create or replace view deployment_dependency_v as select map_operator.parentid as source_objID, entity_stage.linkTo as target_objID from pctree map_operator, interlink entity_stage where map_operator.parentrole = 'OperatorOwner' and entity_stage.linkfrom = map_operator.childid and entity_stage.linkto > 0 union select miningmodel.parentid as source_objID, entity_stage.linkTo as target_objID from pctree miningmodel, pctree embedmap, interlink entity_stage where miningmodel.parentrole = 'EmbedMapOwner' and embedmap.parentrole = 'OperatorOwner' and miningmodel.childid = embedmap.parentid and entity_stage.linkfrom = embedmap.childid and entity_stage.linkto > 0 union select view_operator.parentid as source_objID, entity_stage.linkTo as target_objID from pctree view_operator, interlink entity_stage where view_operator.parentrole = 'InstalledModule' and entity_stage.linkfrom = view_operator.childid and entity_stage.linkto > 0 union select changesets.parentid as source_objID, capturedentity.linkto as target_objID from pctree changesets, pctree capturerelation, interlink capturedentity where capturerelation.parentrole = 'CaptureSetup' and capturedentity.linkfrom = capturerelation.childid and changesets.parentrole = 'ChangeLog' and changesets.childid = capturerelation.parentid and capturedentity.linkto > 0 union select activity.parentid as source_objID, activity_ref.linkTo as target_objID from pctree activity, interlink activity_ref where activity.parentrole = 'OwningBaseProcess' and activity_ref.linkfrom = activity.childid and activity_ref.linkto > 0 union select ba_shortcuts.parentid as source_objID, shortcut_ref.linkto as target_objID from pctree ba_shortcuts, interlink shortcut_ref where ba_shortcuts.parentrole = 'BusinessArea' and ba_shortcuts.childid = shortcut_ref.linkfrom and shortcut_ref.linkto > 0 union select dependencies.targetfco as source_objID, dependencies.sourcefco as target_objID from cmpdependency_v dependencies where dependencies.type = 'BI' union select dependencies.sourcefco as source_objID, drill_path.elementid as target_objID from cmpdependency_v dependencies, cmpdrillpath_v drill_path where dependencies.targetfco = drill_path.elementid and dependencies.type = 'BI' union select itemclass.elementid as source_objID, dependencies.targetfco as target_objID from cmpdependency_v dependencies, cmplovitemclass_v itemclass where dependencies.sourcefco = itemclass.elementid and dependencies.type = 'BI' and itemclass.drilltodetail = 1 union select childid as source_objID, parentid as target_objID from pctree where parentrole ='AdvancedQueue' and childrole = 'QueueSubscriber' union select linkfrom as source_objID, linkto as target_objID from interlink where linktorole = 'QueueTable' and linkfromrole = 'AdvancedQueue' union select firstclassobject as target_objID, typedefinition as source_objID from cmprelationaldbitem_v where firstclassobject in (select linkto as target_objID from interlink where linktorole = 'QueueTable' and linkfromrole = 'AdvancedQueue') union select item.owningrelation as target_objID, item.typeDefinition as source_objID from cmpitem_v item where item.typeDefinition in (select elementid from cmpobjecttype_v union select elementid from cmpsqlcollection_v) union select coll.elementid as target_objID, coll.typeDefinition as source_objID from cmpsqlcollection_v coll where coll.typeDefinition in (select elementid from cmpobjecttype_v union select elementid from cmpsqlcollection_v) union select item.owningrelation as target_objID, pak.elementid as source_objID from cmpfunctioncategory_v pak, cmpitem_v item, cmpplsrecord_v rec where pak.elementid = rec.functioncategory and item.typeDefinition = rec.elementid union select fkey.FIRSTCLASSOBJECT as source_objID, key.FIRSTCLASSOBJECT as target_objID from cmpuniquekey_v key, cmpforeignkey_v fkey where fkey.uniquekey = key.elementid UNION SELECT dim_level.parentid AS source_objID, cube_dimref.parentid AS target_objID FROM interlink level_dimref, pctree dim_level, pctree cube_dimref WHERE level_dimref.linkfromrole = 'ReferencingCubeDimRef' AND level_dimref.linktorole = 'ReferencedLevel' AND cube_dimref.parentrole = 'OwningDimension' AND cube_dimref.childid = level_dimref.linkto AND dim_level.parentrole = 'OwningCube' AND dim_level.childid = level_dimref.linkfrom UNION SELECT target_table.parentid AS source_objID, source_cube.parentid AS target_objID FROM interlink column_measure, pctree source_cube, pctree target_table WHERE source_cube.parentrole = 'OwningRelation' AND source_cube.childid = column_measure.linkto AND column_measure.linktorole = 'BindingAttribute' AND target_table.childid = column_measure.linkfrom UNION SELECT source_dim.parentid AS source_objID, target_table.parentid AS target_objID FROM interlink column_lvattr, pctree source_dim, pctree target_table, pctree dim_level WHERE (column_lvattr.linktorole = 'BindingAttribute' OR column_lvattr.linktorole = 'BindingDimensionKeyAttr') AND dim_level.childid = column_lvattr.linkfrom AND dim_level.parentrole = 'OwningLevel' AND target_table.childid = column_lvattr.linkto AND source_dim.parentrole = 'OwningDimension' AND dim_level.parentid = source_dim.childid UNION SELECT sequence.linkfrom AS source_objID, source_dim.childid AS target_objID FROM interlink sequence, pctree source_dim WHERE source_dim.childid = sequence.linkto AND sequence.linktorole = 'DimensionKeySequence' with read only;