REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | WFEVENTB.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_EVENT | | 11.19.2002 varrajar Bug 2558446. Execute only those events and | subscriptions whose licensed_flag is set to 'Y' | 12-03-2002 KMA Add NOCOPY hint to OUT or IN OUT parameter | | 14-08-2003 CTILLEY Bug2472743. Updated dispatch_internal to check | for the new WF rule wf_rule.instance_default_rule *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; create or replace package body WF_EVENT as /* $Header: WFEVENTB.pls 26.102 2005/03/10 12:15:25 vshanmug ship $ */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PRIVATE global variables */ /* ** Cache Variables ** pv_last_agent_name - the value of agent name ** pv_last_queue_name - the value of queue name, no schema information ** pv_last_schema_name - the value of schema name ** pv_last_recipients - the value of last recipients */ pv_last_agent_name varchar2(30); pv_last_queue_name varchar2(80); pv_last_schema_name varchar2(30); pv_last_recipients varchar2(30); pv_last_dequeue_enabled varchar2(7); procedure GetAgentDetails(agent_name in varchar2); java_sub varchar2(240) := 'java://'; NO_SAVEPOINT exception; /* Bug 1840819 */ pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(NO_SAVEPOINT,-1086); DISPATCH_ERROR exception; --Cursor to get the group members of one agent group. --We assume that group members are of the same system as agent group. CURSOR agent_group_members(agent_name varchar2,system_name varchar2) is select as agt_name, agt2.queue_handler as queue_handler from wf_agent_groups agp , wf_agents agt1 , wf_agents agt2 , wf_systems sys where = agent_name and agt1.type = 'GROUP' and agt1.status = 'ENABLED' and agt1.system_guid = sys.guid and = system_name and agp.group_guid = agt1.guid and agp.member_guid = agt2.guid and agt2.system_guid = sys.guid and agt2.status = 'ENABLED'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** setMessage (PRIVATE) - Generate the Message for this event ** if necessary */ PROCEDURE setMessage(p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) is msg clob; func varchar2(240); cmd varchar2(1000); ename varchar2(240) := p_event.getEventName(); ekey varchar2(240) := p_event.getEventKey(); eplist wf_parameter_list_t := p_event.getParameterList(); -- Note that ORA-06550 is a generic PL/SQL compilation error -- Here it is most likely caused by "Wrong Number of Arguments". plsql_error EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(plsql_error, -06550); begin /* ** mjc We are now going to call this from the dispatcher ** if the subscription rule data is MESSAGE */ --if (wf_event.test(ename) = 'MESSAGE') then begin select generate_function into func from wf_events where name = ename; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'setMessage', ename, ekey); wf_core.raise('WFE_EVENT_NOTEXIST'); end; if (upper(func) = 'WF_XML.GENERATE') then -- msg := WF_XML.Generate(ename, ekey, eplist); elsif (func is not null) then /** The Generate Function has been extended to support the passing of the parameter list as well. To make sure we are compatible with 2.6.0, we catch any error if there are too many parameters and try again with the old API signature (eventname, eventkey) **/ -- func came from WF_EVENTS.GENERATE_FUNCTION -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE cmd := 'begin :v1 := '||func||'(:v2, :v3, :v4); end;'; begin execute immediate cmd using in out msg, in ename, in ekey, in eplist; exception when plsql_error then -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE cmd := 'begin :v1 := '||func||'(:v2, :v3); end;'; execute immediate cmd using in out msg, in ename, in ekey; end; else cmd := ''||ename||''|| p_event.getEventKey()||''; dbms_lob.createtemporary(msg, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.CALL); dbms_lob.write(msg, length(cmd), 1, cmd); end if; p_event.event_data := msg ; -- p_event.setEventData(msg); --end if; exception when others then if (Wf_Core.Error_Name = 'WFE_EVENT_NOTEXIST') then raise; else wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'setMessage', ename, ekey, func); WF_CORE.Token('ENAME', p_event.event_name); wf_core.token('FUNCTION_NAME', func); WF_CORE.Token('SQLCODE', to_char(sqlcode)); WF_CORE.Token('SQLERRM', sqlerrm); WF_CORE.Raise('WFE_DISPATCH_GEN_ERR'); end if; end; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** setErrorInfo - */ PROCEDURE setErrorInfo(p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t, p_type in varchar2) is err_name varchar2(30); err_msg varchar2(2000); err_stack varchar2(2000); begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.setErrorInfo.begin', 'Setting Error Info'); end if; -- First look for a standard WF_CORE exception. wf_core.get_error(err_name, err_msg, err_stack, 2000); if (err_name is null) then -- If no WF_CORE exception, look for an Oracle error. err_name := to_char(sqlcode); err_msg := sqlerrm; end if; -- set error information into the event -- p_event.setErrorMessage(err_msg); p_event.setErrorStack(err_stack); p_event.addParameterToList('ERROR_NAME', err_name); p_event.addParameterToList('ERROR_TYPE', p_type); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'setErrorInfo', p_event.getEventName()); raise; end; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** saveErrorToQueue (PRIVATE) - Save the event to the WF_ERROR queue. */ PROCEDURE saveErrorToQueue(p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) is erragt wf_agent_t; cmd varchar2(1000); begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.saveErrorToQueue.Begin', 'saving event to WF_ERROR on '|| wf_event.local_system_name); end if; erragt := wf_agent_t('WF_ERROR', wf_event.local_system_name); -- -- mjc - lets just call the API directly -- wf_error_qh.enqueue(p_event, erragt); --cmd := 'begin WF_ERROR_QH.enqueue(:v1, :v2); end;'; --execute immediate cmd using in p_event, -- in erragt; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.saveErrorToQueue.End', 'error info saved'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'saveErrorToQueue', p_event.getEventName()); wf_core.token('FUNCTION_NAME', 'WF_ERROR_QH.enqueue()'); --wf_core.raise('WF_EXT_FUNCTION'); raise; end; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** isDeferToJava (PRIVATE) * returns true : if current subscription is Java or the event has a * Java generate function or there exists a subsequent * Java subscription when max threshold is reached * returns false: otherwise */ FUNCTION isDeferToJava(max_threshold_reached in boolean, p_event_name in varchar2, p_source_type in varchar2, p_rule_func in varchar2, p_rule_data in varchar2, p_phase in pls_integer) return boolean is num pls_integer; func varchar2(240); cursor check_java_subs_gen is select 1 from wf_event_subscriptions sub, wf_events evt where sub.system_guid = wf_event.local_system_guid and sub.status = 'ENABLED' and sub.licensed_flag = 'Y' and sub.source_type = p_source_type and sub.event_filter_guid = evt.guid and (sub.java_rule_func is not null or (evt.java_generate_func is not null and sub.rule_data = 'MESSAGE')) and = p_event_name and evt.status = 'ENABLED' and evt.licensed_flag = 'Y' and (p_phase is NULL OR sub.phase > p_phase); begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.isDeferToJava.begin', 'Checking for Java subscription/generate'); end if; if (p_rule_func is not null AND UPPER(substr(p_rule_func, 0, length(java_sub))) = UPPER(java_sub)) then -- this is a Java subscription. Return true if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.isDeferToJava.Subscription', 'found a Java subscription'); end if; return true; end if; -- Now Checking Generate Functions if (not max_threshold_reached) then begin select java_generate_func into func from wf_events where name = p_event_name and status = 'ENABLED' and licensed_flag = 'Y'; exception when no_data_found then return false; end; if (func is not null AND p_rule_data is not null AND p_rule_data = 'MESSAGE' and p_source_type = 'LOCAL') then -- this is a Java generate function. if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.isDeferToJava.Subscription', 'found a Java generate function'); end if; return true; else return false; end if; else -- check for a subsequent Java subscription or -- for a subscription with rule_data = MESSAGE if event has Java -- generate function open check_java_subs_gen; fetch check_java_subs_gen into num; close check_java_subs_gen; if(num > 0) then if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.isDeferToJava.Subscription', 'found subsequent Java sub or java generate'); end if; return true; else if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.isDeferToJava.Subscription', 'No Java sub found or Java Generate Found'); end if; return false; end if; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.isDeferToJava.end', 'Checked for Java subscription/generate'); end if; return false; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'isDeferToJava', p_event_name); raise; end isDeferToJava; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetSkippedSub - utility function to get the subscription has skip onerror ** type */ function GetSkippedSub(p_event in wf_event_t) return RAW is l_skip_sub_str VARCHAR2(300); begin l_skip_sub_str := p_event.GETVALUEFORPARAMETER('SKIP_ERROR_SUB'); if (l_skip_sub_str is not null) then return hextoraw(l_skip_sub_str); end if; return null; end GetSkippedSub; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** dispatch_internal (PRIVATE) */ FUNCTION dispatch_internal(p_source_type in varchar2, p_rule_data in varchar2, p_rule_func in varchar2, p_sub_guid in raw, p_source_agent_guid in raw, p_phase in number, p_priority in number, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t, p_on_error in varchar2) return varchar2 is res varchar2(20); cmd varchar2(1000); stat varchar2(10); myfunc varchar2(240); saved boolean := FALSE; eguid raw(16); defagent wf_agent_t; subphase number; genmsg boolean := FALSE; max_threshold_reached boolean := FALSE; defer_to_java boolean := FALSE; l_skip_sub raw(16); trig_savepoint exception; pragma exception_init(trig_savepoint, -04092); msg clob; -- Bug2786192 l_rule_func VARCHAR2(240); begin if ((wf_event.local_system_status = 'ENABLED' OR wf_event.local_system_status = p_source_type) OR (wf_event.local_system_status <> 'DISABLED' AND p_source_type = 'ERROR')) AND (p_phase >= wf_event.phase_minthreshold) then --Bug 2519183 --If we are in the deferred processing of an --event we will set back the minthreshold so that its --possible to raise active events within this subscription. --This is after all processed subscriptions have been --discarded hence its fine to set the phase_minthreshold --to zero. if ((wf_event.phase_minthreshold > 0) AND (p_event.from_agent is NOT NULL)) then --Bug 3451981 --In the case of EXTERNAL events the from_agent will --not be WF_DEFERRED , in this case no further event --executions are possible with any lower phases --(though logically there is No DEFERRED within DEFERRED --and correspondingly here phase of > 100 or not works the --same way so u can always workaround with higher phases --but not good on design) --So we can possibly check if it is 'EXTERNAL' --and as we know from the check of min_threshold --that we are deferprocessing lets re-set it. if ((p_event.from_agent.getName = 'WF_DEFERRED') OR (p_source_type = 'EXTERNAL')) then wf_event.phase_minthreshold := 0; end if ; end if; -- -- mjc Check if reached the phase threshold and should defer -- If we have encountered a deferred subscription, we will -- get the hell out of Dodge City (aka exiting the loop) -- We should not defer any messages being processed from -- the deferred queue. -- -- YOHUANG Bug 4227307 -- Error Subscription should never be deferred. if (wf_event.phase_maxthreshold is not null) AND (p_phase >= wf_event.phase_maxthreshold) AND (p_source_type <> 'ERROR') then if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch_internal.Subscription', 'max threshold reached'); end if; max_threshold_reached := true; end if; -- check if event needs to be deferred to WF_JAVA_DEFERRED queue defer_to_java := isDeferToJava(max_threshold_reached, p_event.getEventName(), p_source_type, p_rule_func, p_rule_data,p_phase); if(defer_to_java OR max_threshold_reached ) then if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch_internal.Subscription', 'detected as deferred'); end if; -- -- mjc Set action priority now, if we defer, this can be used -- as the priority of the dequeue off the deferred queue -- p_event.priority := p_priority; -- Set the Deferred Subscription into the event -- We will use this to figure out which phase we will start -- off with during deferred processing p_event.error_subscription := p_sub_guid; if(defer_to_java) then if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch_internal.Subscription', 'deferring to WF_JAVA_DEFERRED'); end if; wf_event.DeferEventToJava(p_source_type, p_event); else if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch_internal.Subscription', 'deferring to WF_DEFERRED'); end if; wf_event.deferevent(p_source_type, p_event); end if; res := 'DEFER'; else -- Generate Method is irrelavant to subscription. -- Exception happened in Generate Method should be thrown -- up. -- -- mjc Check if we are required to Generate Message -- Use dbms_lob.istemporary to see if any clob -- begin if (NOT genmsg) AND (p_rule_data = 'MESSAGE') AND (p_source_type = 'LOCAL') then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch_internal.Rule_Data', 'Rule Data is MESSAGE and Source is LOCAL'); end if; if dbms_lob.istemporary(p_event.GetEventData()) = 0 then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch_internal.generate', 'Need to Generate Message'); end if; wf_event.setMessage(p_event); genmsg := TRUE; end if; end if; exception when others then rollback to wf_dispatch_savepoint; p_event.setErrorSubscription(p_sub_guid); wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'RULE'; raise; end; --If we came here now we can start processing the --subscription --Set the savepoint here for the SKIP mode and not for error --subscriptions if (p_on_error = 'SKIP' and p_source_type <> 'ERROR') then -- trig_savepoint shall not happen otherwise -- the event level savepoint can't be created. savepoint wf_dispatch_internal; end if; -- If we are in the process of only executing the skipped -- subscription, we should remove this parameter because -- otherwise there will be indefinite loop in case of -- nested raise. l_skip_sub := GetSkippedSub(p_event); if (l_skip_sub is not null AND p_source_type = 'LOCAL') then p_event.AddParameterToList('SKIP_ERROR_SUB', null); end if; -- -- If there's a rule function defined, run it. Otherwise -- just execute the default dispatch functionality -- begin l_rule_func := upper(nvl(p_rule_func, 'WF_RULE.DEFAULT_RULE')); --Bug 2786192 --For performance reasons use execute immediate only in --case the rule function does not correspond to any defined --by WF. myfunc := l_rule_func; if ((p_rule_func is null) OR (l_rule_func = 'WF_RULE.DEFAULT_RULE')) then res := wf_rule.default_rule(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_RULE.DEFAULT_RULE2') then res := wf_rule.default_rule2(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_RULE.DEFAULT_RULE3') then res := wf_rule.default_rule3(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_RULE.INSTANCE_DEFAULT_RULE') then res := wf_rule.instance_default_rule(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_RULE.ERROR_RULE') then res := wf_rule.error_rule(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_RULE.SETPARAMETERSINTOPARAMETERLIST') then res := wf_rule.setparametersintoparameterlist(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_RULE.SUCCESS') then res := wf_rule.success(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_RULE.WORKFLOW_PROTOCOL') then res := wf_rule.workflow_protocol(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_XML.ERROR_RULE') then res := wf_xml.error_rule(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_XML.RECEIVE') then res := wf_xml.receive(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_XML.SENDNOTIFICATION') then res := wf_xml.sendnotification(p_sub_guid, p_event); elsif (l_rule_func = 'WF_XML.SUMMARYRULE') then res := wf_xml.summaryrule(p_sub_guid, p_event); else -- p_rule_func came from WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.Rule_Function or -- WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.Java_Rule_Func myfunc := p_rule_func; -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE cmd := 'begin :v1 := '||myfunc||'(:v2, :v3); end;'; execute immediate cmd using in out res, in p_sub_guid, in out p_event; end if; exception when others then if (p_on_error = 'SKIP') then -- Unexpected Exception is treated the same as ERROR -- if the subscription is marked as SKIP res := 'ERROR'; else rollback to wf_dispatch_savepoint; p_event.setErrorSubscription(p_sub_guid); p_event.addParameterToList('ERROR_TYPE', 'UNEXPECTED'); wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'RULE'; WF_CORE.Token('ENAME', p_event.event_name); WF_CORE.Token('EKEY', p_event.event_key); WF_CORE.Token('RULE', myfunc); WF_CORE.Token('SQLCODE', to_char(sqlcode)); WF_CORE.Token('SQLERRM', sqlerrm); WF_CORE.Raise('WFE_DISPATCH_RULE_ERR'); end if; end; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE[3] wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch_internal.rule_function', 'Executed Rule Function '||myfunc||' and returned '||res); end if; end if; else -- Bug 4227307 -- Handle the subscriptions that are not eligible for execution. if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.wf_event.dispatch_internal.subs_ignore', 'Subscription not executed. Sub Phase='||p_phase|| ', Min threshold='||wf_event.phase_minthreshold); end if; return 'SUCCESS'; end if; if (res = 'DEFER' OR res = 'SUCCESS') then return res; end if; p_event.addParameterToList('ERROR_TYPE', res); p_event.setErrorSubscription(p_sub_guid); if (p_source_type = 'ERROR') then -- If subscription returns error when listener listens on error agent. -- Bug 4207885: Set the exception source to Rule when -- Raising exceptions. wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'RULE'; wf_core.token('ENAME', p_event.event_name); wf_core.token('EKEY', p_event.event_key); wf_core.token('SQLERRM', null); wf_core.token('SQLCODE', null); wf_core.raise('WFE_DISPATCH_RULE_ERR'); end if; if (res = 'ERROR') then if (WF_EVENT.g_message_grouping = 'TRANSACTIONAL') then raise dispatch_error; end if; begin if (p_on_error = 'SKIP' and p_source_type <> 'ERROR') then rollback to wf_dispatch_internal; p_event.AddParameterToList('SKIP_ERROR_SUB', rawtohex(p_sub_guid)); res := 'SKIP_ERROR'; else rollback to wf_dispatch_savepoint; end if; exception when NO_SAVEPOINT then -- Bug 1840819 -- Catch the no savepoint exception incase commit has happened. -- In this case, the subsequent subscriptions can't be executed -- because is savepoint no longer valid. wf_core.token('EVENT',p_event.getEventName()); p_event.setErrorMessage(wf_core.substitute('WFERR', 'WFE_COMMIT_IN_DISPATCH')); res := 'TRANSACTION_COMMITED'; end; end if; wf_event.saveErrorToQueue(p_event); p_event.AddParameterToList('SKIP_ERROR_SUB', null); return (res); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'dispatch_internal'); raise; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** newAgent - */ FUNCTION newAgent(p_agent_guid in raw) return wf_agent_t is agt_name varchar2(30); sys_name varchar2(30); begin if (p_agent_guid is null) then return null; end if; select, into agt_name, sys_name from wf_agents agt, wf_systems sys where agt.guid = p_agent_guid and sys.guid = agt.system_guid; return wf_agent_t(agt_name, sys_name); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'newAgent', p_agent_guid); wf_core.raise('WFE_AGENT_NOTEXIST'); end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** test - */ FUNCTION test(p_event_name in varchar2) return varchar2 is event_guid raw(16); result varchar2(10) := 'NONE'; begin select guid into event_guid from wf_events where name = p_event_name and status = 'ENABLED' and licensed_flag = 'Y'; begin -- -- see if any active local subscriptions require MESSAGE -- select 'MESSAGE' into result from wf_event_subscriptions sub where sub.system_guid = wf_event.local_system_guid and sub.source_type = 'LOCAL' and sub.status = 'ENABLED' and sub.licensed_flag = 'Y' and sub.rule_data = 'MESSAGE' and rownum = 1 and (sub.event_filter_guid = event_guid OR exists (select 'eventgroup' from wf_event_groups egrp where egrp.group_guid = sub.event_filter_guid and egrp.member_guid = event_guid)); exception when no_data_found then -- -- look for any active local subscriptions -- select 'KEY' into result from wf_event_subscriptions sub where sub.system_guid = wf_event.local_system_guid and sub.source_type = 'LOCAL' and sub.status = 'ENABLED' and sub.licensed_flag = 'Y' and rownum = 1 and (sub.event_filter_guid = event_guid OR exists (select 'eventgroup' from wf_event_groups egrp where egrp.group_guid = sub.event_filter_guid and egrp.member_guid = event_guid)); end; return result; exception when no_data_found then return 'NONE'; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Test', p_event_name); raise; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** send - */ PROCEDURE send(p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) is outguid WF_AGENTS.GUID%TYPE; toagtname WF_AGENTS.NAME%TYPE; toagtsys WF_SYSTEMS.NAME%TYPE; outagtname WF_AGENTS.NAME%TYPE; outagtsys WF_SYSTEMS.NAME%TYPE; l_to_type WF_AGENTS.TYPE%TYPE; -- l_mem_agt_name WF_AGENTS.NAME%TYPE; l_to_queue_handler WF_AGENTS.QUEUE_HANDLER%TYPE; begin -- -- if from_agent is null, pick one from the local system that uses -- the same queue handler (i.e.: same event type) -- -- Note: someday, when we support agent groups, we'd loop through -- the group members and derive a list of proper out agents. -- if (p_event.GetToAgent() is null AND p_event.GetFromAgent() is null) then -- Either source or destination must be defined. -- Raise Error. wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Send', p_event.getEventName()); wf_core.raise('Either source or destination must be defined.'); -- wfsql.msg end if; if p_event.GetToAgent() is not null then toagtname := p_event.getToAgent().getName(); toagtsys := p_event.getToAgent().getSystem(); end if; if p_event.GetFromAgent() is not null then outagtname := p_event.getFromAgent().getName(); outagtsys := p_event.getFromAgent().getSystem(); end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, '', 'To Agt: '||toagtname||' To Agt Sys:'||toagtsys|| 'Out Agt: '||outagtname||' Out Agt Sys:'||outagtsys); end if; -- enqueue() requires that FromAgent not null. -- pick one from the local system that uses the same queue handler (i.e.: same event type) -- as toAgent uses. -- If the toAgent is an agent group, we assume that agent group -- only contain one type of agents. if (p_event.getFromAgent() is null OR p_event.getFromAgent().getName() is null OR p_event.getFromAgent().getSystem() is null) then SELECT toagt.TYPE, toagt.QUEUE_HANDLER INTO l_to_type, l_to_queue_handler FROM wf_agents toagt, wf_systems tosys WHERE toagt.system_guid = tosys.guid AND = toagtsys AND = toagtname AND toagt.status = 'ENABLED'; IF (l_to_type = 'GROUP') THEN l_to_queue_handler := NULL; for r_group_members in agent_group_members(toagtname, toagtsys) loop l_to_queue_handler := r_group_members.queue_handler; exit; end loop; if (l_to_queue_handler = null) then raise no_data_found; end if; END IF; select agt.guid, into outguid, outagtname from wf_agents agt where agt.system_guid = wf_event.local_system_guid and agt.queue_handler = l_to_queue_handler and agt.status = 'ENABLED' and agt.direction = 'OUT' and rownum = 1; p_event.setFromAgent(wf_event.newAgent(outguid)); end if; if (p_event.getSendDate() is NULL) then p_event.setSendDate(sysdate); end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.send.enqueue', 'Sending from '||outagtname||' to '||toagtname); end if; wf_event.enqueue(p_event); exception when no_data_found then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Send', p_event.getEventName()); wf_core.token('AGENT', toagtname); wf_core.raise('WFE_AGENT_NOMATCH'); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Send', p_event.getEventName()); raise; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** Given out agent and to agent info, ** Figure out the recipient address. ** PRIVATE: Only called by Set_Recipient_List. ** Assumption: There will be no group under group, so the to agent ** passed here must have type AGENT. */ FUNCTION Get_Recipient(p_out_agent_name in varchar2, p_out_system_name in varchar2, p_to_agent_name in varchar2, p_to_system_name in varchar2, p_out_queue_handler in varchar2) return$_agent is l_to_address WF_AGENTS.ADDRESS%TYPE; l_to_protocol WF_AGENTS.PROTOCOL%TYPE; l_to_queue_name WF_AGENTS.QUEUE_NAME%TYPE; l_to_protocol_number NUMBER := 0; -- Hard code as SQLNET BEGIN -- MJC: We need to make sure the recipient address is in the correct -- format otherwise dequeue will not work. -- -- Rule 1: Local consumer dequeues from same queue as enqueued -- --> Address must be null -- Rule 2: Propagating to local queue -- --> Address must be . -- Rule 3: Propagating to local database -- --> Address must be .@dblink -- YOHUANG: Different Sql queries for different case to -- improve performance. if((p_to_agent_name = p_out_agent_name) and (p_to_system_name = p_out_system_name)) then SELECT toagt.protocol, toagt.queue_name INTO l_to_protocol, l_to_queue_name FROM wf_agents toagt, wf_systems tosys WHERE = p_to_agent_name AND toagt.system_guid = tosys.guid AND = p_to_system_name AND toagt.status = 'ENABLED'; l_to_address := null; else SELECT toagt.address, toagt.protocol, toagt.queue_name INTO l_to_address, l_to_protocol, l_to_queue_name FROM wf_agents toagt, wf_systems tosys WHERE = p_to_agent_name AND toagt.system_guid = tosys.guid AND toagt.status = 'ENABLED' AND = p_to_system_name AND toagt.queue_handler = p_out_queue_handler; if((p_to_agent_name <> p_out_agent_name) and (p_to_system_name = p_out_system_name)) then l_to_address := l_to_queue_name; end if; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.Get_Recipient', 'Recipient is name: ' || p_to_agent_name || ' address: ' || l_to_address || ' protocol: ' ||l_to_protocol); end if; -- Here is where we will add additional protocol mappings as AQ -- supports new protocols. This bit will form a hardcoded mapping -- from protocol names as used in the event manager and the -- protocol numbers used by AQ. if((l_to_protocol is null) or (l_to_protocol not in ('SQLNET'))) then wf_core.context('WF_EVENT', 'Get_Recipient', 'Bad Protocol', l_to_protocol, l_to_queue_name); end if; return$_agent(p_to_agent_name, l_to_address, l_to_protocol_number); exception WHEN no_data_found THEN -- It means that to agent and out agent are not of same type RETURN null; end Get_Recipient; /* ** If the ToAgent of event is not null(send), set the recipient list ** address. ** Only be called if the event.getToAgent() is not null. */ PROCEDURE Set_Recipient_List(p_event in wf_event_t, p_out_agent_name in varchar2, p_out_system_name in varchar2, x_message_properties in out nocopy dbms_aq.message_properties_t) IS l_to_type WF_AGENTS.TYPE%TYPE; l_to_agent_name WF_AGENTS.NAME%TYPE; l_to_system_name WF_SYSTEMS.NAME%TYPE; l_out_queue_handler WF_AGENTS.QUEUE_HANDLER%TYPE; l_recipient_agent$_agent; --Bug 2676549 i number := 0; BEGIN -- Ignore if to agent is not set or the out agent is DEFERRED. if ((p_event.getToAgent() is null) or (p_out_agent_name = 'WF_DEFERRED')) then return; end if; -- if there is a to queue, we need to set the recipient list address l_to_agent_name := p_event.getToAgent().getName(); l_to_system_name := p_event.getToAgent().getSystem(); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.setRecieptList', 'Setting Recipient List: ' || l_to_agent_name); end if; select wfa.type into l_to_type from wf_agents wfa, wf_systems wfs where = l_to_agent_name and = l_to_system_name and wfs.guid = wfa.system_guid and wfa.status = 'ENABLED'; select queue_handler into l_out_queue_handler from wf_agents wfa, wf_systems wfs where = p_out_agent_name and = p_out_system_name and wfs.guid = wfa.system_guid and wfa.status = 'ENABLED'; if (l_to_type = 'GROUP') then --Get the agent / agent group from the cursor for to_agent in agent_group_members(l_to_agent_name,l_to_system_name) loop l_recipient_agent := Get_Recipient(p_out_agent_name, p_out_system_name, to_agent.agt_name, l_to_system_name, l_out_queue_handler); if (l_recipient_agent IS NOT NULL) then i:= i + 1; x_message_properties.recipient_list(i) := l_recipient_agent; end if; end loop; if (i = 0) then -- There is no qualified agents under this agent group raise no_data_found; end if; else l_recipient_agent := Get_Recipient(p_out_agent_name, p_out_system_name, l_to_agent_name, l_to_system_name, l_out_queue_handler); if (l_recipient_agent IS NOT NULL) then x_message_properties.recipient_list(1) := l_recipient_agent; else -- No qualified agent raise no_data_found; end if; end if ; END Set_Recipient_List; /* ** raise - */ PROCEDURE raise(p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_event_data in clob, p_parameters in wf_parameter_list_t, p_send_date in date) is l_parameters wf_parameter_list_t; begin --If parameter list is null then raise the event --with a dummy parameter list as raise3 requires --the parameterlist to be input.Else use the input --parameter list. if (p_parameters is NOT NULL) then l_parameters := p_parameters; else l_parameters := wf_parameter_list_t(); end if; --Raise the event wf_event.raise3(p_event_name, p_event_key, p_event_data, l_parameters, p_send_date); exception when others then raise; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** listen - */ PROCEDURE listen(p_agent_name in varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer, p_correlation in varchar2, p_deq_condition in varchar2) is l_msg_count NUMBER := 0; l_err_count NUMBER := 0; begin listen(p_agent_name, p_wait, p_correlation, p_deq_condition, l_msg_count, l_err_count); end; /* ** listen - */ PROCEDURE listen(p_agent_name in varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer, p_correlation in varchar2, p_deq_condition in varchar2, p_message_count in out nocopy number, p_max_error_count in out nocopy number) is from_agt_name varchar2(30); from_agt_sys varchar2(30); st varchar2(10) := 'LOCAL'; dir varchar2(10); qh varchar2(240); stat varchar2(10); agt raw(16); sagt raw(16); evt wf_event_t; evt_name VARCHAR2(240); /* Bug 2032654 */ evt_errmsg VARCHAR2(4000); l_lsn_msg_count NUMBER := 0; -- Local Variable, reset everytime the method is called. l_error_count NUMBER := 0; l_queue_name varchar2(80); q_name VARCHAR2(80); l_enqueue_enabled VARCHAR2(30); l_dequeue_enabled VARCHAR2(30); l_queueTable VARCHAR2(30); -- Tuned and separated sql statement for better performance -- restricting Listen() to local system. if (WF_EVENT.g_local_system_guid is NULL) then g_local_system_guid := hextoraw(WF_CORE.Translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID')); end if; begin select wa.guid, UPPER(wa.direction) into agt, dir from wf_agents wa where = p_agent_name and wa.system_guid = WF_EVENT.g_local_system_guid; end; -- --Bug 2307433, 3271311, Use StartAgent as single Source of truth -- StartAgent becomes the single source to start a particular agent -- and can be called without worrying about fixed name queues. StartAgent(p_agent_name); if (WF_EVENT.g_message_grouping = 'TRANSACTIONAL') then if ((p_correlation is NULL) and (p_deq_condition is NULL)) then --This is a transactional queue, we will go ahead and call --the proper api. WF_EVENT.Listen_GRP(p_agent_name, p_wait); return; else --This is a transactional queue, but since there was a correlation id --passed, we cannot call Listen_GRP, so we will raise an error to the --caller to resolve. wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Listen', p_agent_name); wf_core.token('AGENT', p_agent_name); wf_core.token('API', 'WF_EVENT.Listen_GRP'); wf_core.raise('WFE_TRXN_QUEUE'); end if; end if; -- set source type -- if (p_agent_name = 'WF_ERROR') then st := 'ERROR'; elsif (dir = 'IN') then st := 'EXTERNAL'; end if; -- check system status -- -- stat := wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_STATUS'); -- Set the account name - only need this for WF_DEFERRED wf_event.SetAccountName; if (wf_event.local_system_status = 'DISABLED') then return; end if; if (wf_event.local_system_status in ('LOCAL','EXTERNAL')) then if (st = wf_event.local_system_status OR st = 'ERROR' OR p_agent_name = 'WF_DEFERRED') then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.Check1', 'Source type is equal to system status '|| 'or ERROR or Deferred Processing'); end if; else if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.Check2', 'Source type not valid for current system status'); end if; return; end if; end if; -- Set the dequeue navigation option to be DBMS_AQ.FIRST_MESSAGE wf_event.navigation := dbms_aq.first_message; /* ** We need to explicitly make sure that if someones Queue Handler ** blows up we rollback the transaction, just in case they don't */ begin savepoint bes_before_dequeue_qh; wf_event.dequeue(agt, evt, qh, p_wait, p_correlation, p_deq_condition); exception when others then wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'QH'; rollback to bes_before_dequeue_qh; raise; end; -- YOHUANG -- Add support MAX_LSN_MSG_COUNT and MAX_ERROR_COUNT -- to mimic JAVA GSC Framework implementation -- Listen will return back to caller if either MAX NUMBER -- of messages are read or max number of errors happened. while (evt is not null) loop l_lsn_msg_count := l_lsn_msg_count + 1; if (st <> 'ERROR') then if (evt.getFromAgent() is null) then sagt := NULL; else from_agt_name := evt.getFromAgent().getName(); from_agt_sys := evt.getFromAgent().getSystem(); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen', 'Event '||evt.getEventName()|| ', hailing from '||from_agt_name||'@'||from_agt_sys|| ' was dequeued from '||p_agent_name); end if; -- get the from agent guid GetSourceAgentGUID(agent_name => from_agt_name, agent_system => from_agt_sys, agent_guid => sagt); end if; else sagt := NULL; /* Bug 2032654 1. Determine if the event name is null 2. If the event name is NULL, it should be defaulted to UNEXPECTED_ERROR. 3. The text Event Name is NULL is appended to the error message. */ evt_name := evt.getEventName; IF evt_name IS NULL THEN evt.setEventName('UNEXPECTED_ERROR'); evt.setEventKey('UNEXPERR'); evt_errmsg := evt.getErrorMessage || wf_core.newline || wf_core.translate('WF_EVTNAME_NULL'); evt.setErrorMessage(wf_core.translate('WF_EVTNAME_NULL')); END IF; end if; -- -- mjc Check if we are doing deferred processing -- -- Bug 2210085 - starting a new block to capture exceptions thrown -- by GetDeferEventCtx begin if p_agent_name = 'WF_DEFERRED' then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.Deferred', 'Processing Deferred Event'); end if; wf_event.GetDeferEventCtx(st,from_agt_name,from_agt_sys,evt); -- dispatcher should process all subscriptions wf_event.phase_maxthreshold := null; end if; begin -- Dispatcher will throw exception in the following unexpected errors -- Defer Event Failed -- Generate Message Failed -- Rule Function Failed -- Unable to Save to Error Queue -- Unable to rollback to savepoint. -- Listen will swallow all of these exceptions unless the unexpected -- exception happened when processing error queue wf_event.dispatch(st, sagt, evt); l_error_count := 0; -- We only count consecutive unexpected errors commit; exception when others then if (wf_event.wf_exception_source = 'RULE') then if (st = 'ERROR') then if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.dispatch_error', 'Rule Function with Source Error Exception'); end if; raise; else if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.dispatch_error', 'Rule Function Error'); end if; wf_event.setErrorInfo(evt, 'ERROR'); wf_event.saveErrorToQueue(evt); commit; l_error_count := l_error_count + 1; end if; else if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.dispatch_error', 'Non Rule Function Error'); end if; -- Bug 4207885: Set the exception source to be WF. wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'WF'; commit; raise; end if; end; /* Bug 2210085 */ exception when others then -- Bug 2608037 -- If the execution of rule function had failed and if the -- agent is the error queue then there is no point in enqueueing -- the event again into the error queue. -- In this case we just rollback the dequeue and raise the -- exception to the user. if (( wf_event.wf_exception_source = 'RULE') and (st = 'ERROR')) then if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.dispatch_error', 'Error executing Rule Function with Source Type Error'); end if; rollback to bes_before_dequeue_qh; -- Error WFE_DISPATCH_RULE_ERR already has sufficient info on the error. Just raise it if (wf_core.error_name = 'WFE_DISPATCH_RULE_ERR') then raise; else wf_core.token('ENAME', evt.event_name); wf_core.token('EKEY', evt.event_key); wf_core.token('SQLERRM', sqlerrm); wf_core.token('SQLCODE', sqlcode); wf_core.raise('WFE_UNHANDLED_ERROR'); end if; elsif (wf_event.wf_exception_source = 'WF') then -- Bug 4207885: Add the handler of exception with source WF if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.dispatch_error', 'Unexpected Function Error'); end if; wf_core.token('ENAME', evt.event_name); wf_core.token('EKEY', evt.event_key); wf_core.token('SQLERRM', sqlerrm); wf_core.token('SQLCODE', sqlcode); wf_core.raise('WFE_UNHANDLED_ERROR'); else if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.listen.error', 'GetDeferEventCtx Error'); end if; wf_event.setErrorInfo(evt,'ERROR'); wf_event.saveErrorToQueue(evt); commit; l_error_count := l_error_count + 1; end if; end; -- check system status -- stat := wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_STATUS'); if ((stat <> 'ENABLED') AND (st <> stat)) then exit; end if; evt := null; wf_event.InitPhaseMinThreshold; wf_event.SetDispatchMode('SYNC'); if (p_message_count > 0 AND l_lsn_msg_count >= p_message_count ) then wf_log_pkg.string(6, 'listen', 'MAX NUMBER OF MESSAGES READ'); exit; end if; if (p_max_error_count > 0 AND l_error_count >= p_max_error_count ) then wf_log_pkg.string(6, 'listen', 'MAX NUMBER OF ERROR ENCOUNTERED'); exit; end if; /* ** We need to explicitly make sure that if someones Queue Handler ** blows up we rollback the transaction, just in case they don't */ begin savepoint bes_before_dequeue_qh; wf_event.dequeue(agt, evt, qh, p_wait, p_correlation, p_deq_condition); exception when others then wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'QH'; rollback to bes_before_dequeue_qh; raise; end; end loop; p_message_count := l_lsn_msg_count ; -- return back the actual read message count p_max_error_count := l_error_count; -- return back the actual error message count -- Normally l_lsn_msg_count >= l_error_count; exception when no_data_found then if (wf_event.wf_exception_source = 'WF' OR wf_event.wf_exception_source = 'QH') then raise; else wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Listen', p_agent_name); wf_core.raise('WFE_AGENT_NOTEXIST'); end if; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Listen', p_agent_name); raise; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** listen_concurrent - */ --Bug 2505487 --Included the AQ wait parameter for the listen_concurrent PROCEDURE listen_concurrent(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2, p_agent_name in varchar2, p_correlation in varchar2, p_deq_condition in varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer) is errname varchar2(30); errmsg varchar2(2000); errstack varchar2(4000); l_p_wait binary_integer; l_correlation varchar2(128); begin --Bug 2505487 --Any -ve number for the parameter p_wait in the forms --is accepted as wait forever. if (p_wait < 0) then l_p_wait := dbms_aq.forever ; else l_p_wait := p_wait; end if; -- if (UPPER(p_correlation) = 'NULL') then l_correlation := NULL; else l_correlation := p_correlation; end if; -- --Bug 2649327 --The deq condition is not used at present for dequeuing -- Hence setting it to NULL. wf_event.listen(p_agent_name => p_agent_name, p_wait => l_p_wait, p_correlation => l_correlation, p_deq_condition=>NULL); -- Return 0 for successful completion -- errbuf := ''; retcode := '0'; exception when others then wf_core.get_error(errname, errmsg, errstack); if (errmsg is not null) then errbuf := errmsg; else errbuf := sqlerrm; end if; -- Return 2 for error -- retcode := '2'; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** listen_grp - */ PROCEDURE listen_grp(p_agent_name in varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer) is from_agt_name varchar2(30); from_agt_sys varchar2(30); st varchar2(10) := 'EXTERNAL'; qh varchar2(240); stat varchar2(10); agt raw(16); sagt raw(16); evt wf_event_t; err_evt wf_event_t; evt_errmsg VARCHAR2(4000); l_queueTable VARCHAR2(30); -- end_of_transaction exception; pragma exception_init (end_of_transaction, -25235); begin -- Confirm that p_agent_name includes a transactional queue. -- Tuned and separated sql statement for better performance -- restricting Listen() to local system. if (WF_EVENT.g_local_system_guid is NULL) then g_local_system_guid := hextoraw(WF_CORE.Translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID')); end if; GetAgentDetails(p_agent_name); begin select wa.guid into agt from wf_agents wa where = p_agent_name and wa.system_guid = WF_EVENT.g_local_system_guid; -- if (WF_EVENT.g_message_grouping <> 'TRANSACTIONAL') then --This is not a transactional queue. WF_CORE.Context('Wf_Event', 'Listen_GRP', p_agent_name); WF_CORE.Token('AGENT', p_agent_name); WF_CORE.Token('API', 'WF_EVENT.Listen'); WF_CORE.Raise('WFE_NONTRXN_QUEUE'); end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Listen_GRP', p_agent_name); wf_core.raise('WFE_AGENT_NOTEXIST'); when OTHERS then raise; end; --Verifying that the system is not disabled. if (wf_event.local_system_status = 'DISABLED') then return; end if; -- Set the dequeue navigation option to be DBMS_AQ.FIRST_MESSAGE wf_event.navigation := dbms_aq.first_message; /* ** We need to explicitly make sure that if someones Queue Handler ** blows up we rollback the transaction, just in case they don't */ loop --Outer loop to process all transactions. WF_CORE.Clear; --Clear any tokens that were set from the previous --transaction dequeue. begin --We will begin processing a transaction (message group). savepoint trxn_start; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.Listen_GRP.processing', 'Begin processing transaction'); end if; begin -- Dequeue the first message in the transaction savepoint bes_before_dequeue_qh; wf_event.dequeue(agt, evt, qh,p_wait); exception when end_of_transaction then if (wf_log_pkg.level_event >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_event, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.Listen_GRP.complete', 'End of the transaction'); end if; wf_event.navigation := dbms_aq.next_transaction; commit; when others then wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'QH'; rollback to bes_before_dequeue_qh; raise; end; while (evt is not null) loop if (evt.getFromAgent() is null) then sagt := NULL; else from_agt_name := evt.getFromAgent().getName(); from_agt_sys := evt.getFromAgent().getSystem(); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.Listen_GRP.event_dequeued', 'Event '||evt.getEventName()||', hailing from '||from_agt_name||'@'|| from_agt_sys|| ' was dequeued from '|| p_agent_name); end if; -- get the from agent guid GetSourceAgentGUID(agent_name => from_agt_name, agent_system => from_agt_sys, agent_guid => sagt); end if; /* Bug 2032654 1. Determine if the event name is null 2. If the event name is NULL, it should be defaulted to UNEXPECTED_ERROR. 3. The text Event Name is NULL is appended to the error message. */ if (evt.getEventName) is NULL then evt.setEventName('UNEXPECTED_ERROR'); evt.setEventKey('UNEXPERR'); evt_errmsg := evt.getErrorMessage || wf_core.newline || wf_core.translate('WF_EVTNAME_NULL'); evt.setErrorMessage(wf_core.translate('WF_EVTNAME_NULL')); END IF; -- Begin Dispatching the event message. begin wf_event.dispatch(st, sagt, evt); exception when others then if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.Listen_GRP.dispatch_error', 'Dispatch Error when dispatching Event '||evt.getEventName); end if; raise dispatch_error; end; -- check system status -- stat := wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_STATUS'); if ((stat <> 'ENABLED') AND (st <> stat)) then exit; end if; evt := null; wf_event.InitPhaseMinThreshold; wf_event.SetDispatchMode('SYNC'); begin savepoint bes_before_dequeue_qh; wf_event.dequeue(agt, evt, qh,p_wait); exception when end_of_transaction then if (wf_log_pkg.level_event >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_event, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.Listen_GRP.complete', 'End of the transaction'); end if; wf_event.navigation := dbms_aq.next_transaction; commit; when others then wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'QH'; rollback to bes_before_dequeue_qh; raise; end; end loop; exception when dispatch_error then --Dequeue the rest of the transaction begin loop wf_event.dequeue(agt, err_evt, qh,p_wait); end loop; exception when end_of_transaction then if (wf_log_pkg.level_event >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_event, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.Listen_GRP.complete', 'End of the transaction after dispatch error'); end if; wf_event.navigation := dbms_aq.next_transaction; end; --Rollback the whole transaction, which will update the retry count --on each message. rollback to trxn_start; --We will save the current message to the Error Queue. if ((evt.getValueForParameter('ERROR_NAME')) is NULL) then wf_event.setErrorInfo(evt, 'ERROR'); end if; evt.addParameterToList('DEQUEUE_MODE', 'TRANSACTIONAL'); wf_event.saveErrorToQueue(evt); when others then raise; end; if (wf_event.navigation = dbms_aq.first_message) then exit; --Outer Loop. --The queue handler must have reached the last message and --reset the navigation back to the beginning. end if; end loop; --Outer loop to process all transactions in the queue. exception when no_data_found then if (wf_event.wf_exception_source = 'WF' OR wf_event.wf_exception_source = 'QH') then raise; else wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Listen_GRP', p_agent_name); wf_core.raise('WFE_AGENT_NOTEXIST'); end if; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Listen_GRP', p_agent_name); raise; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** listen__grp_concurrent - */ PROCEDURE listen_grp_concurrent(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2, p_agent_name in varchar2) is errname varchar2(30); errmsg varchar2(2000); errstack varchar2(4000); begin wf_event.listen_grp(p_agent_name); -- Return 0 for successful completion -- errbuf := ''; retcode := '0'; exception when others then wf_core.get_error(errname, errmsg, errstack); if (errmsg is not null) then errbuf := errmsg; else errbuf := sqlerrm; end if; -- Return 2 for error -- retcode := '2'; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** dispatch - */ PROCEDURE dispatch(p_source_type in varchar2, p_source_agent_guid in raw, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) is res varchar2(20); cmd varchar2(1000); stat varchar2(10); myfunc varchar2(240); ename varchar2(240) := p_event.Event_Name; saved boolean := FALSE; subs_found boolean :=FALSE; eguid raw(16); l_skip_sub raw(16); event_count NUMBER; l_rule_func varchar2(300); l_source_type wf_event_subscriptions.source_type%type; l_phase wf_event_subscriptions.phase%type; l_rule_data wf_event_subscriptions.rule_data%type; l_priority wf_event_subscriptions.priority%type; l_on_error wf_event_subscriptions.on_error_code%type; --Bug 2437354 trig_savepoint exception; pragma exception_init(trig_savepoint, -04092); cursor active_subs (p_event_name varchar2) is (select sub.guid sub_guid, DECODE(sub.rule_function, NULL, DECODE(sub.java_rule_func, NULL, NULL, java_sub || sub.java_rule_func), sub.rule_function) rule_func, sub.source_type source_type, nvl(sub.phase,0) phase, sub.rule_data rule_data, sub.priority priority, sub.on_error_code on_error from wf_event_subscriptions sub, wf_events evt where sub.system_guid = wf_event.local_system_guid and sub.status = 'ENABLED' and sub.licensed_flag = 'Y' and sub.source_type = p_source_type and ((sub.source_agent_guid is NOT NULL AND sub.source_agent_guid = nvl(p_source_agent_guid, sub.source_agent_guid)) OR sub.source_agent_guid is NULL) and sub.event_filter_guid = evt.guid and in (p_event_name,'') and evt.type = 'EVENT' and evt.status = 'ENABLED' and evt.licensed_flag = 'Y') union all (select sub.guid sub_guid, DECODE(sub.rule_function, NULL, DECODE(sub.java_rule_func, NULL, NULL, java_sub || sub.java_rule_func), sub.rule_function) rule_func, sub.source_type source_type, nvl(sub.phase,0) phase, sub.rule_data rule_data, sub.priority priority, sub.on_error_code on_error from wf_event_subscriptions sub, wf_event_groups egrp, wf_events grp, wf_events evt where sub.system_guid = wf_event.local_system_guid and sub.status = 'ENABLED' and sub.licensed_flag = 'Y' and sub.source_type = p_source_type and ((sub.source_agent_guid is NOT NULL AND sub.source_agent_guid = nvl(p_source_agent_guid, sub.source_agent_guid)) OR sub.source_agent_guid is NULL) and grp.guid = sub.event_filter_guid and grp.type = 'GROUP' and grp.status = 'ENABLED' and egrp.group_guid = grp.guid and egrp.member_guid = evt.guid and = p_event_name and evt.type = 'EVENT' and evt.status = 'ENABLED' and evt.licensed_flag = 'Y') order by 4; cursor active_event_subs (p_event_name varchar2) is (select sub.guid sub_guid, DECODE(sub.rule_function, NULL, DECODE(sub.java_rule_func, NULL, NULL, java_sub || sub.java_rule_func), sub.rule_function) rule_func, sub.source_type source_type, nvl(sub.phase,0) phase, sub.rule_data rule_data, sub.priority priority, sub.on_error_code on_error from wf_event_subscriptions sub, wf_events evt where sub.system_guid = wf_event.local_system_guid and sub.status = 'ENABLED' and sub.licensed_flag = 'Y' and sub.source_type = p_source_type and ((sub.source_agent_guid is NOT NULL AND sub.source_agent_guid = nvl(p_source_agent_guid, sub.source_agent_guid)) OR sub.source_agent_guid is NULL) and sub.event_filter_guid = evt.guid and = p_event_name and evt.type = 'EVENT' and evt.status = 'ENABLED' and evt.licensed_flag = 'Y') order by 4; begin -- Deleting any previous Event parameter indexes. WF_EVENT.evt_param_index.DELETE; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch.Begin', 'Dispatching '||p_event.getEventName()); end if; select count(1) into event_count from wf_events where name = ename and status = 'ENABLED' and licensed_flag = 'Y' and rownum = 1; wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'NONE'; --Bug 2427354 --The savepoint is set only after the checking if --the event has to be deferred or not. This allows --triggers to raise events. --savepoint wf_dispatch_savepoint; -- -- mjc If Source Type is LOCAL and Phase Threshold is less than zero, -- the raise is to be deferred. Then we immediately return to -- calling subprogram -- -- Bug 2427354 --The wf_event.deferevent is called within a new block -- Bug 3543181 Make sure only defer event when event exists. begin if p_source_type = 'LOCAL' AND (wf_event.phase_maxthreshold < 0 OR p_event.send_date > sysdate) AND event_count > 0 then if(isDeferToJava(true, p_event.getEventName(), p_source_type, null, null, null)) then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch.Defer', 'Detected as deferred raise. Deferring to ' || 'WF_JAVA_DEFERRED'); end if; wf_event.DeferEventToJava(p_source_type, p_event); else if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch.Defer', 'Detected as deferred raise. Deferring to ' || 'WF_DEFERRED'); end if; wf_event.deferevent(p_source_type, p_event); end if; return; end if; exception when others then wf_event.setErrorInfo(p_event, 'ERROR'); wf_event.saveErrorToQueue(p_event); wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Dispatch', p_event.getEventName()); raise; end; -- -- mjc We have 4 things we need to check for when we are dipatching: -- 1. Are there any subscriptions for the actual event. -- 2. Are there any subscriptions to an event group the event belongs to. -- 3. Are there any subscriptions to the any event. -- 4. If no subscriptions found in 1,2,3 then check for the unexpected event. -- -- YOHUANG -- TODO -- Since we know whether this event exist or not, if the event doesn't exist -- We should execute those expense query such as active_subs, we should instead -- directly execute active_event_subs for ANY event. /* ** Events, Event Groups, Any Event */ --The savepoint is set if the event has not been deferred begin savepoint wf_dispatch_savepoint; exception when trig_savepoint then --If the event has not been deferred, defer the event now. begin wf_event.deferevent(p_source_type,p_event); return; exception --Incase deferreing of event fails, save the error to queue. --Should we save the error to queue since it is WF error? when others then wf_event.setErrorInfo(p_event, 'ERROR'); wf_event.saveErrorToQueue(p_event); wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Dispatch', p_event.getEventName()); raise; end; end; begin --Active subscriptions block -- Bug 3530791 -- Only the skipped subscription should be executed when -- WFERROR DEFAULT_EVENT_ERROR re-raise the event again. l_skip_sub := GetSkippedSub(p_event); if (l_skip_sub is not null AND p_source_type = 'LOCAL') then SELECT DECODE(sub.rule_function, NULL, DECODE(sub.java_rule_func, NULL, NULL, java_sub || sub.java_rule_func), sub.rule_function) rule_func, sub.source_type source_type, nvl(sub.phase,0) phase, sub.rule_data rule_data, sub.priority priority, sub.on_error_code on_error into l_rule_func, l_source_type, l_phase, l_rule_data, l_priority, l_on_error from wf_event_subscriptions sub where sub.system_guid = wf_event.local_system_guid and sub.status = 'ENABLED' and sub.licensed_flag = 'Y' and sub.source_type = p_source_type and sub.guid = l_skip_sub; res := wf_event.dispatch_internal(p_source_type=>l_source_type, p_rule_data=>l_rule_data, p_rule_func=>trim(l_rule_func), p_sub_guid=>l_skip_sub, p_source_agent_guid=>p_source_agent_guid, p_phase=>l_phase, p_priority=>l_priority, p_event=>p_event, p_on_error => l_on_error); -- Since this is the only sub to be executed, no matter -- what result it reports, we stop here. return; end if; for s in active_subs(ename) loop if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch.Subscriptions', 'Found a '||s.source_type|| ' subscription'||' with Phase='||s.phase); end if; eguid := s.sub_guid; subs_found := TRUE; res := wf_event.dispatch_internal(p_source_type=>s.source_type, p_rule_data=>s.rule_data, p_rule_func=>trim(s.rule_func), p_sub_guid=>s.sub_guid, p_source_agent_guid=>p_source_agent_guid, p_phase=>s.phase, p_priority=>s.priority, p_event=>p_event, p_on_error => s.on_error); if res in ('ERROR', 'DEFER', 'TRANSACTION_COMMITED') then exit; end if; end loop; /* active subscriptions */ /* ** Unexpected Event */ --Bug 2617608 --The event processing is done only if --the event name is not like if ((subs_found = FALSE) and (p_event.event_name not like '')) then for s in active_event_subs('') loop if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.dispatch.Unexpected', 'Found a '||s.source_type||' subscription'||' Phase='||s.phase); end if; eguid := s.sub_guid; res := wf_event.dispatch_internal(p_source_type=>s.source_type, p_rule_data=>s.rule_data, p_rule_func=>trim(s.rule_func), p_sub_guid=>s.sub_guid, p_source_agent_guid=>p_source_agent_guid, p_phase=>s.phase, p_priority=>s.priority, p_event=>p_event, p_on_error => s.on_error); if res in ('ERROR', 'DEFER', 'TRANSACTION_COMMITED') then exit; end if; end loop; /* active subscriptions */ end if; exception when others then -- Unexpected Error happened in dispatch_internal if (WF_EVENT.g_message_grouping = 'TRANSACTIONAL') then WF_CORE.Context('Wf_Event', 'Dispatch', p_event.getEventName()); else rollback to wf_dispatch_savepoint; p_event.setErrorSubscription(eguid); if (wf_event.wf_exception_source <> 'RULE') then wf_event.wf_exception_source := 'WF'; wf_event.setErrorInfo(p_event, 'UNEXPECTED'); -- Unexpected Exception should be thrown up instead of -- being enqueued to error queue. -- wf_event.saveErrorToQueue(p_event); wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Dispatch', p_event.getEventName()); end if; end if; raise; end; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** enqueue - */ PROCEDURE enqueue(p_event in wf_event_t, p_out_agent_override in wf_agent_t) is cmd varchar2(1000); qh varchar2(240); agtname varchar2(30); sysname varchar2(30); begin /* ** mjc If an override agent is defined, we should ** use that agents queue handler */ if p_out_agent_override is null then agtname := p_event.From_Agent.Name; sysname := p_event.From_Agent.System; else agtname := p_out_agent_override.GetName(); sysname := p_out_agent_override.GetSystem(); end if; select agt.queue_handler into qh from wf_agents agt, wf_systems sys where = agtname and = sysname and agt.system_guid = sys.guid; if (upper(qh) = 'WF_EVENT_QH') then wf_event_qh.enqueue(p_event=>p_event, p_out_agent_override=>p_out_agent_override); elsif (upper(qh) = 'WF_EVENT_OJMSTEXT_QH') then wf_event_ojmstext_qh.enqueue(p_event=>p_event, p_out_agent_override=>p_out_agent_override); else -- qh is from WF_AGENTS.QUEUE_HANDLER -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE cmd := 'begin '||qh||'.enqueue(:v1, :v2); end;'; execute immediate cmd using in p_event, in p_out_agent_override; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Enqueue', p_event.getEventName(), qh); wf_core.token('FUNCTION_NAME', qh||'.enqueue()'); --wf_core.raise('WF_EXT_FUNCTION'); raise; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** dequeue - */ PROCEDURE dequeue(p_agent_guid in raw, p_event out nocopy wf_event_t, p_queue_handler in out nocopy varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer, p_correlation in varchar2, p_deq_condition in varchar2) is qh varchar2(240); cmd varchar2(1000); evt_errmsg varchar2(2000); begin if (p_queue_handler is null) then select queue_handler into qh from wf_agents where guid = p_agent_guid; else -- ### add verification in the future qh := p_queue_handler; end if; -- Set globals so the queue handlers can reference them. WF_EVENT.g_correlation := p_correlation; WF_EVENT.g_deq_condition := p_deq_condition; -- mjc If we know the queue handler, we can call the API directly if (upper(qh)='WF_EVENT_QH') then wf_event_qh.dequeue(p_agent_guid=>p_agent_guid,p_event=>p_event, p_wait=>p_wait); elsif (upper(qh) = 'WF_EVENT_OJMSTEXT_QH') then wf_event_ojmstext_qh.dequeue(p_agent_guid=>p_agent_guid,p_event=>p_event, p_wait=>p_wait); else -- p_queue_handler is normally null, or control by us -- BINDVAR_SCAN_IGNORE cmd := 'begin '||qh||'.dequeue(:v1, :v2); end;'; execute immediate cmd using in p_agent_guid, out p_event; end if; p_queue_handler := qh; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'Dequeue', p_agent_guid); wf_core.token('FUNCTION_NAME', qh||'.dequeue()'); --wf_core.raise('WF_EXT_FUNCTION'); raise; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** AddParameterToList - */ -- YOHUANG 3571176 -- Share the same logic as WF_EVENT_T.AddParameterToList -- If there is any change of logic in this method, the change -- should be propagated over to WF_EVENT_T. PROCEDURE AddParameterToList(p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2, p_parameterlist in out nocopy wf_parameter_list_t) is j number; found boolean := FALSE; begin if (p_ParameterList is null) then -- -- Initialize Parameter List and set value -- p_ParameterList := wf_parameter_list_t(null); p_ParameterList(1) := wf_parameter_t(p_Name, p_Value); else -- -- parameter list exists, add parameter to list -- j := 1; while (NOT found AND j <= p_parameterlist.COUNT ) LOOP -- YOHUANG 3566991, make sure myList(j) is not null -- to avoid 36025 ora error IF (p_parameterlist(j) IS NOT NULL) THEN if (p_parameterlist(j).getName() = p_name) then found := TRUE; p_parameterlist(j).setValue(p_Value); END if; END IF; j := j+1; end loop; -- otherwise, add new parameter to list -- if (NOT found) then p_ParameterList.EXTEND; j := p_ParameterList.COUNT; p_ParameterList(j) := wf_parameter_t(p_name, p_Value); end if; end if; end AddParameterToList; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** AddParameterToListPos - */ PROCEDURE AddParameterToListPos(p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2, p_position out nocopy integer, p_parameterlist in out nocopy wf_parameter_list_t) is j integer; begin if (p_ParameterList is null) then -- -- Initialize Parameter List and set value -- p_ParameterList := wf_parameter_list_t(null); p_position := 1; p_ParameterList(1) := wf_parameter_t(p_Name, p_Value); else -- -- parameter list exists, add parameter to list -- p_ParameterList.EXTEND; j := p_ParameterList.COUNT; p_position := j; p_ParameterList(j) := wf_parameter_t(p_Name, p_Value); end if; end AddParameterToListPos; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetValueForParameter - */ FUNCTION getValueForParameter(p_Name in varchar2, p_ParameterList in wf_parameter_list_t ) return varchar2 is myList wf_parameter_list_t; pos number := 1; begin myList := p_ParameterList; if (myList is null) then return NULL; end if; pos := myList.LAST; --while(pos <= myList.COUNT) loop while(pos is not null) loop if (myList(pos).getName() = p_Name) then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.getValueForParam.get', 'Name:'||p_Name||' Value:'||myList(pos).getValue()); end if; return myList(pos).getValue(); end if; --pos := pos + 1; pos := myList.PRIOR(pos); end loop; return NULL; end getValueForParameter; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetValueForParameterPos - Gets value for position from wf_parameter_list_t */ FUNCTION getValueForParameterPos(p_position in integer, p_parameterlist in wf_parameter_list_t) return varchar2 is myList wf_parameter_list_t; begin myList := p_ParameterList; if (myList is null) then return NULL; end if; return myList(p_position).getValue(); end getValueForParameterPos; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** SetDispatchMode - */ PROCEDURE SetDispatchMode (p_mode in varchar2) is begin if p_mode = 'ASYNC' then wf_event.phase_maxthreshold := -1; else wf_event.phase_maxthreshold := 100; end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'SetDispatchMode', p_mode); raise; end SetDispatchMode; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** InitPhaseMinThreshold */ PROCEDURE InitPhaseMinThreshold is begin wf_event.phase_minthreshold := 0; end InitPhaseMinThreshold; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** DeferEvent - */ PROCEDURE DeferEvent(p_source_type in varchar2, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) is defagent wf_agent_t; begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEvent.Begin', 'Deferring Event: '||p_event.getEventName()); end if; -- -- Get the Local System Name and set the deferred agent -- defagent := wf_agent_t('WF_DEFERRED',wf_event.local_system_name); -- -- If the defer is for a local event, set the -- Deferred Agent/System into the message for -- reference when we process the event -- if p_source_type = 'LOCAL' then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEvent.Local', 'Detected as Local, setting From Agent:'|| 'WF_DEFERRED@'||wf_event.local_system_name); end if; p_event.From_Agent := defagent; end if; -- -- Enqueue onto the deferred agent -- if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEvent.done', 'Enqueuing on Deferred Queue'); end if; wf_event.enqueue(p_event,defagent); exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'DeferEvent', p_event.getEventName(), p_event.getEventKey()); raise; end DeferEvent; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** DeferEventToJava - */ PROCEDURE DeferEventToJava(p_source_type in varchar2, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) is defagent wf_agent_t; begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEventToJava.Begin', 'Deferring Event: '|| p_event.getEventName()); end if; -- -- Get the Local System Name and set the deferred agent -- defagent := wf_agent_t('WF_JAVA_DEFERRED', wf_event.local_system_name); -- -- If the defer is for a local event, set the -- Deferred Agent/System into the message for -- reference when we process the event -- if p_source_type = 'LOCAL' then if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEventToJava.Local', 'Detected as Local, setting From Agent:'|| 'WF_JAVA_DEFERRED@'|| wf_event.local_system_name); end if; p_event.From_Agent := defagent; end if; -- -- Enqueue onto the deferred agent -- -- -- NOTE: Since we know that we need to defer to WF_JAVA_DEFERRED, we will -- directly invoke enqueue on the PL/SQL queue handler -- wf_event_ojmstext_qh.enqueue(p_event, defagent); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEventToJava.done', 'Enqueuing on Java Deferred Queue'); end if; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'DeferEventToJava', p_event.getEventName(), p_event.getEventKey()); raise; end DeferEventToJava; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetDeferEventCtx - */ PROCEDURE GetDeferEventCtx (p_source_type in out nocopy varchar2, p_agent_name in varchar2, p_system_name in varchar2, p_event in wf_event_t) is subguid raw(16); lphasestart number; lsrc varchar2(10); begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEventCtx.Begin', 'Getting Defer Event Ctx'); end if; -- -- Determine the Start Phase, and sourec type -- subguid := p_event.Error_Subscription; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEventCtx.sub_guid', 'Sub Guid is '||subguid); end if; if subguid is not null then select source_type,phase into lsrc, lphasestart from wf_event_subscriptions where guid = subguid; wf_event.phase_minthreshold := lphasestart; else wf_event.phase_minthreshold := 0; -- for deferred raise end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEventCtx.phase', 'Start Phase is '||to_char(wf_event.phase_minthreshold)); end if; if lsrc is null then -- -- Derive the Source Type -- if ((p_agent_name = 'WF_DEFERRED') AND (p_system_name = wf_event.local_system_name)) then p_source_type := 'LOCAL'; elsif ((p_system_name is null) OR (p_system_name <> wf_event.local_system_name))then p_source_type := 'EXTERNAL'; elsif ((p_agent_name <> 'WF_DEFERRED') AND (p_system_name = wf_event.local_system_name)) then p_source_type := 'EXTERNAL'; end if; else p_source_type := lsrc; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.DeferEventCtx.End', 'Source Type is '||p_source_type); end if; exception /* Bug 2210085 */ when no_data_found then /* wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'GetDeferEventCtx','Sub guid is ' || subguid); wf_core.token('SGUID', subguid); wf_core.raise('WFE_SUB_DELETED'); */ raise; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'GetDeferEventCtx', p_event.getEventName(), p_event.getEventKey()); raise; end GetDeferEventCtx; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** SetAccountName - */ PROCEDURE SetAccountName is begin -- get the account name - only need this for WF_DEFERRED select sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA') into wf_event.account_name from sys.dual; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'SetAccountName'); raise; end SetAccountName; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Bug# 2211719 - New API raise2 for calls that donot understand -- Oracle data types` /* ** raise2 - */ PROCEDURE raise2(p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_event_data in clob, p_parameter_name1 in varchar2, p_parameter_value1 in varchar2, p_parameter_name2 in varchar2, p_parameter_value2 in varchar2, p_parameter_name3 in varchar2, p_parameter_value3 in varchar2, p_parameter_name4 in varchar2, p_parameter_value4 in varchar2, p_parameter_name5 in varchar2, p_parameter_value5 in varchar2, p_parameter_name6 in varchar2, p_parameter_value6 in varchar2, p_parameter_name7 in varchar2, p_parameter_value7 in varchar2, p_parameter_name8 in varchar2, p_parameter_value8 in varchar2, p_parameter_name9 in varchar2, p_parameter_value9 in varchar2, p_parameter_name10 in varchar2, p_parameter_value10 in varchar2, p_parameter_name11 in varchar2, p_parameter_value11 in varchar2, p_parameter_name12 in varchar2, p_parameter_value12 in varchar2, p_parameter_name13 in varchar2, p_parameter_value13 in varchar2, p_parameter_name14 in varchar2, p_parameter_value14 in varchar2, p_parameter_name15 in varchar2, p_parameter_value15 in varchar2, p_parameter_name16 in varchar2, p_parameter_value16 in varchar2, p_parameter_name17 in varchar2, p_parameter_value17 in varchar2, p_parameter_name18 in varchar2, p_parameter_value18 in varchar2, p_parameter_name19 in varchar2, p_parameter_value19 in varchar2, p_parameter_name20 in varchar2, p_parameter_value20 in varchar2, p_send_date in date) is l_parameter_list wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t(); i number := 1; begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.raise2.Begin', 'Event Name:'||p_event_name||' Event Key:'||p_event_key); end if; if (p_parameter_name1 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name1, p_parameter_value1); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name2 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name2, p_parameter_value2); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name3 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name3, p_parameter_value3); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name4 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name4, p_parameter_value4); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name5 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name5, p_parameter_value5); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name6 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name6, p_parameter_value6); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name7 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name7, p_parameter_value7); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name8 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name8, p_parameter_value8); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name9 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name9, p_parameter_value9); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name10 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name10, p_parameter_value10); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name11 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name11, p_parameter_value11); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name12 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name12, p_parameter_value12); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name13 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name13, p_parameter_value13); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name14 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name14, p_parameter_value14); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name15 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name15, p_parameter_value15); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name16 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name16, p_parameter_value16); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name17 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name17, p_parameter_value17); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name18 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name18, p_parameter_value18); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name19 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name19, p_parameter_value19); i := i + 1; end if; if (p_parameter_name20 is not NULL) then l_parameter_list.extend; l_parameter_list(i) := CreateParameter(p_parameter_name20, p_parameter_value20); end if; wf_event.raise(p_event_name, p_event_key, p_event_data, l_parameter_list, p_send_date); exception when others then raise; end raise2; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** CreateParameter - */ FUNCTION CreateParameter( p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2) return wf_parameter_t is l_parameter wf_parameter_t := wf_parameter_t(null, null); begin l_parameter.SetName(p_name); l_parameter.SetValue(p_value); return l_parameter; exception when others then raise; end CreateParameter; -------------------------------------------------------------------- --Bug 2375902 --New API raise3 which has the parameters of the event --as in out parameters and hence can be used by the calling program. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE raise3(p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_event_data in clob, p_parameter_list in out nocopy wf_parameter_list_t, p_send_date in date) is o_value varchar2(200); event wf_event_t; begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.raise3.Begin', 'Event Name:'||p_event_name||' Event Key:'||p_event_key || 'Maximum nested raise count:'|| wf_event.max_nested_raises|| 'Nested raise count: '|| wf_event.nested_raise_count); end if; wf_event.nested_raise_count := wf_event.nested_raise_count + 1; if (wf_event.nested_raise_count > wf_event.max_nested_raises) then --Bug 2620834 --The nested count is reset to the initial value that was set before the --recursion error occurs. --In future if we allow the user to set the nested-raises -count --we could think of restting it to that value instead of zero. wf_event.nested_raise_count := 0; if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_error, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.raise3.recursion_error', 'Recursion error raised. Nested raise count exceeded threshold'); end if; wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'raise', p_event_name, p_event_key); wf_core.raise('WFE_RECURSION'); end if; --Create the event that is to be raised wf_event_t.initialize(event); event.Send_Date := nvl(p_send_date,sysdate); event.Event_Name := p_event_name; event.Event_Key := p_event_key; event.Parameter_List := p_parameter_list; if (p_event_data is not null) then event.event_data := p_event_data ; end if; wf_event.dispatch('LOCAL', null, event); --Output the parameterlist which may have been --modified p_parameter_list := event.getParameterList(); if (wf_event.nested_raise_count >0) then wf_event.nested_raise_count := wf_event.nested_raise_count - 1; end if; event := null; exception when others then raise; end raise3; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the correlation for dequeuing. -- -- NOTE: This has been done because we did not want to change the signature of -- dequeue in the queue handlers -- -- p_correlation - the correlation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE Set_Correlation(p_correlation in varchar2) IS BEGIN WF_EVENT.g_correlation := p_correlation; WF_EVENT.navigation := dbms_aq.first_message; END Set_Correlation; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** SetMaxNestedRaise - Populates Global Variable : max_nested_raises ** with the value specified in the input parameter. */ PROCEDURE SetMaxNestedRaise (maxcount in number) is begin wf_event.max_nested_raises := maxcount; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** SetNestedRaiseCount - Populates Global Variable : nested_raises_count ** with the value specified in the input parameter. ** PRIVATE PROCEDURE */ PROCEDURE SetNestedRaiseCount (nestedcount in number) is begin wf_event.nested_raise_count := nestedcount; --This private variable P_NESTED_RAISE_COUNT is updated --in sync with the setting of nested_raise_count global variable --It is used when the recursion error occurs inorder to reset the --value of wf_event.nested_raise_count. --P_NESTED_RAISE_COUNT := wf_event.nested_raise_count; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetMaxNestedRaise - Get the value of the Global Variable max_nested_raises */ FUNCTION GetMaxNestedRaise return number is begin return wf_event.max_nested_raises; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetNestedRaiseCount - Get the value of the Global Variable ** nested_raises_count */ FUNCTION GetNestedRaiseCount return number is begin return wf_event.nested_raise_count; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION Get_MsgId return varchar2 is begin return wf_event.g_msgid; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetLocalSystemInfo - */ PROCEDURE GetLocalSystemInfo(system_guid out nocopy raw, system_name out nocopy varchar2, system_status out nocopy varchar2) is begin system_guid := wf_event.local_system_guid; system_name := wf_event.local_system_name; system_status := wf_event.local_system_status; exception when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'GetLocalSystemName'); end GetLocalSystemInfo; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetSourceAgentGUID - */ PROCEDURE GetSourceAgentGUID(agent_name in varchar2, agent_system in varchar2, agent_guid out nocopy raw) is begin select agt.guid into agent_guid from wf_agents agt, wf_systems sys where = agent_name and agt.system_guid = sys.guid and = agent_system; exception when no_data_found then if (wf_log_pkg.level_error >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(6, 'listen', 'Specified source agent row does '|| 'not exist in database. Setting to NULL.'); end if; agent_guid := NULL; when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'GetSourceAgentGUID', agent_name); raise; end GetSourceAgentGUID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetAgentDetails (PRIVATE) - Gets the agents details such as the queue name ** schema name and recepients */ procedure GetAgentDetails(agent_name in varchar2) is l_queue_name varchar2(80); l_pos number := 0; l_name varchar2(30); l_owner varchar2(30); l_queue_table varchar2(30); begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.GetAgentDetails.Begin', 'Get Agent Details'); end if; if(agent_name is not null and agent_name <> wf_event.pv_last_agent_name) then -- for a given agent name Query wf_agents to get the agent info select queue_name into l_queue_name from wf_agents where name = agent_name and system_guid = WF_EVENT.local_system_guid; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.GetAgentDetails', 'l_queue_name = ' || l_queue_name); end if; -- since since queue_name is a nullable col. l_queue_name could be null -- let the caller program handle the case of null queue_name if(l_queue_name is not null) then -- derive the queue name and the schema l_pos := instr(l_queue_name,'.'); l_name := substr(l_queue_name, l_pos + 1); if (l_pos > 0) then l_owner := substr(l_queue_name, 1, l_pos - 1); else -- if queue_name does not contain schema we will look in WF_SCHEMA l_owner := wf_event.schema_name; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.GetAgentDetails', 'l_name = ' || l_name || ' l_owner = ' || l_owner); end if; -- retrieve recipients (MULTIPLE or SINGLE) for AQ -- 3659756 When get agent details, check if the enqueue and dequeue are enabled. select aq.queue_type, aq.QUEUE_TABLE, trim(dequeue_enabled) into WF_EVENT.g_queueType, l_queue_table, WF_EVENT.pv_last_dequeue_enabled from all_queues aq where aq.owner = l_owner and = l_name; select aqt.recipients, aqt.message_grouping into WF_EVENT.pv_last_recipients, WF_EVENT.g_message_grouping from all_queue_tables aqt where aqt.queue_table = l_queue_table and aqt.owner = l_owner; -- update package variables wf_event.pv_last_agent_name := agent_name; -- YOHUANG, l_queue_name shouldn't have owner information wf_event.pv_last_queue_name := l_name; --l_queue_name; wf_event.pv_last_schema_name := l_owner; else raise no_data_found; end if; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.GetAgentDetails.END', 'Get Agent Details'); end if; exception when no_data_found then -- let the caller handle it raise; when others then -- let the caller handle it raise; end GetAgentDetails; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** StartAgent - ** Though We cache the agent details, we still check if the agent and ** fixed name queues are started or not every time when listen() or ** listen_to_agent is called, just be conservative ** Bug 3659756 ** Assume the fixed name queues are always started (if not, the component listener ** will error out and sys admin will fix it) ** Only start the agent that is being listened. ** Only start the agent once per session if agent name is not changed in the same session. */ procedure StartAgent(agent_name in varchar2) is -- l_enqueue_enabled VARCHAR2(30); -- l_dequeue_enabled VARCHAR2(30); --Bug 2307433 --Cursor for obtaining the names of the --deferred and error queue. --Bug 3271311, add the WF_JAVA queues for start. --Bug 3659756, no longer start fixed name queues. /** CURSOR q_disabled (schema varchar2) is SELECT name FROM all_queues WHERE name in ('WF_DEFERRED', 'WF_ERROR', 'WF_JAVA_DEFERRED','WF_JAVA_ERROR') AND owner =schema AND ((trim(enqueue_enabled) = 'NO') OR (trim(dequeue_enabled) = 'NO')); */ begin if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.StartAgent.Begin', 'Starting Agents'); end if; --Bug 2307433 --Enable the deferred and error queues for --enqueue and dequeue incase they are disabled --In any cases, the WF_DEFERRED, WF_ERROR, WF_JAVA_ERROR and WF_JAVA_DEFERRED --must be started. --schema := wf_core.translate('WF_SCHEMA'); --Bug 3659756, no longer start fixed name queues. /* for q_name in q_disabled (wf_event.schema_name) loop DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE(wf_event.schema_name||'.'||; end loop; */ -- The agent details must be retrieved even for seeded queue. GetAgentDetails(agent_name); if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.StartAgent', 'dequeue_enabled = ' || WF_EVENT.pv_last_dequeue_enabled); end if; if (WF_EVENT.pv_last_dequeue_enabled = 'NO') then -- If the user has disabled the queue for enqueue don't override it. -- So we only enable the dequeue if dequeue is not enabled and we don't change -- the current setting of enqueue. if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.StartAgent', 'starting queue = ' || wf_event.pv_last_schema_name || '.' || wf_event.pv_last_agent_name); end if; DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE(wf_event.pv_last_schema_name || '.' || wf_event.pv_last_queue_name, FALSE); WF_EVENT.pv_last_dequeue_enabled := 'YES'; end if; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure, 'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT.StartAgent.End', 'Starting Agents'); end if; exception when no_data_found then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'StartAgent', agent_name); wf_core.raise('WFE_AGENT_NOTEXIST'); when others then wf_core.context('Wf_Event', 'StartAgent', agent_name); raise; end StartAgent; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** Peek_Agent - */ FUNCTION Peek_Agent (p_agent_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS -- NOTE: This must be done in PL/SQL because in 8i DBMS_AQ.LISTEN is not -- supported in Java l_agent$_agent; l_agent_list$_agent_list_t; LISTEN_EXCEPTION exception; pragma exception_init(LISTEN_EXCEPTION, -25254); BEGIN if p_agent_name is null then return 'N'; end if; -- Perf bug 2987857 -- If p_agent_name is same as pkg var, then details are not required -- to be retrieved again -- YOHUANG, move the cache validation logic into getAgentDetails -- Retrieve queue name for the agent -- Only local agents should be checked for - bug 2902048 -- GetAgentDetails becomes the single source to start a particular agent -- and can be called without worrying about fixed name queues GetAgentDetails(p_agent_name); -- bug 2897326, agent_list is initialized differently for -- multi or single consumer queue IF wf_event.pv_last_recipients = 'MULTIPLE' THEN l_agent_list(1) :=$_agent(wf_event.pv_last_agent_name, wf_event.pv_last_schema_name || '.' || wf_event.pv_last_queue_name, null); ELSE l_agent_list(1) :=$_agent(null, wf_event.pv_last_schema_name || '.' || wf_event.pv_last_queue_name, null); END IF; -- "Listen" for messages on this queue BEGIN DBMS_AQ.Listen(agent_list => l_agent_list, wait => 0, agent => l_agent); EXCEPTION WHEN LISTEN_EXCEPTION THEN RETURN 'N'; END; RETURN 'Y'; END Peek_Agent ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** SetSystemGlobals - Populates System Global Variables */ begin wf_event.local_system_guid := wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID'); wf_event.local_system_status := wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_STATUS'); select name into wf_event.local_system_name from wf_systems where guid = wf_event.local_system_guid; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wf_event.schema_name := wf_core.translate('WF_SCHEMA'); wf_event.pv_last_agent_name := ' '; wf_event.pv_last_queue_name := ' '; wf_event.pv_last_schema_name := ' '; wf_event.pv_last_recipients := ' '; wf_event.pv_last_dequeue_enabled := ' '; end WF_EVENT; / -- show errors package body wf_event; commit; exit;