1 ?N >OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~contents[[Ljava/lang/Object;()VCodeLineNumberTableLocalVariableTablethis'Lsqlj/runtime/error/ProfileErrorsCause; getContents()[[Ljava/lang/Object; SourceFileProfileErrorsCause.java BC @A[Ljava/lang/Object;java/lang/Object@bundle-source$sqlj.runtime.error.ProfileErrorsText PRO-0007@argsjava/lang/String mode valuePRO-0007@causeIn the loading of a profile object, it was determined that the modality of one of the SQL operation parameters was invalid. This suggests that the profile does not conform to the standard, or was read from a corrupted file.PRO-0007@action?Recreate the profile by retranslating the original source file.PRO-0007@exceptionjava.io.InvalidObjectException PRO-0008@args profile namePRO-0008@causeThe profile named {0} exists but could not be instantiated. This suggests that the profile contains invalid data or was read from a corrupted file.PRO-0008@actionPRO-0008@exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException PRO-0009@argsPRO-0009@cause>The profile named {0} exists as type <-code>sqlj.runtime.SerializedProfile, but could not be instantiated. A profile of this type usually indicates that the profile has been converted to <-code>.class format. This error suggests that the profile contains invalid data or was read from a corrupted file.PRO-0009@actionRecreate the profile by retranslating the original source file. Use the <-code>ser2class option if the profiles should be created in <-code>.class format.PRO-0009@exception PRO-0010@argsPRO-0010@causeThe object created as the profile named {0} cannot be used as a profile. This error suggests that the file containing the profile has unknown data or has been corrupted.PRO-0010@actionPRO-0010@exception PRO-0016@args type valuePRO-0016@causeIn the loading of a profile object, it was determined that the statement type of one of the SQL operations was invalid. This suggests that the profile does not conform to the standard, or was read from a corrupted file.PRO-0016@actionPRO-0016@exception PRO-0018@argsPRO-0018@causeIn the loading of a profile object, it was determined that the method used to execute one of the SQL operations was invalid. This suggests that the profile does not conform to the standard, or was read from a corrupted file.PRO-0018@actionPRO-0018@exception PRO-0019@argsPRO-0019@causeIn the loading of a profile object, it was determined that the type of result produced by of one of the SQL operations was invalid. This suggests that the profile does not conform to the standard, or was read from a corrupted file.PRO-0019@actionPRO-0019@exception PRO-0012@args role valuePRO-0012@causeIn the loading of a profile object, it was determined that the contents of one of the SQL operations was invalid. This suggests that the profile does not conform to the standard, or was read from a corrupted file.PRO-0012@actionPRO-0012@exception PRO-0014@argsdescriptor valuePRO-0014@causeIn the loading of a profile object, it was determined that the descriptor object of one of the SQL operations was invalid. This suggests that the profile does not conform to the standard, or was read from a corrupted file.PRO-0014@actionPRO-0014@exception%sqlj/runtime/error/ProfileErrorsCausejava/util/ListResourceBundle!>?@ABCD/*E F GHIJD.EF GHKCD %YYSYSSYYSYY SSSYY SY SSYY SY SSYYSYSSYYSYYSSSYYSYSSYYSY SSYYSYSSY YSYYSSSY YSYSSY YSYSSY YSYSSY YSYYSSSYYSYSSYY SY SSYY!SYSSYY"SYY#SSSYY$SY%SSYY&SY SSYY'SYSSYY(SYY#SSSYY)SY*SSYY+SY SSYY,SYSSYY-SYY#SSSYY.SY/SSYY0SY SSYY1SYSSYY2SYY3SSSYY4SY5SSYY6SY SSY Y7SYSSY!Y8SYY9SSSY"Y:SY;SSY#Y