REM $Header: wfsvcttl.sql 26.0 2005/04/25 18:54:32 sacsharm noship $ REM dbdrv: none REM +======================================================================+ REM | Copyright (c) 2003, 2005. Oracle. All rights reserved. | REM +======================================================================+ REM NAME REM wfsvcttl.sql - Service Components Seed Data TransLations REM REM DESCRIPTION REM Load translated display name and descriptions for Service REM Components seed dataA REM REM USAGE REM - Load the translated wfsvcmsg.msg for the given non-base language REM - Set the nls langauge to that of the non-base language REM - Run script wfsvcttl.sql REM - This script will now update the display_name, description with the REM non-base language translation REM - PLEASE NOTE this script should NOT be run under base language REM REM NOTES REM This script populates columns in: REM FND_SVC_COMP_TYPES_TL REM FND_SVC_COMP_PARAMS_TL REM REM +======================================================================+ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK declare l_display_name varchar2(80); l_desription varchar2(1996); CURSOR c_params is SELECT parameter_id, parameter_name FROM fnd_svc_comp_params_b; CURSOR c_comp_types is SELECT component_type FROM fnd_svc_comp_types_b; begin -- In standalone US is always the base language if (userenv('LANG') <> 'US') then -- Translate component parameter display name, descriptions for c_param_rec in c_params loop l_display_name := wf_core.translate('N'||c_param_rec.parameter_name); l_desription := wf_core.translate('D'||c_param_rec.parameter_name); fnd_svc_comp_params_pkg.Translate_Row(x_parameter_id => c_param_rec.parameter_id, x_display_name => l_display_name, x_description => l_desription, x_owner => 'ORACLE'); end loop; -- Translate component type display name, descriptions for c_cmp_type_rec in c_comp_types loop l_display_name := wf_core.translate('N'||c_cmp_type_rec.component_type); l_desription := wf_core.translate('D'||c_cmp_type_rec.component_type); fnd_svc_comp_types_pkg.Translate_Row(x_component_type => c_cmp_type_rec.component_type, x_display_name => l_display_name, x_description => l_desription, x_owner => 'ORACLE'); end loop; end if; end; / commit; exit;