rem If you have used database import to move an existing OWF schema into rem an Oracle Database you may have some Invalid PLSQL packages. rem rem Use this script to grant the privileges to an Oracle Workflow Schema rem so that these packages can be made Valid. rem rem This script must be run as someone with SYS privileges. rem rem After it is run, you should then logon as the OWF user and use rem the script rem /owb/rtasst/upgrade/tsupgrade_compile_pkg.sql rem to compile all of the invalid packages rem define owfu=OWF_MGR; grant select on sys.dba_users to &owfu; grant select on sys.dba_roles to &owfu; grant select on sys.dba_role_privs to &owfu; grant select on sys.user$ to &owfu; grant select on sys.v_$parameter to &owfu; grant select on sys.gv_$session to &owfu; grant select on sys.v_$instance to &owfu; grant select on sys.gv_$aq to &owfu; grant select on dba_queue_schedules to &owfu;