REM $Header: wf260dat.sql 26.10 2004/12/08 03:43:26 kma ship $ REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none sqlplus_single &phase=upg \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE \ REM dbdrv: &un_apps &pw_apps &un_fnd &pw_fnd REM +======================================================================+ REM | Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| REM | All rights reserved. | REM +======================================================================+ REM NAME REM wf260dat.sql - WorkFlow 2.6.0 Data Upgrade Script REM REM DESCRIPTION REM Upgrade Workflow 2.5/2.6 -> Workflow 2.6.2 data. REM REM USAGE REM sqlplus apps/apps @wf260dat APPS APPS APPLSYS APPS REM sqlplus wfinst/wfinst @wf260dat WFINST WFINST WFINST WFINST REM REM NOTES REM Rebuild the Deferred Queue to be multi-consumer queue. REM Note that the enqueue order is not preserved. REM This script rebuilds the deferred queue tagging the schema REM name to the correlation which is required in 2.6 REM REM MODIFICATION LOG: REM 01/2002 JWSMITH BUG 2001012 - Increased l_wf_schema to varchar2(320) REM ******************************************************************* set arraysize 1 set verify off WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; REM As FND User WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE; connect &3/&4 REM Continue in case of error where constraints aready exist WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE; declare queue_table_exists exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(queue_table_exists, -24001); begin begin dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table ( queue_table => 'WF_DEFERRED_TABLE_M', queue_payload_type => 'WF_PAYLOAD_T', sort_list => 'PRIORITY,ENQ_TIME', multiple_consumers => TRUE, comment => 'Workflow Deferred Queue', compatible => '8.1' ); exception when queue_table_exists then null; when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr1= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; end; / declare queue_exists exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(queue_exists, -24006); BEGIN begin dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M', queue_table => 'WF_DEFERRED_TABLE_M', comment => 'Workflow Deferred Queue' ); exception when queue_exists then null; when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr2= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; END; / begin dbms_aqadm.start_queue(queue_name => 'WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M'); exception when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr3= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; / begin if (upper('&&1') <> upper('&&3')) then dbms_aqadm.grant_queue_privilege( privilege=>'ALL', queue_name => 'WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M', grantee=>'&&1'); end if; exception when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr4= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; / WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE; REM As APPS connect &1/&2 REM REM Check if old queue exists REM Not exist means it has already been migrated. Do nothing. REM Exit with status succeed REM WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; declare cnt number; begin select count(1) into cnt from dba_queue_tables where owner = '&&3' and queue_table = 'WF_DEFERRED_TABLE'; if (cnt = 0) then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Deferred Queue has already been migrated.'); end if; select count(1) into cnt from dba_queues where owner = '&&3' and name = 'WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE'; if (cnt = 0) then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Deferred Queue has already been migrated. Please drop the queue table WF_DEFERRED_TABLE.'); end if; end; / WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; REM REM migrate old queue to new queue REM declare dequeue_timeout exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(dequeue_timeout, -25228); subscriber_exist exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(subscriber_exist, -24034); type subscriber_tbl_type is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer; l_commit_level integer := 500; l_wf_schema varchar2(320); l_old_queue varchar2(200); i pls_integer := 1; id pls_integer := 1; l_dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; l_message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; l_message_handle RAW(16) := NULL; l_payload system.wf_payload_t; l_navigation binary_integer; l_subscriber varchar2(30); l_enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; l_new_queue varchar2(30); l_agent$_agent; subscribers subscriber_tbl_type; match boolean; l_delay number; l_state number; -- WF_DEFERRED_TABLE is indexed by Q_NAME, STATE, ENQ_TIME -- We can only take care of state: -- 0: READY -- 1: WAIT -- Do nothing for messages that have been processed or -- that are in the exception queue. cursor msgidc is select MSGID, STATE from &&3..WF_DEFERRED_TABLE where Q_NAME = 'WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE' and STATE < 2 order by STATE, ENQ_TIME; begin -- Move from WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE to WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M l_dequeue_options.dequeue_mode := dbms_aq.REMOVE; l_dequeue_options.wait := dbms_aq.NO_WAIT; l_dequeue_options.navigation := dbms_aq.FIRST_MESSAGE; l_wf_schema := wf_core.translate('WF_SCHEMA'); l_old_queue := l_wf_schema||'.WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE'; l_new_queue := l_wf_schema||'.WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M'; -- disable enqueue to the old queue dbms_aqadm.stop_queue( queue_name=>l_old_queue, wait=>FALSE); dbms_aqadm.start_queue( queue_name=>l_old_queue, enqueue=>FALSE, dequeue=>TRUE); -- Add the first subscriber to initialize the table subscribers(i) := upper('&1'); l_agent :=$_agent(subscribers(i),'',0); begin dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber(queue_name=>l_new_queue, subscriber=>l_agent, rule=>'CORRID like '''||subscribers(i)||'%'''); exception when subscriber_exist then null; -- ignore if we already added this subscriber. end; -- Moving the queue <> loop open msgidc; <> loop fetch msgidc into l_dequeue_options.msgid, l_state; if (msgidc%notfound) then exit outer_loop; end if; begin dbms_aq.Dequeue(queue_name => l_old_queue, dequeue_options => l_dequeue_options, message_properties => l_message_properties, payload => l_payload, msgid => l_message_handle); exception when dequeue_timeout then exit inner_loop; -- should not happen, but just in case. when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Rebuild1= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; -- find subscriber name l_subscriber := substrb(l_message_properties.correlation, 1, instrb(l_message_properties.correlation,l_payload.itemtype)-1); -- this is very old type of correlation, convert it to new form. -- default subscriber to the first one. if (l_subscriber is null) then l_subscriber := subscribers(1); l_message_properties.correlation := l_subscriber||l_message_properties.correlation; end if; -- add subscriber match := false; for j in subscribers.FIRST..subscribers.LAST loop if (l_subscriber = subscribers(j)) then match := true; exit; end if; end loop; if (not match) then i := i+1; subscribers(i) := l_subscriber; l_agent :=$_agent(l_subscriber,'',0); dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber(queue_name=>l_new_queue, subscriber=>l_agent, rule=>'CORRID like '''||l_subscriber||'%'''); end if; -- recalculate delay -- if message state is READY, the new delay should be 0. if (l_state = 0 and l_message_properties.delay > 0) then l_message_properties.delay := 0; elsif (l_message_properties.delay > 0) then l_delay := l_message_properties.delay - round((sysdate - l_message_properties.enqueue_time)*24*60*60 - 0.5); -- max value of delay (binary integer) is (2**31)-1 if (l_delay < 0) then l_delay := 0; elsif (l_delay >= power(2,31)) then l_delay := power(2,31)-1; -- overflow end if; l_message_properties.delay := l_delay; end if; -- enqueue dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name=>l_new_queue, enqueue_options=>l_enqueue_options, message_properties=>l_message_properties, payload=>l_payload, msgid=>l_message_handle); l_dequeue_options.navigation := dbms_aq.NEXT_MESSAGE; exit inner_loop when (msgidc%rowcount = l_commit_level); end loop inner_loop; if (msgidc%ISOPEN) then close msgidc; end if; commit; end loop outer_loop; if (msgidc%ISOPEN) then close msgidc; end if; commit; exception when OTHERS then if (msgidc%ISOPEN) then close msgidc; end if; raise; end; / REM REM Drop the old queue table if it is empty REM declare cnt number; begin select count(1) into cnt from &&3..WF_DEFERRED_TABLE; if (cnt = 0) then dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name=>'&&3..WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE', wait=>FALSE); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue(queue_name=>'&&3..WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table(queue_table=>'&&3..WF_DEFERRED_TABLE', force=>TRUE); end if; exception when OTHERS then null; -- ignore any error end; / REM Now update the Queue Version REM This is needed to prevent any old wf260dat.sql from running. REM The script only operates on LANGUAGE 'US'. begin update WF_RESOURCES set TEXT = '26.17' where NAME = 'WF_QUEUE_VERSION'; if (sql%rowcount = 0) then insert into WF_RESOURCES ( TYPE, NAME, ID, TEXT, PROTECT_LEVEL, CUSTOM_LEVEL, LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG ) values ( 'WFTKN', 'WF_QUEUE_VERSION', 0, '26.17', 0, 0, 'US', 'US' ); end if; end; / commit; exit;