Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: esm_views.sql 19-jul-2005.19:43:40 dsukhwal Exp $ Rem Rem esm_views.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem esm_views.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem dsukhwal 07/19/05 - fix Oracle Home permission view Rem rmadampa 07/13/05 - bug4411084 - use snapshottype in Rem esm_collection_latest Rem dsukhwal 07/14/05 - use esm_collection_latest Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem dsukhwal 05/27/05 - comments for views Rem dsukhwal 03/01/05 - add new views Rem dkjain 02/17/05 - rename report views to mgmt$ and join with Rem mgmt_targets Rem dkjain 02/17/05 - rename report views to mgmt$ and join with Rem mgmt_targets Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem dsukhwal 01/21/05 - add new views Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem dsukhwal 11/16/04 - Fix CATALOG and ROLE_ACCESS view names Rem dkjain 10/13/04 - Catalog View added & column value1 name changed Rem dkjain 10/08/04 - ESA 10gR2 Impl Rem eujang 09/04/03 - eujang_esm_init_no_intgr Rem anajmi 08/26/03 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ESM_COLLECTION_LATEST AS SELECT ecm.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", AS PROPERTY, esm.value AS VALUE, esm.value2 AS VALUE2 FROM esm_collection esm, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm WHERE esm.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND ecm.snapshot_type in ('oracle_security', 'oracle_security_inst'); / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view ESM_COLLECTION_LATEST shows the latest data from the ESM_COLLECTION table. rem Only the latest data have to be considered for evaluation, hence this view is rem selected from for evaluation purposes rem COLUMNS rem TARGET_GUID : The GUID of the target for which the data is meant rem PROPERTY : PROPERTY, VALUE, VALUE2 together form a data entry, mainly for the rem evaluation of policies. Also used for display of policies in some cases rem VALUE : rem VALUE2 : rem -- ----------------- Views for ESA Reports --------------------------------------- rem COLUMNS for all the views below rem TARGET_GUID The GUID of the target for which the report has the data rem TARGET_NAME The name of the target for which the report has the data rem PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL and OBJECT_NAME together form a data entry for the particular target rem OBJECT_NAME CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_CATALOG_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'CATALOG_ROLE'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_CATALOG_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having all the users which have a role like '%CATALOG%' in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_DBA_GROUP_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'DBA_GROUP'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_DBA_GROUP_REPORT is used to display a table rem having members of the operating system user group DBA in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_POWER_PRIV_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'POWER_PRIVILEGE'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_POWER_PRIV_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having all the users and roles with 'ALTER SESSION', 'ALTER SYSTEM', rem 'CREATE PROCEDURE' or 'CREATE LIBRARY' Privileges in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_DBA_ROLE_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'DBA_ROLE'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_DBA_ROLE_REPORT is used to display a table having rem users and roles with the DBA role granted to them in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_ALL_PRIVS_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'ALL_PRIVILEGES'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_ALL_PRIVS_REPORT is used to display a table having rem users and roles with 'GRANT ANY' privilege in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_ANY_PRIV_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'ANY_PRIVILEGE'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_ANY_PRIV_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having users with 'ANY' in some privilege granted to them in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_WITH_GRANT_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'WITH_GRANT'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_WITH_GRANT_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having users and roles having some privileges granted to them with 'WITH GRANT' rem option in database security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_WITH_ADMIN_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'WITH_ADMIN'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_WITH_ADMIN_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having users and roles having some privileges granted to them with 'WITH ADMIN' rem option in database security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_SYS_PUB_PKG_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'SYS_PUBLIC_PACKAGE'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_SYS_PUB_PKG_REPORT is used to display a table having rem system packages with public execute privileges in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_ANY_DICT_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'ANY_DICTIONARY'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_ANY_DICT_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having users and roles with access to any dictionary in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_EXMPT_ACCESS_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'EXEMPT_ACCESS_POLICY'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_EXMPT_ACCESS_REPORT is used to display a table having rem users and roles with 'EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY' privilege in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_CREATE_PRIV_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'CREATE_PRIVILEGE'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_CREATE_PRIV_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having users and roles with 'CREATE' in privilege in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_BECOME_USER_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'BECOME_USER'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_BECOME_USER_REPORT is used to dusplay a table having rem users and roles with 'BECOME USER' privilege in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_AUDIT_SYSTEM_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'AUDIT_SYSTEM'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_AUDIT_SYSTEM_REPORT is used to display a table having rem users and roles with 'AUDIT SYSTEM' privilege in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_DIRECT_PRIV_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'DIRECT_PRIVILEGES'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_DIRECT_PRIV_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having privileges granted directly in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_PUB_PRIV_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'PUBLIC_PRIVILEGE'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_PUB_PRIV_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having privileges granted to PUBLIC in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_CONN_PRIV_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'CONNECT_PRIVILEGE'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_CONN_PRIV_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having users and roles with CONNECT or RESOURCE role in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_TABSP_OWNERS_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", esa_report.principal AS "PRINCIPAL", esa_report.object_name AS "OBJECT_NAME" FROM mgmt_esa_report esa_report, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ecm, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE esa_report.ecm_snapshot_id = ecm.snapshot_guid AND tgt.target_guid = ecm.target_guid AND ecm.is_current = 'Y' AND esa_report.report_name = 'TABLESPACE_OWNERS'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_TABSP_OWNERS_REPORT is used to display a table rem having tablespaces and their owners in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_OH_PERMISSION_REPORT AS SELECT tgt.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", tgt.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", collection.value2 as PRINCIPAL, collection.value as OBJECT_NAME FROM esm_collection_latest collection, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE property = 'oh_files_perm' AND tgt.target_guid = collection.target_guid / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_OH_PERMISSION_REPORT is used to display a table rem having file permissions by Oracle Home in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_OH_OWNERSHIP_REPORT AS SELECT targets.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", targets.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", collection.value2 as PRINCIPAL, collection.value as OBJECT_NAME FROM esm_collection_latest collection, mgmt_targets targets WHERE collection.target_guid = targets.target_guid and property = 'oh_bin_files_owner'; / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_OH_OWNERSHIP_REPORT is used to display a table rem having file ownership by Oracle Home in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_TRC_AUD_PERM_REPORT AS SELECT targets.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", targets.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", collection.value2 as PRINCIPAL, decode(property,'audit_file_dest','Audit file destination', 'user_dump_dest','User dump destination', 'background_dump_dest','Background dump destination', 'core_dump_dest','Core dump destination') as OBJECT_NAME, collection.value AS permission FROM esm_collection_latest collection, mgmt_targets targets WHERE collection.target_guid = targets.target_guid and property in ('audit_file_dest', 'user_dump_dest', 'background_dump_dest', 'core_dump_dest'); / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_TRC_AUD_PERM_REPORT is used to display a table having rem trace and audit files permissions in database rem security reports rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_TRC_AUD_PERM_REP_NT AS SELECT targets.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", targets.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", collection.value2 as PRINCIPAL, decode(property,'nt_audit_file_dest','Audit file destination', 'nt_user_dump_dest','User dump destination', 'nt_background_dump_dest','Background dump destination', 'nt_core_dump_dest','Core dump destination') as OBJECT_NAME, collection.value AS permission FROM esm_collection_latest collection, mgmt_targets targets WHERE collection.target_guid = targets.target_guid and property in ('nt_audit_file_dest', 'nt_user_dump_dest', 'nt_background_dump_dest', 'nt_core_dump_dest'); / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_TRC_AUD_PERM_REPORT_NT is used to display a table having rem trace and audit files permissions in database rem security reports. This is used for reports about Windows/NT platforms rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ESA_KEY_OBJECTS_REPORT AS SELECT targets.target_guid AS "TARGET_GUID", targets.target_name AS "TARGET_NAME", collection.value as "user", decode(property,'access_aud_table','Table AUD$', 'access_user_history','Table USER_HISTORY$', 'access_source_table','Table SOURCE$', 'access_link_table','Table LINK$', 'access_user_table','Table USER$', 'access_sql_text','Table STATS$SQLTEXT', 'access_sql_summary','Table STATS$SQL_SUMMARY', 'access_all_source','View ALL_SOURCE', 'access_dba_roles','View DBA_ROLES', 'access_dba_sysprivs','View DBA_SYS_PRIVS', 'access_dba_roleprivs','View DBA_ROLE_PRIVS', 'access_dba_tabprivs','View DBA_TAB_PRIVS', 'access_dba_users','View DBA_USERS', 'access_role_roleprivs','View ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS', 'access_user_tabprivs','View USER_TAB_PRIVS', 'access_user_roleprivs','View USER_ROLE_PRIVS') as "object_name", collection.value2 as "privilege" FROM esm_collection_latest collection, mgmt_targets targets WHERE collection.target_guid = targets.target_guid and property in ('access_aud_table', 'access_user_history', 'access_source_table', 'access_link_table', 'access_user_table', 'access_sql_text', 'access_sql_summary', 'access_all_source', 'access_dba_roles', 'access_dba_sysprivs', 'access_dba_roleprivs', 'access_dba_tabprivs', 'access_dba_users', 'access_role_roleprivs', 'access_user_tabprivs', 'access_user_roleprivs'); / rem rem PURPOSE rem The view MGMT$ESA_KEY_OBJECTS_REPORT is used to display a table and a chart rem having users and roles with access to key objects in database security reports rem COMMIT; show errors ;