Rem $Header: wfupart.sql 26.2 2001/11/07 21:26:53 mcraig ship $ Rem Rem wfupart.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem wfupart.sql - This (Upgrade) script partitions the Rem WF tables by item type. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This SQL script migrates existing non-partitioned WF Rem tables to partitioned tables. You should make sure Rem your database is backed up. Also you should backup the Rem the following tables: WF_ITEMS, WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES, Rem WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H, WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This is a sample script to partition WF tables by Rem Item Type, with a Hash Key on Item Key Rem !!!For 8.1.7 Database Only with Partition Option!!! Rem Make sure you run this script on a test instance first. Rem Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem Rem aalomari 11/14/1999 - Creation Rem dlam 12/04/1999 - Modified as a post-installed script Rem mcraig 26/10/2001 - Modified Apps script for standalone Rem -- add this to exit at error -- at the connection testing stage, we cannot use exit failure rollback whenever sqlerror exit failure; set serveroutput on size 1000000 prompt Please review this script properly and ensure you have enough space prompt in your tablespace, as well as enqueue_resources in your init.ora. prompt Usage: prompt sqlplus / @wfupart def u_app = &1 def p_app = &2 -- Testing connection to Workflow Account prompt Test connection to &u_app connect &u_app/&p_app; -- All connected properly, now we can proceed with package creation. whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; -- Create Packages prompt Creating WF_INSTALL package ... create or replace package Wf_Install authid current_user as g_partition_ct number := 0; Procedure CreateTable ( tblname in varchar2, tblspcname in varchar2 default null ); Procedure CreateIndex ( idxname in varchar2, tblspcname in varchar2 default null ); -- objtype are like 'VIEW' and 'PACKAGE BODY' -- objname can have wild card like 'WF%' Procedure CompileObject ( objtype in varchar2, objname in varchar2 default '%' ); end Wf_Install; / create or replace package body Wf_Install as Procedure CreateTable ( tblname in varchar2, tblspcname in varchar2 default null ) is v_tablespace_name varchar2(30); v_initial number; v_next number; v_pctinc number; v_partitioned varchar2(3); v_new_table varchar2(30); v_old_table varchar2(30); v_sql varchar2(32000); l_sql varchar2(32000); v_dummy varchar2(1); i pls_integer := 0; cursor c is select name from wf_item_types order by 1 asc; begin begin for c_rec in c loop i := i+1; l_sql := l_sql|| ' partition wf_item'||to_char(i)||' values less than ('''||||'''),'; end loop; -- Set the Global Partition Count g_partition_ct := i; dbms_output.put_line('Number of Partitions to be created:'||to_char(i+1)); select TABLESPACE_NAME, INITIAL_EXTENT, nvl(NEXT_EXTENT,10), nvl(PCT_INCREASE,0), PARTITIONED into v_tablespace_name, v_initial, v_next, v_pctinc, v_partitioned from USER_TABLES where TABLE_NAME = tblname; dbms_output.put_line('tablespace name:'||v_tablespace_name); dbms_output.put_line('initial:'||v_initial); dbms_output.put_line('next:'||v_next); dbms_output.put_line('pctinc:'||v_pctinc); dbms_output.put_line('partitioned:'||v_partitioned); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then dbms_output.put_line('--Error while querying storage parameters.'); dbms_output.put_line('-- Table '||tblname||' does not exist.'); dbms_output.put_line('-- Please check if you login to the correct user, database,'); dbms_output.put_line('-- and that application installation has been completed successfully.'); raise_application_error(-20001,'Missing table '||tblname); when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('--Error while querying storage parameters.'); raise; end; if (v_partitioned = 'YES') then -- already partitioned. Just exit. dbms_output.put_line('Table '||tblname||' already partitioned ... skipped.'); return; end if; if (tblspcname is not null) then v_tablespace_name := tblspcname; end if; v_new_table := substr('WFN_'||tblname, 1, 30); -- check if new table name exists, if so, may ask to drop it. begin select null into v_dummy from sys.dual where exists ( select 1 from USER_OBJECTS where OBJECT_NAME = v_new_table ); dbms_output.put_line('Name conflict. Please first drop '||v_new_table); raise_application_error(-20002, v_new_table||' already exists.'); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('--Error while checking the new table name.'); raise; end; v_initial := 16384; -- force it to 16k dbms_output.put_line('Creating new table '||v_new_table); v_sql :='create table '||v_new_table|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' pctused 60'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next) ||'M'|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' parallel (degree 1)'|| ' nologging'|| ' partition by range (item_type)' || ' subpartition by hash (item_key) '|| ' subpartitions 32 ('||l_sql|| ' partition wf_item'||to_char(i+1)||' values less than (MAXVALUE))' || ' as select * from '||tblname; begin execute immediate v_sql; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('Error in SQL: '||substr(v_sql,1,200)); dbms_output.put_line('Error in SQL: '||substr(v_sql,201,200)); dbms_output.put_line('Error in SQL: '||substr(v_sql,401,200)); raise; end; -- rename orig table to old table v_old_table := substr('WFO_'||tblname, 1, 30); dbms_output.put_line('Rename '||tblname||' to '||v_old_table); v_sql := 'alter table '||tblname||' rename to '||v_old_table; begin execute immediate v_sql; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('Error in: '||substr(v_sql,1,220)); raise; end; -- rename new table to orig table dbms_output.put_line('Rename '||v_new_table||' to '||tblname); v_sql := 'alter table '||v_new_table||' rename to '||tblname; begin execute immediate v_sql; exception when OTHERS then raise_application_error(-20005,'Error in SQL: '||substr(v_sql,1,3000)); end; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('--Error in CreateTable '||tblname); raise; end CreateTable; Procedure CreateIndex ( idxname in varchar2, tblspcname in varchar2 default null ) is v_tablespace_name varchar2(30); v_initial number; v_next number; v_pctinc number; v_tblpartitioned varchar2(3); v_idxpartitioned varchar2(3); v_prefix varchar2(8); v_new_index varchar2(30); v_old_index varchar2(30); v_sql varchar2(32000); l_sql varchar2(32000); v_dummy varchar2(1); partition_index boolean := false; drop_index boolean := false; i pls_integer := 0; begin begin --for c_rec in c loop for x in 1..g_partition_ct loop i := i+1; if l_sql is null then l_sql := ' partition wf_item'||to_char(i); else l_sql := l_sql|| ' ,partition wf_item'||to_char(i); end if; end loop; l_sql := l_sql||' ,partition wf_item'||to_char(i+1); select I.TABLESPACE_NAME, I.INITIAL_EXTENT, nvl(I.NEXT_EXTENT,1), nvl(I.PCT_INCREASE,0), I.PARTITIONED, T.PARTITIONED into v_tablespace_name, v_initial, v_next, v_pctinc, v_idxpartitioned, v_tblpartitioned from USER_INDEXES I, USER_TABLES T where I.INDEX_NAME = idxname and I.TABLE_NAME = T.TABLE_NAME; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then dbms_output.put_line('--Error while querying storage parameters.'); dbms_output.put_line('-- Index '||idxname||' does not exist.'); dbms_output.put_line('-- Please check if you login to the correct user, database,'); dbms_output.put_line('-- and that application installation has been completed successfully.'); raise_application_error(-20011,'Missing index '||idxname); when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('--Error while querying storage parameters.'); raise; end; if (tblspcname is not null) then v_tablespace_name := tblspcname; end if; v_new_index := substr('WFN_'||idxname, 1, 30); -- check if new index name exists, if so, may ask to drop it. begin select null into v_dummy from sys.dual where exists ( select 1 from USER_OBJECTS where OBJECT_NAME = v_new_index ); dbms_output.put_line('Name conflict. Please first drop '||v_new_index); raise_application_error(-20012, v_new_index||' already exists.'); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('--Error while checking the new index name.'); raise; end; dbms_output.put_line('Recreating index '||idxname); v_prefix := 'WFO_'; v_initial := 16384; -- force it to 16k if (idxname = 'WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_PK') then partition_index := true; v_prefix := 'WFP_'; v_sql := 'create unique index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES (ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)||'M'|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'|| ' local ('||l_sql||')'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_N1') then v_prefix := 'WF1_'; v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES (ACTIVITY_STATUS, ITEM_TYPE)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_N2') then v_prefix := 'WF2_'; v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES (NOTIFICATION_ID)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_N3') then v_prefix := 'WF3_'; v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES (DUE_DATE, ITEM_TYPE)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H_N1') then v_prefix := 'WFH1_'; v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H (ACTIVITY_STATUS, ITEM_TYPE)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H_N2') then v_prefix := 'WFH2_'; v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H (NOTIFICATION_ID)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_PK') then partition_index := true; v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES (ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, NAME)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'|| ' local ('||l_sql||')'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEMS_PK') then partition_index := true; v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEMS (ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'|| ' local ('||l_sql||')'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEMS_N1') then v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEMS (PARENT_ITEM_TYPE, PARENT_ITEM_KEY)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEMS_N2') then v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEMS (BEGIN_DATE)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'; elsif (idxname = 'WF_ITEMS_N3') then v_sql := 'create index '||v_new_index|| ' on WF_ITEMS (END_DATE)'|| ' pctfree 40'|| ' initrans 10'|| ' tablespace '||v_tablespace_name|| ' storage (initial '||to_char(v_initial)||' next '||to_char(v_next)|| ' freelists 32 freelist groups 10'|| ' pctincrease '||to_char(v_pctinc)||')' || ' nologging compute statistics'; end if; -- now check if we need to proceed if (partition_index) then if (v_idxpartitioned = 'YES') then -- already partitioned. Just exit. dbms_output.put_line('Index '||idxname||' already partitioned ... skipped.'); return; elsif (v_tblpartitioned = 'YES') then -- first drop the index drop_index := true; begin dbms_output.put_line('Drop index '||idxname); execute immediate 'drop index '||idxname; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('Error in SQL: '||substr('drop index '|| idxname,1,200)); raise; end; end if; else if (v_tblpartitioned = 'YES') then -- Detected table partitioned meant this script had already been run. -- Just exit. dbms_output.put_line('Table for index '||idxname||' already partitioned ... skipped.'); return; end if; end if; begin dbms_output.put_line('Create index '||v_new_index); execute immediate v_sql; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('Error in SQL: '||substr(v_sql,1,220)); raise; end; -- Rename only if we did not drop index before if (not drop_index) then -- rename orig index to old index v_old_index := substr(v_prefix||idxname, 1, 30); dbms_output.put_line('Rename '||idxname||' to '||v_old_index); v_sql := 'alter index '||idxname||' rename to '||v_old_index; begin execute immediate v_sql; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('Error in SQL: '||substr(v_sql,1,220)); raise; end; end if; -- rename new index to orig index dbms_output.put_line('Rename '||v_new_index||' to '||idxname); v_sql := 'alter index '||v_new_index||' rename to '||idxname; begin execute immediate v_sql; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('Error in SQL: '||substr(v_sql,1,220)); raise; end; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('--Error in CreateIndex '||idxname); raise; end CreateIndex; Procedure CompileObject ( objtype in varchar2, objname in varchar2 default '%' ) is cursor objcurs(objt varchar2, objn varchar2) is select OBJECT_NAME from ALL_OBJECTS where OBJECT_TYPE = objt and OBJECT_NAME like objn and STATUS = 'INVALID'; v_sql varchar2(4000); begin for obj in objcurs(objtype, objname) loop if (objtype = 'PACKAGE BODY') then v_sql := 'alter package '||obj.OBJECT_NAME||' compile body'; else v_sql := 'alter '||objtype||' '||obj.OBJECT_NAME||' compile'; end if; dbms_output.put_line('Running: '||v_sql); begin execute immediate v_sql; exception when OTHERS then -- continues when error is caught. dbms_output.put_line('--Error in SQL: '||v_sql); end; end loop; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line('--Error in CompileObject '||objname); raise; end CompileObject; end Wf_Install; / -- show errors package body WF_INSTALL; whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; set serveroutput on prompt Recreating tables. May take a long time... prompt Recreating table WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES begin dbms_output.enable(1000000); -- create table Wf_Install.CreateTable('WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES'); -- create index Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_PK'); Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_N1'); Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_N2'); Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_N3'); end; / -- drop old table whenever sqlerror continue; prompt drop table WFO_WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES; drop table WFO_WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES; whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; prompt Recreating table WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H begin dbms_output.enable(1000000); Wf_Install.CreateTable('WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H'); Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H_N1'); Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H_N2'); end; / -- drop old table whenever sqlerror continue; prompt drop table WFO_WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_; drop table WFO_WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_; whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; prompt Recreating table WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES begin dbms_output.enable(1000000); -- create table Wf_Install.CreateTable('WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES'); -- create index Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_PK'); end; / -- drop old table whenever sqlerror continue; prompt drop table WFO_WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES drop table WFO_WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES; whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; prompt Recreating table WF_ITEMS begin dbms_output.enable(1000000); -- create table Wf_Install.CreateTable('WF_ITEMS'); -- create index Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEMS_PK'); Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEMS_N1'); Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEMS_N2'); Wf_Install.CreateIndex('WF_ITEMS_N3'); end; / -- drop old table whenever sqlerror continue; prompt drop table WFO_WF_ITEMS drop table WFO_WF_ITEMS; -- As Workflow Schema owner whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; set serveroutput on prompt Recompiling views -- recompile views begin dbms_output.enable(1000000); Wf_Install.CompileObject('VIEW'); end; / set serveroutput on prompt Recompiling package bodies -- recompile packages begin dbms_output.enable(1000000); Wf_Install.CompileObject('PACKAGE BODY'); end; / -- clean up prompt Drop package WF_INSTALL in &u_app schema drop package WF_INSTALL; prompt Post-install script completed, you may ignore error during create prompt synonyms. prompt commit; exit;