REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfrtgb.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_ROUTE | MODIFICATION LOG: | 06 JUN 2001 JWSMITH BUG 1819232 ADA enhancement | - Added summary attr for table tag | - Added alt attr for IMG tag | - Added ID attr for TD tag | - Added label for form input & select fields | 02 JAN 2002 JWSMITH BUG 2001012 - Increased owner, curuser, admin_role, | l_username, rname, owner, forwardee, t_user, | username to varchar2(320),display_name 360 *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; set arraysize 10; set scan off; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY WF_ROUTE AS /* $Header: wfrtgb.pls 26.10 2005/03/11 06:25:10 anachatt ship $ */ -- -- Error (PRIVATE) -- Print a page with an error message. -- Errors are retrieved from these sources in order: -- 1. wf_core errors -- 2. Oracle errors -- 3. Unspecified INTERNAL error -- procedure Error as error_name varchar2(30); error_message varchar2(2000); error_stack varchar2(32000); begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title(wf_core.translate('ERROR')); htp.headClose; begin wfa_sec.Header(background_only=>TRUE); exception when others then htp.bodyOpen; end; htp.header(nsize=>1, cheader=>wf_core.translate('ERROR')); wf_core.get_error(error_name, error_message, error_stack); error_message:=wf_core.substitutespecialchars(error_message); error_stack:=wf_core.substitutespecialchars(error_stack); if (error_name is not null) then htp.p(error_message); else htp.p(sqlerrm); end if;; htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME')||': '||error_name);; htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRSTACK')||': '|| replace(error_stack,wf_core.newline,'
')); wfa_sec.Footer; htp.htmlClose; end Error; -- -- RuleOwner (PRIVATE) -- Return role owning this rule, and validate rule exists -- IN -- ruleid - rule id -- RETURNS -- Owning role -- function RuleOwner( ruleid in number) return varchar2 is owner varchar2(320); begin begin select WRR.ROLE into owner from WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR where WRR.RULE_ID = RuleOwner.ruleid; exception when no_data_found then Wf_Core.Token('RULE', to_char(ruleid)); Wf_Core.Raise('WFRTG_INVALID_RULE'); end; return owner; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'RuleOwner', to_char(ruleid)); raise; end RuleOwner; -- -- Authenticate (PRIVATE) -- Authenticate current user has access to rules for this user. -- Exception raised if access is denied. -- IN -- user - user to check -- RETURNS -- Authenticated username -- (username, or current user if username passed in is null) -- function Authenticate( user in varchar2) return varchar2 is curuser varchar2(320); admin_role varchar2(320); begin -- Get current user Wfa_Sec.GetSession(curuser); -- If user is null, must be for current user if (user is null) then return(curuser); end if; -- If admin granted to current user, -- grant access and pretend to be admin_role := wf_core.translate('WF_ADMIN_ROLE'); if (admin_role = '*' or Wf_Directory.IsPerformer(curuser, admin_role)) then return(user); end if; -- Otherwise current user must match the user checking if (curuser <> user) then Wf_Core.Token('CURUSER', curuser); Wf_Core.Token('USER', user); Wf_Core.Raise('WFRTG_ACCESS_USER'); end if; return(user); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'Authenticate', user); raise; end Authenticate; -- -- GetAttrValue (PRIVATE) -- Get value of response rule attribute -- IN -- ruleid - routing rule id -- attrname - attribute name -- OUT -- tvalue - text value -- nvalue - number value -- dvalue - date value -- RETURNS -- False if no attr not defined for this rule -- function GetAttrValue( ruleid in number, attrname in varchar2, tvalue out varchar2, nvalue out number, dvalue out date) return boolean is begin select WRRA.TEXT_VALUE, WRRA.NUMBER_VALUE, WRRA.DATE_VALUE into tvalue, nvalue, dvalue from WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES WRRA where WRRA.RULE_ID = GetAttrValue.ruleid and WRRA.NAME = GetAttrValue.attrname; return(TRUE); exception when no_data_found then return(FALSE); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'GetAttrValue', to_char(ruleid), attrname); raise; end GetAttrValue; -- -- GetLookupMeaning (PRIVATE) -- Retrieve displayed value of lookup -- IN -- ltype - lookup type -- lcode - lookup code -- RETURNS -- Displayed meaning of lookup code -- function GetLookupMeaning( ltype in varchar2, lcode in varchar2) return varchar2 is meaning varchar2(80); begin select WL.MEANING into meaning from WF_LOOKUPS WL where WL.LOOKUP_TYPE = GetLookupMeaning.ltype and WL.LOOKUP_CODE = GetLookupMeaning.lcode; return(meaning); exception when no_data_found then return(lcode); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'GetLookupMeaning', ltype, lcode); raise; end GetLookupMeaning; -- -- GetDisplayValue (PRIVATE) -- Get displayed value of a response attribute field -- IN -- type - field type (VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE, LOOKUP, URL) -- format - field format (depends on type) -- tvalue - text value -- nvalue - number value -- dvalue - date value -- RETURNS -- Displayed value -- function GetDisplayValue( type in varchar2, format in varchar2, tvalue in varchar2, nvalue in number, dvalue in date) return varchar2 is l_username VARCHAR2(320); value varchar2(2000); l_document_attributes fnd_document_management.fnd_document_attributes; begin -- Check session and current user wfa_sec.GetSession(l_username); l_username := upper(l_username); if (type = 'VARCHAR2') then value := tvalue; elsif (type = 'NUMBER') then if (format is null) then value := to_char(nvalue); else value := to_char(nvalue, format); end if; elsif (type = 'DATE') then if (format is null) then value := to_char(dvalue); else value := to_char(dvalue, format); end if; elsif (type = 'LOOKUP') then value := GetLookupMeaning(format, tvalue); elsif (type = 'URL') then value := tvalue; elsif (type = 'DOCUMENT') then /* ** If the default value is a dm document then go get the ** title from the DM system and place it in the field. If ** its a plsql doc then just put the default value in the field */ IF (SUBSTR(tvalue, 1, 3) = 'DM:') THEN /* ** get the document name */ fnd_document_management.get_document_attributes(l_username, tvalue, l_document_attributes); value := l_document_attributes.document_name; ELSE -- Default to return text value unchanged value := tvalue; END IF; else -- Default to return text value unchanged value := tvalue; end if; return(value); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'GetDisplayWindow', type, format, tvalue, to_char(nvalue), to_char(dvalue)); raise; end GetDisplayValue; -- -- -- GetRole (PRIVATE) -- Produce a Role response field procedure GetRole( name in varchar2, dvalue in varchar2, seq in varchar2 ) is len pls_integer; l_message varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_LOV')); -- variable for LOV l_url varchar2(1000); l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; l_text varchar2(30) := ''; realname varchar2(360) := null; s0 varchar2(2000); -- begin -- Draw field htp.formHidden('h_fnames', name||'#ROLE#'); -- always print the display field as null htp.formHidden('h_fvalues', dvalue); -- get the display name wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(dvalue, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); -- add LOV here: Note:bottom is name of frame. -- Note: The REPLACE function replaces all the space characters with -- the proper escape sequence. l_url := 'javascript:fnd_open_dm_display_window('||''''|| REPLACE('wf_lov.display_lov?p_lov_name='||'owner'|| '&p_display_name='||'WFA_FIND_USER'|| '&p_validation_callback=wfa_html.wf_user_val'|| '&p_dest_hidden_field=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.h_fvalues['||seq||'].value'|| '&p_current_value=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.h_fdocnames['||seq||'].value'|| '&p_display_key='||'Y'|| '&p_dest_display_field=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.h_fdocnames['||seq||'].value', ' ', '%20')||''''||',500,500)'; -- print everything together so ther is no gap. htp.tabledata(htf.formText(cname=>'h_fdocnames', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>240, cvalue=>realname, cattributes=>'id="i_attr'||seq||'"')|| ''|| ''||
                    l_message||'', cattributes=>'id=""'); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_route', 'GetRole', name, seq); raise; end GetRole; -- -- GetLookup (PRIVATE) -- Produce a lookup response field -- IN -- name - field name -- value - default value (lookup code) -- format - lookup type -- submit - flag include a submit button for result field -- -- MODIFICATION LOG: -- 06-JUN-2001 JWSMITH BUG 1819232 - added ID attrib for TD tag for ADA -- procedure GetLookup( name in varchar2, value in varchar2, format in varchar2, submit in boolean, seq in varchar2) as cursor lookup_codes(p_lookup_type varchar2) is select MEANING, LOOKUP_CODE from WF_LOOKUPS where LOOKUP_TYPE = p_lookup_type order by MEANING; template varchar2(4000); begin -- always print the display field as null htp.formHidden('h_fdocnames', ''); -- Create hidden field and select list template := htf.formHidden('h_fnames', name||'#LOOKUP#'||format)|| wf_core.newline|| htf.formSelectOpen('h_fvalues', cattributes=>'id="i_attr'||seq||'"'); -- Add all lookups to select list for i in lookup_codes(format) loop if (i.lookup_code = value) then template := template||wf_core.newline|| htf.formSelectOption(i.meaning, 'SELECTED'); else template := template||wf_core.newline|| htf.formSelectOption(i.meaning); end if; end loop; template := template||wf_core.newline||htf.formSelectClose; if (not submit) then -- Draw a normal field htp.tableData(template, 'left',cattributes=>'id=""'); else -- Draw a submit-style field for the result. -- Leave TableData open so reassign button can be added to same cell. htp.p('' ||wf_core.newline||template); htp.formSubmit('Submit', wf_core.translate('SUBMIT'), 'NOBORDER'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'GetLookup', name, value, format, seq); raise; end GetLookup; -- GetDocument (PRIVATE) -- Prints the document text field with the DM lov button. Procedure GetDocument (name in varchar2, format in varchar2, dvalue in varchar2, index_num in varchar2) is l_username varchar2(320); -- Username to query l_callback_URL varchar2(4000); l_attach_URL varchar2(4000); begin htp.formHidden('h_fnames', name||'#DOCUMENT#'||format); htp.formHidden('h_fvalues', null); -- Set the destination field name for the document id fnd_document_management.set_document_id_html ( null, 'CREATE_RULE', 'h_fvalues['||index_num||']', 'h_fdocnames['||index_num||']', l_callback_url); -- Check session and current user wfa_sec.GetSession(l_username); l_username := upper(l_username); fnd_document_management.get_launch_attach_url ( l_username, l_callback_url, TRUE, l_attach_url); -- document field htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'h_fdocnames', csize=>32, cmaxlength=>60, cvalue=>dvalue, cattributes=>'id="i_attr'||index_num||'"') ||'   '||l_attach_URL, calign=>'Left', cattributes=>'id=""'); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_route', 'GetDocument', name, format, dvalue); raise; end GetDocument; -- -- GetField (PRIVATE) -- Produce a varchar2/number/date response field -- IN -- name - field name -- type - field type (VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE) -- format - format mask -- dvalue - default value -- index_num - for ada enhancement -- procedure GetField( name in varchar2, type in varchar2, format in varchar2, dvalue in varchar2, index_num in varchar2) is len number; begin -- Figure field len if (type = 'VARCHAR2') then len := nvl(to_number(format), 2000); else len := 62; end if; -- Draw field htp.formHidden('h_fnames', name||'#'||type||'#'||format); -- always print the display field as null htp.formHidden('h_fdocnames', ''); if (len <= 80) then -- single line field htp.tableData( cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'h_fvalues', csize=>len, cmaxlength=>len, cvalue=>dvalue, cattributes=>'id="i_attr'||index_num||'"'), calign=>'Left', cattributes=>'id=""'); else -- multi line field htp.tableData( cvalue=>htf.formTextareaOpen2( cname=>'h_fvalues', nrows=>2, ncolumns=>65, cwrap=>'SOFT', cattributes=>'id="i_attr'||index_num||'" maxlength= '||to_char(len)) || dvalue|| htf.formTextareaClose, calign=>'Left', cattributes=>'id=""'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'GetField', name, type, format, dvalue, index_num); raise; end GetField; -- -- ValidateRole (PRIVATE) -- Validate that role is valid internal or display name -- IN -- role - role to check -- RETURNS -- Internal name of role -- function ValidateRole( role in varchar2) return varchar2 is dummy number; rname varchar2(320); -- Internal name of role role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type; begin -- Look first for internal name rname := upper(ValidateRole.role); Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(rname,role_info_tbl); if (role_info_tbl(1).name is not null) then return(rname); end if; -- Look for display_name begin -- Very costly statement select NAME into rname from WF_ROLES where DISPLAY_NAME = ValidateRole.role; -- Found, return internal name return(rname); exception when no_data_found then -- Not displayed or internal role name, error wf_core.token('ROLE', role); wf_core.raise('WFNTF_ROLE'); end; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'ValidateRole', role); raise; end ValidateRole; -- -- StringToDate (PRIVATE) -- Convert string to date, taking optional time into account -- NOTE -- Makes the following assumptions: -- 1. Default NLS_DATE_FORMAT does not have a time component, -- and does not contain any ':' characters. -- 2. Dstring will be in one of the following formats: -- NLS_DATE_FORMAT -- NLS_DATE_FORMAT||' HH24:MI' -- NLS_DATE_FORMAT||' HH24:MI:SS' -- IN -- dstring - date as string -- RETURNS -- Date as date -- function StringToDate( dstring in varchar2) return date is colon1 number; colon2 number; space number; datebuf date; begin -- Check for time component colon1 := instr(dstring, ':', 1, 1); if (colon1 = 0) then -- No time component, do a straight conversion datebuf := to_date(dstring); else -- Look for last space in string (not counting trailers). -- Using this as dividing point, get date portion of string -- without time. space := instr(rtrim(dstring), ' ', -1, 1); datebuf := to_date(substr(dstring, 1, space-1)); -- Append time component colon2 := instr(dstring, ':', 1, 2); if (colon2 = 0) then -- Assume HH24:MI time component datebuf := to_date(to_char(datebuf, 'YYYY/MM/DD')|| to_char(to_date(substr(dstring, space), ' HH24:MI'), ' HH24:MI'), 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI'); else -- Assume HH24:MI:SS time component datebuf := to_date(to_char(datebuf, 'YYYY/MM/DD')|| to_char(to_date(substr(dstring, space), ' HH24:MI:SS'), ' HH24:MI:SS'), 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'); end if; end if; return(datebuf); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'StringToDate', dstring); raise; end StringToDate; -- -- SetAttribute (PRIVATE) -- Set routing response attributes -- IN -- ruleid - routing rule id -- attr_name_type - attribute name#type#format -- attr_value - attribute value -- procedure SetAttribute( ruleid in number, attr_name_type in varchar2, attr_value in varchar2, attr_doc_name in varchar2) as first number; second number; attr_type varchar2(8); attr_name varchar2(30); attr_fmt varchar2(240); tvalue varchar2(2000) := ''; nvalue number := ''; dvalue date := ''; begin -- Parse out name#type#format first := instr(attr_name_type, '#', 1); second := instr(attr_name_type, '#', 1, 2); attr_name := substr(attr_name_type, 1, first-1); attr_type := substr(attr_name_type, first+1, second-first-1); attr_fmt := substr(attr_name_type, second+1, length(attr_name_type)-second); if (attr_type = 'DATE') then if (attr_fmt is not null) then dvalue := to_date(attr_value, attr_fmt); else dvalue := to_date(attr_value); end if; elsif (attr_type = 'NUMBER') then if (attr_fmt is not null) then nvalue := to_number(attr_value, attr_fmt); else nvalue := to_number(attr_value); end if; elsif (attr_type = 'LOOKUP') then -- Decode lookup meaning to code begin select WL.LOOKUP_CODE into tvalue from WF_LOOKUPS WL where Wl.LOOKUP_TYPE = SetAttribute.attr_fmt and MEANING = SetAttribute.attr_value; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.token('TYPE', attr_fmt); wf_core.token('CODE', attr_value); wf_core.raise('WFSQL_LOOKUP_CODE'); end; elsif (attr_type = 'ROLE') then -- Decode role to internal name tvalue := attr_value; wfa_html.validate_display_name (attr_doc_name, tvalue); else -- VARCHAR2 or misc values all use text tvalue := attr_value; end if; -- Update/Insert attributes table with new values update WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES WRRA set TEXT_VALUE = SetAttribute.tvalue, NUMBER_VALUE = SetAttribute.nvalue, DATE_VALUE = SetAttribute.dvalue where WRRA.RULE_ID = SetAttribute.ruleid and WRRA.NAME = SetAttribute.attr_name; if (sql%rowcount = 0) then -- Insert missing attribute row insert into WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES ( RULE_ID, NAME, TYPE, TEXT_VALUE, NUMBER_VALUE, DATE_VALUE ) values ( SetAttribute.ruleid, SetAttribute.attr_name, 'RESPOND', SetAttribute.tvalue, SetAttribute.nvalue, SetAttribute.dvalue ); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'SetAttribute', to_char(ruleid), attr_name_type, attr_value); raise; end SetAttribute; -- -- DeleteRule -- Delete rule with ruleid -- IN -- user - role owning rule -- ruleid - Rule id -- procedure DeleteRule( user in varchar2 , ruleid in varchar2) is owner varchar2(320); begin -- Validate access owner := Wf_Route.Authenticate(user); -- Delete this rule along with any child attributes delete from WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES where RULE_ID = ruleid; delete from WF_ROUTING_RULES where RULE_ID = ruleid; -- Return to opening page Wf_Route.List(user, '--EDITSCREEN--'); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'DeleteRule', ruleid, user); wf_route.error; end; -- -- SubmitUpdate -- Process rule update page -- IN -- ruleid - Rule id -- action - Rule action -- action_argument - Forward to if forward -- begin_date - Begin date -- end_date - End date -- rule_comment - Rule comment -- h_fnames - array of attr field names -- h_fvalues - array of attr field values -- h_fdocnames - array of document name values -- h_counter - number of fields passed in fnames and fvalues -- delete_button - Delete button flag (for cancel this operation) -- update_button - Update button flag -- procedure SubmitUpdate( rule_id in varchar2, action in varchar2, fmode in varchar2 , action_argument in varchar2 , display_action_argument in varchar2 , begin_date in varchar2 , end_date in varchar2 , rule_comment in varchar2 , h_fnames in Name_Array, h_fvalues in Value_Array, h_fdocnames in Value_Array, h_counter in varchar2, delete_button in varchar2 , update_button in varchar2 ) is nruleid number; owner varchar2(320); realname varchar2(360); s0 varchar2(2000); forwardee varchar2(320); l_action varchar2(30) := ''; begdate date; enddate date; CANCEL_RECORD exception; begin -- Find rule owner and validate access nruleid := to_number(rule_id); owner := Wf_Route.RuleOwner(nruleid); owner := Wf_Route.Authenticate(owner); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(owner, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); l_action := substrb(action, 1, 30); if (delete_button is not null) then /* -- Now delete rule in the List procedure instead of here -- Delete this rule along with any child attributes delete from WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES where RULE_ID = nruleid; delete from WF_ROUTING_RULES where RULE_ID = nruleid; */ -- Cancel the operation and return to opening page raise CANCEL_RECORD; else -- UPDATE -- -- Update main table data -- if (action = 'FORWARD') then forwardee := action_argument; wfa_html.validate_display_name (display_action_argument, forwardee); l_action := substrb(fmode, 1, 30); end if; begdate := StringToDate(begin_date); enddate := StringToDate(end_date); -- Validate date range if (enddate <= begdate) then wf_core.raise('WFRTG_BAD_DATE_RANGE'); end if; -- Update columns in main table update WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR set ACTION = l_action, ACTION_ARGUMENT = SubmitUpdate.forwardee, BEGIN_DATE = SubmitUpdate.begdate, END_DATE = SubmitUpdate.enddate, RULE_COMMENT = SubmitUpdate.rule_comment where WRR.RULE_ID = SubmitUpdate.nruleid; -- -- Update routing attributes if RESPOND -- if (action = 'RESPOND') then -- Start at 2 to step over the Dummy_Name/Dummy_Value pair added at -- the start of the array. for i in 2 .. to_number(h_counter) loop SetAttribute(nruleid, h_fnames(i), h_fvalues(i), h_fdocnames(i)); end loop; else begin -- Update attributes table with null values since this is not a response update WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES WRRA set TEXT_VALUE = null, NUMBER_VALUE = null, DATE_VALUE = null where WRRA.RULE_ID = nruleid; exception when others then null; end; end if; end if; -- Go back to the List page owa_util.redirect_url(curl=>wfa_html.base_url || '/wf_route.list?user='||owner||'&display_user=--EDITSCREEN--', bclose_header=>TRUE); exception when CANCEL_RECORD then Wf_Route.List(owner); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'SubmitUpdate', rule_id, action, action_argument, begin_date, end_date); wf_route.error; end SubmitUpdate; -- -- UpdateRule -- Update values for existing rule -- IN -- rule_id - Rule id number -- MODIFICATION LOG: -- 06-JUN-2001 JWSMITH BUG 1819232 -Added summary attr for table tag for ADA -- - Added ID attr for TD tags -- - Added label for input fields and radio buttons -- procedure UpdateRule( ruleid in varchar2) is nruleid number; owner varchar2(320); realname varchar2(360); s0 varchar2(2000); l_url varchar2(1000); l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; l_onmouseover varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate('WFA_FIND_USER')); -- Rule data cursor rulecurs is select WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE, WRR.MESSAGE_NAME, to_char(WRR.BEGIN_DATE)||to_char(WRR.BEGIN_DATE, ' HH24:MI:SS') CBEGIN_DATE, to_char(WRR.END_DATE) ||to_char(WRR.END_DATE, ' HH24:MI:SS') CEND_DATE, WRR.ACTION, WRR.ACTION_ARGUMENT, WRR.RULE_COMMENT, WIT.DISPLAY_NAME TYPE_DISPLAY, WM.SUBJECT from WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR, WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL WIT, WF_MESSAGES_VL WM, WF_LOOKUPS WL where WRR.RULE_ID = nruleid and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIT.NAME (+) and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WM.TYPE (+) and WRR.MESSAGE_NAME = WM.NAME (+) and WRR.ACTION = WL.LOOKUP_CODE and WL.LOOKUP_TYPE = 'WFSTD_ROUTING_ACTIONS'; -- Obsolete fields from above select -- WM.DISPLAY_NAME MSG_DISPLAY, -- WL.MEANING ACTION_DISPLAY -- rulerec rulecurs%rowtype; -- Attr data cursor attrcurs is select WMA.NAME, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, WMA.VALUE_TYPE, decode(WMA.VALUE_TYPE, 'ITEMATTR', WIA.TEXT_DEFAULT, WMA.TEXT_DEFAULT) TEXT_VALUE, decode(WMA.VALUE_TYPE, 'ITEMATTR', WIA.NUMBER_DEFAULT, WMA.NUMBER_DEFAULT) NUMBER_VALUE, decode(WMA.VALUE_TYPE, 'ITEMATTR', WIA.DATE_DEFAULT, WMA.DATE_DEFAULT) DATE_VALUE, WMA.TYPE, WMA.FORMAT from WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA, WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES WIA where WRR.RULE_ID = nruleid and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WRR.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND' and WMA.TYPE not in ('FORM', 'URL') and WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIA.ITEM_TYPE (+) and WMA.TEXT_DEFAULT = WIA.NAME (+) order by decode(WMA.NAME, 'RESULT', 9999, WMA.SEQUENCE); -- Obsolete field from above SQL statement -- WMA.DESCRIPTION, tvalue varchar2(2000); nvalue number; dvalue date; dispvalue varchar2(2000); respcnt number := 0; rowcount number; msg_type varchar2(8); msg_name varchar2(30); fchecked pls_integer := null; tchecked pls_integer := null; l_message varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_LOV')); begin -- Find rule owner and validate access nruleid := to_number(ruleid); owner := Wf_Route.RuleOwner(nruleid); owner := Wf_Route.Authenticate(owner); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(owner, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); -- Get rule data open rulecurs; fetch rulecurs into rulerec; if (rulecurs%notfound) then Wf_Core.Token('RULE', to_char(nruleid)); Wf_Core.Raise('WFRTG_INVALID_RULE'); end if; close rulecurs; -- Set page title htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_UPDATE_TITLE')||' '||realname); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/upr.htm?UPRULE'); fnd_document_management.get_open_dm_display_window; -- Add the java script to the header to open the dm window for -- any DM function that and any standard LOV fnd_document_management.get_open_dm_attach_window; htp.headClose; wfa_sec.Header(FALSE,'',wf_core.translate('WFRTG_UPDATE_TITLE'), TRUE); -- Open form -- Add dummy fields to start both array-type input fields. -- These dummy values are needed so that the array parameters to -- the submit procedure will not be null even if there are no real -- response fields. This would cause a pl/sql error, because array -- parameters can't be defaulted. htp.p('
'); htp.formHidden('h_fnames', 'Dummy_Name'); htp.formHidden('h_fvalues', 'Dummy_Value'); htp.formHidden('h_fdocnames', 'Dummy_Document_Value'); htp.formHidden('rule_id', ruleid); -- htp.formHidden('action', rulerec.action); htp.tableOpen(cattributes=>'width=100% summary=""'); -- -- Rules main table section -- -- Message Type/Name htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('MESSAGE_TYPE'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>nvl(rulerec.type_display, htf.em(wf_core.translate(''))), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('NOTIFICATION'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); IF (rulerec.subject IS NULL) THEN htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>htf.em(wf_core.translate('')), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); ELSE htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>wf_notification.GetSubSubjectDisplay(rulerec.message_type, rulerec.message_name), calign=>'left',cattributes=>'id=""'); END IF; htp.tableRowClose; -- Active Dates htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'begin_date', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>64, cvalue=>rulerec.cbegin_date, cattributes=>'id="i_begin_date"'), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'end_date', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>64, cvalue=>rulerec.cend_date, cattributes=>'id="i_end_date"'), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(,cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableHeader(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_AUTOMATICALLY'), 'left', ccolspan=>'2',cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; -- Comment htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'width="10%" id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formTextareaOpen2( cname=>'rule_comment', nrows=>3, ncolumns=>65, cwrap=>'soft', cattributes=>'maxlength=2000 id="i_rule_comment"')|| rulerec.rule_comment|| htf.formTextareaClose, ccolspan=>3, calign=>'left', cattributes=>'width="*" id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; -- Action if (rulerec.action = 'FORWARD' or rulerec.action = 'TRANSFER') then if (rulerec.action = 'FORWARD') then fchecked := 1; else tchecked := 1; end if; htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'FORWARD', cchecked=>'1', cattributes=>'id="i_wfa_assignto"'); else htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'FORWARD', cattributes=>'id="i_wfa_assignto"'); -- If this is not a reassign the go ahead and set the delagate default fchecked := 1; end if; htp.p(''); htp.formHidden('action_argument', rulerec.action_argument); if (rulerec.action_argument IS NOT NULL) then wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(rulerec.action_argument, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); end if; -- add LOV here: Note:bottom is name of frame. -- Note: The REPLACE function replaces all the space characters with -- the proper escape sequence. l_url := 'javascript:fnd_open_dm_display_window('||''''|| REPLACE('wf_lov.display_lov?p_lov_name='||'owner'|| '&p_display_name='||'WFA_FIND_USER'|| '&p_validation_callback=wfa_html.wf_user_val'|| '&p_dest_hidden_field=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.action_argument.value'|| '&p_current_value=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.display_action_argument.value'|| '&p_display_key='||'Y'|| '&p_dest_display_field=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.display_action_argument.value', ' ', '%20')||''''||',500,500)'; -- print everything together so ther is no gap. htp.formText(cname=>'display_action_argument', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>240, cvalue=>realname, cattributes=>'id="i_wfa_assignto"'); htp.p(''|| ''||
                    l_message||'');; -- Forward Mode htp.p('&'||'nbsp;&'||'nbsp;&'||'nbsp;'); htp.formRadio(cname=>'fmode', cvalue=>'FORWARD', cchecked=>fchecked, cattributes=>'id="i_group_reassign"'); htp.p('');; htp.p('&'||'nbsp;&'||'nbsp;&'||'nbsp;'); htp.formRadio(cname=>'fmode', cvalue=>'TRANSFER', cchecked=>tchecked, cattributes=>'id="i_transfer"'); htp.p('');; -- ### Comment below out since we have Delegate and Transfer implemented -- Instead put a hidden field to make fmode forward -- htp.formHidden('fmode', 'FORWARD'); select MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME into msg_type, msg_name from WF_ROUTING_RULES where RULE_ID = ruleid; -- Not a valid option when msg_type or msg_name is null if ((msg_type is not null) and (msg_name is not null)) then if (rulerec.action = 'RESPOND') then htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'RESPOND', cchecked=>'1', cattributes=>'id="i_wfitd_msg_respond"'); else htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'RESPOND', cattributes=>'id="i_wfrtg_close"'); end if; -- Check existing of response select count(WMA.NAME) into rowcount from WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA, WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES WIA where WRR.RULE_ID = nruleid and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WRR.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND' and WMA.TYPE not in ('FORM', 'URL') and WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIA.ITEM_TYPE (+) and WMA.TEXT_DEFAULT = WIA.NAME (+) order by decode(WMA.NAME, 'RESULT', 9999, WMA.SEQUENCE); -- -- If there is no message attributes, there is no response and we give -- a choice of 'close', otherwise 'respond'. -- if (rowcount = 0) then htp.p(''); else htp.p(''); -- Draw attr fields htp.tableOpen(cattributes=>'summary=""'); -- LOOP for attr in attrcurs loop respcnt := respcnt + 1; htp.tableRowOpen; -- Indentation htp.p(' '||'&'||'nbsp &'||'nbsp &'||'nbsp'); -- Prompt htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); -- Attr field if (GetAttrValue(nruleid,, tvalue, nvalue, dvalue)) then -- If attribute already defined for this rule, -- use current value. attr.text_value := tvalue; attr.number_value := nvalue; attr.date_value := dvalue; end if; dispvalue := GetDisplayValue(attr.type, attr.format, attr.text_value, attr.number_value, attr.date_value); if (attr.type = 'LOOKUP') then GetLookup(, attr.text_value, attr.format, FALSE, to_char(respcnt)); elsif (attr.type = 'ROLE') then GetRole(, attr.text_value, to_char(respcnt) ); elsif (attr.type = 'DOCUMENT') then GetDocument(, attr.format, dispvalue, to_char(respcnt) ); else GetField(, attr.type, attr.format, dispvalue, to_char(respcnt)); end if; htp.tableRowClose; end loop; -- END LOOP htp.tableClose; end if;; end if; -- Add counter htp.formHidden('h_counter', to_char(respcnt+1), null); -- Not a valid option when both msg_type and msg_name are null if ((msg_type is not null) or (msg_name is not null)) then if (rulerec.action = 'NOOP') then htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'NOOP', cchecked=>'1', cattributes=>'id="i_deliver"'); else htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'NOOP', cattributes=>'id="i_deliver"'); end if; htp.p('');; end if; -- NOTE: Do NOT create any more fields for h_names or h_values here. The -- submit buttons created above must be the last values for these fields -- to work around an MSIE bug that always sends the submit button last. htp.formClose; -- Add submit button htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:document.CREATE_RULE.submit()', wf_core.translate ('WFMON_DONE'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFOK.gif', wf_core.translate ('WFMON_DONE')); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:window.history.back()', wf_core.translate ('CANCEL'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFCN.gif', wf_core.translate ('CANCEL')); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; wfa_sec.footer; htp.htmlClose; exception when others then if (rulecurs%isopen) then close rulecurs; end if; wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'UpdateRule', ruleid); wf_route.error; end UpdateRule; -- -- SubmitCreate -- Process CreateRule request -- IN -- user - role owning rule -- msg_type - message type -- msg_name - message name -- begin_date - Start date -- end_date - End date -- action - action -- fmode - forward mode: 'FORWARD', 'TRANSFER' -- action_argument - reassign to if forward -- h_fnames - Name array -- h_fvalues - Value array -- h_fdocnames - array of document name values -- h_counter - count of array element -- rule_comment - comments included in notification -- delete_button - cancel operation flag -- done_button - done button flag -- procedure SubmitCreate( user in varchar2, msg_type in varchar2, msg_name in varchar2, begin_date in varchar2 , end_date in varchar2 , action in varchar2, fmode in varchar2 , action_argument in varchar2 , display_action_argument in varchar2 , h_fnames in Name_Array, h_fvalues in Value_Array, h_fdocnames in Value_Array, h_counter in varchar2, rule_comment in varchar2 , -- insert_button in varchar2 default null) delete_button in varchar2 , done_button in varchar2 ) is owner varchar2(320); realname varchar2(360); s0 varchar2(2000); l_msg_type varchar2(8) := REPLACE(msg_type, '^', ' '); l_msg_name varchar2(30) := REPLACE(msg_name, '^', ' '); typebuf varchar2(8); namebuf varchar2(30); ruleid number; begdate date; enddate date; forwardee varchar2(320); l_action varchar2(30) := action; begin -- Validate access owner := Wf_Route.Authenticate(user); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(owner, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); -- Check if delete if (delete_button is not null) then -- -- Raise DELETE so that it won't create a record -- Wf_Route.List(user, '--EDITSCREEN--'); return; end if; if (done_button is not null) then -- Validate msg_type if (l_msg_type = '*') then -- Change '*' for default back to null typebuf := ''; else -- All others must by valid via poplist typebuf := l_msg_type; end if; -- Validate msg_name if (l_msg_name = '*') then -- Change '*' for default back to null namebuf := ''; else -- All others must by valid via poplist namebuf := l_msg_name; end if; -- Get dates begdate := StringToDate(begin_date); enddate := StringToDate(end_date); -- Validate date range if (enddate <= begdate) then wf_core.raise('WFRTG_BAD_DATE_RANGE'); end if; -- Validate action -- Only rule is RESPOND must have both msg_type and msg_name specified if (action = 'RESPOND') then if ((typebuf is null) or (namebuf is null)) then wf_core.raise('WFRTG_RESPOND_MESSAGE'); end if; end if; -- Validate action_argument if (action = 'FORWARD') then forwardee := action_argument; wfa_html.validate_display_name (display_action_argument, forwardee); l_action := fmode; end if; -- Select new ruleid select WF_ROUTING_RULES_S.NEXTVAL into ruleid from SYS.DUAL; -- Insert new rule in table with data so far insert into WF_ROUTING_RULES ( RULE_ID, ROLE, ACTION, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME, ACTION_ARGUMENT, RULE_COMMENT ) values ( ruleid, SubmitCreate.owner, SubmitCreate.l_action, begdate, enddate, SubmitCreate.typebuf, SubmitCreate.namebuf, SubmitCreate.forwardee, SubmitCreate.rule_comment ); -- Go directly to update to finish entering data -- Wf_route.UpdateRule(to_char(ruleid)); -- -- Update routing attributes if RESPOND -- if (SubmitCreate.action = 'RESPOND') then -- Start at 2 to step over the Dummy_Name/Dummy_Value pair added at -- the start of the array. for i in 2 .. to_number(SubmitCreate.h_counter) loop SetAttribute(ruleid, SubmitCreate.h_fnames(i), SubmitCreate.h_fvalues(i), SubmitCreate.h_fdocnames(i)); end loop; end if; end if; -- Go back to the List page owa_util.redirect_url(curl=>wfa_html.base_url || '/wf_route.list?user='||user||'&display_user=--EDITSCREEN--', bclose_header=>TRUE); exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'SubmitCreate', msg_type, msg_name, begin_date, end_date, action); wf_route.error; end SubmitCreate; -- -- CreateRule -- Create a new routing rule -- Part 1, choose msg_type -- IN -- user - User to query rules for. If null use current user. -- Nore: only WF_ADMIN_ROLE can create rules for other users -- create_button - create button flag -- MODIFICATION LOG: -- 06-JUN-2001 JWSMITH BUG 1819232 - Added summary attr for table tag for ADA -- - Added ID attr for TD tags -- procedure CreateRule( user in varchar2 , create_button in varchar2 ) is owner varchar2(320); realname varchar2(360); s0 varchar2(2000); ruleid number; cursor itcurs is select WIT.DISPLAY_NAME, WIT.NAME from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL WIT order by 1; cursor actioncurs is select WL.MEANING, WL.LOOKUP_CODE from WF_LOOKUPS WL where WL.LOOKUP_TYPE = 'WFSTD_ROUTING_ACTIONS' order by 1; begin -- Validate access owner := Wf_Route.Authenticate(user); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(owner, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); -- Set page title htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.p(''); htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_INSERT_TITLE')||' '||realname); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/nri.htm?NRIT'); htp.headClose; wfa_sec.header(FALSE, 'wf_route.find', wf_core.translate('WFRTG_CREATE_TITLE'), TRUE); -- Open form htp.p(''); htp.formHidden('user', owner); -- Message Type htp.tableOpen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.p(''); htp.formSelectOpen(cname=>'msg_type', nsize=>5, cattributes=>'id="i_msg_type"'); -- NOTE: Use '*' instead of null for default to workaround -- MSIE bug in dealing with null values in poplists. htp.formSelectOption(cvalue=>wf_core.translate(''), cselected=>'1', cattributes=>'value=*'); for it in itcurs loop htp.formSelectOption(cvalue=>it.display_name, cattributes=>'value='||REPLACE(, ' ', '^')); end loop; htp.formSelectClose; htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; htp.formClose; -- Add submit button htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:document.CREATE_RULE.submit()', wf_core.translate ('NEXT'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFOK.gif', wf_core.translate ('NEXT')); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:window.history.back()', wf_core.translate ('CANCEL'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFCN.gif', wf_core.translate ('CANCEL')); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; wfa_sec.footer; htp.htmlClose; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'CreateRule', user); wf_route.error; end CreateRule; -- -- CreateRule2 -- Create a new routing rule -- Part 2. Choose msg_name/ subject -- IN -- user - User to query rules for. If null use current user. -- Nore: only WF_ADMIN_ROLE can create rules for other users -- msg_type - message type -- insert_button - continue to create the record -- cancel_button - cancel button flag -- MODIFICATION LOG: -- 06-JUN-2001 JWSMITH BUG 1819232 - Added summary attr for table tag for ADA -- - Added ID attr for TD tags -- procedure CreateRule2( user in varchar2 , msg_type in varchar2 , insert_button in varchar2 , cancel_button in varchar2 ) is owner varchar2(320); realname varchar2(360); l_msg_type varchar2(8) := REPLACE(msg_type, '^', ' '); s0 varchar2(2000); ruleid number; cursor namecurs is select WM.NAME, WM.SUBJECT from WF_MESSAGES_VL WM where WM.TYPE = l_msg_type order by 1; begin -- Validate access owner := Wf_Route.Authenticate(user); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(owner, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); -- Skip this if msg_type is * if (l_msg_type = '*') then Wf_Route.CreateRule3(owner, msg_type, '*' , '1'); else -- Set page title htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.p(''); htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_INSERT_TITLE')||' '||realname||' - Type = '||l_msg_type); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/nrn.htm?NRNF'); htp.headClose; wfa_sec.header(FALSE, 'wf_route.find', wf_core.translate('WFRTG_CREATE_TITLE'), TRUE); -- Open form htp.p(''); htp.formHidden('user', owner); htp.formHidden('msg_type', msg_type); -- Message Name htp.tableOpen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id = ""'); htp.p(''); htp.formSelectOpen(cname=>'msg_name', nsize=>5, cattributes=>'id="i_msg_name"'); -- NOTE: Use '*' instead of null for default to workaround -- MSIE bug in dealing with null values in poplists. htp.formSelectOption(cvalue=>wf_core.translate(''), cselected=>'1', cattributes=>'value=*'); if ((l_msg_type is not null) or (upper(l_msg_type) <> '*')) then for n in namecurs loop -- Need to convert spaces to ^ character to allow spaces to be passed -- as parameter through form submit htp.formSelectOption(cvalue=> wf_notification.GetSubSubjectDisplay(l_msg_type,, cattributes=>'value='||REPLACE(,' ', '^')); end loop; end if; htp.formSelectClose; htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; htp.formClose; -- Add submit button htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:document.CREATE_RULE.submit()', wf_core.translate ('NEXT'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFOK.gif', wf_core.translate ('NEXT')); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:window.history.back()', wf_core.translate ('CANCEL'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFCN.gif', wf_core.translate ('CANCEL')); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; htp.centerClose; wfa_sec.footer; htp.htmlClose; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'CreateRule2', user); wf_route.error; end CreateRule2; -- -- CreateRule3 -- Create a new routing rule -- Part 3. Specify the start and end date -- Select action and put in comments. -- IN -- user - User to query rules for. If null use current user. -- Nore: only WF_ADMIN_ROLE can create rules for other users -- msg_type - message type -- msg_name - message name -- insert_button - continue to create the record -- cancel_button - cancel button flag -- MODIFICATION LOG: -- 06-JUN-2001 JWSMITH BUG 1819232 - Added summary attr for table tag for ADA -- - Added ID attr for TD tags -- procedure CreateRule3( user in varchar2 , msg_type in varchar2 , msg_name in varchar2 , insert_button in varchar2 , cancel_button in varchar2 ) is owner varchar2(320); realname varchar2(360); s0 varchar2(2000); today varchar2(30); ruleid number; rowcount number; dname varchar2(80); subject varchar2(240); l_msg_type varchar2(8) := REPLACE(msg_type, '^', ' '); l_msg_name varchar2(30) := REPLACE(msg_name, '^', ' '); l_url varchar2(1000); l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; l_onmouseover varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate('WFA_FIND_USER')); l_message varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_LOV')); -- Attr data cursor attrcurs is select WMA.NAME, WMA.DISPLAY_NAME, WMA.DESCRIPTION, WMA.VALUE_TYPE, decode(WMA.VALUE_TYPE, 'ITEMATTR', WIA.TEXT_DEFAULT, WMA.TEXT_DEFAULT) TEXT_VALUE, decode(WMA.VALUE_TYPE, 'ITEMATTR', WIA.NUMBER_DEFAULT, WMA.NUMBER_DEFAULT) NUMBER_VALUE, decode(WMA.VALUE_TYPE, 'ITEMATTR', WIA.DATE_DEFAULT, WMA.DATE_DEFAULT) DATE_VALUE, WMA.TYPE, WMA.FORMAT from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA, WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES WIA where WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = l_msg_type and WMA.MESSAGE_NAME = l_msg_name and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND' and WMA.TYPE not in ('FORM', 'URL') and WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIA.ITEM_TYPE (+) and WMA.TEXT_DEFAULT = WIA.NAME (+) order by decode(WMA.NAME, 'RESULT', 9999, WMA.SEQUENCE); dispvalue varchar2(2000); respcnt number := 0; begin -- Validate access owner := Wf_Route.Authenticate(user); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(owner, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); -- Set today's date select to_char(SYSDATE)||' 00:00:00' into TODAY from SYS.DUAL; -- Set page title htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.p(''); htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_INSERT_TITLE')||' '||realname); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/nrc.htm?NRCNR'); -- Add the java script to the header to open the dm window for -- any DM function that and any standard LOV fnd_document_management.get_open_dm_attach_window; fnd_document_management.get_open_dm_display_window; htp.headClose; wfa_sec.header(FALSE, 'wf_route.find', wf_core.translate('WFRTG_CREATE_TITLE'), TRUE); htp.tableOpen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); -- Open form -- Add dummy fields to start both array-type input fields. -- These dummy values are needed so that the array parameters to -- the submit procedure will not be null even if there are no real -- response fields. This would cause a pl/sql error, because array -- parameters can't be defaulted. htp.p(''); htp.formHidden('user', owner); htp.formHidden('msg_type', msg_type); htp.formHidden('msg_name', msg_name); htp.formhidden('done_button', ''); -- -- Rules main table section -- -- Reslove Message Name if (msg_name = '*') then -- Change '*' for default back to null subject := null; else select WM.SUBJECT into subject from WF_MESSAGES_VL WM where WM.NAME = l_msg_name and WM.TYPE = l_msg_type; end if; -- Resolve Message Type if (msg_type = '*') then -- Change '*' for default back to null dname := null; subject := null; else select WIT.DISPLAY_NAME into dname from WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL WIT where WIT.NAME = l_msg_type; end if; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('MESSAGE_TYPE'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'width="10%" id=""'); htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>nvl(dname, htf.em(wf_core.translate(''))), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('NOTIFICATION'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); IF (subject IS NULL) THEN htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>htf.em(wf_core.translate('')), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); ELSE htp.tableHeader(cvalue=> wf_notification.GetSubSubjectDisplay(l_msg_type, l_msg_name), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); END IF; htp.tableRowClose; -- Active Dates htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'begin_date', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>64, cvalue=>today, cattributes=>'id="i_begin_date"'), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'end_date', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>64, cvalue=>'', cattributes=>'id="i_end_date"'), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(,cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableHeader(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_AUTOMATICALLY'), 'left', ccolspan=>'2',cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; -- Comment htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'width="10%" id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formTextareaOpen2( cname=>'rule_comment', nrows=>3, ncolumns=>60, cwrap=>'soft', cattributes=>'maxlength=2000 id="i_rule_comment"')|| htf.formTextareaClose, ccolspan=>3, calign=>'left', cattributes=>'width="*" id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; -- Action htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'FORWARD', cchecked=>'1', cattributes=>'id="i_forward"'); htp.formHidden('action_argument', null); -- add LOV here: Note:bottom is name of frame. -- Note: The REPLACE function replaces all the space characters with -- the proper escape sequence. l_url := 'javascript:fnd_open_dm_display_window('||''''|| REPLACE('wf_lov.display_lov?p_lov_name='||'owner'|| '&p_display_name='||'WFA_FIND_USER'|| '&p_validation_callback=wfa_html.wf_user_val'|| '&p_dest_hidden_field=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.action_argument.value'|| '&p_current_value=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.display_action_argument.value'|| '&p_display_key='||'Y'|| '&p_dest_display_field=top.opener.parent.document.CREATE_RULE.display_action_argument.value', ' ', '%20')||''''||',500,500)'; htp.p(''); -- print everything together so ther is no gap. htp.p(htf.formText(cname=>'display_action_argument', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>240, cattributes=>'id="i_forward"')|| ''|| ''||
                    l_message||'');; -- Forward Mode htp.p('&'||'nbsp;&'||'nbsp;&'||'nbsp;'); htp.formRadio(cname=>'fmode', cvalue=>'FORWARD', cchecked=>'1'); htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFA_GROUP_REASSIGN_DELEGATE'));; htp.p('&'||'nbsp;&'||'nbsp;&'||'nbsp;'); htp.formRadio(cname=>'fmode', cvalue=>'TRANSFER'); htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFA_GROUP_REASSIGN_TRANSFER'));; -- Add dummy fields to start both array-type input fields. -- These dummy values are needed so that the array parameters to -- the submit procedure will not be null even if there are no real -- response fields. This would cause a pl/sql error, because array -- parameters can't be defaulted. htp.formHidden('h_fnames', 'Dummy_Name'); htp.formHidden('h_fvalues', 'Dummy_Value'); htp.formHidden('h_fdocnames', 'Dummy_Display_Name'); -- Check existing of response -- Not a valid option when msg_type or msg_name is null if ((dname is not null) and (subject is not null)) then select count(WMA.NAME) into rowcount from WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA, WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES WIA where WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = l_msg_type and WMA.MESSAGE_NAME = l_msg_name and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND' and WMA.TYPE not in ('FORM', 'URL') and WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIA.ITEM_TYPE (+) and WMA.TEXT_DEFAULT = WIA.NAME (+) order by decode(WMA.NAME, 'RESULT', 9999, WMA.SEQUENCE); htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'RESPOND'); -- -- If there is no message attributes, there is no response and we give -- a choice of 'close', otherwise 'response'. -- if (rowcount = 0) then htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_CLOSE')); else htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFITD_MSG_SOURCE_TYPE_RESPOND')); -- Draw attr fields htp.tableOpen(cattributes=>'summary=""'); for attr in attrcurs loop respcnt := respcnt + 1; htp.tableRowOpen; -- Indentation -- htp.p(''); htp.p(' '||'&'||'nbsp &'||'nbsp &'||'nbsp'); -- Prompt htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); -- Attr field dispvalue := GetDisplayValue(attr.type, attr.format, attr.text_value, attr.number_value, attr.date_value); if (attr.type = 'LOOKUP') then GetLookup(, attr.text_value, attr.format, FALSE, to_char(respcnt)); elsif (attr.type = 'ROLE') then GetRole(, attr.text_value, to_char(respcnt) ); elsif (attr.type = 'DOCUMENT') then GetDocument(, attr.format, dispvalue, to_char(respcnt) ); else GetField(, attr.type, attr.format, dispvalue, to_char(respcnt)); end if; htp.tableRowClose; end loop; htp.tableClose; end if; end if; -- Add counter htp.formHidden('h_counter', to_char(respcnt+1), null);; -- Not a valid option when both msg_type and msg_name are null if ((dname is not null) or (subject is not null)) then htp.formRadio(cname=>'action', cvalue=>'NOOP'); htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_DELIVER'));; end if; -- NOTE: Do NOT create any more fields for h_names or h_values here. The -- submit buttons created above must be the last values for these fields -- to work around an MSIE bug that always sends the submit button last. htp.formClose; -- Add submit button htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:document.CREATE_RULE.done_button.value='|| ''''||'DONE'||''''||';'||'document.CREATE_RULE.submit()', wf_core.translate ('WFMON_OK'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFOK.gif', wf_core.translate ('WFMON_OK')); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:window.history.back()', wf_core.translate ('CANCEL'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFCN.gif', wf_core.translate ('CANCEL')); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; wfa_sec.footer; htp.htmlClose; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'CreateRule3', user, msg_type, msg_name); wf_route.error; end CreateRule3; -- -- List -- Produce list of routing rules for user -- IN -- user - User to query rules for. If null use current user. -- Note: only WF_ADMIN_ROLE can query other than the current user. -- MODIFICATION LOG: -- 06-JUN-2001 JWSMITH BUG 1819232 - Added summary attr for table tag for ADA -- - added alt attr for img tags -- - added ID attr for TD tags -- - added ID attr for TH tags -- - added label for form input & select fields -- procedure List ( user in varchar2 , display_user in varchar2 ) is username varchar2(320); -- Username to query t_user varchar2(320); admin_role varchar2(320); -- Role for admin mode realname varchar2(360); -- Display name of username isactive number; -- Active? l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; l_text varchar2(30) := ''; l_onmouseover varchar2(240) := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_LOV'); l_url varchar2(4000); today date; -- Today's date s0 varchar2(2000); -- Dummy forwardname varchar2(360); -- Display name of forwardee cursor wf_rules_cursor is select WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE, WRR.MESSAGE_NAME, WRR.BEGIN_DATE, WRR.END_DATE, WRR.ACTION, WRR.ACTION_ARGUMENT, WRR.RULE_ID, WIT.DISPLAY_NAME TYPE_DISPLAY, WM.DISPLAY_NAME MSG_DISPLAY, WM.SUBJECT, WL.MEANING ACTION_DISPLAY from WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR, WF_ITEM_TYPES_VL WIT, WF_MESSAGES_VL WM, WF_LOOKUPS WL where WRR.ROLE = username and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIT.NAME (+) and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WM.TYPE (+) and WRR.MESSAGE_NAME = WM.NAME (+) and WRR.ACTION = WL.LOOKUP_CODE and WL.LOOKUP_TYPE = 'WFSTD_ROUTING_ACTIONS' order by TYPE_DISPLAY, MSG_DISPLAY, BEGIN_DATE; rowcount number; att_tvalue varchar2(2000) ; begin -- Get all the username find criteria resolved t_user := user; -- This function is also called by the edit confirmation page and only -- pass the user name and never the display name. The search criteria -- should not be null so this is a safe check and will use the user name -- in cases where the display name is not passed in. if (NVL(display_user, '--BLANK--') <> '--EDITSCREEN--') then wfa_html.validate_display_name (display_user, t_user); end if; -- Check current user has access to this user username := Wf_Route.Authenticate(upper(t_user)); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(username, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); -- Set today's date select sysdate into today from sys.dual; -- Set page title htp.htmlOpen; -- DEBUG info -- htp.p('

t_user='||t_user||' username='||username||'

'); -- IF (realname IS NULL) THEN htp.p('');'WFPREF_INVALID_ROLE_NAME'))||':'||display_user);; htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); --Submit Button htp.tableRowOpen; l_url := wfa_html.base_url|| '/wf_route.find'; l_icon := 'FNDJLFOK.gif'; l_text := wf_core.translate ('WFMON_OK'); l_onmouseover := wf_core.translate ('WFMON_OK'); htp.p(''); wf_pref.create_reg_button (l_url, l_onmouseover, l_media, l_icon, l_text); htp.p(''); htp.tablerowclose; htp.tableclose; htp.p(''); return; END IF; htp.headOpen; htp.p(''); htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_LIST_TITLE')||' - '||realname); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/nrr.htm?NRR'); htp.headClose; wfa_sec.header(FALSE, 'wf_route.find', wf_core.translate('WFRTG_FIND_TITLE'), TRUE); -- Column headers htp.tableOpen(calign=>'CENTER', cattributes=>'border=1 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=white width="100%" summary="' || wf_core.translate('WFRTG_FIND_TITLE') || '"'); -- htp.tableRowOpen(cattributes=>'bgcolor=#83c1c1'); htp.tableRowOpen(cattributes=>'bgcolor=#006699'); -- htp.tableData(cvalue=>''|| htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>''|| wf_core.translate('MESSAGE_TYPE')||'', calign=>'Center', cattributes=>'id="' || wf_core.translate('MESSAGE_TYPE') || '"'); htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>''|| wf_core.translate('NOTIFICATION')||'', calign=>'Center', cattributes=>'id="' || wf_core.translate('NOTIFICATION') || '"'); htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>''|| wf_core.translate('RESULT_APPLY_RULE')||'', calign=>'Center', cattributes=>'id="' || wf_core.translate('RESULT_APPLY_RULE') || '"'); htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>''|| wf_core.translate('ACTIVE')||'', calign=>'Center', cattributes=>'id="' || wf_core.translate('ACTIVE') || '"'); htp.tableHeader(cvalue=>''|| wf_core.translate('WFRTG_DELETE')||'', calign=>'Center', cattributes=>'id="' || wf_core.translate('WFRTG_DELETE') || '"'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableRowClose; -- Query matching rules for rule in wf_rules_cursor loop isactive := 0; if today > rule.begin_date and today < rule.end_date then isactive := 1; else if rule.begin_date is null and today < rule.end_date then isactive := 1; else if rule.end_date is null and today > rule.begin_date then isactive := 1; else if ((rule.end_date is null) and (rule.begin_date is null)) then isactive := 1; end if; end if; end if; end if; htp.tableRowOpen(null, 'TOP'); htp.tableData(nvl(rule.type_display, htf.em(wf_core.translate(''))), 'left',cattributes=>'id=""'); IF (rule.subject IS NULL) THEN htp.tableData(htf.em(wf_core.translate('')), 'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); ELSE htp.tableData(wf_notification.GetSubSubjectDisplay(rule.message_type, rule.message_name), 'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); END IF; if ( rule.action = 'FORWARD' ) then -- get the display name of the forwardee in delegation wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(rule.action_argument, forwardname, s0, s0, s0, s0); htp.tableData(htf.anchor(wfa_html.base_url|| '/Wf_Route.UpdateRule?ruleid='|| to_char(rule.rule_id), wf_core.translate('DELEGATE')||':'|| forwardname), 'left',cattributes=>'id=""'); elsif ( rule.action = 'TRANSFER' ) then -- get the display name of the forwardee in transfering wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(rule.action_argument, forwardname, s0, s0, s0, s0); htp.tableData(htf.anchor(wfa_html.base_url|| '/Wf_Route.UpdateRule?ruleid='|| to_char(rule.rule_id), wf_core.translate('TRANSFER')||':'|| forwardname), 'left',cattributes=>'id=""'); else if ( rule.action = 'NOOP' ) then htp.tableData(htf.anchor(wfa_html.base_url|| '/Wf_Route.UpdateRule?ruleid='|| to_char(rule.rule_id), wf_core.translate('WFRTG_DELIVERTOME')), 'left',cattributes=>'id=""'); else -- Check existing of response select count(WMA.NAME) into rowcount from WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA, WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES WIA where WRR.RULE_ID = rule.rule_id and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WRR.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WMA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND' and WMA.TYPE not in ('FORM', 'URL') and WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIA.ITEM_TYPE (+) and WMA.TEXT_DEFAULT = WIA.NAME (+) order by decode(WMA.NAME, 'RESULT', 9999, WMA.SEQUENCE); -- Check RESULT value begin /* ### we should display the meaning instead of the underlying value. select TEXT_VALUE into att_tvalue from WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES where RULE_ID = rule.rule_id and NAME = 'RESULT'; */ select WL.MEANING into att_tvalue from WF_LOOKUPS WL, WF_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES_VL WMA, WF_ROUTING_RULES WRR, WF_ROUTING_RULE_ATTRIBUTES WRA where WRA.RULE_ID = rule.rule_id and WRA.NAME = 'RESULT' and WRR.RULE_ID = WRA.RULE_ID and WMA.NAME = WRA.NAME and WRR.MESSAGE_TYPE = WMA.MESSAGE_TYPE and WRR.MESSAGE_NAME = WMA.MESSAGE_NAME and WL.LOOKUP_TYPE = WMA.FORMAT and WL.LOOKUP_CODE = WRA.TEXT_VALUE; exception when no_data_found then att_tvalue := ''; end; -- -- If there is no message attributes, there is no response and we give -- a choice of 'close', otherwise 'response'. -- if (rowcount = 0) then htp.tableData(htf.anchor(wfa_html.base_url|| '/Wf_Route.UpdateRule?ruleid='|| to_char(rule.rule_id), wf_core.translate('WFRTG_CLOSE')), 'left',cattributes=>'id="' || wf_core.translate('WFRTG_CLOSE') || '"'); else if (att_tvalue is not null) then htp.tableData(htf.anchor(wfa_html.base_url|| '/Wf_Route.UpdateRule?ruleid='|| to_char(rule.rule_id), wf_core.translate('WFITD_MSG_SOURCE_TYPE_RESPOND')||':' ||att_tvalue), 'left',cattributes=>'id="' || wf_core.translate('WFITD_MSG_SOURCE_TYPE_RESPOND') || '"'); else htp.tableData(htf.anchor(wfa_html.base_url|| '/Wf_Route.UpdateRule?ruleid='|| to_char(rule.rule_id), wf_core.translate('WFITD_MSG_SOURCE_TYPE_RESPOND')), 'left',cattributes=>'id="' || wf_core.translate('WFITD_MSG_SOURCE_TYPE_RESPOND') || '"'); end if; end if; end if; end if; if isactive = 1 then htp.tableData(htf.img(wfa_html.image_loc||'FNDICHEK.gif', 'Center', wf_core.translate('ACTIVE')), 'center', cattributes=>'valign="MIDDLE" id=""'); else htp.tableData(,cattributes=>'id=""'); end if; -- htp.tableData(nvl(to_char(rule.begin_date)|| -- to_char(rule.begin_date, ' HH24:MI:SS'), --, 'left',cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableData(htf.anchor2(curl=>wfa_html.base_url|| '/Wf_Route.DeleteRule?user='||username|| '&'||'ruleid='||to_char(rule.rule_id), ctext=>'' || wf_core.translate('WFRTG_DELETE') || ''), 'center', cattributes=>'valign="MIDDLE" id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; end loop; htp.tableClose; -- Button to create new rule htp.formOpen(curl=>'wf_route.CreateRule', cmethod=>'POST', cattributes=>'NAME="WF_LIST"'); htp.formHidden('user', username); htp.formClose; -- Add submit button htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:document.WF_LIST.submit()', wf_core.translate('WFRTG_INSERT'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'FNDJLFOK.gif', wf_core.translate('WFRTG_INSERT')); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; -- Close up shop -- wfa_sec.Footer; htp.htmlClose; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'List', user, display_user); wf_route.error; end List; -- -- Find -- Find routing rules for given user -- Note: only WF_ADMIN_ROLE can query other than the current user. -- MODIFICATION LOG: -- 06-JUN-2001 JWSMITH BUG 1819232 - Added summary attr for table tag for ADA -- - Added ID attr for TD tags -- procedure Find is curuser varchar2(320); admin_role varchar2(320); realname varchar2(360); l_url varchar2(1000); l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; s0 varchar2(2000); l_onmouseover varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate('WFA_FIND_USER')); l_message varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_LOV')); begin -- Check if current user has admin role Wfa_Sec.GetSession(curuser); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(curuser, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); admin_role := wf_core.translate('WF_ADMIN_ROLE'); if (admin_role <> '*' and not Wf_Directory.IsPerformer(curuser, admin_role)) then -- If current user does not have admin, -- go directly to rules list for current user. Wf_Route.List(curuser, '--EDITSCREEN--'); -- Wf_Route.ListFrame; return; end if; -- Admin approved, draw the form htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFRTG_FIND_TITLE')); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/rul.htm?RULES'); fnd_document_management.get_open_dm_display_window; htp.headClose; wfa_sec.header(FALSE, '', wf_core.translate('WFRTG_FIND_TITLE'), TRUE); htp.formOpen(curl=>'wf_route.list', cmethod=>'POST', cattributes=>'NAME="WF_FIND"'); htp.tableOpen(calign=>'CENTER', cattributes=>'border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.formHidden('user', curuser); -- add LOV here: Note:bottom is name of frame. -- Note: The REPLACE function replaces all the space characters with -- the proper escape sequence. l_url := 'javascript:fnd_open_dm_display_window('||''''|| REPLACE('wf_lov.display_lov?p_lov_name='||'owner'|| '&p_display_name='||'WFA_FIND_USER'|| '&p_validation_callback=wfa_html.wf_user_val'|| '&p_dest_hidden_field=top.opener.parent.document.WF_FIND.user.value'|| '&p_current_value=top.opener.parent.document.WF_FIND.display_user.value'|| '&p_display_key='||'Y'|| '&p_dest_display_field=top.opener.parent.document.WF_FIND.display_user.value', ' ', '%20')||''''||',500,500)'; -- print everything together so ther is no gap. htp.tabledata(htf.formText(cname=>'display_user', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>360, cvalue=>realname, cattributes=>'id="i_display_user"')|| ''|| ''||
                    l_message||'', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; htp.formClose; -- Add submit button htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER',cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.p(''); wfa_html.create_reg_button ('javascript:document.WF_FIND.submit()', wf_core.translate ('FIND'), wfa_html.image_loc, 'fndfind.gif', wf_core.translate ('FIND')); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableClose; wfa_sec.Footer; htp.htmlClose; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Route', 'Find', user); wf_route.error; end Find; END WF_ROUTE; / commit; exit;