| Copyright (c) 1999 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA|
| All rights reserved. |
| wfalerts - Sample for implementing Alert type functionality using workflow
| PL/SQL body for package: WF_ALERT
set def off
whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback;
create or replace package body WF_ALERT as
/* $Header: wfalertb.sql 26.0 2000/07/05 23:15:27 kma ship $ */
Name: CheckAlert
Description: this function checks if conditions are set for performing an
alert action. In this specific example, it checks to see if any
error occured since the last time it ran. If there
are errors then it returns TRUE and nothing more. The workflow
will then proceed to send a notification reporting all errors
in the database.
If instead nothing is found, then it returns FALSE and the
workflow will wait and try again later.
Note: Substitute this with any function that checks for a condition or event.
procedure CheckAlert(itemtype in varchar2,
itemkey in varchar2,
actid in number,
funcmode in varchar2,
resultout in out varchar2)
lastrun date;
dummy varchar2(30);
cursor error_cursor (lastrun in date) is
select 'errors exist'
from wf_item_activity_statuses
where activity_status = 'ERROR'
and begin_date >= nvl(lastrun,begin_date);
-- Do nothing in any mode other than run mode
-- this includes timeout, cancel, etc.
if (funcmode != wf_engine.eng_run) then
resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;
end if;
lastrun := wf_engine.getitemattrdate(itemtype,itemkey,'LAST_CHECKED');
exception when others then
if ( wf_core.error_name = 'WFENG_ITEM_ATTR' ) then
lastrun := null;
end if;
-- check to see if errors have occured since last time.
-- if lastrun is null, then check for any errors.
open error_cursor (lastrun);
fetch error_cursor into dummy;
close error_cursor;
if dummy is null then
resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':F';
resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':T';
end if;
-- store a value for when this was last run so that next time
-- we only examine events that occured in the delta
-- This way we will only send a new notification (and so cancel the old one)
-- if new errors have since happened.
when others then
Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Alert', 'CheckAlert', itemtype,
itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
end CheckAlert;
Name: ErrorReport
Description: this is a PLSQL document that is called in the post-alert
procedure. This function builds a report of errors.
Standard notification processing will cancel any previous
versions of this notification.
Note: This is an example of an alert event. It may be substituted
with any event processing
Note: document_id is not used in this plsql document. Normally, the
document_id would provide a key into some transaction to
retrieve for reporting.
procedure ErrorReport ( document_id in varchar2,
display_type in varchar2,
document in out varchar2,
document_type in out varchar2) is
err_url varchar2(1000);
-- select a non breakable space,  , when no data found
-- to force grid to display in table in html.
cursor error_list is
select ias.item_type,
ac.name Activity,
ias.activity_result_code Result,
-- ias.error_name ERROR_NAME,
ias.error_message ERROR_MESSAGE,
ias.error_stack ERROR_STACK
from wf_item_activity_statuses ias,
wf_process_activities pa,
wf_activities ac,
wf_activities ap,
wf_items i
where ias.activity_status = 'ERROR'
and ias.process_activity = pa.instance_id
and pa.activity_name = ac.name
and pa.activity_item_type = ac.item_type
and pa.process_name = ap.name
and pa.process_item_type = ap.item_type
and pa.process_version = ap.version
and i.item_type = ias.item_type
and i.item_key = ias.item_key
and i.begin_date >= ac.begin_date
and i.begin_date < nvl(ac.end_date, i.begin_date+1)
order by ias.begin_date, ias.execution_time;
-- will return doc output in display format
document_type := display_type;
-- print table header
if display_type='text/html' then
document := '
'||wf_core.translate('ITEMTYPE')||' | '|| ''||wf_core.translate('ITEMKEY')||' | '|| ''||wf_core.translate('USER_ITEMKEY')||' | '|| ''||wf_core.translate('WFMON_ERROR_MESSAGE')||' | '|| ''||wf_core.translate('WFMON_ERROR_STACK')||' |
'||error_rec.item_type||' | '; document := document||'' ||error_rec.item_key||' | '; document := document||''||
error_rec.item_type,error_rec.item_key),' ')||' | ';
document := document||''||error_rec.error_message||' | '; document := document||''||error_rec.error_stack||' | '; document := document||'