REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | WFEVSUBB.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PKG | | 09.27.2002 varrajar Bug 2558446. Preserve Customization of events | Also sets the licensed_flag based on OWNER_TAG | Subscription customization_levels are validated against | the customization_levels of the events | 10.09.2002 varrajar Bug 2558446. Implemented Force Mode and implemented | caller specific - Loader, UI changes | 12.03.2002 varrajar Made changes for backward compatibility of WFXLoad | 12-03-2002 kma Add NOCOPY hint to OUT or IN OUT parameter. | 12.12.2002 varrajar Licensing Flag will be set to Y when the mode is | CUSTOM and the licensed_flag is checked in FORCE mode also | 20.02.2003 hgandiko Added a new parameter X_STATUS in the procedure | validate_subscription. Bug 2756800 | 11.16.2003 vbhatia Added ACTION_CODE, ON_ERROR_CODE, and JAVA_RULE_FUNC | to procedures | 12.02.2003 vbhatia Added MAP_CODE, STANDARD_CODE, and STANDARD_TYPE | to procedures *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF; WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; create or replace package body WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PKG as /* $Header: WFEVSUBB.pls 26.27 2004/07/22 05:28:04 vshanmug ship $ */ m_table_name varchar2(255) := 'WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS'; m_package_version varchar2(30) := '1.0'; procedure validate_subscription (X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID in raw, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL in varchar2, X_STATUS in varchar2); -- Bug 2756800 procedure fetch_custom_level(X_GUID in raw, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL out nocopy varchar2); function find_subscription(x_subscription_guid in varchar2, x_system_guid in raw, x_source_type in varchar2, x_source_agent_guid in raw, x_event_filter_guid in raw, x_phase in number, x_rule_data in varchar2, x_priority in number, x_rule_function in varchar2, x_wf_process_type in varchar2, x_wf_process_name in varchar2, x_parameters in varchar2, x_owner_name in varchar2, x_owner_tag in varchar2) return raw; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure INSERT_ROW ( X_ROWID in out nocopy varchar2, X_GUID in raw, X_SYSTEM_GUID in raw, X_SOURCE_TYPE in varchar2, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID in raw, X_PHASE in number, X_STATUS in varchar2, X_RULE_DATA in varchar2, X_OUT_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_TO_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_PRIORITY in number, X_RULE_FUNCTION in varchar2, X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE in varchar2, X_WF_PROCESS_NAME in varchar2, X_PARAMETERS in varchar2, X_OWNER_NAME in varchar2, X_OWNER_TAG in varchar2, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL in varchar2, X_LICENSED_FLAG in varchar2, X_DESCRIPTION in varchar2, X_EXPRESSION in varchar2, X_ACTION_CODE in varchar2, X_ON_ERROR_CODE in varchar2, X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC in varchar2, X_MAP_CODE in varchar2, X_STANDARD_CODE in varchar2, X_STANDARD_TYPE in varchar2 ) is l_guid raw(16); l_event_name varchar2(240); cursor C is select ROWID from wf_event_subscriptions where guid = x_guid; l_licensed_flag varchar2(1); begin validate_subscription (X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, X_STATUS); -- Bug 2756800 l_licensed_flag := WF_EVENTS_PKG.is_product_licensed (X_OWNER_TAG); -- Get the GUID of the subscription if one is already there with the same information l_guid := Find_Subscription(x_subscription_guid => insert_row.x_guid, x_system_guid => insert_row.x_system_guid, x_source_type => insert_row.x_source_type, x_source_agent_guid => insert_row.x_source_agent_guid, x_event_filter_guid => insert_row.x_event_filter_guid, x_phase => insert_row.x_phase, x_rule_data => insert_row.x_rule_data, x_priority => insert_row.x_priority, x_rule_function => insert_row.x_rule_function, x_wf_process_type => insert_row.x_wf_process_type, x_wf_process_name => insert_row.x_wf_process_name, x_parameters => insert_row.x_parameters, x_owner_name => insert_row.x_owner_name, x_owner_tag => insert_row.x_owner_tag); if (l_guid <> x_guid) then -- If l_guid is not same as x_guid, we already have a subscription with same information. -- Throw an error to the UI. begin SELECT name INTO l_event_name FROM wf_events WHERE guid = x_event_filter_guid; exception when no_data_found then null; end; Wf_Core.Token('EVENT', l_event_name); Wf_Core.Token('SOURCE', x_source_type); Wf_Core.Token('PHASE', x_phase); Wf_Core.Token('OWNERNAME', x_owner_name); Wf_Core.Token('OWNERTAG', x_owner_tag); Wf_Core.Raise('WFE_DUPLICATE_SUB'); else insert into wf_event_subscriptions ( guid, system_guid, source_type, source_agent_guid, event_filter_guid, phase, status, rule_data, out_agent_guid, to_agent_guid, priority, rule_function, wf_process_type, wf_process_name, parameters, owner_name, owner_tag, customization_level, licensed_flag, description, expression, action_code, on_error_code, java_rule_func, map_code, standard_code, standard_type ) select X_GUID, X_SYSTEM_GUID, X_SOURCE_TYPE, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID, X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, X_PHASE, X_STATUS, X_RULE_DATA, X_OUT_AGENT_GUID, X_TO_AGENT_GUID, X_PRIORITY, X_RULE_FUNCTION, X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE, X_WF_PROCESS_NAME, X_PARAMETERS, X_OWNER_NAME, X_OWNER_TAG, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, l_licensed_flag, X_DESCRIPTION, X_EXPRESSION, X_ACTION_CODE, X_ON_ERROR_CODE, X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC, X_MAP_CODE, X_STANDARD_CODE, X_STANDARD_TYPE from dual where not exists ( select 'duplicate' from wf_event_subscriptions where guid = X_GUID); end if; open c; fetch c into X_ROWID; if (c%notfound) then close c; raise no_data_found; else wf_event.raise('', x_guid); end if; close c; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Events_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Insert_Row', x_guid, x_system_guid, X_SOURCE_TYPE, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID); raise; end INSERT_ROW; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure UPDATE_ROW ( X_GUID in raw, X_SYSTEM_GUID in raw, X_SOURCE_TYPE in varchar2, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID in raw, X_PHASE in number, X_STATUS in varchar2, X_RULE_DATA in varchar2, X_OUT_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_TO_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_PRIORITY in number, X_RULE_FUNCTION in varchar2, X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE in varchar2, X_WF_PROCESS_NAME in varchar2, X_PARAMETERS in varchar2, X_OWNER_NAME in varchar2, X_OWNER_TAG in varchar2, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL in varchar2, X_LICENSED_FLAG in varchar2, X_DESCRIPTION in varchar2, X_EXPRESSION in varchar2, X_ACTION_CODE in varchar2, X_ON_ERROR_CODE in varchar2, X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC in varchar2, X_MAP_CODE in varchar2, X_STANDARD_CODE in varchar2, X_STANDARD_TYPE in varchar2 ) is l_custom_level varchar2(1); l_update_allowed varchar2(1) := 'Y'; l_licensed_flag varchar2(1) := 'N'; l_raise_event_flag varchar2(1) := 'N'; l_guid raw(16); l_event_name varchar2(240); begin validate_subscription (X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, X_STATUS); -- Bug 2756800 l_licensed_flag := WF_EVENTS_PKG.is_product_licensed (X_OWNER_TAG); -- Check if the subscription is duplicate. l_guid := Find_Subscription(x_subscription_guid => update_row.x_guid, x_system_guid => update_row.x_system_guid, x_source_type => update_row.x_source_type, x_source_agent_guid => update_row.x_source_agent_guid, x_event_filter_guid => update_row.x_event_filter_guid, x_phase => update_row.x_phase, x_rule_data => update_row.x_rule_data, x_priority => update_row.x_priority, x_rule_function => update_row.x_rule_function, x_wf_process_type => update_row.x_wf_process_type, x_wf_process_name => update_row.x_wf_process_name, x_parameters => update_row.x_parameters, x_owner_name => update_row.x_owner_name, x_owner_tag => update_row.x_owner_tag); if (l_guid <> x_guid) then -- If l_guid is not same as x_guid, we already have a subscription with same information. -- Throw an error to the UI. begin SELECT name INTO l_event_name FROM wf_events WHERE guid = x_event_filter_guid; exception when no_data_found then null; end; Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Event_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Update_Row'); Wf_Core.Token('EVENT', l_event_name); Wf_Core.Token('SOURCE', x_source_type); Wf_Core.Token('PHASE', x_phase); Wf_Core.Token('OWNERNAME', x_owner_name); Wf_Core.Token('OWNERTAG', x_owner_tag); Wf_Core.Raise('WFE_DUPLICATE_SUB'); end if; if WF_EVENTS_PKG.g_Mode = 'FORCE' then update wf_event_subscriptions set system_guid = X_SYSTEM_GUID, source_type = X_SOURCE_TYPE, source_agent_guid = X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID, event_filter_guid = X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, phase = X_PHASE, status = X_STATUS, rule_data = X_RULE_DATA, out_agent_guid = X_OUT_AGENT_GUID, to_agent_guid = X_TO_AGENT_GUID, priority = X_PRIORITY, rule_function = X_RULE_FUNCTION, wf_process_type = X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE, wf_process_name = X_WF_PROCESS_NAME, parameters = X_PARAMETERS, owner_name = X_OWNER_NAME, owner_tag = X_OWNER_TAG, description = X_DESCRIPTION, customization_level = X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, licensed_flag = l_licensed_flag, expression = X_EXPRESSION, action_code = X_ACTION_CODE, on_error_code = X_ON_ERROR_CODE, java_rule_func = X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC, map_code = X_MAP_CODE, standard_code = X_STANDARD_CODE, standard_type = X_STANDARD_TYPE where guid = X_GUID; if (sql%notfound) then raise no_data_found; else wf_event.raise('', X_GUID); end if; else -- User logged in is not seed fetch_custom_level(X_GUID, l_custom_level); l_update_allowed := WF_EVENTS_PKG.is_update_allowed(X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, l_custom_level); if l_update_allowed = 'N' then -- Set up the Error Stack wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PKG','UPDATE_ROW', X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, l_custom_level, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL); return; end if; if X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL = 'C'then if WF_EVENTS_PKG.g_Mode = 'UPGRADE' then -- Here are the updates allowed when the caller is the Loader update wf_event_subscriptions set system_guid = X_SYSTEM_GUID, source_type = X_SOURCE_TYPE, source_agent_guid = X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID, event_filter_guid = X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, phase = X_PHASE, status = X_STATUS, rule_data = X_RULE_DATA, out_agent_guid = X_OUT_AGENT_GUID, to_agent_guid = X_TO_AGENT_GUID, priority = X_PRIORITY, rule_function = X_RULE_FUNCTION, wf_process_type = X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE, wf_process_name = X_WF_PROCESS_NAME, parameters = X_PARAMETERS, owner_name = X_OWNER_NAME, owner_tag = X_OWNER_TAG, description = X_DESCRIPTION, customization_level = X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, licensed_flag = l_licensed_flag, expression = X_EXPRESSION, action_code = X_ACTION_CODE, on_error_code = X_ON_ERROR_CODE, java_rule_func = X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC, map_code = X_MAP_CODE, standard_code = X_STANDARD_CODE, standard_type = X_STANDARD_TYPE where guid = X_GUID; l_raise_event_flag := 'Y'; else -- UI users cannot update Core events null; end if; elsif X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL = 'L' then if WF_EVENTS_PKG.g_Mode = 'UPGRADE' then -- Limit events can have only a status change.. -- When the loader is loading the events the -- users changes must be preserved. Update all -- fields EXCEPT the status field. update wf_event_subscriptions set system_guid = X_SYSTEM_GUID, source_type = X_SOURCE_TYPE, source_agent_guid = X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID, event_filter_guid = X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, phase = X_PHASE, rule_data = X_RULE_DATA, out_agent_guid = X_OUT_AGENT_GUID, to_agent_guid = X_TO_AGENT_GUID, priority = X_PRIORITY, rule_function = X_RULE_FUNCTION, wf_process_type = X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE, wf_process_name = X_WF_PROCESS_NAME, parameters = X_PARAMETERS, owner_name = X_OWNER_NAME, owner_tag = X_OWNER_TAG, description = X_DESCRIPTION, customization_level = X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, licensed_flag = l_licensed_flag, expression = X_EXPRESSION, action_code = X_ACTION_CODE, on_error_code = X_ON_ERROR_CODE, java_rule_func = X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC, map_code = X_MAP_CODE, standard_code = X_STANDARD_CODE, standard_type = X_STANDARD_TYPE where guid = X_GUID; l_raise_event_flag := 'Y'; else -- Caller of the Update is UI -- Limit events can have only a status change.. -- When the user is updating the event using the UI -- Updates are allowed ONLY to the status field. update wf_event_subscriptions set status = X_STATUS, licensed_flag = l_licensed_flag where guid = X_GUID; l_raise_event_flag := 'Y'; end if; elsif X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL = 'U' then -- Here are the updates allowed for extensible and User defined events -- only when the caller is the UI if WF_EVENTS_PKG.g_Mode = 'CUSTOM' then update wf_event_subscriptions set system_guid = X_SYSTEM_GUID, source_type = X_SOURCE_TYPE, source_agent_guid = X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID, event_filter_guid = X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, phase = X_PHASE, status = X_STATUS, rule_data = X_RULE_DATA, out_agent_guid = X_OUT_AGENT_GUID, to_agent_guid = X_TO_AGENT_GUID, priority = X_PRIORITY, rule_function = X_RULE_FUNCTION, wf_process_type = X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE, wf_process_name = X_WF_PROCESS_NAME, parameters = X_PARAMETERS, owner_name = X_OWNER_NAME, owner_tag = X_OWNER_TAG, description = X_DESCRIPTION, customization_level = X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, licensed_flag = l_licensed_flag, expression = X_EXPRESSION, action_code = X_ACTION_CODE, on_error_code = X_ON_ERROR_CODE, java_rule_func = X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC, map_code = X_MAP_CODE, standard_code = X_STANDARD_CODE, standard_type = X_STANDARD_TYPE where guid = X_GUID; l_raise_event_flag := 'Y'; else -- The caller is Loader and the only way of -- Uploading the data is in FORCE mode null; end if; else -- Raise error.. Wf_Core.Token('REASON','Invalid Customization Level:' || l_custom_level); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL'); end if; -- Only raise if all if no raise_event_flag is set to 'Y' -- fetch_custom_level will raise no_data_found if the subscription is not found if (l_raise_event_flag = 'Y') then wf_event.raise('', X_GUID); end if; end if; end UPDATE_ROW; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure LOAD_ROW ( X_GUID in raw, X_SYSTEM_GUID in raw, X_SOURCE_TYPE in varchar2, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID in raw, X_PHASE in number, X_STATUS in varchar2, X_RULE_DATA in varchar2, X_OUT_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_TO_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_PRIORITY in number, X_RULE_FUNCTION in varchar2, X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE in varchar2, X_WF_PROCESS_NAME in varchar2, X_PARAMETERS in varchar2, X_OWNER_NAME in varchar2, X_OWNER_TAG in varchar2, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL in varchar2, X_LICENSED_FLAG in varchar2, X_DESCRIPTION in varchar2, X_EXPRESSION in varchar2, X_ACTION_CODE in varchar2, X_ON_ERROR_CODE in varchar2, X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC in varchar2, X_MAP_CODE in varchar2, X_STANDARD_CODE in varchar2, X_STANDARD_TYPE in varchar2 ) is row_id varchar2(64); begin WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PKG.UPDATE_ROW ( X_GUID => X_GUID, X_SYSTEM_GUID => X_SYSTEM_GUID, X_SOURCE_TYPE => X_SOURCE_TYPE, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID => X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID, X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID => X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, X_PHASE => X_PHASE, X_STATUS => X_STATUS, X_RULE_DATA => X_RULE_DATA, X_OUT_AGENT_GUID => X_OUT_AGENT_GUID, X_TO_AGENT_GUID => X_TO_AGENT_GUID, X_PRIORITY => X_PRIORITY, X_RULE_FUNCTION => X_RULE_FUNCTION, X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE => X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE, X_WF_PROCESS_NAME => X_WF_PROCESS_NAME, X_PARAMETERS => X_PARAMETERS, X_OWNER_NAME => X_OWNER_NAME, X_OWNER_TAG => X_OWNER_TAG, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL => X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, X_LICENSED_FLAG => X_LICENSED_FLAG, X_DESCRIPTION => X_DESCRIPTION, X_EXPRESSION => X_EXPRESSION, X_ACTION_CODE => X_ACTION_CODE, X_ON_ERROR_CODE => X_ON_ERROR_CODE, X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC => X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC, X_MAP_CODE => X_MAP_CODE, X_STANDARD_CODE => X_STANDARD_CODE, X_STANDARD_TYPE => X_STANDARD_TYPE ); exception when no_data_found then WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PKG.INSERT_ROW( X_ROWID => row_id, X_GUID => X_GUID, X_SYSTEM_GUID => X_SYSTEM_GUID, X_SOURCE_TYPE => X_SOURCE_TYPE, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID => X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID, X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID => X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID, X_PHASE => X_PHASE, X_STATUS => X_STATUS, X_RULE_DATA => X_RULE_DATA, X_OUT_AGENT_GUID => X_OUT_AGENT_GUID, X_TO_AGENT_GUID => X_TO_AGENT_GUID, X_PRIORITY => X_PRIORITY, X_RULE_FUNCTION => X_RULE_FUNCTION, X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE => X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE, X_WF_PROCESS_NAME => X_WF_PROCESS_NAME, X_PARAMETERS => X_PARAMETERS, X_OWNER_NAME => X_OWNER_NAME, X_OWNER_TAG => X_OWNER_TAG, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL => X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL, X_LICENSED_FLAG => X_LICENSED_FLAG, X_DESCRIPTION => X_DESCRIPTION, X_EXPRESSION => X_EXPRESSION, X_ACTION_CODE => X_ACTION_CODE, X_ON_ERROR_CODE => X_ON_ERROR_CODE, X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC => X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC, X_MAP_CODE => X_MAP_CODE, X_STANDARD_CODE => X_STANDARD_CODE, X_STANDARD_TYPE => X_STANDARD_TYPE ); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Load_Row', x_guid, x_source_type, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID); raise; end LOAD_ROW; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure DELETE_ROW (X_GUID in raw) is begin wf_event.raise('',x_guid); delete from wf_event_subscriptions where guid = X_GUID; if (sql%notfound) then raise no_data_found; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Events_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Delete_Row', x_guid); raise; end DELETE_ROW; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure DELETE_SET ( X_SYSTEM_GUID in raw, X_SOURCE_TYPE in varchar2, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID in raw, X_PHASE in number, X_STATUS in varchar2, X_RULE_DATA in varchar2, X_OUT_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_TO_AGENT_GUID in raw, X_PRIORITY in number, X_RULE_FUNCTION in varchar2, X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE in varchar2, X_WF_PROCESS_NAME in varchar2, X_PARAMETERS in varchar2, X_OWNER_NAME in varchar2, X_OWNER_TAG in varchar2, X_DESCRIPTION in varchar2, X_EXPRESSION in varchar2, X_ACTION_CODE in varchar2, X_ON_ERROR_CODE in varchar2, X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC in varchar2, X_MAP_CODE in varchar2, X_STANDARD_CODE in varchar2, X_STANDARD_TYPE in varchar2 ) is begin delete from wf_event_subscriptions where (X_SYSTEM_GUID is null or (X_SYSTEM_GUID is not null and system_guid like X_SYSTEM_GUID)) and (X_SOURCE_TYPE is null or (X_SOURCE_TYPE is not null and source_type like X_SOURCE_TYPE)) and (X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID is null or (X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID is not null and source_agent_guid like X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID)) and (X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID is null or (X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID is not null and event_filter_guid like X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID)) and (X_PHASE is null or (X_PHASE is not null and phase like X_PHASE)) and (X_STATUS is null or (X_STATUS is not null and status like X_STATUS)) and (X_RULE_DATA is null or (X_RULE_DATA is not null and rule_data like X_RULE_DATA)) and (X_OUT_AGENT_GUID is null or (X_OUT_AGENT_GUID is not null and out_agent_guid like X_OUT_AGENT_GUID)) and (X_TO_AGENT_GUID is null or (X_TO_AGENT_GUID is not null and to_agent_guid like X_TO_AGENT_GUID)) and (X_PRIORITY is null or (X_PRIORITY is not null and priority like X_PRIORITY)) and (X_RULE_FUNCTION is null or (X_RULE_FUNCTION is not null and rule_function like X_RULE_FUNCTION)) and (X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE is null or (X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE is not null and wf_process_type like X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE)) and (X_WF_PROCESS_NAME is null or (X_WF_PROCESS_NAME is not null and wf_process_name like X_WF_PROCESS_NAME)) and (X_PARAMETERS is null or (X_PARAMETERS is not null and parameters like X_PARAMETERS)) and (X_OWNER_NAME is null or (X_OWNER_NAME is not null and owner_name like X_OWNER_NAME)) and (X_OWNER_TAG is null or (X_OWNER_TAG is not null and owner_tag like X_OWNER_TAG)) and (X_DESCRIPTION is null or (X_DESCRIPTION is not null and description like X_DESCRIPTION)) and (X_EXPRESSION is null or (X_EXPRESSION is not null and expression like X_EXPRESSION)) and (X_ACTION_CODE is null or (X_ACTION_CODE is not null and action_code like X_ACTION_CODE)) and (X_ON_ERROR_CODE is null or (X_ON_ERROR_CODE is not null and on_error_code like X_ON_ERROR_CODE)) and (X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC is null or (X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC is not null and java_rule_func like X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC)) and (X_MAP_CODE is null or (X_MAP_CODE is not null and map_code like X_MAP_CODE)) and (X_STANDARD_CODE is null or (X_STANDARD_CODE is not null and standard_code like X_STANDARD_CODE)) and (X_STANDARD_TYPE is null or (X_STANDARD_TYPE is not null and standard_type like X_STANDARD_TYPE)); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Events_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Delete_Set', x_system_guid, X_source_type, X_Event_Filter_GUID); raise; end DELETE_SET; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GENERATE ( X_GUID in raw ) return varchar2 is buf varchar2(32000); l_doc xmldom.DOMDocument; l_element xmldom.DOMElement; l_root xmldom.DOMNode; l_node xmldom.DOMNode; l_header xmldom.DOMNode; l_guid raw(16); l_system_guid raw(16); l_source_type varchar2(80); l_source_agent_guid raw(16); l_event_filter_guid raw(16); l_phase number; l_status varchar2(8); l_rule_data varchar2(8); l_out_agent_guid raw(16); l_to_agent_guid raw(16); l_priority number; l_rule_function varchar2(240); l_wf_process_type varchar2(30); l_wf_process_name varchar2(30); l_parameters varchar2(4000); l_owner_name varchar2(30); l_owner_tag varchar2(30); l_customization_level varchar2(1); l_licensed_flag varchar2(1); l_description varchar2(240); l_version varchar2(80); l_expression varchar2(4000); --Bug 3328673 --JBES Support for loader l_standardtype varchar2(30); l_standardcode varchar2(30); l_javarulefunc varchar2(240); l_onerror varchar2(30); l_actioncode varchar2(30); begin select system_guid, source_type, source_agent_guid, event_filter_guid, phase, status, rule_data, out_agent_guid, to_agent_guid, priority, rule_function, wf_process_type, wf_process_name, parameters, owner_name, owner_tag, description, expression, nvl(customization_level, 'L'), nvl(licensed_flag, 'Y'), standard_type , standard_code , java_rule_func , on_error_code, action_code into l_system_guid, l_source_type, l_source_agent_guid, l_event_filter_guid, l_phase, l_status, l_rule_data, l_out_agent_guid, l_to_agent_guid, l_priority, l_rule_function, l_wf_process_type, l_wf_process_name, l_parameters, l_owner_name, l_owner_tag, l_description, l_expression, l_customization_level, l_licensed_flag,l_standardtype,l_standardcode, l_javarulefunc,l_onerror , l_actioncode from wf_event_subscriptions where guid = x_guid; l_doc := xmldom.newDOMDocument; l_root := xmldom.makeNode(l_doc); l_root := wf_event_xml.newtag (l_doc, l_root, wf_event_xml.masterTagName); l_header := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_root, m_table_name); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, wf_event_xml.versionTagName, m_package_version); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'GUID', rawtohex(x_guid)); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'SYSTEM_GUID', rawtohex(l_system_guid)); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'SOURCE_TYPE', l_source_type); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'SOURCE_AGENT_GUID', rawtohex(l_source_agent_guid)); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'EVENT_FILTER_GUID', rawtohex(l_event_filter_guid)); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'PHASE', l_phase); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'STATUS', l_status); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'RULE_DATA', l_rule_data); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'OUT_AGENT_GUID', rawtohex(l_out_agent_guid)); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'TO_AGENT_GUID', rawtohex(l_to_agent_guid)); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'PRIORITY', l_PRIORITY); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'RULE_FUNCTION', l_RULE_FUNCTION); --Bug 3328673 --Add new tags for JBES support l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'JAVA_RULE_FUNC', l_javarulefunc); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'STANDARD_TYPE', l_standardtype); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'STANDARD_CODE', l_standardcode); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'ON_ERROR_CODE', l_onerror); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'ACTION_CODE', l_actioncode); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'WF_PROCESS_TYPE', l_wf_process_type); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'WF_PROCESS_NAME', l_wf_process_name); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'PARAMETERS', l_PARAMETERS); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'OWNER_NAME', l_OWNER_NAME); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'OWNER_TAG', l_OWNER_TAG); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL', NVL(l_customization_level, 'L')); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'LICENSED_FLAG', NVL(l_licensed_flag, 'Y')); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'DESCRIPTION', l_DESCRIPTION); l_node := wf_event_xml.newtag(l_doc, l_header, 'EXPRESSION', l_EXPRESSION); xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_root, buf); return buf; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Events_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Generate', x_guid); raise; end GENERATE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure RECEIVE ( X_MESSAGE in varchar2 ) is l_guid raw(16); l_system_guid raw(16); l_source_type varchar2(80); l_source_agent_guid raw(16); l_event_filter_guid raw(16); l_phase number; l_status varchar2(8); l_rule_data varchar2(8); l_out_agent_guid raw(16); l_to_agent_guid raw(16); l_priority number; l_rule_function varchar2(240); l_wf_process_type varchar2(30); l_wf_process_name varchar2(30); l_parameters varchar2(4000); l_owner_name varchar2(30); l_owner_tag varchar2(30); l_description varchar2(240); l_version varchar2(80); l_message varchar2(32000); l_customization_level varchar2(1) := 'L'; l_licensed_flag varchar2(1) := 'Y'; l_subscription_guid varchar2(32); l_expression varchar2(4000); l_node_name varchar2(255); l_node xmldom.DOMNode; l_child xmldom.DOMNode; l_value varchar2(32000); l_length integer; l_node_list xmldom.DOMNodeList; l_num number; --Bug 3328673 --JBES Support for loader l_standardtype varchar2(30); l_standardcode varchar2(30); l_javarulefunc varchar2(240); l_onerror varchar2(30); l_actioncode varchar2(30); -- Identical Row checks from this procedure are now moved to Find_Subscription begin l_message := x_message; --l_message := WF_EVENT_SYNCHRONIZE_PKG.SetGUID(l_message); -- update #NEW l_message := WF_EVENT_SYNCHRONIZE_PKG.SetSYSTEMGUID(l_message); -- update #LOCAL l_message := WF_EVENT_SYNCHRONIZE_PKG.SetSID(l_message); -- update #SID --Bug 3191978 --Replace agent names by their GUIDs l_message := WF_EVENT_SYNCHRONIZE_PKG.SetAgent2('','',l_message); -- update #WF_IN, #WF_OUT, #WF_ERROR l_message := WF_EVENT_SYNCHRONIZE_PKG.SetAgent2('','',l_message); l_message := WF_EVENT_SYNCHRONIZE_PKG.SetAgent2('','',l_message); l_node_list := wf_event_xml.findTable(l_message, m_table_name); l_length := xmldom.getLength(l_node_list); -- loop through elements that we received. for i in 0..l_length-1 loop l_node := xmldom.item(l_node_list, i); l_node_name := xmldom.getNodeName(l_node); if xmldom.hasChildNodes(l_node) then l_child := xmldom.GetFirstChild(l_node); l_value := xmldom.getNodevalue(l_child); else l_value := NULL; end if; if(l_node_name = 'GUID') then --l_guid := l_value; l_subscription_guid := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'SYSTEM_GUID') then l_SYSTEM_GUID := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'SOURCE_TYPE') then l_source_type := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'SOURCE_AGENT_GUID') then l_source_agent_guid := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'EVENT_FILTER_GUID') then l_event_filter_guid := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'PHASE') then l_phase := to_number(l_value); elsif(l_node_name = 'STATUS') then l_status := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'RULE_DATA') then l_rule_data := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'OUT_AGENT_GUID') then l_out_agent_guid := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'TO_AGENT_GUID') then l_to_agent_guid := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'PRIORITY') then l_priority := to_number(l_value); elsif(l_node_name = 'RULE_FUNCTION') then l_rule_function := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'WF_PROCESS_TYPE') then l_wf_process_type := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'WF_PROCESS_NAME') then l_wf_process_name := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'PARAMETERS') then l_parameters := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'OWNER_NAME') then l_owner_name := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'OWNER_TAG') then l_owner_tag := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL') then l_customization_level := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'LICENSED_FLAG') then l_licensed_flag := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'DESCRIPTION') then l_description := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'VERSION') then l_version := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'EXPRESSION') then l_expression := l_value; --Bug 3328673 --JBES Support for loader elsif(l_node_name = 'JAVA_RULE_FUNC') then l_javarulefunc := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'STANDARD_TYPE') then l_standardtype := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'STANDARD_CODE') then l_standardcode := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'ON_ERROR_CODE') then l_onerror := l_value; elsif(l_node_name = 'ACTION_CODE') then l_actioncode := l_value; else Wf_Core.Token('REASON', 'Invalid column name found:' || l_node_name || ' with value:'||l_value); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL'); end if; end loop; -- Validate Subscription -- Phase must not be null if L_PHASE is null then -- For backward compatibility of the WFXLoad do not raise any errors when -- the caller is the Loader. Throw a warning only if WF_EVENTS_PKG.g_Mode <> 'UPGRADE' then Wf_Core.Token('REASON','Subscription Phase cannot be null'); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL'); else wf_core.context('Wf_Events_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Receive', 'WARNING! WARNING! Subscription Phase CANNOT be null for Event GUID ' || l_event_filter_guid || ' defaulting to 50'); l_Phase := 50; end if; end if; -- Validate Subscription -- Owner Name and Owner Tag must not be null if (L_OWNER_NAME is null) or (L_OWNER_TAG is null) then -- For backward compatibility of the WFXLoad do not raise any errors when -- the caller is the Loader. Throw a warning only if WF_EVENTS_PKG.g_Mode <> 'UPGRADE' then Wf_Core.Token('REASON','Subscription Owner Name and Owner Tag cannot be null'); Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL'); else wf_core.context('Wf_Events_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Receive', 'WARNING! WARNING! Subscription OWNER_NAME/OWNER_TAG CANNOT be null for Event GUID ' || l_event_filter_guid); end if; end if; -- Check if the subscription is duplicate. If there is one already, use the GUID -- of the existing subscription l_guid := Find_Subscription(x_subscription_guid => l_subscription_guid, x_system_guid => l_system_guid, x_source_type => l_source_type, x_source_agent_guid => l_source_agent_guid, x_event_filter_guid => l_event_filter_guid, x_phase => l_phase, x_rule_data => l_rule_data, x_priority => l_priority, x_rule_function => l_rule_function, x_wf_process_type => l_wf_process_type, x_wf_process_name => l_wf_process_name, x_parameters => l_parameters, x_owner_name => l_owner_name, x_owner_tag => l_owner_tag); wf_event_subscriptions_pkg.load_row( X_GUID => l_guid, X_SYSTEM_GUID => l_system_guid, X_SOURCE_TYPE => l_source_type, X_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID => l_source_agent_guid, X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID => l_event_filter_guid, X_PHASE => l_phase, X_STATUS => l_status, X_RULE_DATA => l_rule_data, X_OUT_AGENT_GUID => l_out_agent_guid, X_TO_AGENT_GUID => l_to_agent_guid, X_PRIORITY => l_priority, X_RULE_FUNCTION => l_rule_function, X_WF_PROCESS_TYPE => l_wf_process_type, X_WF_PROCESS_NAME => l_wf_process_name, X_PARAMETERS => l_parameters, X_OWNER_NAME => l_owner_name, X_OWNER_TAG => l_owner_tag, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL => l_customization_level, X_LICENSED_FLAG => l_licensed_flag, X_DESCRIPTION => l_description, X_EXPRESSION => l_expression, X_ACTION_CODE => l_actioncode, X_ON_ERROR_CODE => l_onerror , X_JAVA_RULE_FUNC => l_javarulefunc, X_STANDARD_CODE => l_standardcode, X_STANDARD_TYPE => l_standardtype ); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Events_Subscriptions_Pkg', 'Receive', x_message); raise; end RECEIVE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure validate_subscription (X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID in raw, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL in varchar2, X_STATUS in varchar2) -- Bug 2756800 is cursor c_geteventcustom is select customization_level from wf_events where guid = X_EVENT_FILTER_GUID; l_custom_level varchar2(1); l_trns1 varchar2(4000); l_trns2 varchar2(4000); e_invalid_sub exception; begin for v_getcustom in c_geteventcustom loop l_custom_level := v_getcustom.customization_level; end loop; -- Subscription Validity Matrix if X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL in ('C', 'L') then if l_custom_level in ('X', 'U') then raise e_invalid_sub; end if; if X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL = 'C' and l_custom_level = 'L' and X_STATUS <> 'DISABLED' -- Bug 2756800 then raise e_invalid_sub; end if; elsif X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL = 'X' then if l_custom_level = 'U' then raise e_invalid_sub; end if; end if; exception when e_invalid_sub then l_trns1 := wf_core.translate('WFE_CUSTOM_LEVEL_' || X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL); l_trns2 := wf_core.translate('WFE_CUSTOM_LEVEL_' || l_custom_level); wf_core.token('SUB_CUSTOM_LEVEL', l_trns1); wf_core.token('EVT_CUSTOM_LEVEL', l_trns2); wf_core.raise('WFE_INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION'); end validate_subscription; procedure fetch_custom_level(X_GUID in raw, X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL out nocopy varchar2) is cursor c_getCustomLevel is select CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL from WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS where guid = X_GUID; l_found varchar2(1) := 'N'; begin for v_customlevel in c_getCustomLevel loop X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL := v_customlevel.customization_level; l_found := 'Y'; end loop; if l_found = 'N' then -- The subscription was not found... raise no_data_found; end if; end fetch_custom_level; -- Find_Subscription -- Function to check if there is a duplicate subscription. The logic in this procedure -- is moved from Receive procedure to be used from Insert_Row and Update_Row function Find_Subscription(x_subscription_guid in varchar2, x_system_guid in raw, x_source_type in varchar2, x_source_agent_guid in raw, x_event_filter_guid in raw, x_phase in number, x_rule_data in varchar2, x_priority in number, x_rule_function in varchar2, x_wf_process_type in varchar2, x_wf_process_name in varchar2, x_parameters in varchar2, x_owner_name in varchar2, x_owner_tag in varchar2) return raw is -- Identical Row Cursor -- A row is considered identical if it for the same system same event, -- same source type, same phase, same owner name same owner tag. We also -- need to take care of cases where both values are null. CURSOR identical_row1 IS SELECT guid FROM wf_event_subscriptions WHERE system_guid = x_system_guid AND source_type = x_source_type AND event_filter_guid = x_event_filter_guid AND (((source_agent_guid is null) AND (x_source_agent_guid is null)) OR source_agent_guid = x_source_agent_guid) AND (((phase is null) AND (x_phase is null)) OR phase = x_phase) AND (((owner_name is null) AND (x_owner_name is null)) OR owner_name = x_owner_name) AND (((owner_tag is null) AND (x_owner_tag is null)) OR owner_tag = x_owner_tag); CURSOR identical_row2 IS SELECT guid FROM wf_event_subscriptions WHERE system_guid = x_system_guid AND source_type = x_source_type AND event_filter_guid = x_event_filter_guid AND (phase is null OR phase = x_phase) AND owner_name is null AND owner_tag is null AND rule_data = x_rule_data AND priority = x_priority AND (((rule_function is null) AND (x_rule_function is null)) OR rule_function = x_rule_function) AND (((wf_process_type is null) AND (x_wf_process_type is null)) OR wf_process_type = x_wf_process_type) AND (((wf_process_name is null) AND (x_wf_process_name is null)) OR wf_process_name = x_wf_process_name) AND (((parameters is null) AND (x_parameters is null)) OR parameters = x_parameters); l_guid raw(16); begin -- A row is considered identical if it for the same system -- same event, same source type, same phase, same owner name -- same owner tag open identical_row1; fetch identical_row1 into l_guid; if (identical_row1%notfound) then -- An additional check in case the original row did not have the phase -- and/or owner name and owner tag fields defined -- Note: identical_row2 will not return any rows if only ONE -- of the 2 columns owner_name, owner_tag is null and the files contains -- a not null values open identical_row2; fetch identical_row2 into l_guid; if (identical_row2%notfound) then if (x_subscription_guid = '#NEW') then l_guid := sys_guid(); else l_guid := x_subscription_guid; end if; end if; close identical_row2; end if; close identical_row1; return l_guid; end Find_Subscription; end WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PKG; / -- show errors package body WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PKG; commit; exit;