REM ============================================================================ REM SAMPLE INIT_SESSION PACKAGE REM REM An init_session package can be used to perform user defined session REM initialization for any database session used within the Control Center REM Manager. REM REM An init_session package must contain a parameterless operation named REM init_session. The package will normally be installed into the owbsys REM account. The init_session package name must be defined to OWB in the file REM [serverside-home]/owb/bin/admin/ This is done by adding REM an entry like this: - REM REM connection.init_session=owbsys.session_setup REM REM An init_session package can assume that the application values MODULE, REM ACTION and CLIENT_INFO are set up when it is called: - REM REM MODULE ==> OWB_CCS REM ACTION ==> DEPLOYMENT (when session is to be used for a deployment) REM EXECUTION (when session is to be used for a execution) REM INFRASTRUCTURE (otherwise) REM CLIENT_INFO ==> LOCATION ID (when session is to be used for a deployment) REM EXECUTION ID (when session is to be used for a execution) REM "" (otherwise) REM REM The location ID is the value of the location_audit_id column within the REM view all_rt_audit_locations. The execution ID is the value of the REM execution_audit_id column within the view all_rt_audit_executions. REM In either case the identified row can be used to extract additional REM information about the session usage. REM ============================================================================ REM Define the session_setup package. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE session_setup IS PROCEDURE init_session; END; / REM Grant execute access to any accounts used to run deployments or executions. grant execute on session_setup to owbuser; REM Define the session_setup package body. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY session_setup IS -- return the execution audit ID or null if the session is not being -- used for execution FUNCTION execution_audit_id RETURN NUMBER IS l_result NUMBER; BEGIN FOR s IN ( SELECT client_info FROM v$session WHERE action = 'EXECUTION' AND audsid = sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID')) LOOP l_result := s.client_info; END LOOP; RETURN l_result; END; -- return the location audit ID or null if the session is not being -- used for deployment FUNCTION location_audit_id RETURN NUMBER IS l_result NUMBER; BEGIN FOR s IN ( SELECT client_info FROM v$session WHERE action = 'DEPLOYMENT' AND audsid = sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID')) LOOP l_result := s.client_info; END LOOP; RETURN l_result; END; /*************************************************************************** It is also possible to retrieve the audit ID for a PL/SQL map execution prior to 11.2, as illustrated by the following code. This code relies on the MODULE value having the following form in this case: - "OWB Runtime Service - [] " where is the key to the all_rt_executions view. FUNCTION execution_audit_id RETURN NUMBER IS l_result NUMBER; l_module VARCHAR2(80); l_end_index NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT module INTO l_module FROM v$session WHERE audsid = sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID'); IF l_module IS NOT NULL AND SUBSTR(l_module, 1, 22) = 'OWB Runtime Service - ' THEN l_end_index := INSTR(l_module, ' ['); IF l_end_index > 0 THEN l_result := SUBSTR(l_module, 23, l_end_index - 23); END IF; END IF; RETURN l_result; END; ***************************************************************************/ -- The init_session operation called to perform session initialization PROCEDURE init_session IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; l_module VARCHAR2(80); l_execution_audit_id NUMBER; BEGIN l_execution_audit_id := execution_audit_id; IF l_execution_audit_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- When used for execution retrieve the task name and reset ACTION. -- This might be used to change the way that resource manager -- consumer groups are assigned. FOR a IN ( SELECT task_name FROM all_rt_audit_executions WHERE execution_audit_id = l_execution_audit_id) LOOP dbms_application_info.set_action(a.task_name); END LOOP; END IF; COMMIT; END; END; /