REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE --=========================================================================-- -- Copyright (c)2002 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, California, USA -- -- All rights reserved. -- --=========================================================================-- -- FILENAME -- WFBESCUB.pls -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Code to clean up dead JMS subscribers to the WF_CONTROL queue. -- -- HISTORY -- DD-MON-RR userid comment -- 16-AUG-02 gashford Initial version. --=========================================================================-- set verify off whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; whenever oserror exit failure rollback; create or replace package body wf_bes_cleanup as /* $Header: WFBESCUB.pls 26.9 2004/10/20 23:20:29 yohuang noship $ */ -- the maximum amount of time pings will be retained (days) G_MAX_RETENTION_TIME constant number := 30; -- 30 days -- the minimum amount of time which must elapse before this procedure will -- run again (days) G_MIN_WAIT_TIME constant number := 30/(60*24); -- 30 min -- status to indicate that the subscriber was pinged STATUS_PINGED constant varchar2(30) := 'PINGED'; -- status to indicate that a subscriber responded to a ping STATUS_RESPONDED constant varchar2(30) := 'RESPONDED'; -- status to indicate that a subscriber was removed STATUS_REMOVED constant varchar2(30) := 'REMOVED'; -- status to indicate that an attempt to remove a subscriber failed STATUS_REMOVE_FAILED constant varchar2(30) := 'REMOVE_FAILED'; -- return code to indicate success RETURN_SUCCESS constant varchar2(30) := 0; -- return code to indicate warning RETURN_WARNING constant varchar2(30) := 1; -- return code to indicate error RETURN_ERROR constant varchar2(30) := 2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure acknowledge_ping(p_ping_number in number, p_queue_name in varchar2, p_subscriber_name in varchar2) is PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin update wf_bes_subscriber_pings set status = STATUS_RESPONDED, action_time = sysdate where ping_number = p_ping_number and queue_name = p_queue_name and subscriber_name = p_subscriber_name; commit; exception when others then rollback; end acknowledge_ping; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pings a subscriber. -- -- p_ping_number - the ping number -- p_ping_time - the ping time -- p_queue_name - the queue name -- p_subscriber_name - the subscriber_name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure ping_subscriber(p_ping_number in number, p_ping_time in date, p_queue_name in varchar2, p_subscriber_name in varchar2) is begin insert into wf_bes_subscriber_pings ( ping_number, ping_time, queue_name, subscriber_name, status, action_time ) values ( p_ping_number, p_ping_time, p_queue_name, p_subscriber_name, STATUS_PINGED, p_ping_time ); end ping_subscriber; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure dequeue_jms_queue(p_queue_name in VARCHAR2, p_consumer_name in VARCHAR2, p_navigation in binary_integer, p_correlation in VARCHAR2, x_have_msg out nocopy boolean) is l_dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; x_message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; x_msgid RAW(16); x_payload SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE; no_messages exception; pragma exception_init(no_messages, -25228); snap_too_old exception; pragma exception_init(snap_too_old, -1555); begin l_dequeue_options.consumer_name := p_consumer_name; l_dequeue_options.wait := dbms_aq.NO_WAIT; l_dequeue_options.dequeue_mode := dbms_aq.remove_nodata; l_dequeue_options.navigation := p_navigation; l_dequeue_options.correlation := p_correlation; x_have_msg := true; dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => p_queue_name, dequeue_options => l_dequeue_options, message_properties => x_message_properties, -- out payload => x_payload, -- out msgid => x_msgid); -- out exception when no_messages then x_have_msg := false; when snap_too_old then if (p_navigation = DBMS_AQ.NEXT_MESSAGE) then begin l_dequeue_options.navigation := dbms_aq.first_message; dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => p_queue_name, dequeue_options => l_dequeue_options, message_properties => x_message_properties, -- out payload => x_payload, -- out msgid => x_msgid); -- out exception when no_messages then x_have_msg := false; end; else raise; end if; end dequeue_jms_queue; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure dequeue_evt_queue(p_queue_name in VARCHAR2, p_consumer_name in VARCHAR2, p_navigation in binary_integer, p_correlation in VARCHAR2, x_have_msg out nocopy boolean) is l_dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; x_message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; x_payload WF_EVENT_T; x_msgid RAW(16); no_messages exception; pragma exception_init(no_messages, -25228); snap_too_old exception; pragma exception_init(snap_too_old, -1555); begin l_dequeue_options.consumer_name := p_consumer_name; l_dequeue_options.wait := dbms_aq.NO_WAIT; l_dequeue_options.dequeue_mode := dbms_aq.remove_nodata; l_dequeue_options.navigation := p_navigation; l_dequeue_options.correlation := p_correlation; x_have_msg := true; dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => p_queue_name, dequeue_options => l_dequeue_options, message_properties => x_message_properties, -- out payload => x_payload, -- out msgid => x_msgid); -- out exception when no_messages then x_have_msg := false; when snap_too_old then if (p_navigation = DBMS_AQ.NEXT_MESSAGE) then begin l_dequeue_options.navigation := dbms_aq.first_message; dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => p_queue_name, dequeue_options => l_dequeue_options, message_properties => x_message_properties, -- out payload => x_payload, -- out msgid => x_msgid); -- out exception when no_messages then x_have_msg := false; end; else raise; end if; end dequeue_evt_queue; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure purge_jms_queue(p_queue_name in VARCHAR2, p_consumer_name in VARCHAR2 default null, p_correlation in VARCHAR2 default null, p_commit_frequency in NUMBER default 100) is x_have_msg boolean := true; l_xcount NUMBER := 0; l_navigation binary_integer := dbms_aq.first_message; begin while (x_have_msg) loop dequeue_jms_queue(p_queue_name => p_queue_name, p_consumer_name => p_consumer_name, p_navigation => l_navigation, p_correlation => p_correlation, x_have_msg => x_have_msg); l_xcount := l_xcount + 1; if (l_xcount >= p_commit_frequency) then commit; l_xcount := 0; end if; l_navigation := dbms_aq.next_message; end loop; commit; end purge_jms_queue; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure purge_evt_queue(p_queue_name in VARCHAR2, p_consumer_name in VARCHAR2 default null, p_correlation in VARCHAR2 default null, p_commit_frequency in NUMBER default 100) is x_have_msg boolean := true; l_xcount NUMBER := 0; l_navigation binary_integer := dbms_aq.first_message; begin while (x_have_msg) loop dequeue_evt_queue(p_queue_name => p_queue_name, p_consumer_name => p_consumer_name, p_navigation => l_navigation, p_correlation => p_correlation, x_have_msg => x_have_msg); l_xcount := l_xcount + 1; if (l_xcount >= p_commit_frequency) then commit; l_xcount := 0; end if; l_navigation := dbms_aq.next_message; end loop; commit; end purge_evt_queue; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Removes a subscriber from a queue. -- -- p_owner - the owner (schema) of the queue -- p_queue_name - the queue name -- p_subscriber_name - the subscriber_name -- p_status - the return status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure remove_subscriber(p_owner in varchar2, p_queue_name in varchar2, p_subscriber_name in varchar2, p_status out nocopy varchar2) is begin -- Purge the queue for this subscriber. purge_jms_queue(p_queue_name => p_owner || '.' || p_queue_name, p_consumer_name => p_subscriber_name); -- remove the subscriber from the queue dbms_aqadm.remove_subscriber( queue_name => p_owner || '.' || p_queue_name, subscriber =>$_agent(p_subscriber_name, null, null)); -- mark the subscriber removed update wf_bes_subscriber_pings set status = STATUS_REMOVED, action_time = sysdate where queue_name = p_queue_name and subscriber_name = p_subscriber_name and status = STATUS_PINGED; if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, 'wf.plsql.wf_bes_cleanup.remove_subscriber.done', 'Removed subscriber '||p_owner ||'.'||p_queue_name||'.'|| p_subscriber_name); end if; commit; p_status := RETURN_SUCCESS; exception when others then -- the attempt to remove the subscriber failed update wf_bes_subscriber_pings set status = STATUS_REMOVE_FAILED, action_time = sysdate where queue_name = p_queue_name and subscriber_name = p_subscriber_name and status = STATUS_PINGED; if (wf_log_pkg.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, 'wf.plsql.wf_bes_cleanup.remove_subscriber.error', 'Failed to remove subscriber ' || p_owner || '.' || p_queue_name || '.' || p_subscriber_name); end if; commit; p_status := RETURN_ERROR; end remove_subscriber; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE GetQueueDetails(p_agent_name in varchar2, x_queue_table OUT VARCHAR2, x_exception_queue OUT VARCHAR2, x_owner OUT VARCHAR2, x_queue_name OUT VARCHAR2) is l_queue_name varchar2(80); l_recipients varchar2(30); l_pos number := 0; l_name varchar2(30) := null; l_owner varchar2(30) := null; l_queue_table VARCHAR2(30) := null; l_exception_queue VARCHAR2(80) := null; begin select queue_name INTO l_queue_name from wf_agents where name = p_agent_name and system_guid = WF_EVENT.local_system_guid; if(l_queue_name is not null) then -- derive the queue name and the schema l_pos := instr(l_queue_name,'.'); l_name := substr(l_queue_name, l_pos + 1); if (l_pos > 0) then l_owner := substr(l_queue_name, 1, l_pos - 1); else -- if queue_name does not contain schema we will look in WF_SCHEMA l_owner := wf_event.schema_name; end if; SELECT queue_table into l_queue_table from all_queues where owner = l_owner and name = l_name; -- If default exception queue table, should be l_owner || '.AQ$_' || l_queue_table || '_E' -- We can't select the queue name given the queue name and queue_type = 'EXCEPTION_QUEUE', -- because it can have multiple result. Shall we have a column in WF_AGENTS for exception queue? l_exception_queue := l_owner || '.AQ$_' || l_queue_table || '_E'; x_queue_table := l_queue_table; x_exception_queue := l_exception_queue; x_owner := l_owner; x_queue_name := l_name; else raise no_data_found; end if; end GetQueueDetails; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure cleanup_subscribers(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2) is -- the dead subscribers -- A subscriber is dead if -- 1. more than G_MIN_WAIT_TIME has elapsed since it was pinged and -- 2. its status is still STATUS_PINGED -- If the subscriber were alive, it would have responded and its status -- would be STATUS_RESPONDED. cursor dead_subscribers is select distinct queue_name, subscriber_name from wf_bes_subscriber_pings where ping_time < sysdate - G_MIN_WAIT_TIME and status = STATUS_PINGED; l_owner varchar2(30); l_queue_name varchar2(30); l_last_ping_time date; l_ping_time date; l_ping_number number; l_remove_failed_count number; l_remove_status varchar2(30); l_subscribers$_subscriber_list_t; i integer; begin -- get the last ping time select max(ping_time) into l_last_ping_time from wf_bes_subscriber_pings; if(l_last_ping_time is null) then -- wf_bes_subscriber_pings table is empty so set the last ping time to be very old l_last_ping_time := to_date('1900/01/01', 'YYYY/MM/DD'); end if; -- check the minimum wait time if(l_last_ping_time < sysdate - G_MIN_WAIT_TIME) then -- the minimum wait time has elapsed so perform cleanup processing -- get the owner and queue name of the WF_CONTROL agent declare l_qualified_queue_name wf_agents.queue_name%type; j integer; begin select queue_name into l_qualified_queue_name from wf_agents where name = 'WF_CONTROL' and system_guid = wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID'); -- l_qualified_queue_name is of the form . -- parse it into owner (schema) and queue name j := instr(l_qualified_queue_name, '.'); l_owner := substr(l_qualified_queue_name, 1, j - 1); l_queue_name := substr(l_qualified_queue_name, j + 1); exception when no_data_found then -- WF_CONTROL agent does not exist errbuf := 'WF_CONTROL agent not found'; retcode := RETURN_ERROR; return; end; -- remove the dead subscribers l_remove_failed_count := 0; for dead_subscriber in dead_subscribers loop remove_subscriber(p_owner => l_owner, p_queue_name => dead_subscriber.queue_name, p_subscriber_name => dead_subscriber.subscriber_name, p_status => l_remove_status); if(l_remove_status = RETURN_ERROR) then l_remove_failed_count := l_remove_failed_count + 1; end if; end loop; -- After remove the subscribers, remove all the messages that got moved to exception queue purge_jms_queue(p_queue_name => l_owner || '.AQ$_WF_CONTROL_E'); -- ping the current subscribers l_subscribers := dbms_aqadm.queue_subscribers(l_owner || '.' || l_queue_name); if(l_subscribers.count() > 0) then -- a subscriber exists -- get the next ping number select wf_bes_ping_number_s.nextval into l_ping_number from dual; -- get the ping time (current time) l_ping_time := sysdate; -- ping the current subscribers i := l_subscribers.first; while i is not null loop ping_subscriber(p_ping_number => l_ping_number, p_ping_time => l_ping_time, p_queue_name => l_queue_name, p_subscriber_name => l_subscribers(i).name); i :=; end loop; -- raise the ping event wf_event.raise(p_event_name => '', p_event_key => l_ping_number); end if; -- remove the data older than G_MAX_RETENTION_TIME delete from wf_bes_subscriber_pings where ping_time < sysdate - G_MAX_RETENTION_TIME; commit; if(l_remove_failed_count > 0) then -- at least one dead subscriber could not be removed errbuf := 'Failed to remove ' || l_remove_failed_count || ' dead subscriber(s).'; retcode := RETURN_WARNING; else -- normal completion retcode := RETURN_SUCCESS; end if; else -- the minimum wait time has not yet elapsed so just return retcode := RETURN_SUCCESS; end if; end cleanup_subscribers; end wf_bes_cleanup; / show error; commit; exit;