REM dbdrv: none REM $Header: wfntfqup.sql 26.8 2005/02/17 10:34:50 dmani ship $ REM ******************************************************************* REM NAME REM wfntfqup.sql - WorkFlow Message Queue Update REM REM DESCRIPTION REM Purges the wf_notification_out outbound message queue and REM repopulates from the WF_NOTIFICATION table. REM Manual Script REM REM **************************** WARNING **************************** REM DO NOT RUN THIS SCRIPT UNLESS DIRECTED BY ORACLE SUPPORT!! REM ***************************************************************** REM REM USAGE REM sqlplus /@db @wfntfqup REM REM MODIFICATION LOG: REM 12/6/2002 SMAYZE Created based on wfmqupd.sql REM ******************************************************************* set pagesize 999 set linesize 80 set arraysize 1 set timing on; SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; CONNECT &1/&2 declare no_queue exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(no_queue, -24010); queue_exists exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(queue_exists, -24006); queue_table_exists exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(queue_table_exists, -24001); subscriber_exist exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(subscriber_exist, -24034); l_firstNotification NUMBER; l_lastNotification NUMBER; cursor c_ntf is select notification_id, group_id, recipient_role, message_type, status from wf_notifications where status in ('OPEN', 'CANCELED') and mail_status in ('MAIL', 'INVALID') and notification_id >= l_firstNotification and notification_id <= l_lastNotification order by notification_id; r_ntf c_ntf%ROWTYPE; l_commit_level integer := 500; l_enq integer; l_xcount integer; l_wf_schema varchar2(320); l_agent_name varchar2(200); l_table_name varchar2(200); l_queue_name varchar2(200); l_exception_queue_name varchar2(200); l_parameterlist wf_parameter_list_t; l_agent_hdl$_agent; begin wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'BEGIN'); -- Purge the WF_DEFERRED queue using the procedure WF_QUEUE.CLEAN_EVT -- with the following Correlation IDs: -- 1) -- 2) -- 3) wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Purging WF_DEFERRED with Correlation'); wf_queue.clean_evt('WF_DEFERRED',''); wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Purging WF_DEFERRED with Correlation'); wf_queue.clean_evt('WF_DEFERRED',''); wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Purging WF_DEFERRED with Correlation'); wf_queue.clean_evt('WF_DEFERRED',''); l_wf_schema := upper('&&3'); -- Purge the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue l_agent_name := 'WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT'; l_queue_name := l_wf_schema||'.'||l_agent_name; l_exception_queue_name := l_wf_schema||'.'||'AQ$_'||l_agent_name||'_E'; l_table_name := l_wf_schema||'.'||l_agent_name; -- Stop the queue wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Stopping the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue'); dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => l_queue_name); begin -- Trap exception. Exception queue may no yet exist dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => l_exception_queue_name); exception when no_queue then null; -- Ignore when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr1= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; -- Remove the queue wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Dropping the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue(queue_name => l_queue_name); begin -- Trap exception. Exception queue may no yet exist dbms_aqadm.drop_queue(queue_name => l_exception_queue_name); exception when no_queue then null; -- Ignore when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr2= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; -- Drop the table wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Dropping the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT table'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table(l_table_name); -- Recreate the queue table wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Recreating the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT table'); begin dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table ( queue_table => l_table_name, queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE', sort_list => 'PRIORITY,ENQ_TIME', multiple_consumers => TRUE, comment => 'Workflow JMS Topic', compatible => '8.1' ); exception when queue_table_exists then null; when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr3= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; -- Recreate the queue wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Recreating the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue'); begin dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => l_queue_name, queue_table => l_table_name, max_retries => 5, retry_delay => 3600, retention_time => 86400, comment => 'Workflow JMS Topics' ); exception when queue_exists then null; when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr4= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; -- Start the topic begin dbms_aqadm.start_queue(queue_name => l_queue_name); exception when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error Mkr5= ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; -- Add a subscriber begin l_agent_hdl :=$_agent('WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT',null,0); dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber(queue_name =>l_queue_name, subscriber=>l_agent_hdl, rule=>'1=1'); exception when subscriber_exist then -- ignore if we already added this subscriber. dbms_aqadm.alter_subscriber(queue_name => l_queue_name, subscriber=>l_agent_hdl, rule=>'1=1'); end; -- Now enqueue all of the valid notifications -- We can not make any assumptions on the number of -- transactions to process or the length of time that this will take -- and whether or not there are still notifications being enqueued. SELECT MAX(notification_id) INTO l_lastNotification FROM wf_notifications; l_enq := 0; l_firstNotification := 0; wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Enqueuing messages from wf_notifications'); loop l_xcount := 0; open c_ntf; loop fetch c_ntf into r_ntf; exit when c_ntf%NOTFOUND or l_xcount >= l_commit_level; -- wf_xml.enqueueNotification(r_ntf.notification_id); l_parameterList := wf_parameter_list_t(); wf_event.AddParameterToList('NOTIFICATION_ID',r_ntf.notification_id, l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('ROLE', r_ntf.recipient_role, l_parameterlist); wf_event.AddParameterToList('GROUP_ID', nvl(r_ntf.group_id, r_ntf.notification_id), l_parameterlist); wf_event.addParameterToList('Q_CORRELATION_ID', r_ntf.message_type, l_parameterlist); --Raise the event -- If the STATUS is OPEN then -- event is raised else if the status is CANCELED then -- is raised wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'Enqueuing message '||to_char(r_ntf.notification_id)); if(r_ntf.status = 'OPEN') then wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => '', p_event_key => to_char(r_ntf.notification_id), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); elsif(r_ntf.status = 'CANCELED') then wf_event.Raise(p_event_name => '', p_event_key => to_char(r_ntf.notification_id), p_parameters => l_parameterlist); end if; l_enq := l_enq + 1; l_xcount := l_xcount + 1; end loop; exit when c_ntf%NOTFOUND; l_firstNotification := r_ntf.notification_id; close c_ntf; commit; end loop; commit; wf_log_pkg.string(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'WFNTFQUP', 'END'); exception when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error = ' ||to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; / set verify on commit; exit;