Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: purge_tables.sql 29-jun-2005.01:47:37 gsbhatia Exp $ Rem Rem purge_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem purge_tables.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem rpinnama 02/14/05 - Add columns to track whether a purge policy is Rem invoked or not Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem rpinnama 09/08/03 - rpinnama_purge_policies Rem rpinnama 08/28/03 - Created Rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_PURGE_POLICY ( policy_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, policy_description VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, policy_type NUMBER DEFAULT 1, rollup_proc_name VARCHAR2(128) DEFAULT NULL, purge_proc_name VARCHAR2(128) DEFAULT NULL, execution_group_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT 'BASIC', policy_retention_hours NUMBER DEFAULT 0, retention_group_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, user_configurable NUMBER DEFAULT 0, is_enabled NUMBER DEFAULT 1 ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE MGMT_PURGE_POLICY IS 'This table holds the definitions for the purge policies.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.policy_name IS 'the name of the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.policy_description IS 'the description of the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.policy_type IS 'the type of the policy. Possible policy types are 1 - TARGET based policy 2 - SYSTEM wide policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.rollup_proc_name IS 'the rollup callback for the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.purge_proc_name IS 'the purge callback for the policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.policy_retention_hours IS 'the retention hours that should be applied to this policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.retention_group_name IS 'the retention group to which this policy belongs to' COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.user_configurable IS 'specifies whether this purge policy can be modified by the user.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY.is_enabled IS 'specifies whether the purge policy is enabled.'; CREATE TABLE MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_GROUP ( group_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, group_description VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', group_retention_hours NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_GROUP IS 'This table holds the retention details for a policy group.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_GROUP.group_name IS 'the name of the purge policy retention group.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_GROUP.group_description IS 'the description of the purge policy retention group.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_GROUP.group_retention_hours IS 'the number of hours of data to be retained for this purge policy retention group.'; rem The MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_TARGET_STATE table holds a details of rem till what time the rollup can happen and up to what time the rollup rem has already been done. CREATE TABLE MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_TARGET_STATE ( policy_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, can_rollup_upto_time DATE NOT NULL, rolledup_upto_time DATE NOT NULL, target_retention_hours NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_TARGET_STATE IS 'This table holds the details of till what time the rollup can happen and up to what time the rollup has already been done.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_TARGET_STATE.policy_name IS 'the policy name for the details.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_TARGET_STATE.target_guid IS 'the target guid for the details.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_TARGET_STATE.can_rollup_upto_time IS 'the time up to which rollup can be performed for the target and policy name.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_TARGET_STATE.rolledup_upto_time IS 'the time up to which rollup has already been performed for the target and policy.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_PURGE_POLICY_TARGET_STATE.target_retention_hours IS 'the hours up to which the data for this policy will be retained for this target.'; @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/v102010/purge/purge_schema_upgrade.sql