rem rem This script can be used to display the value of a platform property. These rem properties control how the Control Center Service behaves. rem rem USAGE rem Logon as the OWB Repository Owner (OWBSYS) rem rem @/owb/rtp/sql/display_platform_property.sql rem rem This script displays the value of the property with the given name. rem rem Note that the script assumes that at most one property with the given name rem must exist. rem rem See also the script called set_platform_property.sql rem set serveroutput on; set echo off set verify off set role OWB_USER; define PROPERTY_PATH = &1. declare l_clob clob; l_length number; l_buffer varchar2(250); l_amount number; l_start number; begin l_clob := owbsys.wb_rt_script_util.get_platform_property('&PROPERTY_PATH.');, dbms_lob.lob_readonly); l_length := dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob); l_start := 1; dbms_output.enable(100000); dbms_output.new_line; while l_start <= l_length loop l_amount := 250;, l_amount, l_start, l_buffer); dbms_output.put_line(l_buffer); l_start := l_start + 250; end loop; dbms_output.new_line; dbms_lob.close(l_clob); end; /