ΚώΊΎ1“ BQ ARSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’contents[[Ljava/lang/Object;()VCodeLineNumberTableLocalVariableTablethis*Lsqlj/runtime/error/RuntimeRefErrorsCause; getContents()[[Ljava/lang/Object; SourceFileRuntimeRefErrorsCause.java EF CD[Ljava/lang/Object;java/lang/Object@bundle-source'sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrorsTextRTR-0001@causecThe profile named {0} could not be found or instantiated. The problem is further explained by {1}.RTR-0001@actionCConsult the recommended action for the problem detail given by {1}. RTR-0001@argsjava/lang/String profile nameerror descriptionRTR-0002@causeRThe execution of a SELECT INTO statement produced a result that contained no rows.RTR-0002@actionRCorrect the SELECT INTO query or queried data so that exactly one row is selected.RTR-0003@cause\The execution of a SELECT INTO statement produced a result that contained more than one row.RTR-0003@action RTR-0004@argsxyRTR-0004@causewThe query executed selects {0} items, but has {1} INTO-list items or is assigned to an iterator containing {1} columns.RTR-0004@actionsCorrect the program so that the number of INTO-list items or iterator columns matches the number of items selected.RTR-0008@causeMThe connection context instance used in an executable SQL statement was null.RTR-0008@actionInitialize the connection context instance to a non-null value. If the SQL statement uses an implicit connection context, it is initialized using the static <-code>setDefaultContext method of the <-code>sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext class.RTR-0009@causeLThe execution context instance used in an executable SQL statement was null.RTR-0009@action>Initialize the execution context instance to a non-null value.RTR-0010@causeuA null SQLJ connection context or JDBC connection object was passed to the constructor of a connection context class.RTR-0010@actionIf a JDBC connection is used, establish a database connection with the JDBC connection object before passing it to the connection context constructor. For Oracle JDBC drivers, this is done using one of the static <-code>getConnection methods of the <-code>java.sql.DriverManager class. If a connection context object is used, make sure it has been properly initialized before passing it to the constructor. If the default connection context is used, call <-code>setDefaultContext before using the default context. RTR-0011@argsdata source namemessageRTR-0011@cause6Unable to establish a connection with data source {0}.RTR-0011@actionbExamine the message text {1} to determine the action required for connecting with data source {0}. RTR-0012@argstype map resource : messageRTR-0012@cause²Either the type map could not be found or loaded from the resource {0}, or the type map contained an invalid entry, or a Java class referenced in the type map could not be found.RTR-0012@actionYExamine the message to determine the nature of the failure, and how it could be remedied. RTR-0013@args batch limitRTR-0013@cause)The value {0} is not a valid batch limit.RTR-0013@actionwEnsure that the batch limit is either non-negative or that it is the constant sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext.AUTO_BATCH.RTR-0014@causesA attempt was made to close a connection context object whose underlying JDBC connection object was already closed.RTR-0014@actionεEnsure that the underlying JDBC connection was not inadvertently closed. Also, if several SQLJ connection contexts share the same underlying JDBC connection, you have to ensure that when you close the connection context objects all but the last close() invokes the method close(ConnectionContext.KEEP_CONNECTION). This ensures that the underlying JDBC connection remains open for the duration and all associated JDBC resources -such as JDBC statement objects- can be properly released.(sqlj/runtime/error/RuntimeRefErrorsCausejava/util/ListResourceBundle!ABCDEFG/*·±H I JKLMG.²°HI JKNFGJ 2½Y½YSYSSY½YSYSSY½Y SY SSY½Y SY½ Y SYSSSY½YSYSSY½YSYSSY½YSYSSY½YSYSSY½YSY½ YSYSSSY ½YSYSSY ½YSYSSY ½YSYSSY ½YSY SSY ½Y!SY"SSY½Y#SY$SSY½Y%SY&SSY½Y'SY(SSY½Y)SY½ Y*SY+SSSY½Y,SY-SSY½Y.SY/SSY½Y0SY½ Y1SY2SSSY½Y3SY4SSY½Y5SY6SSY½Y7SY½ Y8SSSY½Y9SY:SSY½Y;SYSSY½Y?SY@SS³±HOP