REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | WFEVFNCB.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG | | 12.18.2002 varrajar Bug 2718836: Included UpdateLicenseStatus to update | licensed_flag *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; create or replace package body WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG as /* $Header: WFEVFNCB.pls 26.25 2005/03/09 08:47:42 rtodi ship $ */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** PRIVATE global variable */ local_system_guid raw(16) := wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** GENERATE - Wrapper around event system packages generate procedure ** to make compliant with generic generate message api */ function GENERATE ( P_EVENT_NAME in varchar2, P_EVENT_KEY in varchar2 ) return clob is msg clob; dtd varchar2(32000); l_parameters t_parameters; begin l_parameters := t_parameters(1,2); dbms_lob.createtemporary(msg, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.CALL); if p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_systems_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_systems_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_systems_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_agents_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_agents_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_agents_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_agent_groups_pkg.generate(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_agent_groups_pkg.generate(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_agent_groups_pkg.generate1(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_events_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_events_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_events_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_event_groups_pkg.generate(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_event_groups_pkg.generate(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_event_groups_pkg.generate(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_event_subscriptions_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_event_subscriptions_pkg.generate(p_event_key); elsif p_event_name = '' then dtd := wf_event_subscriptions_pkg.generate(p_event_key); /** Start of Bug 2398759 to support Agent Groups **/ elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_agent_groups_pkg.generate(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_agent_groups_pkg.generate(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif p_event_name = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(p_event_key, 2,'/'); dtd := wf_agent_groups_pkg.generate(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); /** End of Bug 2398759 **/ elsif p_event_name = '' then wf_event_synchronize_pkg.CreateSyncClob(p_eventdata=>msg); --dbms_lob.append(msg, wf_event_synchronize_pkg.CreateSyncClob); else null; end if; IF dtd IS NOT NULL THEN dbms_lob.write(msg, length(dtd), 1, dtd); END IF; return (msg); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG', 'GENERATE', p_event_name, p_event_key, substr(dtd,1,100)); raise; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function RECEIVE ( P_SUBSCRIPTION_GUID in raw, P_EVENT in out nocopy wf_event_t ) return varchar2 is /* ** RECEIVE - Wrapper around event system packages receive procedure ** to make compliant with generic receive api */ x_message varchar2(32000); l_eventname varchar2(240) := p_event.getEventName(); l_eventkey varchar2(240) := p_event.getEventKey(); l_eventdata clob := p_event.getEventData(); l_length integer; l_start number := 1; l_end number := 1; l_result varchar2(10); l_parameters t_parameters; begin l_parameters := t_parameters(1,2); if (l_eventname <> '' and l_eventname <> '') then l_length := dbms_lob.getlength(l_eventdata);, l_length,1,x_message); if l_eventname = '' then wf_systems_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_systems_pkg.delete_row(l_eventkey); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_systems_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_agents_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_agents_pkg.delete_row(l_eventkey); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_agents_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_agent_groups_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(l_eventkey, 2,'/'); wf_agent_groups_pkg.delete_row(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_agent_groups_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_events_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_events_pkg.delete_row(l_eventkey); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_events_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_event_groups_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters(l_eventkey, 2,'/'); wf_event_groups_pkg.delete_row(l_parameters(1), l_parameters(2)); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_event_groups_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_event_subscriptions_pkg.receive(x_message); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_event_subscriptions_pkg.delete_row(l_eventkey); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_event_subscriptions_pkg.receive(x_message); else return('ERROR'); end if; elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_event_synchronize_pkg.uploadsyncclob(l_eventdata); elsif l_eventname = '' then wf_event_synchronize_pkg.uploadsyncclob(l_eventdata); end if; l_result := wf_rule.default_rule(p_subscription_guid, p_event); return(l_result); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG', 'RECEIVE', p_event.event_name, p_subscription_guid); wf_event.setErrorInfo(p_event,'ERROR'); return('ERROR'); end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure SEND ( P_EVENTNAME in varchar2, P_EVENTKEY in varchar2, P_EVENTDATA in clob, P_TOAGENT in varchar2, P_TOSYSTEM in varchar2, P_PRIORITY in number, P_SENDDATE in date ) is /* ** SEND - Packages up parameters in wf_event_t and then calls ** wf_event.send() */ l_agent_t wf_agent_t; l_event_t wf_event_t; begin wf_event_t.initialize(l_event_t); if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then WF_LOG_PKG.STRING(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.SEND.Begin', 'Parameters:'||p_EventName||'*'|| p_EventKey||'*'||p_ToAgent||'*'||p_ToSystem); end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then WF_LOG_PKG.STRING(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.SEND.Agent', 'Populating Agent...'); end if; -- Populate the Agent l_agent_t := wf_agent_t (p_ToAgent, p_ToSystem); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then WF_LOG_PKG.STRING(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.SEND.Address', 'Populating Address...'); end if; -- Populate the Address l_event_t.Address( pOutAgent => null, pToAgent => l_agent_t, pPriority => 0, pSendDate => sysdate); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then WF_LOG_PKG.STRING(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.SEND.Content', 'Populating Content'); end if; -- Populate the Content l_event_t.Content( pName => p_EventName, pKey => p_EventKey, pData => p_EventData); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then WF_LOG_PKG.STRING(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.SEND.Hardwire', 'Hardwired Send'); end if; -- Release the hounds, hardwired send wf_event.send(l_event_t); if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then WF_LOG_PKG.STRING(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.SEND.End', 'Completed Send'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG', 'SEND', p_EventName, p_EventKey, 'ERROR'); raise; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function PARAMETERS ( P_STRING in varchar2, P_NUMVALUES in number, P_SEPARATOR in varchar2) return t_parameters is /* ** PARAMETERS - splices up a string and returns nested table */ l_parameters t_parameters; l_counter integer; l_endposition integer; l_startposition integer; l_amounttoread integer; begin l_parameters := t_parameters(1); l_counter := 0; l_endposition := 0; l_startposition := 0; l_amounttoread := 0; LOOP l_counter := l_counter + 1; EXIT when l_counter > p_numvalues; l_startposition := l_endposition + 1; l_endposition := instr(p_string, p_separator, 1, l_counter); IF l_endposition = 0 THEN l_endposition := length(p_string) + 1; END IF; l_amounttoread := l_endposition - l_startposition; l_parameters.extend(1); l_parameters(l_counter) := substr(p_string, l_startposition, l_amounttoread); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.PARAMETERS.get_pos', 'String:'||p_string||' Start:'||l_startposition|| ' End:'||l_endposition); end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.PARAMETERS.get_param', 'Parameter('||l_counter||') is '||l_parameters(l_counter)); end if; END LOOP; return(l_parameters); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG', 'Parameters', substr(p_string,1,100), p_numvalues,p_separator, 'ERROR'); raise; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function ADDCORRELATION ( P_SUBSCRIPTION_GUID in raw, P_EVENT in out nocopy wf_event_t ) return varchar2 is /* ** ADDCORRELATION - This function adds a correlation id to the event object */ l_itemkey varchar2(240); l_result varchar2(10); l_parameters varchar2(32000); l_function varchar2(240); l_sqlstmt varchar2(240); CURSOR c_parameters IS SELECT parameters FROM wf_event_subscriptions WHERE guid = p_subscription_guid; begin OPEN c_parameters; FETCH c_parameters INTO l_parameters; IF c_parameters%FOUND THEN -- -- This is where we will do some logic to determine if there is a parameter -- set which tells us which sequence to nextval to get the itemkey -- l_function := wf_event_functions_pkg.SubscriptionParameters(l_parameters, 'ITEMKEY'); if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.ADDCORRELATION.Begin', 'Item Key function is '||l_function); end if; IF l_function IS NOT NULL THEN l_sqlstmt := 'begin :v1 := '||l_function||'; end;'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sqlstmt USING in out l_itemkey; END IF; END IF; -- -- If nothing found then just pass back date -- IF l_itemkey IS NULL THEN l_itemkey := to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'); END IF; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.ADDCORRELATION.Set', 'Item Key is '||l_itemkey); end if; p_event.SetCorrelationId(l_itemkey); return ('SUCCESS'); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG', 'ADDCORRELATION', p_event.event_name, p_event.event_key, 'ERROR'); raise; return('ERROR'); end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SUBSCRIPTIONPARAMETERS ( P_STRING in out nocopy varchar2, P_KEY in varchar2, P_GUID in raw default NULL ) return varchar2 is /* ** SUBSCRIPTIONPARAMETERS - Reads through NAME=VALUE pairs looking for NAME ** to return VALUE */ l_string varchar2(32000); l_key varchar2(32000); l_start integer := 0; l_end integer := 0; l_value varchar2(32000); /* Bug 2015055 */ --cursor to fetch subscription parameters CURSOR c_parameters (c_guid raw) IS SELECT parameters FROM wf_event_subscriptions WHERE guid = c_guid; begin /* Bug 2015055 */ -- if p_guid is not null, event subscription parameters -- is retrieved and based on the key the value is fetched -- and returned. if p_guid is not NULL then OPEN c_parameters (p_guid); FETCH c_parameters INTO p_string; if c_parameters%NOTFOUND then p_string := NULL; end if; end if; /* Bug 2167813 */ l_string := ' ' || p_string || ' '; l_key := ' ' || p_key || '='; l_start := instr(l_string,l_key); if l_start = 0 then return NULL; end if; l_start := l_start + length(l_key); l_end := instr(l_string,' ',l_start); l_value := substr(l_string,l_start,l_end-l_start); return (l_value); exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG', 'SUBSCRIPTIONPARAMETERS', 'ERROR'); raise; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SubParamInEvent(p_guid in raw, p_event in out NOCOPY wf_event_t, p_match in varchar2) return boolean is eqPOS pls_integer; l_subParams varchar2(32000); l_subParam varchar2(4000); l_NumSubParams pls_integer; l_NumEvtParams pls_integer; l_EvtParamsIND pls_integer; l_SubParamsIND pls_integer; l_parameters t_parameters; l_evtParam varchar2(4000); found_match boolean; unitialized_collection exception; PRAGMA exception_init(unitialized_collection, -06531); begin if (p_event is NULL) then return false; end if; l_parameters := t_parameters(NULL); eqPOS := 1; l_NumSubParams := 0; l_NumEvtParams := 0; select parameters into l_subParams from wf_event_subscriptions where guid = p_guid; -- Get a count on the subscription parameters. while (eqPOS <> 0) loop eqPOS := instr(l_subParams, '=', eqPOS); if (eqPOS <> 0) then l_NumSubParams := l_NumSubParams + 1; eqPOS := eqPOS + 1; end if; end loop; -- First a broad check to see if the event and subscription both have or do -- not have any parameters. if (l_NumSubParams < 1) then -- If the subscription does not have any parameters, then we do not need to -- check the event, we will return TRUE. return TRUE; end if; -- If we made it here, the subscription does have parameters, we will now -- check the event. begin l_NumEvtParams := p_event.parameter_list.COUNT; exception when unitialized_collection then l_NumEvtParams := 0; when others then raise; end; if ((l_NumEvtParams < 1) and (l_NumSubParams > 0)) then -- If the event does not have any parameters, but the subscription does, we -- do not need to proceed further, we can go ahead and return FALSE. return FALSE; end if; -- If we made it here, both the event and subscription have parameters, so -- we need to start checking them. --Bug 3845922 -- Clear cache that we uses to remove duplicate and other optimization -- within the loops below. WF_EVENT.sub_param_index.DELETE; WF_EVENT.evt_param_index.DELETE; l_parameters := Parameters(l_SubParams, l_NumSubParams, ' '); while (l_NumSubParams > 0) loop <> -- We will loop through the -- subscription parameters. -- We will hash the subscription parameter and cache it l_SubParam := l_parameters(l_NumSubParams); l_subParamsIND := WF_CACHE.HashKey(l_SubParam); l_NumSubParams := l_NumSubParams - 1; -- Here we check to see if we have already seen this subscription -- parameter. If so, skip to the next. If not, cache it and check -- the event parameters for a match. This will eliminate processing -- duplicate subscription parameters. if (NOT (WF_EVENT.sub_param_index.EXISTS(l_subParamsIND)) or WF_EVENT.sub_param_index(l_subParamsIND) <> l_subParam) then -- Cache the subscription parameter since it is not in the cache. wf_event.sub_param_index(l_subParamsIND) := l_subParam; -- reset count of event parameters and found_match for next sub l_NumEvtParams := p_event.parameter_list.COUNT; found_match := FALSE; -- Sub loop through the event parameters while (l_NumEvtParams > 0) loop <> -- Get the name value pair of the event parameter l_evtParam := p_event.parameter_list(l_NumEvtParams).getName|| '=' ||p_event.parameter_list(l_NumEvtParams).getValue; -- Hash value for the event name value pair l_evtParamsIND := WF_CACHE.HashKey(l_evtParam); l_NumEvtParams := l_NumEvtParams-1; -- Check to see if the event parameter has already been cached. -- If not, check for a match. This will eliminate already -- matched event parameters. if (NOT (WF_EVENT.evt_param_index.EXISTS(l_evtParamsIND)) or WF_EVENT.evt_param_index(l_evtParamsIND) <> l_evtParam) then if (l_evtParamsIND = l_subParamsIND and l_subParam = l_evtParam) then -- Found match if (p_match = 'ANY') then return TRUE; else found_match := TRUE; -- Cache event parameter WF_EVENT.evt_param_index(l_evtParamsIND) := l_evtParam; -- ALL must match so continue to next subParam exit; end if; end if; end if; end loop evtLoop; if ((p_match='ALL') and not(found_match)) then return FALSE; end if; end if; end loop subscrLoop; -- We've looped through all the subscription parameters and since -- we haven't failed to find a match then return true for ALL. -- For ANY if we haven't returned TRUE then a match hasn't been found. if (p_match = 'ANY') then return false; else return true; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG', 'SubParamInEvent', p_event.event_name); raise; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure UpdateLicenseStatus (p_OwnerTag in varchar2, p_Status in varchar2) is l_LicenseFlag varchar2(1); begin if p_Status in ('I','S') then l_LicenseFlag := 'Y'; else l_LicenseFlag := 'N'; end if; -- Update all events and subscriptions with owner tag to product code update wf_events set licensed_flag = l_LicenseFlag where owner_tag = p_OwnerTag; update wf_event_subscriptions set licensed_flag = l_LicenseFlag where owner_tag = p_OwnerTag; end UpdateLicenseStatus; end WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG; / commit; -- show errors package body WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG; exit;