; DELETE FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value AND collection_timestamp = p_collection_timestamp; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'delete_violation:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END delete_violation; PROCEDURE add_violation_ctxt_row( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE, p_column_name IN VARCHAR2, p_column_type IN NUMBER, p_column_value IN NUMBER, p_column_str_value IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'add_violation_ctxt_row:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp || ' p_column_name = ' || p_column_name || ' p_column_type = ' || p_column_type || ' p_column_value = ' || p_column_value || ' p_column_str_value = ' || p_column_str_value, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; INSERT INTO mgmt_violation_context (target_guid, policy_guid, key_value, collection_timestamp, column_name, column_type, column_value, column_str_value) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_policy_guid, p_key_value, p_collection_timestamp, p_column_name, p_column_type, p_column_value, p_column_str_value); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'add_violation_ctxt_row:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END add_violation_ctxt_row; PROCEDURE add_violation_context( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE, p_violation_ctxt_list IN MGMT_VIOL_NAME_VALUE_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL) IS l_violation_guid mgmt_violations.violation_guid%TYPE; l_viol_nvpair mgmt_viol_name_value; l_col_val NUMBER; l_col_str_val mgmt_violation_context.column_str_value%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'add_violation_context:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (p_violation_ctxt_list IS NOT NULL) AND (p_violation_ctxt_list.COUNT > 0) THEN FOR viol_ctr IN p_violation_ctxt_list.FIRST..p_violation_ctxt_list.LAST LOOP l_viol_nvpair := p_violation_ctxt_list(viol_ctr); IF (l_viol_nvpair.type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_NUMBER) THEN l_col_val := TO_NUMBER(l_viol_nvpair.value); l_col_str_val := NULL; ELSE l_col_val := NULL; l_col_str_val := l_viol_nvpair.value; END IF; add_violation_ctxt_row( p_target_guid => p_target_guid, p_policy_guid => p_policy_guid, p_key_value => p_key_value, p_collection_timestamp => p_collection_timestamp, p_column_name =>, p_column_type => l_viol_nvpair.type, p_column_value => l_col_val, p_column_str_value => l_col_str_val); END LOOP; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'add_violation_context:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END add_violation_context; -- -- internal procedure to insert composite key -- FUNCTION get_set_composite_key (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_key_parts IN MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_ARRAY) RETURN RAW IS l_key_value mgmt_violations.key_value%TYPE ; l_dummy NUMBER(1) ; l_string_array SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(' ',' ',' ',' ',' ') ; BEGIN FOR i IN p_key_parts.FIRST..p_key_parts.LAST LOOP l_string_array(i) := p_key_parts(i) ; END LOOP ; l_key_value := MGMT_GLOBAL.GET_COMPOSITE_KEY_GUID(l_string_array) ; BEGIN SELECT NULL INTO l_dummy FROM mgmt_metrics_composite_keys WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND composite_key = l_key_value ; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_METRICS_COMPOSITE_KEYS (target_guid, composite_key, key_part1_value, key_part2_value, key_part3_value,key_part4_value,key_part5_value) VALUES (p_target_guid, l_key_value, l_string_array(1), l_string_array(2), l_string_array(3), l_string_array(4), l_string_array(5)) ; EXCEPTION -- ignore dup keys if some other process inserted in meantime WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL ; END ; END ; RETURN(l_key_value) ; END get_set_composite_key ; -- -- Function to log a threshold alert -- and return the violation guid of the alert -- FUNCTION log_external_alert (p_producer_id IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, p_key_parts IN MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_ARRAY, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE , p_violation_level IN NUMBER, p_value IN VARCHAR2, p_message IN VARCHAR2 -- TBD: notify status ) RETURN RAW IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE ; l_author ; l_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE ; l_metric_type mgmt_metrics.metric_type%TYPE ; l_value mgmt_violations.value%TYPE ; l_string_value mgmt_violations.string_value%TYPE ; l_num_keys mgmt_metrics.num_keys%TYPE ; l_key_value mgmt_violations.key_value%TYPE ; l_violation_guid mgmt_violations.violation_guid%TYPE ; BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN DECLARE l_key VARCHAR2(4000) ; BEGIN IF p_key_parts IS NOT NULL AND p_key_parts.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN p_key_parts.FIRST..p_key_parts.LAST LOOP l_key := l_key||','||p_key_parts(i) ; END LOOP ; END IF ; EMDW_LOG.INFO('log_external_alert:Enter '|| p_producer_id||':'|| p_target_type ||':'|| p_target_name||':'|| p_metric_name ||':'|| p_metric_column ||':'|| l_key ||':'|| TO_CHAR(p_collection_timestamp,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS')||':'|| p_violation_level ||':',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END ; END IF ; BEGIN SELECT author,num_keys,target_guid,metric_guid,metric_type INTO l_author,l_num_keys,l_target_guid,l_metric_guid,l_metric_type FROM mgmt_metrics met, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE met.target_type = p_target_type AND met.metric_name = p_metric_name AND met.metric_column = p_metric_column AND tgt.target_type = p_target_type AND tgt.target_name = p_target_name AND met.type_meta_ver = tgt.type_meta_ver AND (met.category_prop_1 = tgt.category_prop_1 OR met.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_2 = tgt.category_prop_2 OR met.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_3 = tgt.category_prop_3 OR met.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_4 = tgt.category_prop_4 OR met.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_5 = tgt.category_prop_5 OR met.category_prop_5 = ' ') ; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, 'Invaid Target or Metric') ; END ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('log_external_alerts:'|| ' target='||l_target_guid|| ' metric='||l_metric_guid|| ' numkeys='||l_num_keys|| ' mettype='||l_metric_type|| ' author='||l_author,G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; IF p_metric_name != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_EXTERNAL_METRIC_NAME OR l_author != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AUTHOR_EXTERNAL||p_producer_id THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, 'Cannot log alerts for EM defined metrics') ; END IF ; IF l_num_keys = 0 THEN l_key_value := ' ' ; ELSE IF p_key_parts IS NULL OR p_key_parts.COUNT != l_num_keys THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, 'Incorrect number of keys passed') ; END IF ; IF l_num_keys = 1 THEN l_key_value := p_key_parts(1) ; ELSE l_key_value := get_set_composite_key(l_target_guid,p_key_parts) ; END IF ; END IF ; IF l_metric_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_NUMBER THEN l_value := p_value ; l_string_value := NULL ; ELSE l_value := NULL ; l_string_value := p_value ; END IF ; mgmt_violation.log_threshold_violation ( p_target_type => p_target_type, p_target_name => p_target_name, p_metric_name => p_metric_name, p_metric_column => p_metric_column, p_key_value => l_key_value, p_collection_timestamp => p_collection_timestamp, p_violation_level => p_violation_level, p_value => l_value, p_string_value => l_string_value, p_message => p_message ) ; SELECT violation_guid INTO l_violation_guid FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND policy_guid = l_metric_guid AND key_value = l_key_value AND collection_timestamp = p_collection_timestamp AND violation_level = p_violation_level ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('log_external_alerts:Exit '|| ' key='||l_key_value||' guid='||l_violation_guid,G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; RETURN(l_violation_guid) ; END log_external_alert ; PROCEDURE remove_violation_context( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE, p_column_name IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'remove_violation_context:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp || ' p_column_name = ' || p_column_name, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; DELETE FROM mgmt_violation_context WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value AND collection_timestamp = p_collection_timestamp AND column_name = NVL(p_column_name, column_name); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'remove_violation_context:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END remove_violation_context; -- -- PURPOSE -- Updates the current severity -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- PROCEDURE update_current_severity(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_collection_ts IN DATE, p_load_timestamp IN DATE, p_severity_code IN NUMBER, p_severity_type IN NUMBER, p_severity_guid IN RAW, p_annotated_flag IN NUMBER, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_message IN VARCHAR2, p_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2, p_message_params IN VARCHAR2, p_action_message IN VARCHAR2, p_action_nlsid IN VARCHAR2, p_action_message_params IN VARCHAR2, p_advisory_id IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_current_severity:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_metric_guid = ' || p_metric_guid || ' p_collection_ts = ' || p_collection_ts || ' p_load_timestamp = ' || p_load_timestamp || ' p_severity_code = ' || p_severity_code || ' p_severity_type = ' || p_severity_type || ' p_severity_guid = ' || p_severity_guid || ' p_annotated_flag = ' || p_annotated_flag || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_message = ' || p_message || ' p_message_nlsid = ' || p_message_nlsid || ' p_message_params = ' || p_message_params || ' p_action_message = ' || p_action_message || ' p_action_nlsid = ' || p_action_nlsid || ' p_action_message_params = ' || p_action_message_params || ' p_advisory_id = ' || p_advisory_id, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- -- Try to update the current severity record, since most times the -- record will exist, so we want to optimize for that case. -- IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Updating current severity...', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE MGMT_CURRENT_SEVERITY SET severity_code = p_severity_code, collection_timestamp = p_collection_ts, message = p_message, message_nlsid = p_message_nlsid, message_params = p_message_params, action_message = p_action_message, action_nlsid = p_action_nlsid, action_message_params = p_action_message_params, advisory_id = p_advisory_id WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND metric_guid = p_metric_guid AND key_value = p_key_value; -- -- The Update didn't find a row, so we need to insert the row into the -- MGMT_CURRENT_SEVERITY table... -- IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_CURRENT_SEVERITY (target_guid, metric_guid, collection_timestamp, load_timestamp, severity_code, severity_type, severity_guid, annotated_flag, key_value, message, message_nlsid, message_params, action_message, action_nlsid, action_message_params, advisory_id) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_metric_guid, p_collection_ts, p_load_timestamp, p_severity_code, p_severity_type, p_severity_guid, p_annotated_flag, p_key_value, p_message, p_message_nlsid, p_message_params, p_action_message, p_action_nlsid, p_action_message_params, p_advisory_id); END IF; -- SQL%NOTFOUND IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_current_severity:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END update_current_severity; -- -- PURPOSE -- Deletes the current severity for the given target. -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- p_target_guid - target_guid for which the current severity -- has to be deleted. -- p_metric_guid - metric_guid for which the current severity -- has to be deleted. -- p_key_value - key value for which the current severity -- has to be deleted. -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- PROCEDURE delete_current_severity(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'delete_current_severity:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_metric_guid = '|| p_metric_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; DELETE FROM MGMT_CURRENT_SEVERITY WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND metric_guid = p_metric_guid AND key_value = p_key_value; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'delete_current_severity:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END delete_current_severity; PROCEDURE update_current_violation(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_collection_ts IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_violation_guid IN RAW DEFAULT NULL, p_violation_level IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_violation_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_annotated_flag IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_value IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_string_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_action_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_advisory_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_exempt_code IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_exempt_until IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_exempt_by IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_key_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_cfg_key_operator IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL ) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_current_violation:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_collection_ts = ' || p_collection_ts || ' p_violation_guid = ' || p_violation_guid || ' p_violation_level = ' || p_violation_level || ' p_violation_type = ' || p_violation_type || ' p_annotated_flag = ' || p_annotated_flag || ' p_value = ' || p_value || ' p_string_value = ' || p_string_value || ' p_message = ' || p_message || ' p_message_nlsid = ' || p_message_nlsid || ' p_message_params = ' || p_message_params || ' p_action_message = ' || p_action_message || ' p_action_nlsid = ' || p_action_nlsid || ' p_action_message_params = ' || p_action_message_params || ' p_advisory_id = ' || p_advisory_id || ' p_exempt_code = ' || p_exempt_code || ' p_exempt_until = ' || p_exempt_until || ' p_exempt_by = ' || p_exempt_by || ' cfg_coll_name = ' || p_cfg_coll_name || ' cfg_key_value = ' || p_cfg_key_value || ' cfg_key_op =:' || p_cfg_key_operator , G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- -- Try to update the current severity record, since most times the -- record will exist, so we want to optimize for that case. -- UPDATE mgmt_current_violation SET collection_timestamp = NVL(p_collection_ts, collection_timestamp), violation_guid = NVL(p_violation_guid, violation_guid), violation_level = NVL(p_violation_level, violation_level), violation_type = NVL(p_violation_type, violation_type), annotated_flag = NVL(p_annotated_flag, annotated_flag), value = NVL(p_value, value), string_value = NVL(p_string_value, string_value), message = NVL(p_message, message), message_nlsid = NVL(p_message_nlsid, message_nlsid), message_params = NVL(p_message_params, message_params), action_message = NVL(p_action_message, action_message), action_message_nlsid = NVL(p_action_nlsid, action_message_nlsid), action_message_params = NVL(p_action_message_params, action_message_params), advisory_id = NVL(p_advisory_id, advisory_id), exempt_code = NVL(p_exempt_code, exempt_code), exempt_until = NVL(p_exempt_until, exempt_until), exempt_by = NVL(p_exempt_by, exempt_by), cfg_coll_name=NVL(p_cfg_coll_name,cfg_coll_name), cfg_key_value=NVL(p_cfg_key_value,cfg_key_value), cfg_key_operator=NVL(p_cfg_key_operator,cfg_key_operator) WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN -- Enforce default values for exempt_code and exempt_by -- while inserting INSERT INTO mgmt_current_violation (target_guid, policy_guid, key_value, collection_timestamp, violation_guid, violation_level, violation_type, annotated_flag, value, string_value, message, message_nlsid, message_params, action_message, action_message_nlsid, action_message_params, advisory_id, exempt_code, exempt_until, exempt_by,cfg_coll_name,cfg_key_value,cfg_key_operator) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_policy_guid, p_key_value, p_collection_ts, p_violation_guid, p_violation_level, p_violation_type, p_annotated_flag, p_value, p_string_value, p_message, p_message_nlsid, p_message_params, p_action_message, p_action_nlsid, p_action_message_params, p_advisory_id, NVL(p_exempt_code, 0), p_exempt_until, p_exempt_by, p_cfg_coll_name,p_cfg_key_value,p_cfg_key_operator); END IF; -- SQL%NOTFOUND IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_current_violation:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END update_current_violation; PROCEDURE delete_current_violation(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'delete_current_violation:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; DELETE FROM mgmt_current_violation WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'delete_current_violation:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END delete_current_violation; PROCEDURE convert_keys(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_values_in IN mgmt_key_value_array, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE, p_num_keys IN NUMBER, p_key_values_out OUT NOCOPY mgmt_medium_string_table) IS l_key_values_temp mgmt_medium_string_table := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; l_key_values_out_temp mgmt_medium_string_table := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'convert_keys:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp || ' p_num_keys = ' || p_num_keys, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; p_key_values_out := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; FOR row IN p_key_values_in.FIRST..p_key_values_in.LAST LOOP l_key_values_temp := mgmt_medium_string_table('%','%','%','%','%') ; l_key_values_out_temp := NULL ; IF p_key_values_in.EXISTS(row) THEN FOR col IN 1..p_num_keys LOOP IF p_key_values_in(row).EXISTS(col) AND p_key_values_in(row)(col) IS NOT NULL THEN l_key_values_temp(col) := p_key_values_in(row)(col) ; END IF ; END LOOP ; IF p_num_keys = 1 THEN BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT key_value BULK COLLECT INTO l_key_values_out_temp FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND collection_timestamp <= NVL(p_collection_timestamp, collection_timestamp) AND key_value LIKE l_key_values_temp(1) ESCAPE '\' ; --' EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL ; END ; ELSE BEGIN -- TBD: What if key values contain ' ' should end user enter -- ' '?? SELECT composite_key BULK COLLECT INTO l_key_values_out_temp FROM mgmt_metrics_composite_keys WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND key_part1_value LIKE l_key_values_temp(1) ESCAPE '\' AND NVL(key_part2_value,'%') LIKE l_key_values_temp(2) ESCAPE '\' AND NVL(key_part3_value,'%') LIKE l_key_values_temp(3) ESCAPE '\' AND NVL(key_part4_value,'%') LIKE l_key_values_temp(4) ESCAPE '\' AND NVL(key_part5_value,'%') LIKE l_key_values_temp(5) ESCAPE '\' ; --' EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL ; END ; END IF ; -- num keys IF l_key_values_out_temp IS NOT NULL AND l_key_values_out_temp.COUNT >0 THEN FOR i IN l_key_values_out_temp.FIRST..l_key_values_out_temp.LAST LOOP p_key_values_out.extend(1); p_key_values_out(p_key_values_out.COUNT):=l_key_values_out_temp(i); END LOOP ; END IF ; END IF ; --exists row END LOOP ; -- loop key_values_in IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'convert_keys:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END convert_keys ; -- --Internal procedure not to be exposed in spec. --Purges all records for a given key below the given timestamp --Assumption: the timestamp given does not cut across life cycle. -- Make sure the timestamp provided does not break -- life cycles before calling this. -- PROCEDURE purge_violations_for_key(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_end_timestamp IN DATE, p_start_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT NULL) IS l_violation_guids mgmt_target_guid_array := mgmt_target_guid_array() ; l_viol_purged NUMBER ; l_viol_ctx_purged NUMBER ; l_notify_log_purged NUMBER ; l_annot_purged NUMBER ; l_notify_rq NUMBER ; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'purge_violations_for_key:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_end_timestamp = ' || p_end_timestamp || ' p_start_timestamp = '|| p_start_timestamp, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('purge_violations_for_key:Enter Key='|| p_key_value|| ' timestamp<='||to_char(p_end_timestamp,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI')||' AND >=' ||to_char(p_start_timestamp,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI'),G_MODULE_NAME); END IF ; DELETE mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value AND collection_timestamp <= p_end_timestamp AND collection_timestamp >= NVL(p_start_timestamp,collection_timestamp) RETURNING violation_guid BULK COLLECT INTO l_violation_guids ; l_viol_purged := SQL%ROWCOUNT ; -- if there are no violations , then there will not be related records -- we are not deleting mgmt_current_violation because we are only deleting -- closed violations IF l_viol_purged > 0 THEN -- Delete violation context DELETE FROM mgmt_violation_context WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value AND collection_timestamp <= p_end_timestamp AND collection_timestamp >= NVL(p_start_timestamp, collection_timestamp) ; l_viol_ctx_purged := SQL%ROWCOUNT ; purge_for_violation_guids ( p_violation_guids => l_violation_guids, p_annot_purged => l_annot_purged, p_notify_log_purged => l_notify_log_purged, p_notify_rq => l_notify_rq ); COMMIT ; END IF ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('purge_violations_for_key:Purged'|| ' Violations='||l_viol_purged|| ' Contexts='||l_viol_ctx_purged|| ' Annot='||l_annot_purged|| ' Requeue='||l_notify_rq|| ' Notify log='||l_notify_log_purged ,G_MODULE_NAME) ; EMDW_LOG.INFO('purge_violations_for_key:Exit normal',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'purge_violations_for_key:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END purge_violations_for_key ; -- -- Purge the severity lifecycle which is in the collection timestamp -- PROCEDURE purge_cycle(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE) IS l_start_timestamp mgmt_violations.collection_timestamp%type ; l_end_timestamp mgmt_violations.collection_timestamp%type ; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'purge_cycle:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_key_value = ' || p_key_value || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; SELECT min(collection_timestamp) , max(collection_timestamp) INTO l_start_timestamp, l_end_timestamp FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value GROUP by cycle_guid HAVING min(collection_timestamp) <= p_collection_timestamp AND max(collection_timestamp) >= p_collection_timestamp ; purge_violations_for_key(p_target_guid=>p_target_guid, p_policy_guid=>p_policy_guid, p_key_value=>p_key_value, p_end_timestamp=>l_end_timestamp, p_start_timestamp=>l_start_timestamp) ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('purge_cycle:Exit',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, ' More than 1 severity life cycle for the collection timestamp for'|| ' target_guid='||p_target_guid||' policy_guid='||p_policy_guid) ; WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_ERROR_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.ERROR('purge_cycle:Exit no data',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, substr(sqlerrm,1,100)||' When processing purging of severity for '|| ' target_guid='||p_target_guid||' policy_guid='||p_policy_guid) ; END purge_cycle ; -- -- Purge violations for the list of key values before the given timestamp -- This procedure makes sure that severity life cycles are not broken. -- PROCEDURE purge_violations(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_values IN mgmt_medium_string_table, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE) IS l_violation_guids severity_guid_array ; l_violations_purged NUMBER ; l_row_count NUMBER := 10 ; l_from_date DATE ; CURSOR sev_cycles(p_check_keys IN NUMBER) IS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT key_value, cycle_guid, MAX(DECODE(violation_level,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, collection_timestamp,NULL)) max_coll_timestamp, count(*) num_records FROM mgmt_violations viol WHERE viol.target_guid = p_target_guid AND viol.policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND ( p_check_keys = 0 OR viol.key_value IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(p_key_values AS mgmt_medium_string_table))) ) AND viol.collection_timestamp <= NVL(p_collection_timestamp, collection_timestamp) GROUP by key_value,cycle_guid ) WHERE max_coll_timestamp IS NOT NULL ORDER BY 1,3 ; l_key_values mgmt_medium_string_table := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; l_cycle_guids mgmt_target_guid_array := mgmt_target_guid_array() ; l_prev_key_value mgmt_violations.key_value%type ; l_check_keys NUMBER(1) := 1; l_record_count NUMBER ; l_max_times mgmt_date_table := mgmt_date_table(); l_max_time DATE ; l_records mgmt_integer_array := mgmt_integer_array() ; l_idx NUMBER ; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'purge_violations:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid || ' p_collection_timestamp = ' || p_collection_timestamp, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF p_key_values IS NULL or p_key_values.COUNT= 0 THEN l_check_keys := 0; END IF ; OPEN sev_cycles(l_check_keys) ; --disable the trigger on delete G_FROM_PURGE_API := TRUE ; LOOP l_key_values.DELETE ; l_cycle_guids.DELETE ; l_max_times.DELETE ; l_records.DELETE ; FETCH sev_cycles BULK COLLECT INTO l_key_values,l_cycle_guids,l_max_times,l_records LIMIT g_fetch_batch_size ; EXIT WHEN l_key_values IS NULL OR l_key_values.COUNT= 0 ; l_idx := l_key_values.FIRST ; LOOP l_prev_key_value := l_key_values(l_idx) ; l_record_count := 0 ; WHILE (l_idx IS NOT NULL AND l_record_count <= g_purge_batch_size AND l_key_values(l_idx) = l_prev_key_value) LOOP l_max_time := l_max_times(l_idx) ; l_record_count := l_record_count + l_records(l_idx) ; l_prev_key_value := l_key_values(l_idx) ; l_idx := l_key_values.NEXT(l_idx) ; END LOOP ; purge_violations_for_key(p_target_guid=>p_target_guid, p_policy_guid=>p_policy_guid, p_key_value=>l_prev_key_value, p_end_timestamp=>l_max_time, p_start_timestamp=>NULL) ; EXIT WHEN l_idx IS NULL ; END LOOP ; END LOOP ; -- This collection gets populated in AFTER DELETE trigger of MGMT_VIOLATIONS -- upon TRUE of G_FROM_PURGE_API. -- Hence resetting it before resetting G_FROM_PURGE_API. EM_SEVERITY.p_violation_guids.delete; EM_SEVERITY.p_violation_guids := MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); -- enable the trigger G_FROM_PURGE_API := FALSE ; CLOSE sev_cycles ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('purge_violations:Exit ',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('purge_violations:Exit exception '||sqlerrm,G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, substr(sqlerrm,1,100)||' When processing purging of severity for '|| ' target_guid='||p_target_guid||' policy_guid='||p_policy_guid) ; END purge_violations ; PROCEDURE clear_open_alerts(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_key_values IN mgmt_medium_string_table, p_is_metric IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, p_clear_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_clear_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS l_check_keys NUMBER := 1; CURSOR open_alerts_cur(p_check_keys IN NUMBER) IS -- distinct may not be needed, but just to be sure SELECT DISTINCT curr_viol.key_value, viol.cfg_coll_name, viol.cfg_key_value, viol.cfg_key_operator, viol.violation_type, CAST(systimestamp at time zone tgt.timezone_region AS DATE) collection_time FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_current_violation curr_viol, mgmt_violations viol WHERE tgt.target_guid = p_target_guid AND curr_viol.target_guid = p_target_guid AND curr_viol.policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND (p_check_keys = 0 OR curr_viol.key_value IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(p_key_values AS mgmt_medium_string_table)) ) ) AND viol.target_guid = curr_viol.target_guid AND viol.policy_guid = curr_viol.policy_guid AND viol.key_value = curr_viol.key_value AND viol.collection_timestamp = curr_viol.collection_timestamp AND viol.violation_level = curr_viol.violation_level ; BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_open_alerts:Entry p_target_guid = '||p_target_guid|| ' p_policy_guid = ' || p_policy_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF ; IF p_key_values IS NULL OR p_key_values.COUNT = 0 THEN l_check_keys := 0 ; END IF ; FOR open_alert IN open_alerts_cur(l_check_keys) LOOP IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('clear_open_alerts:Clearing Key='|| open_alert.key_value, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF ; MGMT_VIOLATION.log_violation( p_target_guid=>p_target_guid, p_policy_guid=>p_policy_guid, p_key_value=>open_alert.key_value, p_collection_timestamp=>open_alert.collection_time, p_violation_level=>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, p_violation_type=>open_alert.violation_type, p_value=>null, p_string_value=>null, p_cfg_coll_name=>open_alert.cfg_coll_name, p_cfg_key_value=>open_alert.cfg_key_value, p_cfg_key_operator=>open_alert.cfg_key_operator, p_violation_ctxt_list=>NULL, p_message=>NVL(p_clear_message,G_CLR_MANUAL_MSG) , p_message_nlsid=>p_clear_nlsid, p_message_params=>NULL ) ; END LOOP ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_open_alerts:Exit',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; END clear_open_alerts ; -- Procedure to get transposed keys for a transposed metric. -- if num keys = 1 then collection name is stored as key value -- if num keys > 1 then collection name is stored as key part 1 value PROCEDURE get_transposed_keys (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_cfg_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_num_keys IN NUMBER, p_key_values OUT mgmt_medium_string_table ) IS BEGIN p_key_values := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; IF p_num_keys = 1 THEN p_key_values.extend(1) ; p_key_values(1) := p_cfg_coll_name ; ELSE SELECT composite_key BULK COLLECT INTO p_key_values FROM mgmt_metrics_composite_keys WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND key_part1_value = p_cfg_coll_name ; END IF ; END get_transposed_keys ; -- -- Check if metric is transposed -- RETURN TRUE if transposed else FALSE -- if metric is transposed, returns also the matching keys -- PROCEDURE get_metric_data (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_metric_info OUT em_metric.metric_info_rec, p_metric_policy_list OUT MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY, p_type_list OUT MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY ) IS BEGIN p_metric_policy_list := mgmt_target_guid_array() ; p_type_list := mgmt_integer_array() ; EM_METRIC.get_metric_info_for_target(p_metric_guid, p_target_guid, p_metric_info) ; IF p_metric_guid = p_metric_info.metric_guid THEN SELECT policy_guid, policy_type BULK COLLECT INTO p_metric_policy_list, p_type_list FROM mgmt_policies WHERE metric_guid = p_metric_guid ; ELSE p_metric_policy_list.extend(1) ; p_type_list.extend(1) ; p_metric_policy_list(1) := p_metric_guid ; p_type_list(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TYPE_THRESHOLD_METRIC ; END IF ; END get_metric_data ; PROCEDURE get_matching_violations (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_cfg_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_cfg_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_cfg_key_operator IN NUMBER, p_violating_keys OUT mgmt_medium_string_table ) IS l_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%type ; l_cfg_key_parts mgmt_medium_string_array := mgmt_medium_string_array() ; l_violating_key_parts mgmt_medium_string_array := mgmt_medium_string_array() ; l_violating_key mgmt_current_violation.key_value%type ; TYPE violating_keys_cursor IS REF CURSOR ; l_violating_keys_cursor violating_keys_cursor ; l_metric_info EM_METRIC.METRIC_INFO_REC ; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT metric_guid INTO l_metric_guid FROM mgmt_policies WHERE policy_guid = p_policy_guid ; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN ; END ; EM_METRIC.get_metric_info_for_target(l_metric_guid, p_target_guid, l_metric_info) ; -- If 1 key metric then key values are stored directly -- else key parts are in metrics composite IF l_metric_info.num_keys = 1 THEN -- get config keys l_cfg_key_parts.extend(5) ; l_cfg_key_parts(1) := p_cfg_key_value ; -- get violating keys OPEN l_violating_keys_cursor FOR SELECT key_value, mgmt_medium_string_array(key_value) FROM mgmt_current_violation WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND cfg_coll_name = p_cfg_coll_name ; ELSE -- get config keys BEGIN SELECT mgmt_medium_string_array(key_part1_value, key_part2_value, key_part3_value, key_part4_value, key_part5_value) INTO l_cfg_key_parts FROM mgmt_metrics_composite_keys WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND composite_key = p_cfg_key_value ; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN ; END ; -- get violating keys OPEN l_violating_keys_cursor FOR SELECT curr_vio.key_value, mgmt_medium_string_array(key_part1_value, key_part2_value, key_part3_value, key_part4_value, key_part5_value) FROM mgmt_current_violation curr_vio, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys comp_keys WHERE curr_vio.target_guid = p_target_guid AND curr_vio.policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND curr_vio.cfg_coll_name = p_cfg_coll_name AND comp_keys.target_guid = p_target_guid AND comp_keys.composite_key = curr_vio.key_value ; END IF ; p_violating_keys := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; -- Loop through violating keys and find matching violating keys LOOP FETCH l_violating_keys_cursor INTO l_violating_key, l_violating_key_parts; EXIT WHEN l_violating_keys_cursor%NOTFOUND ; IF EM_POLICY.config_key_match(p_cfg_key =>l_cfg_key_parts, p_result_key =>l_violating_key_parts, p_key_operator=>p_cfg_key_operator, p_num_keys =>l_metric_info.num_keys ) THEN p_violating_keys.EXTEND(1) ; p_violating_keys(p_violating_keys.COUNT) := l_violating_key ; END IF ; END LOOP ; CLOSE l_violating_keys_cursor ; END get_matching_violations ; -- -- Called when a key is excepted from policy evaluation -- This will remove all current violations and eval details -- for the key -- PROCEDURE clear_excepted_key (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_cfg_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_cfg_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_cfg_key_operator IN NUMBER ) IS l_violating_keys mgmt_medium_string_table := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_excepted_key:Enter '|| ' Target='||p_target_guid|| ' Policy='||p_policy_guid|| ' Coll=:' ||p_cfg_coll_name|| ': Key=:' ||p_cfg_key_value|| ': Op=:' ||p_cfg_key_operator,G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; get_matching_violations (p_target_guid => p_target_guid, p_policy_guid => p_policy_guid, p_cfg_coll_name => p_cfg_coll_name, p_cfg_key_value => p_cfg_key_value, p_cfg_key_operator => p_cfg_key_operator, p_violating_keys => l_violating_keys ) ; IF l_violating_keys IS NOT NULL AND l_violating_keys.COUNT >0 THEN clear_open_alerts ( p_target_guid => p_target_guid, p_policy_guid => p_policy_guid, p_is_metric => FALSE, p_key_values => l_violating_keys, p_clear_message=> G_CLR_KEY_EXCLUDED_MSG, p_clear_nlsid => G_CLR_KEY_EXCLUDED_NLSID ) ; FORALL i in l_violating_keys.FIRST..l_violating_keys.LAST DELETE mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND result_key_value = l_violating_keys(i) ; END IF ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_excepted_key:Exit',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; END clear_excepted_key ; -- -- Clear alerts for a Key configuration -- Called when a threshold is deleted or set to null -- PROCEDURE clear_alerts_for_key (p_object_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_cfg_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_cfg_key_value IN VARCHAR2, p_cfg_key_operator IN NUMBER, p_clear_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT G_CLR_THRESHOLD_NULL_MSG, p_clear_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT G_CLR_THRESHOLD_NULL_NLSID ) IS l_object_type mgmt_policy_assoc.object_type%type ; l_policy_type mgmt_policy_assoc.policy_type%type ; l_key_values mgmt_medium_string_table := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_alerts_for_key:Enter '|| ' Target='||p_object_guid|| ' Policy='||p_policy_guid|| ' Coll=:'||p_cfg_coll_name|| ': Key=:'||p_cfg_key_value|| ': Op=:'||p_cfg_key_operator,G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- get metric/policy list BEGIN SELECT object_type, policy_type INTO l_object_type, l_policy_type FROM mgmt_policy_assoc WHERE object_guid = p_object_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND coll_name = p_cfg_coll_name ; EXCEPTION -- we will not clear anything WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL ; END ; IF l_object_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_OBJECT_TYPE_TARGET THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('clear_alerts_for_key:Get violations',G_MODULE_NAME); END IF ; SELECT key_value BULK COLLECT INTO l_key_values FROM mgmt_current_violation WHERE target_guid = p_object_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND cfg_coll_name = p_cfg_coll_name AND cfg_key_value = p_cfg_key_value AND cfg_key_operator = p_cfg_key_operator ; IF l_key_values IS NOT NULL AND l_key_values.COUNT >0 THEN clear_open_alerts ( p_target_guid => p_object_guid, p_policy_guid => p_policy_guid, p_is_metric => (l_policy_type=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TYPE_THRESHOLD_METRIC), p_key_values => l_key_values, p_clear_message=> p_clear_message, p_clear_nlsid => p_clear_nlsid ) ; END IF ; -- Set eval counters to 0 UPDATE mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details SET crit_counter = 0, warn_counter = 0, info_counter = 0 WHERE target_guid = p_object_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND coll_name = p_cfg_coll_name AND cfg_key_value = p_cfg_key_value AND cfg_key_operator = p_cfg_key_operator ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('clear_alerts_for_key: '||SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' eval details updated ',g_module_name) ; END IF ; END IF ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_alerts_for_key:Exit',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; END clear_alerts_for_key ; -- -- Clear outstanding alerts and errors -- Called when a collection is disabled -- or if a target to metric/policy association is removed -- PROCEDURE clear_alerts (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_policy_guid IN RAW, p_cfg_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_clear_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_clear_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_is_metric IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) IS l_key_values mgmt_medium_string_table := mgmt_medium_string_table() ; l_rows_evaluated mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ.rows_evaluated%type ; l_clear_violation BOOLEAN := TRUE ; l_detail_count NUMBER := 0 ; l_metric_policy_list mgmt_target_guid_array := mgmt_target_guid_array() ; l_type_list mgmt_integer_array := mgmt_integer_array() ; l_metric_found BOOLEAN := FALSE ; l_metric_info em_metric.metric_info_rec ; BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_alerts:Enter '|| ' Target='||p_target_guid|| ' Policy='||p_policy_guid|| ' Coll=:'||p_cfg_coll_name|| ': Clear Message='||p_clear_message,G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- -- get metric/policy list -- IF p_is_metric THEN get_metric_data (p_target_guid =>p_target_guid, p_metric_guid =>p_policy_guid, p_metric_info =>l_metric_info, p_metric_policy_list=>l_metric_policy_list, p_type_list =>l_type_list ) ; ELSE l_metric_policy_list.extend(1) ; l_type_list.extend(1) ; l_metric_policy_list(1) := p_policy_guid ; l_type_list(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TYPE_POLICY ; END IF ; IF l_metric_policy_list IS NULL OR l_metric_policy_list.COUNT < 1 THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_alerts:Exit No metric' ,G_MODULE_NAME); END IF ; RETURN ; END IF ; -- -- get key list -- if metric has multiple collections then get keys from mgmt_metrics_composite keys -- IF p_is_metric AND l_metric_info.keys_from_mult_colls = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE THEN get_transposed_keys (p_target_guid => p_target_guid, p_cfg_coll_name => p_cfg_coll_name, p_num_keys => l_metric_info.num_keys, p_key_values => l_key_values ) ; l_clear_violation := l_key_values IS NOT NULL AND l_key_values.COUNT > 0 ; END IF ; -- -- Clear all existing violations for the given metric/policy -- IF l_clear_violation THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('clear_alerts:Clearing alerts', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF ; FOR i IN l_metric_policy_list.FIRST..l_metric_policy_list.LAST LOOP clear_open_alerts( p_target_guid => p_target_guid, p_policy_guid => l_metric_policy_list(i), p_is_metric => (l_type_list(i)=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TYPE_THRESHOLD_METRIC), p_key_values => l_key_values, p_clear_message=> p_clear_message, p_clear_nlsid => p_clear_nlsid) ; END LOOP ; END IF ; -- -- Remove evaluation details -- -- policy and key value is null IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('clear_alerts:removing eval summary/details ' ,G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; FOR i IN l_metric_policy_list.FIRST..l_metric_policy_list.LAST LOOP -- clear if policy IF l_type_list(i) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TYPE_POLICY THEN EM_POLICY.remove_policy_eval_details( p_target_guid => p_target_guid, p_policy_guid => l_metric_policy_list(i), p_coll_name => p_cfg_coll_name) ; EM_POLICY.remove_policy_eval_summ( p_target_guid => p_target_guid, p_policy_guid => l_metric_policy_list(i), p_coll_name => p_cfg_coll_name) ; END IF ; END LOOP ; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('clear_alerts:Exit ' ,G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; END clear_alerts ; -- -- PURPOSE -- Updates the current availability -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- PROCEDURE update_current_availability(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_current_status IN NUMBER, p_start_collection_ts IN DATE, p_severity_guid IN RAW DEFAULT NULL) IS l_target_type MGMT_TARGETS.target_type%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_current_availability:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_current_status = ' || p_current_status || ' p_start_collection_ts = ' || p_start_collection_ts || ' p_severity_guid = ' || p_severity_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Updating current availability...', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY SET start_collection_timestamp = p_start_collection_ts, current_status = p_current_status, severity_guid = p_severity_guid WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; -- -- Update master-agent if needed for multi-agent targets. -- If we are changing availability status of an agent, -- then this could potentially affect master-agent role of -- one or multi-agent targets SELECT target_type INTO l_target_type FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; IF (l_target_type = mgmt_global.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE) THEN em_master_agent.process_agent_avail_change(p_target_guid, p_current_status, p_start_collection_ts); ELSE -- Check for cluster_member changes in OMS mediated mode. -- If this target is a member of at least cluster, then -- recalculate the master-agent for the cluster targets. BEGIN SELECT tgt.target_type INTO l_target_type FROM mgmt_target_assocs tm, mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_type_properties p WHERE tm.assoc_target_guid = p_target_guid AND tm.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND p.target_type = tgt.target_type AND p.property_name = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_CLUSTER_PROP AND tm.source_target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND tgt.monitoring_mode = mgmt_global.G_MON_MODE_OMS_MEDIATED AND ROWNUM < 2; em_master_agent.process_cluster_inst_changes(p_target_guid, p_current_status, p_start_collection_ts); EXCEPTION -- Ignore the non-cluster member cases WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; END IF; -- Initialize the repository side collections if needed as a -- result of this availability change em_rep_metric.init_collection_timestamp(p_target_guid); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_current_availability:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END update_current_availability; -- -- PURPOSE -- Sets the group's current availability -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE update_group_availability(p_target_guid IN RAW) IS CURSOR avail_details_cursor (c_target_guid RAW) IS SELECT SUM(DECODE(ca.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP, 0, 1)) targets_not_up, COUNT(*) total_targets FROM MGMT_TARGET_ASSOCS tm, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY ca, mgmt_targets ct WHERE tm.source_target_guid = c_target_guid AND ca.target_guid = tm.assoc_target_guid AND tm.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND ct.target_guid = tm.source_target_guid AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MGMT_TYPE_PROPERTIES tp WHERE tp.target_type = ct.target_type AND tp.property_name = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_DERIVED_STATUS_PROP) AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MGMT_TYPE_PROPERTIES tp WHERE tp.target_type = ct.target_type AND tp.property_name = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_GROUP_PROP); l_targets_not_up NUMBER := NULL; l_total_targets NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_group_availability:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; OPEN avail_details_cursor(p_target_guid); FETCH avail_details_cursor INTO l_targets_not_up, l_total_targets; CLOSE avail_details_cursor; IF (l_total_targets IS NULL) OR (l_total_targets = 0) THEN update_current_availability(p_target_guid, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, SYSDATE); ELSIF l_targets_not_up = 0 THEN -- There are no down member targets. update_current_availability(p_target_guid, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP, SYSDATE); ELSE update_current_availability(p_target_guid, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN, SYSDATE); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_group_availability:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END update_group_availability; -- -- PURPOSE -- Updates the availability marker for a given target guid -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- -- The availability marker is only updated if the new marker timestamp -- is later than the existing marker timestamp -- PROCEDURE update_availability_marker(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_marker_ts IN DATE, p_marker_status IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_log_error IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_availability_marker:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_marker_ts = ' || p_marker_ts || ' p_marker_status ' || p_marker_status, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Validate inputs.. IF ( (p_target_guid IS NULL) OR (p_marker_ts IS NULL) ) THEN RAISE_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || 'Invalid inputs to update availability marker : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (marker_timestamp = ' || p_marker_ts || ')' || ' (marker_status = ' || get_avail_string(p_marker_status) || ')' ); END IF; IF (p_marker_status IS NULL) THEN -- Extend the marker for the same status. UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER SET marker_timestamp = p_marker_ts WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND marker_timestamp <= p_marker_ts; ELSE -- Extend the marker timestamp and status. UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER SET marker_timestamp = p_marker_ts, marker_avail_status = p_marker_status WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND marker_timestamp <= p_marker_ts; END IF; -- If update failed, log the error. IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN IF (p_log_error = TRUE) THEN LOG_ERROR(p_target_guid, 4, 'Unable to update availability marker for : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (marker_timestamp = ' || p_marker_ts || ')' || ' (marker_status = ' || get_avail_string(p_marker_status) || ')' ); END IF; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'update_availability_marker:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END update_availability_marker; -- -- PURPOSE -- Performs basic availability update. -- This closes the given availability record -- Open a new availability record with the given status. -- Updates the current_availability -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- PROCEDURE process_simple_avail (p_availability_rowid IN UROWID, p_target_guid IN RAW, p_current_status IN NUMBER, p_severity_guid IN RAW, p_start_collection_ts IN DATE, p_error OUT INTEGER) IS l_marker_timestamp MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER.marker_timestamp%TYPE; l_marker_status MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER.marker_avail_status%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_simple_avail:Entry' || ' p_availability_rowid = ' || p_availability_rowid || ' p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_current_status = ' || p_current_status || ' p_severity_guid = ' || p_severity_guid || ' p_start_collection_ts = ' || p_start_collection_ts, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; p_error := e_no_error; -- Validate inputs.. IF ( (p_availability_rowid IS NULL) OR (p_target_guid IS NULL) OR (p_current_status IS NULL) OR (p_start_collection_ts IS NULL) ) THEN p_error := e_bad_params; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || 'Invalid inputs to process simple availability : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (collection_ts = ' || p_start_collection_ts || ')' || ' (current_status = ' || get_avail_string(p_current_status) || ')' ); END IF; -- -- Make sure that the availability record has non-negative duration UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET end_collection_timestamp = p_start_collection_ts WHERE ROWID = p_availability_rowid AND start_collection_timestamp <= p_start_collection_ts; -- If update failed, log the error. IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || ' Closing availability record with negative duration for : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (collection_ts = ' || p_start_collection_ts || ')' || ' (current_status = ' || get_avail_string(p_current_status) || ')' ); END IF; -- Open an availability record with ERROR status INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, severity_guid, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_current_status, p_severity_guid, p_start_collection_ts, NULL); -- Update current avaialbility.. update_current_availability(p_target_guid, p_current_status, p_start_collection_ts, p_severity_guid); -- If the target is a beacon, recompute the beacon availability of -- all tests for which it is an availability beacon. IF ( MGMT_GENSVC_AVAIL.IS_BEACON(p_target_guid) ) THEN MGMT_GENSVC_AVAIL.BEACON_AVAIL_EVENT(p_target_guid); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_simple_avail:Exit = ' || p_error, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END process_simple_avail; PROCEDURE split_avail_on_unreachable(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_marker_timestamp IN DATE, p_curr_avail_start_ts IN DATE, p_severity_guid IN RAW) AS l_avail_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; l_rowids t_urowid_list; l_avail_statuses t_number_list; l_start_times t_date_list; l_end_times t_date_list; l_ctr INTEGER; l_message VARCHAR2(3000); BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'split_avail_on_unreachable:Entry' || ' p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_marker_timestamp = ' || p_marker_timestamp || ' p_curr_avail_start_ts = '|| p_curr_avail_start_ts || ' p_severity_guid = ' || p_severity_guid , G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Get all availability records that will get affected. -- Get one record before the l_marker_ts, as that may also be affected. l_avail_cursor := get_avail_cursor_between(p_target_guid, p_marker_timestamp, p_curr_avail_start_ts); FETCH l_avail_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO l_rowids, l_avail_statuses, l_start_times, l_end_times; IF (l_avail_cursor%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE l_avail_cursor; END IF; -- Print the avail records... IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN FOR i IN l_rowids.FIRST..l_rowids.LAST LOOP l_message := ' ctr = ' || i || ' status = ' || get_avail_string(l_avail_statuses(i)) || ' start_time = ' || to_char(l_start_times(i), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ; IF (l_end_times(i) IS NULL) THEN l_message := l_message || ' end_time = NULL'; ELSE l_message := l_message || ' end_time = ' || to_char(l_end_times(i), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ; END IF; EMDW_LOG.debug(' ' || l_message, G_MODULE_NAME); END LOOP; END IF; -- split the first record contains marker, preserve blackout/unreachable, -- change the last open record to unreachable -- Iterate through the records and affect the availability.. l_ctr := 1; WHILE (l_ctr <= l_rowids.LAST) LOOP IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('extend_AM : Looping ctr = ' || l_ctr || ' total = ' || l_rowids.LAST || ' start_time = ' || to_char(l_start_times(l_ctr), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') , G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF l_start_times(l_ctr) <= p_marker_timestamp AND l_end_times(l_ctr) > p_marker_timestamp THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Split records ', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE mgmt_availability SET end_collection_timestamp = p_marker_timestamp WHERE rowid = l_rowids(l_ctr); INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp) VALUES (p_target_guid, mgmt_global.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE, p_marker_timestamp, l_end_times(l_ctr)); ELSIF l_start_times(l_ctr) = p_curr_avail_start_ts AND l_end_times(l_ctr) IS NULL AND l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = mgmt_global.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Change last open record to unreachable ', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE mgmt_availability SET current_status = mgmt_global.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE WHERE rowid = l_rowids(l_ctr); -- Update current avaialbility.. update_current_availability(p_target_guid, mgmt_global.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE, p_curr_avail_start_ts, p_severity_guid); ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Do nothing.', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END IF; l_ctr := l_ctr + 1; END LOOP; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'split_avail_on_unreachable:Exit' , G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END split_avail_on_unreachable; PROCEDURE process_unreachable_start(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_curr_avail_start_ts IN DATE, p_curr_avail_rowid IN UROWID, p_violation_guid IN RAW, p_error OUT VARCHAR2) AS l_need_split NUMBER := 0; l_marker_ts DATE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_unreachable_start:Enter ' || ' target ' || p_target_guid || ' curr avail start ' || to_char(p_curr_avail_start_ts, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ' violation guid ' || p_violation_guid , G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- update existing availrec with end_ts = UNRCH_START_TS -- add new availrec with status = UNRCH and start_ts = UNRCH_START_TS -- update current_avail with status = URNCH and start=UNRCH_START_TS -- Update avail_marker -- (bug 4559108) SELECT marker_timestamp INTO l_marker_ts FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; -- check if marker is inside an avail record IF l_marker_ts >= p_curr_avail_start_ts THEN l_need_split := 0; ELSE l_need_split := 1; END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Check if avail records need split. Marker is ' || to_char(l_marker_ts, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ' current record start time ' || to_char(p_curr_avail_start_ts, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ' need split flag ' || l_need_split, EM_SEVERITY.MODULE); END IF; IF l_need_split = 0 THEN process_simple_avail(p_curr_avail_rowid, p_target_guid, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE, p_violation_guid, l_marker_ts, p_error); ELSE split_avail_on_unreachable(p_target_guid, l_marker_ts, p_curr_avail_start_ts, p_violation_guid); END IF; -- Do not affect availability marker.. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_unreachable_start:Exit' , G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END process_unreachable_start; -- -- PURPOSE -- Extends the availability marker to the new timestamp -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- PROCEDURE extend_avail_marker(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_new_marker_ts IN DATE, p_new_avail_status IN NUMBER, p_error OUT INTEGER) IS CURSOR get_marker_details(c_target_guid RAW) IS SELECT ROWID, marker_timestamp, marker_avail_status FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER WHERE target_guid = c_target_guid; CURSOR get_marker_ts(c_target_guid RAW, c_marker_ts DATE) IS SELECT MIN(start_collection_timestamp) FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid = c_target_guid AND start_collection_timestamp <= c_marker_ts AND NVL(end_collection_timestamp, DATE_2100_01_01) >= c_marker_ts AND current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE; l_marker_rowid UROWID; l_marker_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER.marker_timestamp%TYPE := NULL; l_marker_avail_status MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER.marker_avail_status%TYPE; l_unrch_marker_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER.marker_timestamp%TYPE := NULL; l_avail_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; l_rowids t_urowid_list; l_avail_statuses t_number_list; l_start_times t_date_list; l_end_times t_date_list; l_end_time MGMT_AVAILABILITY.end_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_ctr INTEGER; l_message VARCHAR2(3000); BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'extend_avail_marker:Entry' || ' p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_new_marker_ts = ' || p_new_marker_ts || ' p_new_avail_status = '|| p_new_avail_status, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Validate inputs.. IF ( (p_target_guid IS NULL) OR (p_new_marker_ts IS NULL) ) THEN p_error := e_bad_params; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || 'Invalid inputs to extend availability marker for : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (new_marker_ts = ' || p_new_marker_ts || ')' || ' (new_marker_status = ' || get_avail_string(p_new_avail_status) || ')' ); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('extend_am : Entered. tguid = ' || p_target_guid || ' new marker ts = ' || p_new_marker_ts || ' new avail stat = ' || get_avail_string(p_new_avail_status), G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Get marker details.. OPEN get_marker_details(p_target_guid); FETCH get_marker_details INTO l_marker_rowid, l_marker_ts, l_marker_avail_status; IF (get_marker_details%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE get_marker_details; END IF; -- Get the start of the unreachable record OPEN get_marker_ts(p_target_guid, l_marker_ts); FETCH get_marker_ts INTO l_unrch_marker_ts; IF (get_marker_ts%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE get_marker_ts; END IF; IF (l_unrch_marker_ts IS NOT NULL) THEN l_marker_ts := l_unrch_marker_ts; END IF; IF (l_marker_ts IS NULL) THEN p_error := e_no_avail_marker; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || 'No availability marker found while extending availability marker for : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (new_marker_ts = ' || p_new_marker_ts || ')' || ' (new_marker_status = ' || get_avail_string(p_new_avail_status) || ')' ); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('extend_am : Got marker details ts = ' || to_char(l_marker_ts, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ' status = ' || get_avail_string(l_marker_avail_status), G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- -- Check if the new marker is after the old marker. -- IF (l_marker_ts > p_new_marker_ts) THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.SEVERITY_OUT_ORDER_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.SEVERITY_OUT_ORDER_ERR_M || ' Severity received out of time sequence. ' || '(target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || '(marker_ts = ' || l_marker_ts || ')' || '(new collection_ts = ' || p_new_marker_ts || ')' || '(marker_status =' || EM_SEVERITY.get_avail_string(p_new_avail_status) || ')' ); END IF; -- Get all availability records that will get affected. -- Get one record before the l_marker_ts, as that may also be affected. l_avail_cursor := get_avail_cursor_between(p_target_guid, l_marker_ts, p_new_marker_ts); FETCH l_avail_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO l_rowids, l_avail_statuses, l_start_times, l_end_times; IF (l_avail_cursor%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE l_avail_cursor; END IF; -- Print the avail records... if (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN FOR i IN l_rowids.FIRST..l_rowids.LAST LOOP l_message := ' ctr = ' || i || ' status = ' || get_avail_string(l_avail_statuses(i)) || ' start_time = ' || l_start_times(i) ; IF (l_end_times(i) IS NULL) THEN l_message := l_message || ' end_time = NULL'; ELSE l_message := l_message || ' end_time = ' || l_end_times(i) ; END IF; EMDW_LOG.debug(' ' || l_message, G_MODULE_NAME); END LOOP; END IF; -- Iterate through the records and affect the availability.. -- case 1: If avail_rec contains both old_marker and new_marker -- avail_rec.start_time <= old_marker <= new_marker <= avail_rec.end_time -- case 2: If avail_rec contains only old_marker -- avail_rec.start_time <= old_marker <= avail_rec.end_time <= new_marker -- case 3: If avail_rec contains only new_marker -- old_marker < avail_rec.start_time <= new_marker <= avail_rec.end_time -- case 4: If avail_rec is within the old_marker and new_marker -- old_marker < avail_rec.start_time <= avail_rec.end_time < new_marker -- case 5: If avail_rec is before old_marker -- avail_rec.end_time < old_marker (Not <= ) -- case 6: If avail_rec is after new marker -- avail_rec.start_time > new_marker -- case 7: None of the above -- Iterate through the records and affect the availability.. l_ctr := 1; WHILE (l_ctr <= l_rowids.LAST) LOOP IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('extend_AM : Looping ctr = ' || l_ctr || ' total = ' || l_rowids.LAST || ' start_time = ' || l_start_times(l_ctr) || ' marker_time = ' || l_marker_ts, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Treat NULL as a large date l_end_time := NVL(l_end_times(l_ctr), DATE_2100_01_01); -- If BLACKOUT record is seen, make the marker status as UNKNOWN IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN -- For host and agent, the marker status has to be UP l_marker_avail_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END IF; IF (l_start_times(l_ctr) <= l_marker_ts) THEN -- Cases 1, 2, 5 can be handled here IF (l_end_time >= p_new_marker_ts) THEN -- Case 1. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Case 1: avail_rec contains both old_marker and new_marker..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is Unrchable. Split this and prev to 3 records', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET end_collection_timestamp = p_new_marker_ts WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr-1); -- Insert a zero length record to signify the change of avail state INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_new_avail_status, p_new_marker_ts, p_new_marker_ts); UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET start_collection_timestamp = p_new_marker_ts WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); ELSIF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) <> MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN IF ( p_new_marker_ts < l_end_time ) THEN -- Sometimes, when two events happen at the same time like agentup and target up, -- both the new marker and the old marker would be same. -- In such cases (see testcase tvmrd3c1), there is no need to split this record IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is not BLACKOUT and the record can be split.' || ' Close this and open a new one.', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Like processing simple availability UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET end_collection_timestamp = p_new_marker_ts WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_new_avail_status, p_new_marker_ts, l_end_times(l_ctr)); ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is not BLACKOUT, but the record cannot be split.' || ' Do Nothing..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END IF; ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is BLACKOUT. Do Nothing..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END IF; ELSIF (l_end_time > l_marker_ts) THEN -- Case 2. Same as case 1 IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Case 2: avail_rec contains only old_marker ..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is Unreachable. Extend prev one and delete the current one.', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- The new marker lies beyond the next record. UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET end_collection_timestamp = l_end_times(l_ctr) WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr-1); DELETE FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); ELSIF ( (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) AND (l_ctr > 1) AND (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr-1) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) ) THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is UNK, prev BLK. Do nothing..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- No need to do any special processing NULL; ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Else of case 2. Do nothing..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END IF; ELSE -- Case 5. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Case 5: avail_rec is before old_marker..', G_MODULE_NAME); EMDW_LOG.debug(' Do nothing. Skip this and go to the next one', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- skip this and go to the next END IF; ELSE -- Cases 3, 4, 6 are handled here IF (l_end_time >= p_new_marker_ts) THEN -- Case 3. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Case 3: avail_rec contains only new_marker...', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is Unrch. Split it into three.', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Split the record into three availability records.. INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp) VALUES (p_target_guid, l_marker_avail_status, l_start_times(l_ctr), p_new_marker_ts); IF (l_marker_avail_status <> p_new_avail_status) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_new_avail_status, p_new_marker_ts, p_new_marker_ts); END IF; UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET start_collection_timestamp = p_new_marker_ts WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); ELSIF ( (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) AND (l_ctr > 1) AND (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr-1) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) ) THEN IF (p_new_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) THEN -- If the new status is already UNKWN, no need to split, we are already -- in UNKNOWN state IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is UNKWN, prev BLKOUT. Curr avl UNKWN, Do nothing', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is UNKWN, prev BLKOUT. Close UNKWN, open new rec.', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Close the UNKNOWN record UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET end_collection_timestamp = p_new_marker_ts WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); -- Insert new record for new marker status (l_end_times(lctr) can be NULL) INSERT INTO MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp) VALUES (p_target_guid, p_new_avail_status, p_new_marker_ts, l_end_times(l_ctr)); END IF; END IF; ELSIF (l_end_time > l_marker_ts) THEN -- Case 4. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Case 4: avail_rec is within the old_marker and new_marker...', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Current rec is Unrch. Update status..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET current_status = p_new_avail_status WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); END IF; ELSE -- Case 6. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Case 6: avail_rec is after new marker...', G_MODULE_NAME); EMDW_LOG.debug(' Skip and go to next rec.', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Skip this and go to the next record. END IF; END IF; l_ctr := l_ctr + 1; END LOOP; -- Update the marker with the new timestamp and status update_availability_marker(p_target_guid, p_new_marker_ts, p_new_avail_status); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('extend_am : Exit. tguid = ' || p_target_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'extend_avail_marker:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END extend_avail_marker; -- -- PURPOSE -- Process the UNREACHABLE CLEAR for the target. -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- PROCEDURE process_unreachable_clear(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_new_marker_ts IN DATE, p_message IN OUT VARCHAR2, p_error OUT INTEGER, p_message_nlsid IN OUT VARCHAR2, p_message_params IN OUT VARCHAR2, p_new_avail_status IN OUT NUMBER ) IS CURSOR get_marker_details(c_target_guid RAW) IS SELECT ROWID, marker_timestamp, marker_avail_status FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER WHERE target_guid = c_target_guid; CURSOR get_marker_ts(c_target_guid RAW, c_marker_ts DATE) IS SELECT MIN(start_collection_timestamp) FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid = c_target_guid AND start_collection_timestamp <= c_marker_ts AND NVL(end_collection_timestamp, DATE_2100_01_01) >= c_marker_ts AND current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE; l_marker_rowid UROWID; l_marker_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER.marker_timestamp%TYPE := NULL; l_marker_avail_status MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER.marker_avail_status%TYPE; l_unrch_marker_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER.marker_timestamp%TYPE := NULL; l_avail_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; l_rowids t_urowid_list; l_avail_statuses t_number_list; l_start_times t_date_list; l_end_times t_date_list; l_end_time MGMT_AVAILABILITY.end_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_ctr INTEGER; l_curr_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_new_avail_status MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_is_host NUMBER := 0; l_message VARCHAR2(3000); BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_unreachable_clear:Entry' || ' p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_new_marker_ts = ' || p_new_marker_ts || ' p_message = ' || p_message, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Validate inputs.. IF ( (p_target_guid IS NULL) OR (p_new_marker_ts IS NULL) ) THEN p_error := e_bad_params; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || 'Invalid inputs to process unreachable clear : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (marker_ts = ' || p_new_marker_ts || ')' ); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Entered : process_unreachable_clear tguid ' || p_target_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Get marker details.. OPEN get_marker_details(p_target_guid); FETCH get_marker_details INTO l_marker_rowid, l_marker_ts, l_marker_avail_status; IF (get_marker_details%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE get_marker_details; END IF; -- Get marker details.. OPEN get_marker_ts(p_target_guid, l_marker_ts); FETCH get_marker_ts INTO l_unrch_marker_ts; IF (get_marker_ts%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE get_marker_ts; END IF; IF (l_unrch_marker_ts IS NOT NULL) THEN l_marker_ts := l_unrch_marker_ts; END IF; IF (l_marker_ts IS NULL) THEN p_error := e_no_avail_marker; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || 'No marker availabile while processing unreachable clear for : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' ); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Got marker details ts = ' || to_char(l_marker_ts, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ' status = ' || l_marker_avail_status, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Get all availability records that have atlease -- some time after the marker.. l_avail_cursor := get_avail_cursor_between(p_target_guid, l_marker_ts, p_new_marker_ts); FETCH l_avail_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO l_rowids, l_avail_statuses, l_start_times, l_end_times; IF (l_avail_cursor%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE l_avail_cursor; END IF; -- Print the avail records... IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN FOR i IN l_rowids.FIRST..l_rowids.LAST LOOP l_message := ' ctr = ' || i || ' status = ' || get_avail_string(l_avail_statuses(i)) || ' start_time = ' || l_start_times(i) ; IF (l_end_times(i) IS NULL) THEN l_message := l_message || ' end_time = NULL'; ELSE l_message := l_message || ' end_time = ' || l_end_times(i) ; END IF; EMDW_LOG.debug(' ' || l_message, G_MODULE_NAME); END LOOP; END IF; l_is_host := 0; SELECT COUNT(1) INTO l_is_host FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND target_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_HOST_TARGET_TYPE; -- Iterate through the records and affect the availability.. -- case 1: If avail_rec contains both old_marker and new_marker -- avail_rec.start_time <= old_marker <= new_marker <= avail_rec.end_time -- case 2: If avail_rec contains only old_marker -- avail_rec.start_time <= old_marker <= avail_rec.end_time <= new_marker -- case 3: If avail_rec contains only new_marker -- old_marker < avail_rec.start_time <= new_marker <= avail_rec.end_time -- case 4: If avail_rec is within the old_marker and new_marker -- old_marker < avail_rec.start_time <= avail_rec.end_time < new_marker -- case 5: If avail_rec is before old_marker -- avail_rec.end_time < old_marker (Not <= ) -- case 6: If avail_rec is after new marker -- avail_rec.start_time > new_marker -- case 7: None of the above -- Also, update avail marker to collection ts as this procedure is called in -- the context of a clean hb. l_ctr := 1; WHILE (l_ctr <= l_rowids.LAST) LOOP IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Looping ctr = ' || l_ctr || ' total = ' || l_rowids.LAST || ' start_time = ' || l_start_times(l_ctr) || ' marker_time = ' || l_marker_ts, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; l_end_time := NVL(l_end_times(l_ctr), DATE_2100_01_01); IF (l_start_times(l_ctr) <= l_marker_ts) THEN -- Cases 1, 2, 5 are handled here IF (l_end_time >= p_new_marker_ts) THEN -- Case 1. IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr-1) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN IF (l_is_host > 0) THEN -- For host mark the status as UP. l_new_avail_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP; ELSE l_new_avail_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Case 1: avail_rec contains both markers..' || ' curr_status = UNRCH, prev_status = BLACKOUT, l_host = ' || l_is_host, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET current_status = l_new_avail_status WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Case 1: avail_rec contains both markers..' || ' curr_status = UNRCH, prev_status NOT BLACKOUT', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- If the prev record is not blackout, extend the end time for the record -- and remove the unreachable record. UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET end_collection_timestamp = l_end_times(l_ctr) WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr-1); DELETE MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); END IF; END IF; ELSIF (l_end_time > l_marker_ts) THEN -- Case 2. Same as case 1 IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr-1) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN IF (l_is_host > 0) THEN -- For host mark the status as UP. l_new_avail_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP; ELSE l_new_avail_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Case 2: avail_rec contains only old_marker ..' || ' curr_status = UNRCH, prev_status = BLACKOUT', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET current_status = l_new_avail_status WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Case 2: avail_rec contains only old_marker ..' || ' curr_status = UNRCH, prev_status NOT BLACKOUT', G_MODULE_NAME ); END IF; -- If the prev record is not blackout, extend the end time for the record -- and remove the unreachable record. UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET end_collection_timestamp = l_end_times(l_ctr) WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr-1); DELETE MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); END IF; END IF; ELSE -- Case 5. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Case 5: avail_rec is before old_marker..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- skip this and go to the next END IF; ELSE -- Cases 3, 4, 6 are handled here IF (l_end_time >= p_new_marker_ts) THEN -- Case 3. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Case 3: avail_rec contains only new_marker...', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET current_status = l_marker_avail_status WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); END IF; ELSIF (l_end_time > l_marker_ts) THEN -- Case 4. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Case 4: avail_rec is within the old_marker and new_marker...', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_avail_statuses(l_ctr) = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN UPDATE MGMT_AVAILABILITY SET current_status = l_marker_avail_status WHERE ROWID = l_rowids(l_ctr); END IF; ELSE -- Case 6. IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Case 6: avail_rec is after new marker...', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Skip this and go to the next record. END IF; END IF; l_ctr := l_ctr + 1; END LOOP; -- Update current availability.. SELECT current_status, start_collection_timestamp INTO p_new_avail_status, l_curr_coll_ts FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE end_collection_timestamp IS NULL AND target_guid = p_target_guid; update_current_availability(p_target_guid, p_new_avail_status, l_curr_coll_ts, NULL); p_message := p_message || ' The current status of the target is ' || get_avail_string(p_new_avail_status) || '.'; p_message_nlsid := EM_PING.NLSID_AGENT_UNRCH_CLEAR ; p_message_params := get_avail_string(p_new_avail_status)||';'||get_avail_string_nls(p_new_avail_status) ; -- Update the marker with the new timestamp and status -- The 4th parameter is FALSE as we dont want to log errors -- even if the marker is not moved as (CLEAN) heartbeats are recorded in batches and so -- a heartbeat can be delayed while severities for the target with later timestamps -- could be recorded. update_availability_marker(p_target_guid, p_new_marker_ts, l_marker_avail_status, FALSE); -- If the target is a beacon, recompute the beacon availability of -- all tests for which it is an availability beacon. IF ( MGMT_GENSVC_AVAIL.IS_BEACON(p_target_guid) ) THEN MGMT_GENSVC_AVAIL.BEACON_AVAIL_EVENT(p_target_guid); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_unreachable_clear:Exit p_message = ' || p_message || ' p_error = ' || p_error, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END process_unreachable_clear; -- -- PURPOSE -- Process the AGENT DOWN severity -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- PROCEDURE process_agent_down_sev(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_coll_ts IN DATE, p_emd_url IN VARCHAR2, p_curr_stat IN NUMBER, p_error OUT INTEGER) IS l_tgt_avail_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; l_curr_tgt_rowid UROWID; l_curr_tgt_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_curr_tgt_start_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_curr_tgt_end_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_rowid UROWID; l_prev_tgt_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_agent_unrch BOOLEAN := FALSE; l_new_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_upd_marker BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_agent_down_sev:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_coll_ts = ' || p_coll_ts || ' p_emd_url = ' || p_emd_url || ' p_curr_stat = ' || p_curr_stat,G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Validate inputs.. IF ( (p_target_guid IS NULL) OR (p_coll_ts IS NULL) OR (p_emd_url IS NULL) OR (p_curr_stat IS NULL) )THEN p_error := e_bad_params; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || 'Invalid inputs to process agent down severity : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (collection_ts = ' || p_coll_ts || ')' || ' (emd_url = ' || p_emd_url || ')' || ' (current_status = ' || get_avail_string(p_curr_stat) || ')' ); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('process_agent_down_sev : Entered. emd_url = ' || p_emd_url || ' curr_stat = ' || p_curr_stat, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Extend the availability marker for all targets defined on this -- agent. -- FOR tgt_rec IN (SELECT target_guid, target_type, target_name FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE emd_url = p_emd_url AND rep_side_avail = 0 ORDER BY target_guid) LOOP IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Processing agent DOWN for ' || ' (target_guid = ' || tgt_rec.target_guid || ') ' || ' (target_name = ' || tgt_rec.target_name || ') ' || ' (target_type = ' || tgt_rec.target_type || ') ', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- -- Do not change the availability of the target if the target -- uses beacon availability -- IF ( MGMT_GENSVC_AVAIL.IS_AVAIL_ENABLED(tgt_rec.target_guid) ) THEN NULL; ELSE IF (tgt_rec.target_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE) THEN l_new_avail := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN; ELSE l_new_avail := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN; END IF; l_tgt_avail_cursor := get_avail_cursor(tgt_rec.target_guid); FETCH l_tgt_avail_cursor INTO l_curr_tgt_rowid, l_curr_tgt_avail, l_curr_tgt_start_coll_ts, l_curr_tgt_end_coll_ts; FETCH l_tgt_avail_cursor INTO l_prev_tgt_rowid, l_prev_tgt_avail, l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts, l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts; IF (l_tgt_avail_cursor%NOTFOUND) THEN l_prev_tgt_rowid := NULL; l_prev_tgt_avail := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts := NULL; l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts := NULL; END IF; IF l_tgt_avail_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE l_tgt_avail_cursor; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(' Latest availability = ' || get_avail_string(l_curr_tgt_avail) || ' Prev Availability = ' || get_avail_string(l_prev_tgt_avail), G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF ( (l_curr_tgt_avail IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) ) OR ( (l_curr_tgt_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) AND (l_prev_tgt_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT)) ) THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('process_agent_down_sev: Current avail is BLK or BLK/UNK', G_MODULE_NAME); EMDW_LOG.debug(' Extending Avail marker till blackout..', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; extend_avail_marker(tgt_rec.target_guid, p_coll_ts, l_new_avail, p_error); ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('process_agent_down_sev: Current avail is NOT BLK', G_MODULE_NAME); EMDW_LOG.debug('Performing simple avail.', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- If processing simple availability raise exception as, internal severity error -- for closing availability with -ve duration then just ignore it and do not -- update availability marker. l_upd_marker := TRUE; BEGIN process_simple_avail(l_curr_tgt_rowid, tgt_rec.target_guid, l_new_avail, NULL, p_coll_ts, p_error); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR THEN l_upd_marker := FALSE; ELSE raise; END IF; END; IF l_upd_marker = TRUE THEN update_availability_marker(tgt_rec.target_guid, p_coll_ts, l_new_avail, FALSE); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Has beacon availability? END LOOP; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_agent_down_sev:Exit p_error = ' || p_error, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END process_agent_down_sev; -- -- PURPOSE -- Process the AGENT UP severity -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- PROCEDURE process_agent_up_sev(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_coll_ts IN DATE, p_emd_url IN VARCHAR2, p_curr_stat IN NUMBER, p_error OUT INTEGER) IS l_tgt_avail_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; l_curr_tgt_rowid UROWID; l_curr_tgt_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_curr_tgt_start_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_curr_tgt_end_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.end_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_rowid UROWID; l_prev_tgt_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.end_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_marker_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_agent_unrch BOOLEAN := FALSE; l_calc_status MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_typ_agtorhost NUMBER := 0; l_process_simple NUMBER := 0; l_extend_marker NUMBER := 0; l_upd_marker BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_agent_up_sev:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_coll_ts = ' || p_coll_ts || ' p_emd_url = ' || p_emd_url || ' p_curr_stat = ' || p_curr_stat,G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Validate inputs.. IF ( (p_target_guid IS NULL) OR (p_coll_ts IS NULL) OR (p_emd_url IS NULL) OR (p_curr_stat IS NULL) )THEN p_error := e_bad_params; raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || 'Invalid inputs to process agent up severity : ' || ' (target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || ' (collection_ts = ' || p_coll_ts || ')' || ' (emd_url = ' || p_emd_url || ')' || ' (current_status = ' || get_avail_string(p_curr_stat) || ')' ); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('process_agent_up_sev : Entered. emd_url = ' || p_emd_url || ' curr_stat = ' || p_curr_stat, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- -- Algo: -- For each target -- If target has beacon avail, perform becaon update -- Calculate the new status -- If type = host/agent new_status = UP -- Else look back up the avail history for non UNRCH/BLKOUT/AGDWN status -- If blkout new_stauts = UNK -- If curr = UNRCH/BLK or prev-curr = BLK-UNK -- exten avail marker, dont update curr availability -- else -- process simple avail, update marker to new time -- FOR tgt_rec IN (SELECT target_guid, target_type, target_name FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE emd_url = p_emd_url AND rep_side_avail = 0 ORDER BY target_guid) LOOP IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('Processing agent UP for ' || ' (target_guid = ' || tgt_rec.target_guid || ') ' || ' (target_name = ' || tgt_rec.target_name || ') ' || ' (target_type = ' || tgt_rec.target_type || ') ', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; l_typ_agtorhost := 0; -- -- Do not change the availability of the target if the target uses -- beacon availability -- IF ( MGMT_GENSVC_AVAIL.IS_AVAIL_ENABLED(tgt_rec.target_guid) ) THEN NULL; ELSE -- Get the status of the target before the ag down.. l_tgt_avail_cursor := get_avail_cursor(tgt_rec.target_guid); FETCH l_tgt_avail_cursor INTO l_curr_tgt_rowid, l_curr_tgt_avail, l_curr_tgt_start_coll_ts, l_curr_tgt_end_coll_ts; FETCH l_tgt_avail_cursor INTO l_prev_tgt_rowid, l_prev_tgt_avail, l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts, l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts; IF (l_tgt_avail_cursor%NOTFOUND) THEN l_prev_tgt_avail := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END IF; IF (tgt_rec.target_type IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_HOST_TARGET_TYPE) ) THEN -- For host and Agent target types, dont check the previous avail state.. -- Just mark them as UP. l_calc_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP; l_typ_agtorhost := 1; ELSE -- Recover the availability state by looking at the history. -- Keep fetching until we get a good availability state to recover to WHILE (l_prev_tgt_avail IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) ) LOOP FETCH l_tgt_avail_cursor INTO l_prev_tgt_rowid, l_prev_tgt_avail, l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts, l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts; END LOOP; IF (l_prev_tgt_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN l_calc_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; ELSE l_calc_status := l_prev_tgt_avail; END IF; END IF; IF ( (l_curr_tgt_avail IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT)) OR ( (l_prev_tgt_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) AND (l_curr_tgt_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) ) ) THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('process_agent_up_sev : Extending marker to ' || ' coll_ts = ' || p_coll_ts || ' calc_status = ' || l_calc_status, G_MODULE_NAME ); END IF; BEGIN -- Extend history without affecting current availability extend_avail_marker(tgt_rec.target_guid, p_coll_ts, l_calc_status, p_error); EXCEPTION WHEN MGMT_GLOBAL.serverity_out_order THEN -- Ignore any out of time sequence errors IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('process_agent_up_sev : Out of seq error while ' || ' extending avail marker ' || ' target_guid = ' || tgt_rec.target_guid || ' coll_ts = ' || p_coll_ts || ' calc_status = ' || l_calc_status, G_MODULE_NAME ); END IF; NULL; END; ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('process_agent_up_sev : Process simple avail ' || ' coll_ts = ' || p_coll_ts || ' calc_status = ' || l_calc_status, G_MODULE_NAME ); END IF; l_process_simple := 0; -- Affect current availability, only if the curr is not (up/down/error) -- and curr status <> new calc status IF ( (l_curr_tgt_avail NOT IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR) ) AND (l_curr_tgt_avail <> l_calc_status) ) THEN -- Only if there is a change in status, add a new avail row. l_process_simple := 1; END IF; -- For agent to recover from down state IF ((l_typ_agtorhost = 1) AND (l_curr_tgt_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN) ) THEN l_process_simple := 1; END IF; l_upd_marker := TRUE; IF (l_process_simple = 1) THEN --- -- If processing simple availability raise exception as, internal severity error -- for closing availability with -ve duration then just ignore it and do not -- update availability marker. BEGIN process_simple_avail(l_curr_tgt_rowid, tgt_rec.target_guid, l_calc_status, NULL, p_coll_ts, p_error); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR THEN l_upd_marker := FALSE; ELSE raise; END IF; END; --- END IF; IF l_upd_marker = TRUE THEN update_availability_marker(tgt_rec.target_guid, p_coll_ts, l_calc_status, FALSE); END IF; END IF; IF (l_tgt_avail_cursor%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE l_tgt_avail_cursor; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'process_agent_up_sev:Exit p_error = ' || p_error, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END process_agent_up_sev; FUNCTION state_matches_preblkout_state(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_violation_level IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS l_tgt_avail_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; l_curr_tgt_rowid UROWID; l_curr_tgt_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_curr_tgt_start_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_curr_tgt_end_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.end_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_rowid UROWID; l_prev_tgt_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.end_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_pre_blkout_avail MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_retval NUMBER := 0; l_proc_name VARCHAR2(40) := 'status_matches_preblkout_status'; l_tgt_type MGMT_TARGETS.target_type%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN || ' :Enter target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' viol lvl = ' || p_violation_level, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Get pre blackout status l_tgt_avail_cursor := get_avail_cursor(p_target_guid); FETCH l_tgt_avail_cursor INTO l_curr_tgt_rowid, l_curr_tgt_avail, l_curr_tgt_start_coll_ts, l_curr_tgt_end_coll_ts; FETCH l_tgt_avail_cursor INTO l_prev_tgt_rowid, l_prev_tgt_avail, l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts, l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(l_proc_name || ' curr avail = ' || l_curr_tgt_avail || ' prev avail = ' || l_prev_tgt_avail, G_MODULE_NAME ); END IF; IF (l_tgt_avail_cursor%NOTFOUND) THEN l_pre_blkout_avail := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; ELSIF (l_curr_tgt_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN l_pre_blkout_avail := l_prev_tgt_avail; ELSIF (l_prev_tgt_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN FETCH l_tgt_avail_cursor INTO l_prev_tgt_rowid, l_prev_tgt_avail, l_prev_tgt_start_coll_ts, l_prev_tgt_end_coll_ts; IF (l_tgt_avail_cursor%NOTFOUND) THEN l_pre_blkout_avail := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; ELSE l_pre_blkout_avail := l_prev_tgt_avail; END IF; END IF; IF (l_tgt_avail_cursor%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE l_tgt_avail_cursor; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug(l_proc_name || ' pre blkout avail = ' || l_pre_blkout_avail || ' viol lvl = ' || p_violation_level, G_MODULE_NAME ); END IF; BEGIN SELECT target_type INTO l_tgt_type FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.UNKNOWN_TARGET_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.UNKNOWN_TARGET_ERR_M || '(target guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')'); WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.INTERNAL_SEVERITY_ERR_M || '(target guid = ' || p_target_guid || ')' || '(SQLERROR = ' || SQLERRM || ')' ); END; IF ( ( (l_tgt_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_HOST_TARGET_TYPE) OR (l_tgt_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE) ) AND (l_pre_blkout_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP) AND (p_violation_level = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_CLEAR) ) THEN l_retval := 1; ELSIF ( (l_pre_blkout_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP) AND (p_violation_level = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR) ) THEN l_retval := 1; ELSIF ( (l_pre_blkout_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN) AND (p_violation_level IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) ) ) THEN l_retval := 1; ELSIF ( (l_pre_blkout_avail = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR) AND (p_violation_level = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_ERROR_START) ) THEN l_retval := 1; ELSE l_retval := 0; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN || ' :Exit ret_vale = ' || l_retval, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_retval; END state_matches_preblkout_state; -- -- get_severity_segments -- -- Given a target_name, target_type, target_guid, -- metric_name (could be null), metric_column (could be null), -- metric_guid (could be null), key_value (could be null), -- start_date, end_date, (or the last num_of_days), how many -- minutesa pixel spans, returns a severity history chart. -- -- The returned array represents one chart with several segments. -- Each segment represents a different state with a start_date, -- duration (in minutes) and severity code: -- 15 (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR), -- 20 (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING), -- 25 (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) -- -- EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_ARRAY is a TABLE of EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ -- which has 3 columns: -- start_date DATE, -- severity_duration NUMBER, -- severity_code NUMBER -- PROCEDURE get_severity_segments(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_name_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_col_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_guid_in IN RAW, key_value_in IN VARCHAR2, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE, num_of_days_in IN NUMBER, pixel_size_in IN NUMBER, chart_record_out OUT EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_ARRAY) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_target_tzr mgmt_targets.timezone_region%TYPE; l_target_sysdate DATE; l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; l_num_of_days NUMBER; l_num_of_pixels NUMBER; l_start_point DATE; l_severity_code mgmt_severity.severity_code%TYPE; j NUMBER; TYPE START_POINT_LIST IS TABLE OF DATE; l_start_point_list START_POINT_LIST; TYPE SEVERITY_CODE_LIST IS TABLE OF mgmt_severity.severity_code%TYPE; l_severity_code_list SEVERITY_CODE_LIST; l_min_collection_timestamp DATE; l_pre_start_point DATE; l_pre_severity_code mgmt_severity.severity_code%TYPE; l_pre_severity_duration mgmt_severity.severity_duration%TYPE; l_no_data_duration mgmt_severity.severity_duration%TYPE; l_clear_duration mgmt_severity.severity_duration%TYPE; l_clear_date DATE; l_status_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE; NO_DATA_SEVERITY_CODE CONSTANT NUMBER := -5; -- This cursor gets all severities for a specific target -- with a Status/Response metric (to be filtered out). -- It splits the duration to 240 segments and returns 240 -- rows. Each row is one segment which is a part of the -- whole duration. Each row has a start_point and the max -- of all severities during that segment. -- -- The order of the columns in the select clause must be kept -- as is because a bulk collect is used later -- CURSOR c_target_severity_1 IS SELECT l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels start_point, MAX(sev.severity_code) severity_code FROM (SELECT /*+ INDEX(s) */ s.collection_timestamp, NVL(s.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-s.collection_timestamp) severity_duration, s.severity_code FROM mgmt_severity s WHERE s.target_guid = l_target_guid ANd s.metric_guid != l_status_metric_guid AND s.severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND s.collection_timestamp+NVL(s.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-s.collection_timestamp) > l_start_date AND s.collection_timestamp < l_end_date) sev, (SELECT /*+ INDEX(o) */ rownum-1 c FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE obj# > 0 AND rownum <= l_num_of_pixels) cnt WHERE sev.collection_timestamp >= l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels - sev.severity_duration AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_start_date + ((cnt.c+1)*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels GROUP BY l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels; -- This cursor gets all severities for a specific target -- without a Response/Status metric. -- It splits the duration to 240 segments and returns 240 -- rows. Each row is one segment which is a part of the -- whole duration. Each row has a start_point and the max -- of all severities during that segment. -- -- The order of the columns in the select clause must be kept -- as is because a bulk collect is used later -- CURSOR c_target_severity_2 IS SELECT l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels start_point, MAX(sev.severity_code) severity_code FROM (SELECT /*+ INDEX(s) */ s.collection_timestamp, NVL(s.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-s.collection_timestamp) severity_duration, s.severity_code FROM mgmt_severity s WHERE s.target_guid = l_target_guid AND s.severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND s.collection_timestamp+NVL(s.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-s.collection_timestamp) > l_start_date AND s.collection_timestamp < l_end_date) sev, (SELECT /*+ INDEX(o) */ rownum-1 c FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE obj# > 0 AND rownum <= l_num_of_pixels) cnt WHERE sev.collection_timestamp >= l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels - sev.severity_duration AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_start_date + ((cnt.c+1)*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels GROUP BY l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels; -- This cursor gets all severities for a specific metric. -- It splits the duration to 240 segments and returns 240 -- rows. Each row is one segment which is a part of the -- whole duration. Each row has a start_point and the max -- of all severities during that segment. -- -- The order of the columns in the select clause must be kept -- as is because a bulk collect is used later -- CURSOR c_metric_severity IS SELECT l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels start_point, MAX(sev.severity_code) severity_code FROM (SELECT /*+ INDEX(s) */ s.collection_timestamp, NVL(s.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-s.collection_timestamp) severity_duration, s.severity_code FROM mgmt_severity s WHERE s.target_guid = l_target_guid ANd s.metric_guid = metric_guid_in AND s.severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND s.collection_timestamp+NVL(s.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-s.collection_timestamp) > l_start_date AND s.collection_timestamp < l_end_date) sev, (SELECT /*+ INDEX(o) */ rownum-1 c FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE obj# > 0 AND rownum <= l_num_of_pixels) cnt WHERE sev.collection_timestamp >= l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels - sev.severity_duration AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_start_date + ((cnt.c+1)*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels GROUP BY l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels; -- This cursor gets all severities for a specific key value. -- It splits the duration to 480 segments and returns 240 -- rows. Each row is one segment which is a part of the -- whole duration. Each row has a start_point and the max -- of all severities during that segment. -- -- The order of the columns in the select clause must be kept -- as is because a bulk collect is used later -- CURSOR c_key_severity IS SELECT l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels start_point, MAX(sev.severity_code) severity_code FROM (SELECT /*+ INDEX(s) */ s.collection_timestamp, NVL(s.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-s.collection_timestamp) severity_duration, s.severity_code FROM mgmt_severity s WHERE s.target_guid = l_target_guid ANd s.metric_guid = metric_guid_in AND s.key_value = key_value_in AND s.severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND s.collection_timestamp+NVL(s.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-s.collection_timestamp) > l_start_date AND s.collection_timestamp < l_end_date) sev, (SELECT /*+ INDEX(o) */ rownum-1 c FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE obj# > 0 AND rownum <= l_num_of_pixels) cnt WHERE sev.collection_timestamp >= l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels - sev.severity_duration AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_start_date + ((cnt.c+1)*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels GROUP BY l_start_date + (cnt.c*l_num_of_days)/l_num_of_pixels; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_severity_segments:Entry target_name_in = ' || target_name_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in || ' metric_name_in = ' || metric_name_in || ' metric_col_in = ' || metric_col_in || ' metric_guid_in = ' || metric_guid_in || ' key_value_in = ' || key_value_in || ' start_date_in = ' || start_date_in || ' end_date_in = ' || end_date_in || ' num_of_days_in = ' || num_of_days_in || ' pixel_size_in = ' || pixel_size_in, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Store the target guid to improve performance. BEGIN SELECT target_guid, timezone_region INTO l_target_guid, l_target_tzr FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = target_name_in AND target_type = target_type_in; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise MGMT_GLOBAL.target_does_not_exist; END; -- Get the target's sysdate using targets time zone. l_target_sysdate := MGMT_GLOBAL.SYSDATE_TZRGN(l_target_tzr); -- only if start_date_in and end_date_in are both not null, use them -- else use num_of_days_in to compute l_start_date, l_end_date IF( start_date_in IS NOT NULL AND end_date_in IS NOT NULL ) THEN -- ignore num_days_in l_start_date := start_date_in; l_end_date := end_date_in; l_num_of_days := end_date_in - start_date_in; ELSE -- use num_days_in l_num_of_days := num_of_days_in; l_end_date := l_target_sysdate; l_start_date := l_end_date - num_of_days_in; END IF; -- the number of pixels for a bar chart l_num_of_pixels := (l_end_date - l_start_date) * 24 * 60 / pixel_size_in; l_pre_start_point := l_start_date; l_pre_severity_code := 0; l_pre_severity_duration := pixel_size_in; l_no_data_duration := 0; chart_record_out := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_ARRAY(); j := 0; IF (key_value_in IS NOT NULL) THEN -- a key value; get the first available data date /* SELECT MIN(collection_timestamp) INTO l_min_collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_severity WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND metric_guid = metric_guid_in AND key_value = key_value_in AND severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL); */ BEGIN SELECT collection_timestamp INTO l_min_collection_timestamp FROM ( SELECT collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = HEXTORAW(l_target_guid) AND policy_guid = HEXTORAW(metric_guid_in) AND key_value = key_value_in AND violation_level IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND violation_type IN (0,1,2) ORDER BY collection_timestamp ASC ) WHERE ROWNUM < 2; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_min_collection_timestamp := NULL; END; -- get the severity history for a key OPEN c_key_severity; FETCH c_key_severity BULK COLLECT INTO l_start_point_list, l_severity_code_list; CLOSE c_key_severity; ELSIF (metric_name_in IS NOT NULL AND metric_col_in IS NOT NULL) THEN -- a metric; get the first available data date /* SELECT MIN(collection_timestamp) INTO l_min_collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_severity WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND metric_guid = metric_guid_in AND severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL); */ BEGIN SELECT collection_timestamp INTO l_min_collection_timestamp FROM ( SELECT collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = HEXTORAW(l_target_guid) AND policy_guid = HEXTORAW(metric_guid_in) AND violation_level IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND violation_type IN (0,1,2) ORDER BY collection_timestamp ASC ) WHERE ROWNUM < 2; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_min_collection_timestamp := NULL; END; -- get the severity history for a metric OPEN c_metric_severity; FETCH c_metric_severity BULK COLLECT INTO l_start_point_list, l_severity_code_list; CLOSE c_metric_severity; ELSE -- a target; filter out the Response/Status metric BEGIN l_status_metric_guid := mgmt_target.get_metric_guid( target_type_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_COLUMN); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_status_metric_guid := null; END; IF (l_status_metric_guid IS NOT NULL) THEN -- get the first available data date /* SELECT MIN(collection_timestamp) INTO l_min_collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_severity WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND metric_guid != l_status_metric_guid AND severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL); */ BEGIN SELECT collection_timestamp INTO l_min_collection_timestamp FROM ( SELECT collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = HEXTORAW(l_target_guid) AND policy_guid != HEXTORAW(l_status_metric_guid) AND violation_level IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND violation_type IN (0,1,2) ORDER BY collection_timestamp ASC ) WHERE ROWNUM < 2; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_min_collection_timestamp := NULL; END; -- get the severity history for a target OPEN c_target_severity_1; FETCH c_target_severity_1 BULK COLLECT INTO l_start_point_list, l_severity_code_list; CLOSE c_target_severity_1; ELSE -- get the first available data date /* SELECT MIN(collection_timestamp) INTO l_min_collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_severity WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL); */ BEGIN SELECT collection_timestamp INTO l_min_collection_timestamp FROM ( SELECT collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = HEXTORAW(l_target_guid) AND violation_level IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND violation_type IN (0,1,2) ORDER BY collection_timestamp ASC )WHERE ROWNUM < 2; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_min_collection_timestamp := NULL; END; OPEN c_target_severity_2; FETCH c_target_severity_2 BULK COLLECT INTO l_start_point_list, l_severity_code_list; CLOSE c_target_severity_2; END IF; END IF; -- First check if there's any alerts at all IF (l_start_point_list.COUNT = 0) THEN -- No Alert, check the min collection time IF (l_min_collection_timestamp IS NULL) THEN chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_start_date, l_num_of_days*24*60, NO_DATA_SEVERITY_CODE); ELSIF (l_min_collection_timestamp < l_start_date) THEN chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_start_date, l_num_of_days*24*60, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR); ELSIF (l_min_collection_timestamp > l_end_date) THEN chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_start_date, l_num_of_days*24*60, NO_DATA_SEVERITY_CODE); ELSE chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_start_date, (l_min_collection_timestamp - l_start_date)*24*60, NO_DATA_SEVERITY_CODE); chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_min_collection_timestamp, (l_end_date - l_min_collection_timestamp)*24*60, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_severity_segments:Exit l_start_point_list.COUNT = 0', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN; END IF; -- check the CLEAR state (severity_code = 15) l_start_point := l_start_point_list(1); -- an estimate of (l_start_date < l_start_point) IF (ROUND((l_start_point-l_start_date)*24*60/pixel_size_in) > 0) THEN -- check "no data found": no severity data for sometime -- add a special segment with a severity code of -5 -- There is at least one record in the list -- -- the number of pixels for possible NO_DATA state l_no_data_duration := ROUND((l_min_collection_timestamp-l_start_date)*24*60/pixel_size_in); -- an estimate of (l_start_date < l_min_collection_timestamp) IF (l_no_data_duration > 0) THEN l_clear_date := l_min_collection_timestamp; -- convert to MINUTES and add a NO_DATA state l_no_data_duration := l_no_data_duration * pixel_size_in; chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_start_date, l_no_data_duration, NO_DATA_SEVERITY_CODE); ELSE l_clear_date := l_start_date; END IF; -- the number of pixels for possible CLEAR state l_clear_duration := ROUND((l_start_point-l_clear_date)*24*60/pixel_size_in); -- an estimate of (l_clear_date < l_start_point) IF (l_clear_duration > 0) THEN -- convert to MINUTES and add a CLEAR state l_clear_duration := l_clear_duration * pixel_size_in; chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_clear_date, l_clear_duration, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR); END IF; END IF; -- combine segments with the same severity code -- It will reduce the amount of returned data FOR i IN 1..l_start_point_list.COUNT LOOP l_start_point := l_start_point_list(i); l_severity_code := l_severity_code_list(i); -- an estimate of (l_start_point-l_pre_start_point-l_pre_severity_duration/(24*60)) -- the number of pixels for possible CLEAR state l_clear_duration := ROUND(((l_start_point-l_pre_start_point)*24*60-l_pre_severity_duration) /pixel_size_in); IF (l_severity_code = l_pre_severity_code AND l_clear_duration = 0) THEN -- same severity code; combine them l_pre_severity_duration := l_pre_severity_duration + pixel_size_in; ELSE IF (l_pre_severity_code > 0) THEN -- different severity code, add the previous valid one chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_pre_start_point, l_pre_severity_duration, l_pre_severity_code); -- checking if a clear state is needed IF (l_clear_duration > 0) THEN -- convert to MINUTES and add a CLEAR state l_clear_duration := l_clear_duration * pixel_size_in; chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_pre_start_point + l_pre_severity_duration/(24*60), l_clear_duration, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR); END IF; END IF; -- reset the pre_ value l_pre_start_point := l_start_point; l_pre_severity_code := l_severity_code; l_pre_severity_duration := pixel_size_in; END IF; END LOOP; -- add the last one IF (l_pre_severity_code <> 0) THEN chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_pre_start_point, l_pre_severity_duration, l_pre_severity_code); END IF; -- check the clear state at the end -- an estimate of (l_end_date > l_pre_start_point + l_pre_severity_duration/(24*60)) -- the number of pixels for possible CLEAR state l_clear_duration := ROUND(((l_end_date-l_pre_start_point)*24*60 -l_pre_severity_duration) /pixel_size_in); IF (l_clear_duration > 0) THEN -- convert to MINUTES and add the last CLEAR state l_clear_duration := l_clear_duration * pixel_size_in; chart_record_out.extend; j := j+1; chart_record_out(j) := EM_SEVERITY_HISTORY_OBJ( l_pre_start_point + l_pre_severity_duration/(24*60), l_clear_duration, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_severity_segments:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END get_severity_segments; -- -- get_severity_labels -- -- Given a target_name, target_type, metric_name (could be null), -- metric_column (could be null), member_status_in (a target with -- members? could be null), start_date, end_date, (or the last -- num_of_days), returns the display name of the target or metric -- and a cursor. -- -- The returned cursor has a list of -- 1. labels to be shown on the first column of the severity -- chart page (e.g, alert history page), and -- 2. other information necessary to get the date to draw a -- chart (by calling get_severity_segments for each label). -- PROCEDURE get_severity_labels(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_name_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_col_in IN VARCHAR2, member_status_in IN VARCHAR2, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE, num_of_days_in IN NUMBER, display_name_out OUT VARCHAR2, chart_data_out OUT MGMT_TARGET.CURSOR_TYPE, target_tzrgn_out OUT VARCHAR2) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE; l_target_sysdate DATE; l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; l_type_meta_ver mgmt_targets.type_meta_ver%TYPE; l_category_prop_1 mgmt_targets.category_prop_1%TYPE; l_category_prop_2 mgmt_targets.category_prop_2%TYPE; l_category_prop_3 mgmt_targets.category_prop_3%TYPE; l_category_prop_4 mgmt_targets.category_prop_4%TYPE; l_category_prop_5 mgmt_targets.category_prop_5%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_severity_labels:Entry target_name_in = ' || target_name_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in || ' metric_name_in = ' || metric_name_in || ' metric_col_in = ' || metric_col_in || ' member_status_in = ' || member_status_in || ' start_date_in = ' || start_date_in || ' end_date_in = ' || end_date_in || ' num_of_days_in = ' || num_of_days_in, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Store the target guid to improve performance. BEGIN SELECT target_guid, display_name, timezone_region, type_meta_ver, category_prop_1, category_prop_2, category_prop_3, category_prop_4, category_prop_5 INTO l_target_guid, display_name_out, target_tzrgn_out, l_type_meta_ver, l_category_prop_1, l_category_prop_2, l_category_prop_3, l_category_prop_4, l_category_prop_5 FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = target_name_in AND target_type = target_type_in; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise MGMT_GLOBAL.target_does_not_exist; END; -- Get the target's sysdate using targets time zone. l_target_sysdate := MGMT_GLOBAL.sysdate_tzrgn(target_tzrgn_out); -- only if start_date_in and end_date_in are both not null, use them -- else use num_of_days_in to compute l_start_date, l_end_date IF( start_date_in IS NOT NULL AND end_date_in IS NOT NULL ) THEN -- ignore num_days_in l_start_date := start_date_in; l_end_date := end_date_in; ELSE -- use num_days_in l_end_date := l_target_sysdate; l_start_date := l_end_date - num_of_days_in; END IF; IF (metric_name_in IS NOT NULL AND metric_col_in IS NOT NULL) THEN -- a metric, get its metric column label first SELECT metric_guid, column_label INTO l_metric_guid, display_name_out FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE metric_name = metric_name_in AND metric_column = metric_col_in AND target_type = target_type_in AND type_meta_ver = l_type_meta_ver AND (category_prop_1 = l_category_prop_1 OR category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (category_prop_2 = l_category_prop_2 OR category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (category_prop_3 = l_category_prop_3 OR category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (category_prop_4 = l_category_prop_4 OR category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (category_prop_5 = l_category_prop_5 OR category_prop_5 = ' '); -- then get its key values OPEN chart_data_out FOR SELECT unique l_metric_guid metric_guid, sev.key_value, ck.key_part1_value, ck.key_part2_value, ck.key_part3_value, ck.key_part4_value, ck.key_part5_value FROM mgmt_severity sev, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck WHERE sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND sev.metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND sev.severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_end_date AND sev.collection_timestamp + NVL(sev.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-sev.collection_timestamp) >= l_start_date AND ck.target_guid (+) = l_target_guid AND sev.key_value = ck.composite_key (+) ORDER BY key_value; ELSIF (member_status_in IS NULL OR member_status_in != 'true') THEN -- a target, get its metrics (name, column, column display name) OPEN chart_data_out FOR SELECT l_target_guid target_guid, met.metric_guid, met.metric_name, met.metric_column, met.column_label, met.key_column, met.column_label_nlsid FROM mgmt_metrics met WHERE met.target_type = target_type_in AND (NOT (met.metric_name = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME AND met.metric_column = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_COLUMN)) AND met.usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND met.type_meta_ver = l_type_meta_ver AND (met.category_prop_1 = l_category_prop_1 OR met.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_2 = l_category_prop_2 OR met.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_3 = l_category_prop_3 OR met.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_4 = l_category_prop_4 OR met.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_5 = l_category_prop_5 OR met.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM mgmt_severity sev WHERE sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND sev.metric_guid = met.metric_guid AND sev.severity_code IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_end_date AND sev.collection_timestamp + NVL(sev.severity_duration/24, l_end_date-sev.collection_timestamp) >= l_start_date) ORDER BY met.column_label; ELSE -- a composite target, get its member targets (name, type, display_name) OPEN chart_data_out FOR -- Bug 6379336, modify query for Composite target SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.display_name FROM (SELECT l_target_guid target_guid, target_name_in target_name, target_type_in target_type, display_name_out display_name, l_type_meta_ver type_meta_ver, l_category_prop_1 category_prop_1, l_category_prop_2 category_prop_2, l_category_prop_3 category_prop_3, l_category_prop_4 category_prop_4, l_category_prop_5 category_prop_5 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT c_tgt.target_guid, c_tgt.target_name, c_tgt.target_type, c_tgt.display_name, c_tgt.type_meta_ver, c_tgt.category_prop_1, c_tgt.category_prop_2, c_tgt.category_prop_3, c_tgt.category_prop_4, c_tgt.category_prop_5 FROM mgmt_target_assocs, mgmt_targets c_tgt WHERE source_target_guid = l_target_guid AND assoc_target_guid = c_tgt.target_guid AND assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid ) tgt WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM mgmt_violations sev, mgmt_metrics met WHERE sev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND sev.policy_guid = met.metric_guid AND sev.violation_level IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND sev.violation_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_TYPE_THRESHOLD AND met.usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND met.type_meta_ver = tgt.type_meta_ver AND met.target_type = tgt.target_type AND (met.category_prop_1 = tgt.category_prop_1 OR met.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_2 = tgt.category_prop_2 OR met.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_3 = tgt.category_prop_3 OR met.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_4 = tgt.category_prop_4 OR met.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_5 = tgt.category_prop_5 OR met.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_end_date AND sev.collection_timestamp + NVL(sev.violation_duration/24, l_end_date-sev.collection_timestamp) >= l_start_date ) ORDER BY tgt.display_name; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_severity_labels:Exit display_name_out = ' || display_name_out, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END get_severity_labels; PROCEDURE log_error(target_guid_in IN RAW, error_code_in IN NUMBER, error_msg_in IN VARCHAR2) IS l_emd_url MGMT_TARGETS.emd_url%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'log_error:Entry target_guid_in = ' || target_guid_in || ' error_code_in = ' || error_code_in || ' error_msg_in = ' || error_msg_in, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Get EMD_URL. IF (target_guid_in IS NOT NULL) THEN BEGIN SELECT emd_url INTO l_emd_url FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_guid = target_guid_in; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_emd_url := ' '; -- log with blank END; END IF; -- Log the specified error to system error log. MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(v_module_name_in => MODULE, v_error_code_in => error_code_in, v_error_msg_in => error_msg_in, v_emd_url_in => l_emd_url); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'log_error:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END log_error; FUNCTION is_agent_unreachable(p_target_guid IN RAW) RETURN BOOLEAN IS l_agent_guid MGMT_TARGETS.target_guid%TYPE; l_agent_unrch BOOLEAN := FALSE; l_agt_avl_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; l_agt_avl_curr_rowid UROWID; l_agt_avl_curr_status MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_agt_avl_curr_start_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_agt_avl_curr_end_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_agt_avl_prev_rowid UROWID; l_agt_avl_prev_status MGMT_AVAILABILITY.current_status%TYPE; l_agt_avl_prev_start_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; l_agt_avl_prev_end_coll_ts MGMT_AVAILABILITY.start_collection_timestamp%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'is_agent_unreachable:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; BEGIN l_agent_guid := get_agent_guid(p_target_guid); l_agt_avl_cursor := get_avail_cursor(l_agent_guid); FETCH l_agt_avl_cursor INTO l_agt_avl_curr_rowid, l_agt_avl_curr_status, l_agt_avl_curr_start_coll_ts, l_agt_avl_curr_end_coll_ts; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('is_agent_unrch : for agent_guid ' || l_agent_guid || ' curr_agent_stat = ' || l_agt_avl_curr_status, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_agt_avl_curr_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN l_agent_unrch := TRUE; ELSIF (l_agt_avl_curr_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN -- Get the prev avail record.. FETCH l_agt_avl_cursor INTO l_agt_avl_prev_rowid, l_agt_avl_prev_status, l_agt_avl_prev_start_coll_ts, l_agt_avl_prev_end_coll_ts; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('is_agent_unrch : prev_agent_stat = ' || l_agt_avl_prev_status, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_agt_avl_prev_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN l_agent_unrch := TRUE; ELSE l_agent_unrch := FALSE; END IF; ELSE l_agent_unrch := FALSE; END IF; EXCEPTION -- Handle repository only targets WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_agent_unrch := FALSE; WHEN OTHERS THEN l_agent_unrch := FALSE; END; IF l_agt_avl_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE l_agt_avl_cursor; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'is_agent_unreachable:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_agent_unrch; END is_agent_unreachable; -- -- PURPOSE -- Utility function to get the agent guid. -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- FUNCTION get_agent_guid(p_target_guid IN RAW) RETURN RAW IS l_ret_guid MGMT_TARGETS.target_guid%TYPE; l_emd_url MGMT_TARGETS.emd_url%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_agent_guid:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (p_target_guid IS NOT NULL) THEN SELECT emd_url INTO l_emd_url FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('get_agent_guid : agent URL = ' || l_emd_url, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO l_ret_guid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE emd_url = l_emd_url AND target_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_debug_set) THEN EMDW_LOG.debug('get_agent_guid : agent guid = ' || l_ret_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_agent_guid:Exit agent_guid = ' || l_ret_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_ret_guid; END get_agent_guid; -- -- PURPOSE -- Utility function to order of the status -- for the same timestamp. -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- FUNCTION get_status_order(p_current_status IN NUMBER) RETURN INTEGER IS l_retVal INTEGER := 0; BEGIN -- For the same timestamp.. the order is -- UNKNOWN -- AGENT_DOWN -- UP/DOWN/BLKOUT/METRIC_ERROR -- UNREACHABLE IF (p_current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN l_retVal := 9; ELSIF (p_current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN) THEN l_retVal := -8; ELSIF (p_current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) THEN l_retVal := -9; END IF; RETURN l_retVal; END get_status_order; -- -- PURPOSE -- Utility function to get the availability cursor -- FUNCTION get_avail_cursor(p_target_guid IN RAW) RETURN AVAIL_CURSOR IS l_avail_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; BEGIN OPEN l_avail_cursor FOR SELECT ROWID, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid ORDER BY start_collection_timestamp DESC, NVL(end_collection_timestamp, TO_DATE('2100-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')) DESC, get_status_order(current_status) DESC; RETURN l_avail_cursor; END get_avail_cursor; -- -- PURPOSE -- Utility function to get the availability cursor between markers -- FUNCTION get_avail_cursor_between(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_start_marker IN DATE, p_end_marker IN DATE) RETURN AVAIL_CURSOR IS l_avail_cursor AVAIL_CURSOR; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_cursor_between:Entry p_target_guid = ' || p_target_guid || ' p_start_marker = ' || p_start_marker || ' p_end_marker = ' || p_end_marker, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; OPEN l_avail_cursor FOR SELECT ROWID, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND start_collection_timestamp <= p_end_marker AND (end_collection_timestamp >= p_start_marker OR end_collection_timestamp IS NULL) ORDER BY start_collection_timestamp, NVL(end_collection_timestamp, TO_DATE('2100-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')), get_status_order(current_status); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_cursor_between:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_avail_cursor; END get_avail_cursor_between; -- -- PURPOSE -- Utility function to get the severity string -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- FUNCTION get_severity_string(p_severity_code IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_ret_sev_string VARCHAR2(20) := '**ERROR**'; BEGIN IF (p_severity_code IS NULL) THEN NULL; -- Do nothing.. ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_COMMENT_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_CLEAR_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_WARNING_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_CRITICAL_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_CLEAR) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_CLEAR_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_START) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_START_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_END) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_END_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_START) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_START_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_ERROR_END) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_ERROR_END_STR; ELSIF (p_severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_ERROR_START) THEN l_ret_sev_string := SEVERITY_ERROR_START_STR; END IF; return l_ret_sev_string; END get_severity_string; -- -- PURPOSE -- Utility function to get the availability String -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- -- OUT PARAMETERS -- None. -- -- ERROR CODES -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This is private routine called only by the severity_trigger -- FUNCTION get_avail_string(p_avail_status IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_ret_avail_string VARCHAR2(20) := '**ERROR**'; BEGIN IF (p_avail_status IS NULL) THEN NULL; -- Do nothing ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN) THEN l_ret_avail_string := AVAIL_DOWN_STR; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP) THEN l_ret_avail_string := AVAIL_UP_STR; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR) THEN l_ret_avail_string := AVAIL_ERROR_STR; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN) THEN l_ret_avail_string := AVAIL_AGENT_DOWN_STR; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN l_ret_avail_string := AVAIL_UNREACHABLE_STR; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN l_ret_avail_string := AVAIL_BLACKOUT_STR; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) THEN l_ret_avail_string := AVAIL_UNKNOWN_STR; END IF; return l_ret_avail_string; END get_avail_string; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROCEDURE SEVERITY_PURGE(pcb_params IN OUT MGMT_PURGE_CALLBACK_PARAMS) IS l_purge_rowids t_rowid_list; l_target_guid RAW(16); l_policy_guid t_guid_list; l_key_value t_varchar2_256_list; l_max_coll t_date_list; l_rec_count t_number_list; l_all_zero_guid RAW(16) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ALL_ZERO_GUID ; l_rows_purged NUMBER := 0; l_count NUMBER := 0; l_start_idx NUMBER := 1; l_end_idx NUMBER; l_batch_size NUMBER := EMD_LOADER.get_purge_batchsize; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'severity_purge:Entry', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; l_target_guid := pcb_params.target_guid ; SELECT /*+ INDEX(mgmt_violations MGMT_VIOLATIONS_PK) */ policy_guid, key_value, max(collection_timestamp) max_coll, COUNT(*) rec_count BULK COLLECT INTO l_policy_guid, l_key_value, l_max_coll, l_rec_count FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND policy_guid > l_all_zero_guid AND violation_level = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR AND collection_timestamp < pcb_params.purge_upto_time GROUP BY policy_guid, key_value ; FOR i IN 1..l_policy_guid.COUNT LOOP l_count := l_count + l_rec_count(i); IF l_count >= l_batch_size THEN l_end_idx := i; FORALL j IN l_start_idx..l_end_idx DELETE FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = HEXTORAW(l_target_guid) AND policy_guid = HEXTORAW(l_policy_guid(j)) AND key_value = l_key_value(j) AND collection_timestamp <= l_max_coll(j) ; l_rows_purged := l_rows_purged + SQL%ROWCOUNT; COMMIT; l_start_idx := l_end_idx + 1; l_count := 0; END IF; END LOOP; l_policy_guid.DELETE; l_key_value.DELETE; l_max_coll.DELETE; pcb_params.callback_result := 0; pcb_params.rows_processed := l_rows_purged; pcb_params.error_code := 0; pcb_params.error_msg := NULL; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'severity_purge:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END SEVERITY_PURGE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROCEDURE STATELESS_SEVERITY_CLEAR(pcb_params IN OUT MGMT_PURGE_CALLBACK_PARAMS) IS CURSOR stateless_severity_cursor (c_target_guid RAW, c_purge_till_time DATE) IS SELECT tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, met.metric_name, met.metric_column, csev.key_value FROM mgmt_current_violation csev, MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_METRICS met WHERE csev.target_guid = c_target_guid AND csev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND csev.policy_guid = met.metric_guid AND csev.violation_level IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) AND csev.collection_timestamp < c_purge_till_time AND met.target_type = tgt.target_type AND met.type_meta_ver = tgt.type_meta_ver AND (met.category_prop_1 = tgt.category_prop_1 OR met.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_2 = tgt.category_prop_2 OR met.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_3 = tgt.category_prop_3 OR met.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_4 = tgt.category_prop_4 OR met.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (met.category_prop_5 = tgt.category_prop_5 OR met.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND met.statefull = 0; l_target_name MGMT_TARGETS.target_name%TYPE; l_target_type MGMT_TARGETS.target_type%TYPE; l_metric_name MGMT_METRICS.metric_name%TYPE; l_metric_column MGMT_METRICS.metric_column%TYPE; l_key_value mgmt_violations.key_value%TYPE; l_rows_processed NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'stateless_severity_clear:Entry', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- TODO: Consider bulk insert of severities OPEN stateless_severity_cursor(pcb_params.target_guid, pcb_params.purge_upto_time); LOOP FETCH stateless_severity_cursor INTO l_target_name, l_target_type, l_metric_name, l_metric_column, l_key_value; EXIT WHEN stateless_severity_cursor%NOTFOUND; l_rows_processed := l_rows_processed + 1; MGMT_VIOLATION.log_threshold_violation( p_target_type => l_target_type, p_target_name => l_target_name, p_metric_name => l_metric_name, p_metric_column => l_metric_column, p_key_value => l_key_value, p_collection_timestamp => SYSDATE, -- Should use target timezone here ? p_violation_level => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, p_message => 'Closing stateless severity.'); END LOOP; -- Close the cursor if open IF (stateless_severity_cursor%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE stateless_severity_cursor; END IF; pcb_params.callback_result := 0; pcb_params.rows_processed := l_rows_processed; pcb_params.error_code := 0; pcb_params.error_msg := NULL; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'stateless_severity_clear:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END STATELESS_SEVERITY_CLEAR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROCEDURE AVAILABILITY_PURGE(pcb_params IN OUT MGMT_PURGE_CALLBACK_PARAMS) IS l_purge_rowids t_urowid_list ; l_rows_purged NUMBER := 0; CURSOR availability_cursor (c_target_guid RAW, c_purge_till_time DATE) IS SELECT avl.ROWID FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY avl WHERE avl.target_guid = c_target_guid AND avl.end_collection_timestamp < (SELECT max(end_collection_timestamp) FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE target_guid = c_target_guid AND current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP AND end_collection_timestamp <= c_purge_till_time) ; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'availability_purge:Entry', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; OPEN availability_cursor(pcb_params.target_guid, pcb_params.purge_upto_time); LOOP -- Bulk collect row ids FETCH availability_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO l_purge_rowids LIMIT 500; -- Exit when no more row ids fetched EXIT WHEN l_purge_rowids.COUNT <= 0; -- BULK delete FORALL i IN l_purge_rowids.FIRST..l_purge_rowids.LAST DELETE FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY WHERE ROWID = l_purge_rowids(i); COMMIT; l_rows_purged := l_rows_purged + l_purge_rowids.COUNT; l_purge_rowids.DELETE; END LOOP; -- Close the cursor if open IF (availability_cursor%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE availability_cursor; END IF; pcb_params.callback_result := 0; pcb_params.rows_processed := l_rows_purged; pcb_params.error_code := 0; pcb_params.error_msg := NULL; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'availability_purge:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END AVAILABILITY_PURGE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Procedure for deletion of all violation based on target_guid, metric_guid and key-value -- Would be call by callback EM_METRIC.handle_metric_keyval_deletion PROCEDURE del_keyval_violation ( p_target_guid IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE, p_metric_guid IN mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE, p_key_value IN mgmt_metrics_raw.key_value%TYPE ) IS l_counter NUMBER ; l_org_from_purge_api BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Setting purge global variable to TRUE in order to avoid data deletion from trigger -- l_org_from_purge_api := G_FROM_PURGE_API ; G_FROM_PURGE_API := TRUE ; -- Deleting violation record using purge API -- End timestamp is set to future date in order to deleting all violations purge_violations_for_key(p_target_guid => p_target_guid, p_policy_guid => p_metric_guid, p_key_value => p_key_value, p_end_timestamp => SYSDATE + 1 ) ; --Reassiging original value G_FROM_PURGE_API := l_org_from_purge_api ; END del_keyval_violation ; -- Procedure for deletion of current violation based on target_guid, metric_guid and key-value -- Would be call by callback EM_METRIC.metric_keyval_deletion_sync PROCEDURE del_keyval_curr_violation ( p_target_guid IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE, p_metric_guid IN mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE, p_key_value IN mgmt_metrics_raw.key_value%TYPE ) IS BEGIN DELETE FROM mgmt_current_violation WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_metric_guid AND key_value = p_key_value AND violation_type <> MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_TYPE_POLICY ; END del_keyval_curr_violation; FUNCTION get_avail_string_nls(p_avail_status IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_ret_avail_string mgmt_violations.message_nlsid%TYPE := '**ERROR**'; BEGIN IF (p_avail_status IS NULL) THEN NULL; -- Do nothing ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN) THEN l_ret_avail_string := 'MntrResourceBundleID.DOWN_STATUS' ; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP) THEN l_ret_avail_string := 'MntrResourceBundleID.UP_STATUS' ; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR) THEN l_ret_avail_string := 'MntrResourceBundleID.ERROR_STATUS' ; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN) THEN l_ret_avail_string := 'MntrResourceBundleID.AGENT_DOWN_STATUS' ; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) THEN l_ret_avail_string := 'MntrResourceBundleID.UNREACHABLE_STATUS' ; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) THEN l_ret_avail_string := 'MntrResourceBundleID.BLACKED_OUT' ; ELSIF (p_avail_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) THEN l_ret_avail_string := 'MntrResourceBundleID.UNKNOWN_AVAILABILITY' ; END IF; return l_ret_avail_string; END get_avail_string_nls ; -- Internal procedure. Not to be called from outside except -- EM_POLICY.delete_policy_data. -- This procedure deletes all violations related record from other tables -- based on I/P violation guid collection. PROCEDURE purge_for_violation_guids ( p_violation_guids IN MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY, p_annot_purged OUT NUMBER, p_notify_log_purged OUT NUMBER, p_notify_rq OUT NUMBER ) IS BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'purge_for_violation_guids:Start', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Delete all annotations for the severities FORALL i IN p_violation_guids.FIRST..p_violation_guids.LAST DELETE FROM MGMT_ANNOTATION WHERE source_obj_type = mgmt_global.G_ANNOTATION_SOURCE_SEVERITY AND source_obj_guid = p_violation_guids(i) ; p_annot_purged := SQL%ROWCOUNT ; -- Delete notification history for the severities FORALL i IN p_violation_guids.FIRST..p_violation_guids.LAST DELETE FROM MGMT_NOTIFICATION_LOG l WHERE l.source_obj_type = mgmt_global.G_ANNOTATION_SOURCE_SEVERITY AND l.source_obj_guid = p_violation_guids(i) ; p_notify_log_purged := SQL%ROWCOUNT ; -- Delete notify requeues for the severities FORALL i IN p_violation_guids.FIRST..p_violation_guids.LAST DELETE FROM MGMT_NOTIFY_REQUEUE l WHERE l.source_type IN ( EMD_NOTIFICATION.POLICY_VIOLATION, EMD_NOTIFICATION.METRIC_SEVERITY) AND l.source_guid = p_violation_guids(i) ; p_notify_rq := SQL%ROWCOUNT ; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'purge_for_violation_guids:Exit', G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; END; --wrapper function to get the OUT variable as NUMBER FUNCTION is_sev_in_blackout_wrap(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_coll_ts IN DATE) RETURN NUMBER IS l_out NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF is_sev_in_blackout (p_target_guid, p_coll_ts ) THEN l_out := 1; ELSE l_out := 0; END IF; RETURN l_out; END is_sev_in_blackout_wrap; -- execute the callback registered for crs_event metric cluster target type. PROCEDURE exec_crs_event_callbacks(p_violation IN MGMT_VIOLATION_SUMMARY_REC, p_save_violation OUT NUMBER) IS l_current_user mgmt_targets.owner%TYPE := MGMT_USER.get_current_em_user(); l_callback_name VARCHAR2(32); BEGIN BEGIN SELECT callback_name INTO l_callback_name FROM mgmt_callbacks WHERE callback_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CLUSTER_CRS_EVENT_CALLBACK; -- Enter super-user mode. This is necessary because some callbacks -- involves making calls to the security system that only super-users -- are allowed to make SETEMUSERCONTEXT(MGMT_USER.GET_REPOSITORY_OWNER, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'BEGIN ' || EM_CHECK.qualified_sql_name(l_callback_name) || '(:1, :2); END; ' USING p_violation, out p_save_violation; EXCEPTION -- Ignore exceptions so that main transaction is not affected; we do not -- treat callback exceptions on par with repository exceptions. In other -- words, we will not let some callback mess up repository operations. WHEN OTHERS THEN mgmt_log.log_error(v_module_name_in => MODULE, v_error_code_in => 0, v_error_msg_in => SUBSTR('Exception while executing callback proc ' || l_callback_name || ' : ' || SQLERRM, 1, 2000)); END; -- Revert back to being the same user as we entered SETEMUSERCONTEXT(l_current_user, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); END exec_crs_event_callbacks; -- Private to severity. To be called from severity trigger ONLY -- Applicable only for beacon managed target -- FUNCTION viol_matches_pre_state ( p_target_guid mgmt_violations.target_guid%type, p_policy_guid mgmt_violations.policy_guid%type, p_key_value mgmt_violations.key_value%type, p_new_viol_level NUMBER ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS CURSOR c1 IS SELECT violation_level FROM mgmt_violations WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND policy_guid = p_policy_guid AND key_value = p_key_value AND violation_level != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT ORDER BY collection_timestamp DESC, load_timestamp DESC , DECODE(violation_level, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, 1, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL, 2, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, 3, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, 4, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_START, 5, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_END, 6, 9); l_state_matches BOOLEAN := FALSE; l_violation_level NUMBER := -1 ; BEGIN OPEN C1; Fetch c1 INTO l_violation_level; WHILE (l_violation_level IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_NO_BEACONS, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_START, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_END)) LOOP EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND ; Fetch c1 INTO l_violation_level; END LOOP; IF l_violation_level = p_new_viol_level THEN l_state_matches := TRUE; ELSE l_state_matches := FALSE; END IF; IF (c1%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE c1; END IF; RETURN l_state_matches ; END viol_matches_pre_state ; END EM_SEVERITY; / show errors;