create or replace view DefinitionElement_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBAbstractType' ,'WBCollectionType' ,'WBScalarType' ,'WBExtensibleType' ,'WBArrayType' ,'WBPrimitiveType' ,'WBDomain' ,'WBRange' ,'ClassDefinition' ,'PropertyDefinition' ,'ClassInheritanceDefinition' ,'DefinitionKeyLookupBundle' ,'PropertyGroupDefinition' ,'PropertySetDefinition' ,'PropertyUsageDefinition' ,'PropertyUsageChoice' ,'AssociationDefinition' ,'RoleDefinition' ,'ClassUsageDefinition' ,'ComponentDefinition' ,'DummyInterestSet' ,'DummyInterestUsage' ,'InterestSet' ,'InterestUsage' ,'PublicAPISet' ,'DefinitionInterestUsage' ,'VerticalTree' ,'TreeNode' ,'WBProperty' ,'WBArrayProperty' ,'WBCollectionProperty' ,'WBScalarProperty' ,'WBPrimitiveProperty' ,'WBReferenceProperty' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view LoadingStrategy_X ( WorkspaceID ,ElementId ,ClassName ,LoadingParent ) as select WorkspaceID ,i_1 ,s2_2 ,LoadingParent from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view AssociationDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,RoleA ,RoleAName ,ClassA ,RoleB ,RoleBName ,ClassB ,AssociationType ,Aggregation ,WeaklyTyped ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,s2_6 ,r_2 ,r_3 ,s2_7 ,r_4 ,i_3 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'AssociationDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view ClassDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Comparator ,Extensible ,WeaklyTyped ,Stereotype ,Generatable ,Abstract ,PackageName ,PropertyParent ,ComponentDefinition ,ClassPersistent ,namespaceParent ,namespaceDomain ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,i_3 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,s2_7 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,b_17 ,s2_8 ,s2_9 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'ClassDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view PropertyDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,PropertyType ,DefinitionKey ,ExportControl ,Override ,Position ,ClassDefinition ,DataType ,isRole ,roleDefinition ,translatable ,isPassword ,hidden ,propertyReadOnly ,nameChecked ,userChoiceAllowed ,dynamicDefault ,inPlaceEditor ,customEditor ,propertyGroupDefinition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,i_3 ,s2_6 ,i_4 ,b_13 ,i_5 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,b_14 ,r_3 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,b_17 ,b_18 ,b_19 ,b_20 ,s2_7 ,s2_8 ,s2_9 ,r_4 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'PropertyDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view ClassInheritanceDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,inheritanceParent ,inheritanceChild ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'ClassInheritanceDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view ClassUsageDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,ComponentDefinition ,ClassDefinition ,UsageType ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,i_3 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'ClassUsageDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view ComponentDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,ClassDefinition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'ComponentDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view DefinitionKeyLookupBundle_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,definitionKeyLookupBundle ,propertySetDefinition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,i_3 ,r_1 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'DefinitionKeyLookupBundle' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view InterestSet_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'InterestSet' ,'DummyInterestSet' ,'PublicAPISet' ,'VerticalTree' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view DummyInterestSet_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'DummyInterestSet' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view VerticalTree_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'VerticalTree' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view PublicAPISet_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'PublicAPISet' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view InterestUsage_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,InterestSet ,InterestingObject ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'InterestUsage' ,'DummyInterestUsage' ,'DefinitionInterestUsage' ,'TreeNode' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view DummyInterestUsage_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,InterestSet ,InterestingObject ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'DummyInterestUsage' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view TreeNode_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,InterestSet ,InterestingObject ,isRoot ,parentNode ,realTreeNode ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,b_13 ,r_3 ,r_4 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'TreeNode' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view DefinitionInterestUsage_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,InterestSet ,InterestingObject ,targetType ,parentInterest ,scriptName ,publicWeaklyTyped ,realInterestUsage ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,i_3 ,r_3 ,s2_6 ,b_13 ,r_4 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'DefinitionInterestUsage' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view PropertyGroupDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,definitionKey ,hidden ,groupOwner ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,b_13 ,r_1 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'PropertyGroupDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view PropertySetDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,definitionKey ,classDefinition ,propertyType ,parentPropertySetDefinition ,parentClassDefinition ,superPropertySetDefinition ,superClassDefinition ,realPropertySetDefinition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,r_1 ,i_3 ,r_2 ,r_3 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'PropertySetDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view PropertyUsageChoice_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,choice ,propertyUsageDefinition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,r_1 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'PropertyUsageChoice' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view PropertyUsageDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,propertySetDefinition ,propertyDefinition ,definitionKey ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,s2_6 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'PropertyUsageDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view RoleDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,aggregate ,navigable ,minCardinality ,maxCardinality ,propertyDefinition ,classDefinition ,associationDefinition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,i_3 ,i_4 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,r_3 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'RoleDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBAbstractType_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Comparator ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBAbstractType' ,'WBCollectionType' ,'WBScalarType' ,'WBExtensibleType' ,'WBArrayType' ,'WBPrimitiveType' ,'WBDomain' ,'ClassDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBScalarType_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Comparator ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBPrimitiveType' ,'WBDomain' ,'WBScalarType' ,'ClassDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBPrimitiveType_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Comparator ,Formator ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBPrimitiveType' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBDomain_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Comparator ,DataType ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,r_1 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBDomain' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBCollectionType_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Comparator ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBCollectionType' ,'WBExtensibleType' ,'WBArrayType' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBArrayType_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Comparator ,baseElementType ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,r_1 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBArrayType' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBExtensibleType_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Comparator ,classDefinition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,s2_6 ,r_1 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBExtensibleType' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBRange_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,Domain ,minValueInclusive ,maxValueInclusive ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBRange' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBProperty_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,owner ,dataType ,position ,hasName ,hasPosition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,i_3 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBProperty' ,'WBArrayProperty' ,'WBScalarProperty' ,'WBPrimitiveProperty' ,'WBCollectionProperty' ,'WBReferenceProperty' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBCollectionProperty_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,owner ,dataType ,position ,hasName ,hasPosition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,i_3 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBCollectionProperty' ,'WBArrayProperty' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBArrayProperty_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,owner ,dataType ,position ,hasName ,hasPosition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,i_3 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBArrayProperty' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBPrimitiveProperty_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,owner ,dataType ,position ,hasName ,hasPosition ,value ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,i_3 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,s3_4 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBPrimitiveProperty' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBReferenceProperty_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,owner ,dataType ,position ,hasName ,hasPosition ,referencedElement ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,i_3 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,r_4 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBReferenceProperty' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WBScalarProperty_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,owner ,dataType ,position ,hasName ,hasPosition ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,i_3 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'WBScalarProperty' ,'WBPrimitiveProperty' ,'WBReferenceProperty' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view DependencyDefinition_X ( WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerEditable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Disabled ,Editable ,ElementId ,Frozen ,Generated ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,Version, isLoadingParent ,associationDefinition ,sourceRole ,biDirectional ,sourceComponentType ,targetComponentType ,SnapshotID ) as select WorkspaceID, LoadingParent, DeletionParent, s2_1 ,s2_2 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,b_6 ,i_1 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,s4_1 ,s2_3 ,s2_4 ,s3_3 ,i_2 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_5 ,s1_2 ,d_2 ,s1_3 ,b_12 ,r_1 ,r_2 ,b_13 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,SnapshotID from CMPMMMStorage where active=0 and s2_2 in ( 'DependencyDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = 1 or workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) );