ΚώΊΎ1₯ KZ J[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ‘’£€contents[[Ljava/lang/Object;()VCodeLineNumberTableLocalVariableTablethis*Lsqlj/runtime/error/ProfileRefErrorsCause; getContents()[[Ljava/lang/Object; SourceFileProfileRefErrorsCause.java NO LM[Ljava/lang/Object;java/lang/Object@bundle-source'sqlj.runtime.error.ProfileRefErrorsText PRF-0001@argsjava/lang/String statementPRF-0001@cause-A SQL operation was unexpectedly requested to produce a result set instead of an update count. This indicates an operation that does not conform to the SQLJ runtime standard, and may require a special customization to be executed. Alternatively, the profile may have been read from a corrupted file.PRF-0001@actionVerify the original SQL operation is valid. Retranslate the source file or install a customization that supports the extended functionality. PRF-0009@argsPRF-0009@cause-A SQL operation was unexpectedly requested to produce an update count instead of a result set. This indicates an operation that does not conform to the SQLJ runtime standard, and may require a special customization to be executed. Alternatively, the profile may have been read from a corrupted file.PRF-0009@action PRF-0010@argsxyPRF-0010@causeCA SQL operation that was expected to contain {2} host expressions was found to contain {1} host expressions instead. This indicates an operation that does not conform to the SQLJ runtime standard, and may require a special customization to be executed. Alternatively, the profile may have been read from a corrupted file.PRF-0010@action PRF-0003@argsPRF-0003@causeA SQL operation unexpectedly contained one or more OUT or INOUT parameters. This indicates an operation that does not conform to the SQLJ runtime standard, and may require a special customization to be executed. Alternatively, the profile may have been read from a corrupted file.PRF-0003@action PRF-0004@args class namePRF-0004@causeΙA positional SQL operation contained a host expression with runtime type {1} as the target of the CURRENT OF clause. The {1} must be an instance of the <-code>sqlj.runtime.ForUpdate interface.PRF-0004@action£Update the declaration of the iterator type passed as the target of the CURRENT OF clause. Include the <-code>ForUpdate interface in the implements clause.PRF-0005@causetExecution of this SQL operation requires the use of a JDBC <-code>CallableStatement object at runtime. However, such an object was not available from the customization used to execute the operation. This indicates that incompatible customizations may have been installed into your application, or that the operation may require the use of a special customization.PRF-0005@action`Retranslate the source file or install a customization that supports the extended functionality.PRF-0006@causetExecution of this SQL operation requires the use of a JDBC <-code>PreparedStatement object at runtime. However, such an object was not available from the customization used to execute the operation. This indicates that incompatible customizations may have been installed into your application, or that the operation may require the use of a special customization.PRF-0006@action PRF-0007@argsclass <-var>expected typeclass <-var>found typePRF-0007@causedThe default mapping from a database type into a Java object produced {1} when {0} was required by the host expression. This often indicates a failed conversion to the client-side class <-code>java.math.BigDecimal. It may also indicate a failed conversion to a non-standard class that is only supported when a particular customization is installed.PRF-0007@action Verify that the database type selected has a default mapping assignable to the type of host variable or iterator column fetched into. This may require the use of a different client-side type. Verify that the customization required to support the client-side type, if any, is installed. PRF-0008@args method namePRF-0008@causeThe execution of a SQL operation unexpectedly involved a call to method {0}. This indicates an operation that does not conform to the SQLJ runtime standard, and may require a special customization to be executed. It may also indicate the use of a non-standard SQLJ translator.PRF-0008@action PRF-0012@argsPRF-0012@cause.A SQL operation contained no OUT or INOUT parameters when it was expected to have at least one. This indicates an operation that does not conform to the SQLJ runtime standard, and may require a special customization to be executed. Alternatively, the profile may have been read from a corrupted file.PRF-0012@action PRF-0013@args type namePRF-0013@cause³An object returned or used by this SQL operation with type {0} was not a valid iterator type. This may indicate that the iterator class was produced by a non-standard translator.PRF-0013@actiontVerify the original SQL operation and the iterator types it uses are valid. Retranslate the source files as needed. PRF-0014@argsconstructor nameexception descriptionPRF-0014@causeyThe construction of a runtime result or output parameter resulted in a runtime exception being thrown by the constructor.PRF-0014@actionDExamine the contents of {1} to determine the cause of the exception. PRF-0016@argsPRF-0016@cause•The conversion of a host expression to or from a database type involved in a call to method {0}, which raised an exception other than a SQLException.PRF-0016@action(sqlj/runtime/error/ProfileRefErrorsCausejava/util/ListResourceBundle!JKLMNOP/*·±Q R STUVP.²°QR STWOP2 &½Y½YSYSSY½YSY½Y SSSY½Y SY SSY½Y SY SSY½YSY½Y SSSY½YSYSSY½YSY SSY½YSY½Y SYSYSSSY½YSYSSY ½YSY SSY ½YSY½Y SSSY ½YSYSSY ½YSY SSY ½YSY½YSYSSSY½YSYSSY½Y SY!SSY½Y"SY#SSY½Y$SY%SSY½Y&SY'SSY½Y(SY%SSY½Y)SY½Y*SY+SSSY½Y,SY-SSY½Y.SY/SSY½Y0SY½Y1SSSY½Y2SY3SSY½Y4SY SSY½Y5SY½Y SSSY½Y6SY7SSY½Y8SY SSY½Y9SY½Y:SSSY½Y;SYSSY ½Y?SY½Y@SYASSSY!½YBSYCSSY"½YDSYESSY#½YFSY½Y1SYASSSY$½YGSYHSSY%½YISYESS³±QXY