create or replace view CMPElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode', 'CMPRange', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPFunctionParallel', 'CMPRecordFieldUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVView', 'CMPTranslation', 'CMPDefaultKMUsage', 'CMPModelUsage', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPAccessControlList', 'CMPAccessPreference', 'CMPRoleAssignment', 'CMPWBOracleDatafile', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference', 'CMPWBValidationResult', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOCfgClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOMapClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOPrpClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLanguage', 'CMPInstallation', 'CMPSupportedLanguage' ) and workspaceid = 1 ); create or replace view CFAOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPWebService' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPRecordField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPReferencePropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view ComponentUnit_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode', 'CMPRange', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPFunctionParallel', 'CMPRecordFieldUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVView', 'CMPTranslation', 'CMPDefaultKMUsage', 'CMPModelUsage', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPAccessControlList', 'CMPAccessPreference', 'CMPRoleAssignment', 'CMPWBOracleDatafile', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference', 'CMPWBValidationResult', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPProfileObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Type ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_3 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRdntItemSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDataService_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDerivationSourceFCO_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPCube', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDiagramComponentOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramFolder' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDiagramElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapExecutionUnit' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPDiagramOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPIntelligenceBusAreaFCO_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPQueryObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPExpressionOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,UnusedIndexes ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,cl_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcess', 'CMPTaskFlow' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,cl_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSubProcess' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPExpressionVariable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ExpressionOwners ,PositionInOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,cl_2 ,i_4 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPVariable' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPOrderedObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Position ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_5 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPTaskFlow' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_5 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRange', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPProcessTransition' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_5 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_5 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPMapAttributeGroupBindee_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPObjectType' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPDrillLevel' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttributeGroup' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPMapAttributeGroupOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_6 ,r_2 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_6 ,r_2 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPMapOperatorBindee_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCube', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPDrillLevel' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view ClassUsageOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPClassDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPPropertyGroupOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPMLSTranslatable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPRange', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPProcActivParamCandidate_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPPropertyOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode', 'CMPRange', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPFunctionParallel', 'CMPRecordFieldUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVView', 'CMPTranslation', 'CMPDefaultKMUsage', 'CMPModelUsage', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPAccessControlList', 'CMPAccessPreference', 'CMPRoleAssignment', 'CMPWBOracleDatafile', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference', 'CMPWBValidationResult', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLanguage', 'CMPInstallation', 'CMPSupportedLanguage' ) and workspaceid = 1 ); create or replace view CMPDesignRelation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCube', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPObjectType' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPDrillLevel' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPQueryExpOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view Schedulable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPMap', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProgram' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPTask' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPTypeDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,TypeName ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s1_4 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s1_4 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatatype' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPValidationComponent_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ValidatingElement ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_3 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBValidationResult' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPVariableOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcess', 'CMPTaskFlow' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSubProcess' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view WeakAssociationOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode', 'CMPRange', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPFunctionParallel', 'CMPRecordFieldUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVView', 'CMPTranslation', 'CMPDefaultKMUsage', 'CMPModelUsage', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPAccessControlList', 'CMPAccessPreference', 'CMPRoleAssignment', 'CMPWBOracleDatafile', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference', 'CMPWBValidationResult', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLanguage', 'CMPInstallation', 'CMPSupportedLanguage' ) and workspaceid = 1 ); create or replace view WeakComponentOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode', 'CMPRange', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPFunctionParallel', 'CMPRecordFieldUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVView', 'CMPTranslation', 'CMPDefaultKMUsage', 'CMPModelUsage', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPAccessControlList', 'CMPAccessPreference', 'CMPRoleAssignment', 'CMPWBOracleDatafile', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference', 'CMPWBValidationResult', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLanguage', 'CMPInstallation', 'CMPSupportedLanguage' ) and workspaceid = 1 ); create or replace view FirstClassObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view SecondClassObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode', 'CMPRange', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPFunctionParallel', 'CMPRecordFieldUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVView', 'CMPTranslation', 'CMPDefaultKMUsage', 'CMPModelUsage', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPAccessControlList', 'CMPAccessPreference', 'CMPRoleAssignment', 'CMPWBOracleDatafile', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference', 'CMPWBValidationResult', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOCfgClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOMapClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOPrpClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) )); create or replace view CMPDerivedFCO_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,DerivationSourceFCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceFCOFQN ,DerivationSourceFCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceFCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceFCO ,DerivationSourceSCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,t_2 ,s3_3 ,t_3 ,s1_5 ,t_4 ,s3_4 ,t_5 ,s1_6 ,r_8 ,r_9 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunction', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPQueryObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapOperatorOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPComplexDatatype_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,TypeName ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s1_4 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPReferenceDatatype_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,TypeName ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s1_4 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRefCursorType' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTypedObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPSQLCollection' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPRecordField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view WeakFirstClassObjectOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view WeakSecondClassObjectOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode', 'CMPRange', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPFunctionParallel', 'CMPRecordFieldUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVView', 'CMPTranslation', 'CMPDefaultKMUsage', 'CMPModelUsage', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPAccessControlList', 'CMPAccessPreference', 'CMPRoleAssignment', 'CMPWBOracleDatafile', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference', 'CMPWBValidationResult', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLanguage', 'CMPInstallation', 'CMPSupportedLanguage' ) and workspaceid = 1 ); create or replace view Folder_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPDerivationSourceSCO_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPJoinComponent' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPRecordField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPDerivedSCO_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryItem' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPBaseMapOperator_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_6 ,r_2 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_6 ,r_2 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPMapAttributeBindee_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPRecordField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPMapDisplaySetBindee_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDesignAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPRecordField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueryReferencable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPModelDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Overridee ,ModelOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_13 ,r_14 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPModelOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPDesignReference_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDatatype_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,TypeName ,DataType ,DefaultDayPrecision ,DefaultFractionalSecPrecision ,DefaultLength ,DefaultPrecision ,DefaultScale ,DefaultYearPrecision ,FractionalSecPrecisionAllowed ,IsDefault ,LengthAllowed ,MaximumFractionalSecPrecision ,MaximumLength ,MaximumPrecision ,MaximumScale ,MinimumFractionalSecPrecision ,MinimumLength ,MinimumPrecision ,MinimumScale ,P1 ,P1Default ,P1Max ,P1Min ,P1Type ,P2 ,P2Default ,P2Max ,P2Min ,P2Type ,PrecisionAllowed ,PreDefined ,ScaleAllowed ,Synonyms ,Syntax ,OwningLanguage ,OwningPlatformTypeSet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s1_4 ,s1_9 ,i_7 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,i_12 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,i_13 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,i_17 ,i_18 ,i_19 ,i_20 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,s2_8 ,s2_9 ,s2_10 ,s2_11 ,s2_12 ,s2_13 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,b_17 ,s2_14 ,s2_15 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatatype' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPlatformMappingSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,OwningPlatform ,FromPlatformTypeSet ,ToPlatformTypeSet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPlatformMappingSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPlatformTypeSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Category ,OwningPlatform ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s1_9 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPlatformTypeSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTypeMapping_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Condition1 ,Condition2 ,Condition3 ,FromFormat ,FromParameters ,ToFormat ,FromDatatype ,ToDatatype ,OwningPlatformMappingSet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,s2_8 ,s2_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTypeMapping' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPGenerationResult_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Optional ,ScriptLocationAgSg ,ScriptLocationFQN ,ScriptLocationLUpd ,ScriptLocationUOID ,ScriptLocation ,OwningConfiguration ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPGenerationResult' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPhysicalObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,LogicalObjectAgSg ,LogicalObjectFQN ,LogicalObjectLUpd ,LogicalObjectUOID ,NamedConfigurationAgSg ,NamedConfigurationFQN ,NamedConfigurationLUpd ,NamedConfigurationUOID ,LogicalObject ,NamedConfiguration ,PlatformConfiguration ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPhysicalMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRdntItemSetUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,RedundantAttribute ,RedundantItemSet ,Local ,Remote ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDependency_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,SourceFCOAgSg ,SourceFCOFQN ,SourceFCOLUpd ,SourceFCOType ,SourceFCOUOID ,Type ,SourceFCO ,TargetFCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDependency' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDerivationLink_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DerivedFCOAgSg ,DerivedFCOFQN ,DerivedFCOLUpd ,DerivedFCOUOID ,DerivationSet ,DerivedFCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDerivationLink' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDerivationSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DerivationSourceFCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceFCOFQN ,DerivationSourceFCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceFCOUOID ,RootLink ,DerivationSourceFCO ,IntelligenceSchema ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDerivationSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDiagram_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DiagramOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDiagram' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDiagramComponent_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DiagramComponentOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPLocationUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DataSourceFlag ,DataTargetFlag ,DeploymentDefault ,LocationAgSg ,LocationFQN ,LocationLUpd ,LocationUOID ,MetaDataSourceFlag ,InstalledModule ,Location ,TtsSet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLocationUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPInstallation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,InstalledVersion ,MdsMetadataJar ,MdsMetadataVersion ,MetadataVersion ,Release ,StatsGatheredOn ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s1_9 ,bl_1 ,s1_10 ,i_7 ,s1_11 ,d_3 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPInstallation' ) and workspaceid = 1 ; create or replace view CMPSupportedLanguage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,IsBaseLanguage ,ISOID ,Installation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,b_12 ,s1_9 ,r_15 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSupportedLanguage' ) and workspaceid = 1 ; create or replace view CMPFunctionParallel_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,OrderMethod ,Parallel ,PartitionMethod ,Pipelined ,Function ,FunctionArgument ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,s1_10 ,b_13 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunctionParallel' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPLSRowtype_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,TypeName ,RefersToAgSg ,RefersToFQN ,RefersToLUpd ,RefersToUOID ,FunctionCategory ,RefersTo ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_4 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPLSRowtype' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRecordFieldUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,UsageType ,FunctionParallel ,RecordField ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRecordFieldUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBItemSetUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,BridgeInfo ,Sequence ,Attribute ,ReferencedItemDefinition ,ItemSet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s3_7 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPJoinComponent' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapDisplaySetUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,Attribute ,DisplaySet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDefinitionElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Position ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_5 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_5 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRange', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) )); create or replace view CMPWBMIVDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,MivMode ,Platform ,OwningWorkspace ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBMIVDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBMIVView_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,IsDefault ,ViewText ,ViewType ,MIVDefinition ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,cl_3 ,s1_9 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBMIVView' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTranslation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,ISOID ,MLSTranslatable ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s1_9 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTranslation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDefaultKMUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,SourcePlatform ,TargetPlatform ,ActualKM ,Project ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDefaultKMUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPModelUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Model ,ModelUsageOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPModelUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPlatform_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Overridee ,ModelOwner ,ColAliasWord ,DateFct ,DateMask ,DDLNull ,DefaultMaxNameLen ,DefaultNameLenSemantics ,DriverClass ,EnclosureChar ,EscapeChar ,IllegalChars ,IllegalLeadingChars ,LocalObjectMask ,MivXML ,NumericMask ,PlatformClass ,RemoteObjectMask ,ReservedWords ,SpecialMaxNameLen ,SpecialNameLenSemantics ,TabAliasWord ,UriTemplate ,VarcharMask ,ParentPlatform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningWorkspace ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_13 ,r_14 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,i_7 ,s1_9 ,s2_8 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s2_9 ,s2_10 ,s2_11 ,s2_12 ,s2_13 ,i_8 ,s2_14 ,cl_3 ,cl_4 ,cl_5 ,s2_15 ,s2_16 ,s2_17 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPlatform' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPlatformConfigTemplate_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Overridee ,ModelOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_13 ,r_14 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPUserConfigTemplateSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,OwningWorkspace ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAccessControlledElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLanguage' ) and workspaceid = 1 ); create or replace view CMPPropertyValue_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,PropertyOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,i_7 ,r_15 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDrillPathJoinUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,JoinAgSg ,JoinFQN ,JoinLUpd ,JoinUOID ,Dependency ,DrillPathSegment ,Join ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDrillPathSegment_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,DefaultParent ,ChildLevel ,ParentLevel ,DrillPath ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,b_12 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillPathSegment' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPObjectJoinUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,JoinAgSg ,JoinFQN ,JoinLUpd ,JoinUOID ,Dependency ,Join ,QueryObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPObjectJoinUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueryAggregationLevel_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,DrillLevelAgSg ,DrillLevelFQN ,DrillLevelLUpd ,DrillLevelUOID ,DrillLevel ,QueryObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueryDBObjectUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DatabaseObjectAgSg ,DatabaseObjectFQN ,DatabaseObjectLUpd ,DatabaseObjectUOID ,QueryObject ,DatabaseObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueryExpRef_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,ReferencedFunctionAgSg ,ReferencedFunctionFQN ,ReferencedFunctionLUpd ,ReferencedFunctionUOID ,ReferencedSCOAgSg ,ReferencedSCOFQN ,ReferencedSCOLUpd ,ReferencedSCOUOID ,RefType ,Tag ,Dependency ,ReferencedFunction ,QueryExpOwner ,ReferencedSCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryExpRef' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,ForeignKeyAgSg ,ForeignKeyFQN ,ForeignKeyLUpd ,ForeignKeyUOID ,ForeignKey ,QueryObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAccessControlList_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,AccessCharMap ,ACLContainer ,PrivilegeOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s2_4 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAccessControlList' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAccessPreference_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,AccessCharMap ,PrivilegeOwner ,Wbuser ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s2_4 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAccessPreference' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPACLContainer_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,IsProtectedFromPublic ,IsRealFCORationalRoseModeled ,IsSecurityPolicySet ,OwningWorkspace ,RealFCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPACLContainer' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPrivilegeOwner_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,SysPrivsAccessCharMap ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s2_4 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRoleAssignment_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Wbrole ,Wbuser ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRoleAssignment' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBOracleDatafile_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,FileName ,FileSize ,Tablespace ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s2_4 ,i_7 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBOracleDatafile' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPFCOFolderReference_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Contained ,FCOAgSg ,FCOFQN ,FCOLUpd ,FCOUOID ,OwningUserFolder ,FCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFCOFolderReference' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBValidationResult_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,ValidatingElement ,Text ,Valid ,ValidationTimeStamp ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,r_3 ,cl_3 ,b_12 ,d_3 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBValidationResult' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWorkspace_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWorkspace' ) ; create or replace view CMPBinaryObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,BinaryData ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,bl_1 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPIcon' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBusinessTreeShortcut_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,FCOAgSg ,FCOFQN ,FCOLUpd ,FCOUOID ,ReferredType ,ParentShortcut ,Catalog ,FCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,s2_4 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPLanguage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLanguage' ) and workspaceid = 1 ; create or replace view CMPConfigurable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPNamedConfiguration_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,ConfigTemplateSet ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPNamedConfiguration' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPNamedConfigurationUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,RemoteAgentAgSg ,RemoteAgentFQN ,RemoteAgentLUpd ,RemoteAgentUOID ,RuntimeLocationAgSg ,RuntimeLocationFQN ,RuntimeLocationLUpd ,RuntimeLocationUOID ,RemoteAgent ,NamedConfiguration ,RuntimeLocation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPlatformConfiguration_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,NamedConfiguration ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPlatformConfiguration' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDiagramNode_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,DiagramComponentOwner ,FirstClassObject ,Height ,Maximized ,Minimized ,NodeState ,Width ,X ,Y ,ElementRef ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_7 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,s3_7 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAbstractType_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ,Comparator ,OwningModel ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 ,s2_7 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPClassDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPRange_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,MaxValueInclusive ,MinValueInclusive ,Domain ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRange' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPLocation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,ApplicationType ,GatewayType ,LocType ,LocTypeVersion ,Registered ,Type ,Platform ,MivDefinition ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,b_12 ,s1_13 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPFunctionImplementation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Expression ,Syntax ,Function ,Language ,Platform ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,s3_7 ,cl_3 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunctionImplementation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,FCOAgSg ,FCOFQN ,FCOLUpd ,FCOUOID ,BusinessArea ,FCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapDisplaySet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,NamedItemSetAgSg ,NamedItemSetFQN ,NamedItemSetLUpd ,NamedItemSetUOID ,ReferencingObjectAgSg ,ReferencingObjectFQN ,ReferencingObjectLUpd ,ReferencingObjectUOID ,Owner ,ReferencingObject ,NamedItemSet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapDisplaySet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPhysicalMap_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,LogicalObjectAgSg ,LogicalObjectFQN ,LogicalObjectLUpd ,LogicalObjectUOID ,NamedConfigurationAgSg ,NamedConfigurationFQN ,NamedConfigurationLUpd ,NamedConfigurationUOID ,LogicalObject ,NamedConfiguration ,PlatformConfiguration ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPhysicalMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPSubMapLibrary_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSubMapLibrary' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAssociationDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ,Aggregation ,AssociationType ,WeaklyTyped ,OwningModel ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,i_7 ,b_13 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAssociationDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPClassUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,ReferencedClassDefinitionAgSg ,ReferencedClassDefinitionFQN ,ReferencedClassDefinitionLUpd ,ReferencedClassDefinitionUOID ,UsageType ,ReferencedClassDefinition ,ClassUsageGroup ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPClassUsage' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPClassUsageGroup_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,ClassUsageOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPClassUsageGroup' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPDependencyDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,BiDirectional ,SourceComponentType ,TargetComponentType ,AssociationDefinition ,SourceRole ,TargetRole ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,s2_7 ,s2_8 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDependencyDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPModelAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,AttributeTypeAgSg ,AttributeTypeFQN ,AttributeTypeLUpd ,AttributeTypeUOID ,HasName ,AttributeType ,ModelAttributeOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPPropertyDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,Advanced ,ContributeToSignature ,CustomEditor ,DefaultValue ,DefinitionKey ,DynamicDefault ,ExportControl ,Hidden ,InPlaceEditor ,IsPublishedToPublicAPI ,IsRole ,NameChecked ,Override ,Password ,PropertyReadOnly ,PropertyType ,Translatable ,UserChoiceAllowed ,Type ,Overridee ,PropertyGroupDefinition ,OwningPropertySetDefinition ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,s2_7 ,s3_7 ,s2_8 ,s2_9 ,i_7 ,b_14 ,s2_10 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,b_17 ,b_18 ,b_19 ,b_20 ,i_8 ,b_21 ,b_22 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPropertyDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPPropertyGroupDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,DefinitionKey ,Hidden ,Type ,PropertyGroupOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,s2_7 ,b_12 ,s1_9 ,r_15 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPPropertySetDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,PropertyType ,OwningClassDefinition ,Overridee ,ParentPropertySet ,SuperPropertySet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPRoleDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,Aggregate ,Binding ,CFA ,MaxCardinality ,MinCardinality ,Navigable ,Override ,AssociationDefinition ,OwningClassDefinition ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,i_7 ,i_8 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRoleDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPProcessTransition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TransitionCondition ,TransitionOrder ,OwningProcess ,SourceActivity ,TargetActivity ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,s3_7 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessTransition' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCLOBPropertyValue_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Position ,PropertyOwner ,FirstClassObject ,Value ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,cl_3 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPurePhysicalObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Position ,PropertyOwner ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_7 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPurePhysicalObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPReferencePropertyValue_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Position ,PropertyOwner ,FirstClassObject ,ReferencedElementAgSg ,ReferencedElementFQN ,ReferencedElementLUpd ,ReferencedElementUOID ,ReferencedElement ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_16 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPReferencePropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPStringPropertyValue_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Position ,PropertyOwner ,FirstClassObject ,Value ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,s3_7 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,BridgeInfo ,Sequence ,Attribute ,ReferencedItemDefinition ,ItemSet ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s3_7 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPJoinComponent_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,BridgeInfo ,Sequence ,Attribute ,ReferencedItemDefinition ,ItemSet ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,Operator ,RemoteItemAgSg ,RemoteItemFQN ,RemoteItemLUpd ,RemoteItemUOID ,RemoteItem ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s3_7 ,i_7 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_8 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,r_18 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPJoinComponent' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBRole_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,SysPrivsAccessCharMap ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,IsAdmin ,IsPublic ,OwningWorkspace ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBRole' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBUser_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,SysPrivsAccessCharMap ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,IsProtectedFromPublic ,IsWorkspaceOwner ,PrefCLOB ,DefaultLogicalLocation ,OwningWorkspace ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,cl_3 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBUser' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPALLWBUser_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,SysPrivsAccessCharMap ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,IsProtectedFromPublic ,IsWorkspaceOwner ,PrefCLOB ,DefaultLogicalLocation ,OwningWorkspace ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,cl_3 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBUser' ) ; create or replace view CMPUserFolder_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,OwningModule ,OwningSubMapLibrary ,ParentFolder ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPUserFolder' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWeakAssociation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ,AssociatedFCO ,LastUpdatedSignature ,OwningClass ,RefAggregatedSignature ,ReferencingClass ,RefFQN ,RefUOID ,SourceClass ,SourceRole ,TargetClass ,TargetRole ,AssociatedElement ,WeakAssociationOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,s3_7 ,s2_8 ,s2_9 ,s2_10 ,s2_11 ,s2_12 ,r_15 ,r_16 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRelation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPObjectType' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPDrillLevel' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPIcon_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,BinaryData ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,bl_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPIcon' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBusinessRuleUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,CorrectionOrder ,Lastcorrection ,Lastddl ,Laststrategy ,RuleDefinitionAgSg ,RuleDefinitionFQN ,RuleDefinitionLUpd ,RuleDefinitionUOID ,RuleDefinition ,OwningRelation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,i_7 ,s3_7 ,b_12 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_8 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCatalog_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,ParentCatalog ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAggregationSpecification_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,AwObjectName ,OwningMeasure ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,s3_7 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAggregationSpecification' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAggSpecUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,AwObjectName ,ReferencedHierarchyAgSg ,ReferencedHierarchyFQN ,ReferencedHierarchyLUpd ,ReferencedHierarchyUOID ,ReferencedLevelAgSg ,ReferencedLevelFQN ,ReferencedLevelLUpd ,ReferencedLevelUOID ,OwningSpecification ,ReferencedHierarchy ,ReferencedLevel ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,s3_7 ,t_10 ,s3_8 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_9 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAggSpecUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCompositeDimension_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,OLAPUserVisible ,OwningCube ,OwningMeasure ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCompositeDimension' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCompositeDimensionUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,CompositeOrder ,ReferencedDimensionAgSg ,ReferencedDimensionFQN ,ReferencedDimensionLUpd ,ReferencedDimensionUOID ,OwningCompositeDimension ,ReferencedDimension ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCube_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,AutoSolve ,AwName ,AwTableSpaceName ,BindingFactAgSg ,BindingFactFQN ,BindingFactLUpd ,BindingFactUOID ,Compressed ,CreateBitMaps ,CreateConstraints ,Implementation ,LoadPolicyForInvalidKey ,LoadPolicyForNull ,OLAPUserVisible ,PartitionHierarchyAgSg ,PartitionHierarchyFQN ,PartitionHierarchyLUpd ,PartitionHierarchyUOID ,PartitionLevelAgSg ,PartitionLevelFQN ,PartitionLevelLUpd ,PartitionLevelUOID ,StoragePropertyType ,UseGlobalIndex ,PartitionHierarchy ,InstalledModule ,PartitionLevel ,BindingFact ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,b_15 ,s2_6 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,b_16 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_12 ,t_14 ,s3_9 ,t_15 ,s1_13 ,s2_7 ,b_17 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCube' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCubeDefAggrMethod_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,Aggregatable ,AssociatedLevelAttrAgSg ,AssociatedLevelAttrFQN ,AssociatedLevelAttrLUpd ,AssociatedLevelAttrUOID ,MethodName ,ReferencedCubeDimRef ,OwningMeasure ,AssociatedHierarchy ,AssociatedLevelAttr ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCubeDimReference_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,BindingAttributeAgSg ,BindingAttributeFQN ,BindingAttributeLUpd ,BindingAttributeUOID ,BindingForeignKeyAgSg ,BindingForeignKeyFQN ,BindingForeignKeyLUpd ,BindingForeignKeyUOID ,CalculationOrder ,DefaultCalculatedHierarchyAgSg ,DefaultCalculatedHierarchyFQN ,DefaultCalculatedHierarchyLUpd ,DefaultCalculatedHierarchyUOID ,OLAPUserVisible ,ReferencedDimensionAgSg ,ReferencedDimensionFQN ,ReferencedDimensionLUpd ,ReferencedDimensionRoleAgSg ,ReferencedDimensionRoleFQN ,ReferencedDimensionRoleLUpd ,ReferencedDimensionRoleUOID ,ReferencedDimensionUOID ,ReferencedLevelAgSg ,ReferencedLevelAttributeAgSg ,ReferencedLevelAttributeFQN ,ReferencedLevelAttributeLUpd ,ReferencedLevelAttributeUOID ,ReferencedLevelFQN ,ReferencedLevelLUpd ,ReferencedLevelUOID ,SparsityOrder ,UIposition ,BindingAttribute ,OwningCube ,ReferencedDimension ,ReferencedDimensionRole ,BindingForeignKey ,DefaultCalculatedHierarchy ,ReferencedLevel ,ReferencedLevelAttribute ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,i_7 ,t_14 ,s3_9 ,t_15 ,s1_11 ,b_12 ,t_16 ,s3_10 ,t_17 ,t_18 ,s3_11 ,t_19 ,s1_12 ,s1_13 ,t_20 ,t_21 ,s3_12 ,t_22 ,s1_14 ,s3_13 ,t_23 ,s1_15 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 ,r_20 ,r_21 ,r_22 ,r_23 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCubeDimReference' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCubeMeasure_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,AutoSolve ,AwObjectName ,BindingAttributeAgSg ,BindingAttributeFQN ,BindingAttributeLUpd ,BindingAttributeUOID ,Calculated ,CharLen ,Datatype ,DayPrecision ,DomainAgSg ,DomainFQN ,DomainLUpd ,DomainUOID ,Expression ,FractionalSecondPrecision ,Length ,OLAPUserVisible ,Precision ,Scale ,UIposition ,UseGlobalIndex ,YearPrecision ,BindingAttribute ,OwningCube ,Domain ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,s3_7 ,t_10 ,s3_8 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_13 ,i_7 ,s1_10 ,i_8 ,t_12 ,s3_9 ,t_13 ,s1_11 ,s3_10 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,b_14 ,i_11 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_15 ,i_14 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCubeMeasure' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDerivationSchema_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,CorrectedModule ,OwningProfile ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDerivationSchema' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTargetTableUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Primary ,StageTableAgSg ,StageTableFQN ,StageTableLUpd ,StageTableUOID ,TargetTableAgSg ,TargetTableFQN ,TargetTableLUpd ,TargetTableUOID ,Tmp1TableAgSg ,Tmp1TableFQN ,Tmp1TableLUpd ,Tmp1TableUOID ,Tmp2TableAgSg ,Tmp2TableFQN ,Tmp2TableLUpd ,Tmp2TableUOID ,DerivationSchema ,ProfileTable ,StageTable ,TargetTable ,Tmp1Table ,Tmp2Table ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,t_14 ,s3_9 ,t_15 ,s1_11 ,t_16 ,s3_10 ,t_17 ,s1_12 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 ,r_20 ,r_21 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTargetTableUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTargetUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,ReferencedMapAgSg ,ReferencedMapFQN ,ReferencedMapLUpd ,ReferencedMapUOID ,ReferencedRelationAgSg ,ReferencedRelationFQN ,ReferencedRelationLUpd ,ReferencedRelationUOID ,OwningDerivationSchema ,ReferencedMap ,ReferencedRelation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTargetUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPKMExecUnit_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,DataService ,KmtaskFlow ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPKMExecUnit' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPKMExecUnitParam_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Value ,ExecUnit ,ProcessActivityParameter ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,s3_7 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPKMExecUnitParam' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDiagramFolder_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,DiagramComponentOwner ,Height ,Maximized ,Minimized ,NodeState ,Width ,X ,Y ,ElementRef ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,s3_7 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,r_16 ,r_7 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDiagramFolder' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDimension_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,AwName ,AwTableSpaceName ,CreateConstraints ,DimensionKeySequenceAgSg ,DimensionKeySequenceFQN ,DimensionKeySequenceLUpd ,DimensionKeySequenceUOID ,Implementation ,LoadPolicyForInvalidKey ,LoadPolicyForNull ,OLAPPrimarySortOrder ,OLAPSecondarySortOrder ,OLAPType ,OLAPUserVisible ,OWBType ,RemovePolicy ,SlowlyChangingType ,StoragePropertyType ,TimeDimPopulationMapAgSg ,TimeDimPopulationMapFQN ,TimeDimPopulationMapLUpd ,TimeDimPopulationMapUOID ,ValueBased ,DefaultDisplayHierarchy ,InstalledModule ,TimeDimPopulationMap ,DimensionKeySequence ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,b_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,s2_6 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s2_7 ,s2_8 ,s2_9 ,b_13 ,s2_10 ,s2_11 ,i_7 ,s2_12 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_12 ,b_14 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDimension' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDimensionAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,DayPrecision ,DomainAgSg ,DomainFQN ,DomainLUpd ,DomainUOID ,FractionalSecondPrecision ,IdentifierType ,Length ,OLAPDescriptor ,OLAPUserVisible ,OWBType ,Precision ,Scale ,YearPrecision ,Domain ,OwningDimension ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,i_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,s2_5 ,i_11 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDimensionAttribute' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDimensionRole_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,OLAPUserVisible ,OwningDimension ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDimensionRole' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPHierarchy_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,OLAPUserVisible ,OWBType ,Ragged ,SortNulls ,SortOrder ,ValueBased ,DisplayDimension ,OwningDimension ,SortOrderLevelAttribute ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,b_13 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,b_14 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPHierarchy' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPHierarchyLevelUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,AwObjectName ,BindingAttributeAgSg ,BindingAttributeFQN ,BindingAttributeLUpd ,BindingAttributeUOID ,BindingForeignKeyAgSg ,BindingForeignKeyFQN ,BindingForeignKeyLUpd ,BindingForeignKeyUOID ,IsSCDType2Trigger ,OLAPUserVisible ,Sequence ,UIposition ,BindingAttribute ,BindingForeignKey ,OwningHierarchy ,ReferencedLevel ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,s3_7 ,t_10 ,s3_8 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_9 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,i_7 ,i_8 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPLevel_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,BindingDimensionKeyAgSg ,BindingDimensionKeyAttrAgSg ,BindingDimensionKeyAttrFQN ,BindingDimensionKeyAttrLUpd ,BindingDimensionKeyAttrUOID ,BindingDimensionKeyFQN ,BindingDimensionKeyLUpd ,BindingDimensionKeyUOID ,BindingRelationAgSg ,BindingRelationFQN ,BindingRelationLUpd ,BindingRelationUOID ,IsOLAPTotalLevel ,OLAPType ,OLAPUserVisible ,OWBType ,UIposition ,BindingDimensionKeyAttr ,OwningDimension ,BindingRelation ,BindingDimensionKey ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_10 ,t_11 ,s3_7 ,t_12 ,s1_9 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,t_14 ,s3_9 ,t_15 ,s1_11 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,b_13 ,s2_5 ,i_7 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLevel' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPLevelAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,BindingAttributeAgSg ,BindingAttributeFQN ,BindingAttributeLUpd ,BindingAttributeUOID ,DefaultValue ,IsNaturalID ,IsSurrogateID ,IsT2Effective ,IsT2Expiration ,IsT2Trigger ,IsT3Effective ,OLAPDescriptor ,OLAPUserVisible ,OWBType ,UIposition ,BindingAttribute ,ReferencedDimensionAttr ,OwningLevel ,T3CurrAttribute ,T3PrevAttribute ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,b_17 ,s2_5 ,b_18 ,s2_6 ,i_7 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 ,r_20 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLevelAttribute' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPSkipLevelRelationship_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,BindingAttributeAgSg ,BindingAttributeFQN ,BindingAttributeLUpd ,BindingAttributeUOID ,BindingForeignKeyAgSg ,BindingForeignKeyFQN ,BindingForeignKeyLUpd ,BindingForeignKeyUOID ,IsSCDType2Trigger ,BindingAttribute ,BindingForeignKey ,OwningHierarchy ,ChildLevel ,ParentLevel ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 ,r_20 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCollectionType_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,Comparator ,OwningModel ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPArrayType' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPDomain_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,Comparator ,OwningModel ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ,Chooser ,DataTypeAgSg ,DataTypeFQN ,DataTypeLUpd ,DataTypeUOID ,UserChoiceAllowed ,ValueInterpreter ,DataType ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 ,s2_8 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,s2_9 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPNamedDomain' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPScalarType_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,Comparator ,OwningModel ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPClassDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPLogicalConnector_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,ReferencedLocationAgSg ,ReferencedLocationFQN ,ReferencedLocationLUpd ,ReferencedLocationUOID ,Registered ,OwningLocation ,ReferencedLocation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLogicalConnector' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPLogicalLocation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ApplicationType ,GatewayType ,LocType ,LocTypeVersion ,Registered ,Type ,Platform ,MivDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DataSourceFlag ,DataTargetFlag ,DefaultOwningUser ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,b_12 ,s1_13 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,r_18 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLogicalLocation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRuntimeLocation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ApplicationType ,GatewayType ,LocType ,LocTypeVersion ,Registered ,Type ,Platform ,MivDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Host ,Port ,Schema ,SID ,UserName ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,b_12 ,s1_13 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s2_4 ,i_7 ,s2_5 ,s1_14 ,s1_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRuntimeLocation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPFunctionCategory_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,CategoryType ,InstalledModule ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_9 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunctionCategory' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRefCursorType_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,TypeName ,ReturnTypeAgSg ,ReturnTypeFQN ,ReturnTypeLUpd ,ReturnTypeUOID ,FunctionCategory ,ReturnType ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_4 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRefCursorType' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPIntelligenceBusArea_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DerivationSourceFCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceFCOFQN ,DerivationSourceFCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceFCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceFCO ,DerivationSourceSCO ,IntelligenceSchema ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,t_2 ,s3_3 ,t_3 ,s1_5 ,t_4 ,s3_4 ,t_5 ,s1_6 ,r_8 ,r_9 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPRecordField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPItemSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,s2_4 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartitionKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBaseMap_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_6 ,r_2 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPMapExecutionUnit_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,PhysicalMap ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapExecutionUnit' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Value ,ExecutionUnit ,ReferencingParameter ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,s3_7 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,ExecutionUnit ,Mappable ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMappable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,DisplayInfo ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapTaskFlowUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,ExecutionUnit ,ReferencingTaskFlow ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCollectionModelAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,AttributeTypeAgSg ,AttributeTypeFQN ,AttributeTypeLUpd ,AttributeTypeUOID ,HasName ,AttributeType ,ModelAttributeOwner ,FirstClassObject ,Position ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPScalarModelAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,AttributeTypeAgSg ,AttributeTypeFQN ,AttributeTypeLUpd ,AttributeTypeUOID ,HasName ,AttributeType ,ModelAttributeOwner ,FirstClassObject ,Position ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPBaseProcessActivity_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Position ,BoundName ,CopyOfAgSg ,CopyOfFQN ,CopyOfLUpd ,CopyOfUOID ,Handler ,Icon ,X ,Y ,CopyOf ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_5 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPTaskFlow' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_5 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPTask' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPProcessPackage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,ProcessInstalledModule ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessPackage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProgramGroup_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProgramGroup' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBProject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,VersionLabel ,OwningWorkspace ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s2_4 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBProject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDrillPath_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DerivationSourceFCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceFCOFQN ,DerivationSourceFCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceFCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceFCO ,DerivationSourceSCO ,RelatedDimensionAgSg ,RelatedDimensionFQN ,RelatedDimensionLUpd ,RelatedDimensionRoleAgSg ,RelatedDimensionRoleFQN ,RelatedDimensionRoleLUpd ,RelatedDimensionRoleUOID ,RelatedDimensionUOID ,RelatedHierarchyAgSg ,RelatedHierarchyFQN ,RelatedHierarchyLUpd ,RelatedHierarchyUOID ,TimeDimension ,RelatedDimension ,RelatedDimensionRole ,RelatedHierarchy ,IntelligenceSchema ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,t_2 ,s3_3 ,t_3 ,s1_5 ,t_4 ,s3_4 ,t_5 ,s1_6 ,r_8 ,r_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,t_14 ,s3_9 ,t_15 ,s1_11 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillPath' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPLOVItemClass_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,AlternativeSort ,ArrayFetchSize ,Cached ,DrillToDetail ,ItemDefiningLOVAgSg ,ItemDefiningLOVFQN ,ItemDefiningLOVLUpd ,ItemDefiningLOVUOID ,ItemDefiningOrderAgSg ,ItemDefiningOrderFQN ,ItemDefiningOrderLUpd ,ItemDefiningOrderUOID ,ListOfValues ,RequireSearch ,ShowInNavigator ,SortedDistinct ,IntelligenceSchema ,ItemDefiningLOV ,ItemDefiningOrder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_12 ,i_7 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,b_17 ,b_18 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLOVItemClass' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueryCondition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,CaseSensitive ,ExpressionText ,Mandatory ,QueryObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,cl_3 ,b_13 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryCondition' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueuePropagation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,RuleCondition ,TargetQueueAgSg ,TargetQueueFQN ,TargetQueueLUpd ,TargetQueueUOID ,Transformation ,AdvancedQueue ,TargetQueue ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s2_4 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueuePropagation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPartition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Attribute4 ,AutoSubPartitionOrdering ,HashSubpartitionCount ,IsDefault ,IsSubPartition ,PartitionOrder ,ValueClause ,ParentPartition ,PartitionKey ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,s1_12 ,s3_7 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPartition' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBaseCalendar_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCalendar' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLocalCalendar' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPTimeWindow_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,EndTime ,RepeatExpression ,StartTime ,TimeZone ,Owner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,d_3 ,s3_7 ,d_4 ,s2_4 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTimeWindow' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTaskFlowSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,CategorizationType ,ClassDefinitionName ,TriggeringElementAgSg ,TriggeringElementFQN ,TriggeringElementLUpd ,TriggeringElementUOID ,TriggeringElement ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s2_4 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTaskFlowSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTaskFlowUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,TaskFlowAgSg ,TaskFlowFQN ,TaskFlowLUpd ,TaskFlowUOID ,TaskFlow ,OwningTaskFlowSet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTaskFlowUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTaskImplementation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Main ,Postprocessing ,Preprocessing ,ReferringTask ,OwningTaskFlow ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,cl_3 ,cl_4 ,cl_5 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTaskImplementation' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTaskInstruction_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,OwningTask ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTaskInstruction' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBOracleTTSUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FCOAgSg ,FCOFQN ,FCOLUpd ,FCOUOID ,ReferredType ,ParentShortcut ,Catalog ,FCO ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,s2_4 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_7 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAbstractCollection_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,TypeName ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_4 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPSQLCollection' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBaseVariable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ExpressionOwners ,PositionInOwner ,Position ,DataType ,Length ,Precision ,Scale ,UsageType ,Value ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,cl_2 ,i_4 ,i_5 ,s1_9 ,i_7 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,s1_10 ,s3_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPVariable' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWeakComponent_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPWebService_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Async ,ReferencedObjectAgSg ,ReferencedObjectFQN ,ReferencedObjectLUpd ,ReferencedObjectUOID ,Soapversion ,Specification ,Wsdlurl ,Wsdlversion ,OwningInstalledModule ,ReferencedObject ,OwningWebServiceCategory ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,cl_3 ,s3_8 ,s1_11 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWebService' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWebServicePackage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,OwningInstalledModule ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWebServicePackage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRelationalDBObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ExternalElementName ,Proxy ,SynonymFor ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,s2_4 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDatabaseModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,ApplicationType ,GatewayType ,Type ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,s1_13 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPWeakModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPSharedInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSharedInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBFileInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBRepInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBSAPInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,ConnectionType ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_7 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBusinessRuleModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBusinessRuleRelParam_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,OwningRuleDefinition ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRelationUsage_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,ReferencedRelationAgSg ,ReferencedRelationFQN ,ReferencedRelationLUpd ,ReferencedRelationUOID ,ReferencedRelDefinitionAgSg ,ReferencedRelDefinitionFQN ,ReferencedRelDefinitionLUpd ,ReferencedRelDefinitionUOID ,ReferencedRelDefinition ,BusinessRuleUsage ,ReferencedRelation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRelationUsage' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPFunctionalDependency_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Type ,RhsAttribute ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_3 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunctionalDependency' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPInclusionDependency_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Type ,TargetIND ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_3 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPInclusionDependency' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAnonymousDomain_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,Comparator ,OwningModel ,Chooser ,DataTypeAgSg ,DataTypeFQN ,DataTypeLUpd ,DataTypeUOID ,UserChoiceAllowed ,ValueInterpreter ,DataType ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,r_15 ,s2_8 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,s2_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAnonymousDomain' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPArrayType_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,Comparator ,OwningModel ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ,BaseElementTypeAgSg ,BaseElementTypeFQN ,BaseElementTypeLUpd ,BaseElementTypeUOID ,BaseElementType ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPArrayType' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPNamedDomain_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,Comparator ,OwningModel ,Chooser ,DataTypeAgSg ,DataTypeFQN ,DataTypeLUpd ,DataTypeUOID ,UserChoiceAllowed ,ValueInterpreter ,DataType ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,r_15 ,s2_8 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,s2_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPNamedDomain' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPPrimitiveType_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,Comparator ,OwningModel ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ,Formator ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 ,s2_8 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPrimitiveType' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPRecord_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,RecordClassifierValue ,RecordSize ,OwningFile ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,s1_10 ,i_7 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRecord' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBFile_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,ByteOrder ,CharacterSet ,ContinuationCharOnNextLine ,CopybookSource ,FieldDelimiter ,FixedWidth ,HasByteOrderMark ,LineContinuationChar ,PhysicalRecordNumber ,PhysicalRecordSize ,RecordClassifierLength ,RecordClassifierPosition ,RecordDelimiter ,SelfDescribing ,SkipRecords ,SourceFrom ,StringEnclosure ,UseFirstRow ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,b_12 ,cl_3 ,s1_12 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,s1_13 ,i_7 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,s1_14 ,b_15 ,i_11 ,s2_4 ,s1_15 ,b_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBFile' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPFunction_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DerivationSourceFCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceFCOFQN ,DerivationSourceFCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceFCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceFCO ,DerivationSourceSCO ,Available ,DesignFunctionAgSg ,DesignFunctionFQN ,DesignFunctionLUpd ,DesignFunctionUOID ,Deterministic ,ParallelEnabled ,Proc ,Signature ,DesignFunction ,FunctionCategory ,ParallelImplementation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,t_2 ,s3_3 ,t_3 ,s1_5 ,t_4 ,s3_4 ,t_5 ,s1_6 ,r_8 ,r_9 ,b_12 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,b_15 ,s3_8 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunction' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPLSCollection_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,TypeName ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,FunctionCategory ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_4 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPLSCollection' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPLSRecord_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,TypeName ,FunctionCategory ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_4 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPLSRecord' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPIntelligenceSchema_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPIntelligenceSchema' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPForeignKey_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Mandatory ,OneToOne ,UniqueKeyAgSg ,UniqueKeyFQN ,UniqueKeyLUpd ,UniqueKeyUOID ,UniqueKey ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPForeignKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPItem_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,AppsLabel ,AttOffset ,CharLength ,DatabaseLength ,DayPrecision ,DecimalPlaces ,DefaultValue ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Nullable ,Placement ,Precision ,Scale ,TypeCode ,Variable ,Virtual ,YearPrecision ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,s2_5 ,i_8 ,b_13 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_14 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,i_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPRecordField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPUniqueKey_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,PrimaryKey ,ReferencedItem ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPUniqueKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBCheckConstraint_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,SearchCondition ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,s3_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBCheckConstraint' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBNamedItemSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Show ,TypeCode ,Visible ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,b_12 ,s1_9 ,b_13 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBNamedItemSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBaseEmbedMap_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_6 ,r_2 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPMap_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ,InstalledModule ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_6 ,r_2 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,DisplayInfo ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,AllowedConnectionType ,DataType ,DayPrecision ,ExpandedExpression ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Precision ,ReferencingObjectAgSg ,ReferencingObjectFQN ,ReferencingObjectLUpd ,ReferencingObjectUOID ,Scale ,YearPrecision ,ConnectFrom ,ParentAttribute ,ReferencingObject ,AttributeGroup ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,i_7 ,s3_9 ,i_8 ,s3_10 ,s3_11 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,t_10 ,s3_12 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapAttributeGroup_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,DisplayInfo ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,CardinalityType ,Direction ,ReferencingObjectAgSg ,ReferencingObjectFQN ,ReferencingObjectLUpd ,ReferencingObjectUOID ,CardinalitySource ,ParentAttributeGroup ,ReferencingObject ,AttributeGroupOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,i_7 ,i_8 ,t_10 ,s3_9 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttributeGroup' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPMapOperator_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,DisplayInfo ,FirstClassObject ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ,ReferencingObjectAgSg ,ReferencingObjectFQN ,ReferencingObjectLUpd ,ReferencingObjectUOID ,ReferencingObject ,OperatorOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,r_7 ,i_6 ,r_2 ,t_10 ,s3_9 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapOperator' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPublicSubMap_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ,Library ,OwningProject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_6 ,r_2 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPublicSubMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPArrayModelAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,AttributeTypeAgSg ,AttributeTypeFQN ,AttributeTypeLUpd ,AttributeTypeUOID ,HasName ,AttributeType ,ModelAttributeOwner ,FirstClassObject ,Position ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPClassDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,Comparator ,OwningModel ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ,Abstract ,ClassPersistent ,DisplayName ,Extensible ,FolderTreeIcon ,Generatable ,NamespaceDomain ,PackageName ,PublicClassName ,PublicWeaklyTyped ,ShortcutTreeIcon ,Stereotype ,TreeIcon ,WeaklyTyped ,Overridee ,Superclass ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,s2_7 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,s2_8 ,b_14 ,s2_9 ,b_15 ,s2_10 ,s2_11 ,s2_12 ,b_16 ,s2_13 ,i_7 ,s2_14 ,b_17 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPClassDefinition' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,EditorClassName ,PropertySheetClassName ,WizardClassName ,AttributeTypeAgSg ,AttributeTypeFQN ,AttributeTypeLUpd ,AttributeTypeUOID ,HasName ,AttributeType ,ModelAttributeOwner ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,Value ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,s2_4 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,s3_8 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ) and (( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ); create or replace view CMPBaseProcess_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,CopyOfAgSg ,CopyOfFQN ,CopyOfLUpd ,CopyOfUOID ,Handler ,Icon ,X ,Y ,CopyOf ,UnusedIndexes ,Position ) as ( select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 ,cl_1 ,i_5 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcess', 'CMPTaskFlow' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ) UNION ALL select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 ,cl_1 ,i_5 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSubProcess' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )); create or replace view CMPProcessActivity_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,CopyOfAgSg ,CopyOfFQN ,CopyOfLUpd ,CopyOfUOID ,Handler ,Icon ,X ,Y ,CopyOf ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,OwningBaseProcess ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPTask' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProcessActivityParameter_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DataType ,Length ,Precision ,Scale ,UsageType ,Value ,FirstClassObject ,ExpressionOwners ,PositionInOwner ,Position ,BoundName ,BoundType ,DefaultValue ,Direction ,Editor ,ParamOrArgAgSg ,ParamOrArgFQN ,ParamOrArgLUpd ,ParamOrArgUOID ,Owner ,BoundData ,ParamOrArg ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,i_7 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,s1_10 ,s3_7 ,r_7 ,cl_2 ,i_4 ,i_5 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,s3_8 ,i_10 ,s2_4 ,t_10 ,s3_9 ,t_11 ,s1_13 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessActivityParameter' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProcessInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcessInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProgram_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,CopyOfAgSg ,CopyOfFQN ,CopyOfLUpd ,CopyOfUOID ,Handler ,Icon ,X ,Y ,CopyOf ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Position ,OwningProgramGroup ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_5 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProgram' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDrillItem_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,QueryItemAgSg ,QueryItemFQN ,QueryItemLUpd ,QueryItemUOID ,Dependency ,QueryItem ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillItem' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDrillLevel_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,DefaultRootLevel ,GrandTotalLevel ,QueryObjectAgSg ,QueryObjectFQN ,QueryObjectLUpd ,QueryObjectUOID ,RelatedLevelAgSg ,RelatedLevelFQN ,RelatedLevelLUpd ,RelatedLevelUOID ,SupportsRollup ,DrillPath ,RelatedLevel ,QueryObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_11 ,b_14 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillLevel' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDrillLevelKey_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,ChronologicalKey ,PrimaryKey ,UseForDrilldown ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,b_14 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDrillLevelKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPIntelligenceItem_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,RelatedAttributeAgSg ,RelatedAttributeFQN ,RelatedAttributeLUpd ,RelatedAttributeUOID ,RelatedAttribute ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryItem' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPJoin_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,AllowDetailNoMaster ,AllowMasterNoDetail ,ExternalKeyName ,Mandatory ,OneToOne ,ReferencedObjectAgSg ,ReferencedObjectFQN ,ReferencedObjectLUpd ,ReferencedObjectUOID ,RelatedForeignKeyAgSg ,RelatedForeignKeyFQN ,RelatedForeignKeyLUpd ,RelatedForeignKeyUOID ,RelatedForeignKey ,ReferencedObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,s2_5 ,b_14 ,b_15 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_10 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPJoin' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueryObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DerivationSourceFCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceFCOFQN ,DerivationSourceFCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceFCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceFCO ,DerivationSourceSCO ,BridgeTable ,DistinctValues ,ExternalTableName ,Hidden ,ObjectType ,RelatedDesignFCOAgSg ,RelatedDesignFCOFQN ,RelatedDesignFCOLUpd ,RelatedDesignFCOUOID ,RelatedDimensionRoleAgSg ,RelatedDimensionRoleFQN ,RelatedDimensionRoleLUpd ,RelatedDimensionRoleUOID ,RelatedLevelAgSg ,RelatedLevelFQN ,RelatedLevelLUpd ,RelatedLevelUOID ,RelatedDesignFCO ,RelatedDimensionRole ,RelatedLevel ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,t_2 ,s3_3 ,t_3 ,s1_5 ,t_4 ,s3_4 ,t_5 ,s1_6 ,r_8 ,r_9 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,s2_4 ,b_14 ,s1_10 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_11 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_12 ,t_14 ,s3_9 ,t_15 ,s1_13 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAdvancedQueue_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Category ,DequeueEnabled ,EnqueueEnabled ,QueueTableAgSg ,QueueTableFQN ,QueueTableLUpd ,QueueTableUOID ,QueueTable ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_7 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAdvancedQueue' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueueTable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,MessageGrouping ,Secure ,SortList ,PayloadType ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,s1_10 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueueTable' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPIndex_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Expression ,IndexType ,LocalIndex ,LocalPartitionType ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,cl_3 ,s1_9 ,b_12 ,s1_10 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPIndex' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPPartitionKey_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,FirstClassObject ,Attribute2 ,ConstraintName ,Count ,Expression ,HashPartitionQuantity ,IsSubPartitionKey ,PartitionType ,OwningIndex ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,i_7 ,s3_7 ,s1_11 ,b_12 ,s1_12 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPPartitionKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCalendar_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,CalendarModule ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCalendar' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPCalendarInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPLocalCalendar_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,Schedulable ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLocalCalendar' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBOracleTTS_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ParentCatalog ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBOracleTTS' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBOracleTTSSet_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ParentCatalog ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPObjectType_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,TypeName ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_4 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPObjectType' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPSQLCollection_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,TypeName ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,ArrayLength ,CharacterSetName ,ElemTypeMod ,ElemTypeName ,ElemTypeOwner ,Length ,Precision ,Scale ,UpperBound ,OwningModule ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s1_4 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,s1_9 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSQLCollection' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPVariable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DataType ,Length ,Precision ,Scale ,UsageType ,Value ,FirstClassObject ,ExpressionOwners ,PositionInOwner ,Position ,Owner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,i_7 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,s1_10 ,s3_7 ,r_7 ,cl_2 ,i_4 ,i_5 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPVariable' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWeakFirstClassObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,WeakFirstClassObjectOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWeakSecondClassObject_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,FirstClassObject ,WeakSecondClassObjectOwner ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_7 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPAppServerInstalledModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBusinessRuleDefinition_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ,ProfileObjectAgSg ,ProfileObjectFQN ,ProfileObjectLUpd ,ProfileObjectUOID ,OwningModule ,ProfileObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_6 ,r_2 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPBusinessRuleItemParam_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,AppsLabel ,AttOffset ,CharLength ,DatabaseLength ,DayPrecision ,DecimalPlaces ,DefaultValue ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Nullable ,Placement ,Precision ,Scale ,TypeCode ,Variable ,Virtual ,YearPrecision ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,s2_5 ,i_8 ,b_13 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_14 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,i_17 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPDataRuleMap_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,InstalledModule ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,DisplaySetType ,CurrentDisplaySet ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,i_6 ,r_2 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDataRuleMap' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProfile_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ApplicationType ,GatewayType ,Type ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,s1_13 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfile' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProfileAttribute_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,AppsLabel ,AttOffset ,CharLength ,DatabaseLength ,DayPrecision ,DecimalPlaces ,DefaultValue ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Nullable ,Placement ,Precision ,Scale ,TypeCode ,Variable ,Virtual ,YearPrecision ,FirstClassObject ,Type ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,Attrtype ,Domain ,ReferencedItem ,OrigAttribute ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,s2_5 ,i_8 ,b_13 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_14 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,i_17 ,r_7 ,i_3 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,i_18 ,b_17 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileAttribute' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProfileForeignKey_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,Mandatory ,OneToOne ,UniqueKeyAgSg ,UniqueKeyFQN ,UniqueKeyLUpd ,UniqueKeyUOID ,UniqueKey ,FirstClassObject ,Type ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,b_12 ,b_13 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_17 ,r_7 ,i_3 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileForeignKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProfileUniqueKey_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,AppsLabel ,OwningRelation ,PrimaryKey ,ReferencedItem ,FirstClassObject ,Type ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,b_12 ,r_17 ,r_7 ,i_3 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileUniqueKey' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBField_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,AppsLabel ,AttOffset ,CharLength ,DatabaseLength ,DayPrecision ,DecimalPlaces ,DefaultValue ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Nullable ,Placement ,Precision ,Scale ,TypeCode ,Variable ,Virtual ,YearPrecision ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,DefaultIfValue ,EndPosition ,FieldLength ,FormatMask ,NullIfValue ,SQLDatatype ,SQLLength ,SQLPrecision ,SQLScale ,StartPosition ,Usage ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,s2_5 ,i_8 ,b_13 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_14 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,i_17 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,s1_10 ,i_18 ,i_19 ,s2_6 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,i_20 ,i_21 ,i_22 ,i_23 ,s1_13 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPFunctionArgument_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,AppsLabel ,AttOffset ,CharLength ,DatabaseLength ,DayPrecision ,DecimalPlaces ,DefaultValue ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Nullable ,Placement ,Precision ,Scale ,TypeCode ,Variable ,Virtual ,YearPrecision ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,Input ,IsTabFuncParallel ,Output ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,s2_5 ,i_8 ,b_13 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_14 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,i_17 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,b_17 ,b_18 ,b_19 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPFunctionArgument' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRelationalDBItem_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,AppsLabel ,AttOffset ,CharLength ,DatabaseLength ,DayPrecision ,DecimalPlaces ,DefaultValue ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Nullable ,Placement ,Precision ,Scale ,TypeCode ,Variable ,Virtual ,YearPrecision ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,ReferencedItem ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,s2_5 ,i_8 ,b_13 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_14 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,i_17 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,r_17 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPRelationalDBItem' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProcess_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,CopyOfAgSg ,CopyOfFQN ,CopyOfLUpd ,CopyOfUOID ,Handler ,Icon ,X ,Y ,CopyOf ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,UnusedIndexes ,Position ,OwningPackage ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,cl_1 ,i_5 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProcess' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPSubProcess_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,CopyOfAgSg ,CopyOfFQN ,CopyOfLUpd ,CopyOfUOID ,Handler ,Icon ,X ,Y ,CopyOf ,FirstClassObject ,UnusedIndexes ,Position ,OwningProcess ,OwningTaskFlow ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 ,r_7 ,cl_1 ,i_5 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPSubProcess' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPQueryItem_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,RelatedAttributeAgSg ,RelatedAttributeFQN ,RelatedAttributeLUpd ,RelatedAttributeUOID ,RelatedAttribute ,FirstClassObject ,DerivationSourceSCOAgSg ,DerivationSourceSCOFQN ,DerivationSourceSCOLUpd ,DerivationSourceSCOUOID ,DerivationSourceSCO ,DerivedFCO ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,Alignment ,CaseDisplay ,CaseStorage ,ColumnItem ,ContentType ,DefaultPlacement ,DefaultRollupFunction ,DisplayNullValue ,ExpressionText ,ExternalColumnName ,FormatMask ,Heading ,Hidden ,ItemDatatype ,LovItemClassAgSg ,LovItemClassFQN ,LovItemClassLUpd ,LovItemClassUOID ,MaxDataWidth ,MaxDisplayWidth ,WordWrap ,Dependency ,LovItemClass ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_9 ,r_17 ,r_7 ,t_8 ,s3_6 ,t_9 ,s1_8 ,r_11 ,r_12 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,b_13 ,s1_13 ,s1_14 ,s2_5 ,s2_6 ,cl_3 ,s2_7 ,s2_8 ,s2_9 ,b_14 ,s1_15 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_16 ,i_8 ,i_9 ,b_15 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPQueryItem' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPExternalTable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ExternalElementName ,Proxy ,SynonymFor ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,AccessParameters ,DefaultLocationAgSg ,DefaultLocationFQN ,DefaultLocationLUpd ,DefaultLocationUOID ,RefersToAgSg ,RefersToFQN ,RefersToLUpd ,RefersToUOID ,DefaultLocation ,RefersTo ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,cl_3 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_11 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_12 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPExternalTable' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBMaterializedView_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ExternalElementName ,Proxy ,SynonymFor ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,SelectQuery ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,cl_3 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBMaterializedView' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBSequence_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ExternalElementName ,Proxy ,SynonymFor ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBSequence' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBTable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ExternalElementName ,Proxy ,SynonymFor ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Tt ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,r_17 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPWBTable' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWBView_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ExternalElementName ,Proxy ,SynonymFor ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,SelectQuery ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,cl_3 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWBView' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTask_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,CopyOfAgSg ,CopyOfFQN ,CopyOfLUpd ,CopyOfUOID ,Handler ,Icon ,X ,Y ,CopyOf ,OwningBaseProcess ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TaskImplementationAgSg ,TaskImplementationFQN ,TaskImplementationLUpd ,TaskImplementationUOID ,TaskImplementation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_12 ,s3_8 ,t_13 ,s1_13 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTask' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPTaskFlow_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,BoundName ,CopyOfAgSg ,CopyOfFQN ,CopyOfLUpd ,CopyOfUOID ,Handler ,Icon ,X ,Y ,CopyOf ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,UnusedIndexes ,Position ,OwningInstalledModule ,PlatformSrc ,PlatformTgt ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,f_1 ,f_2 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,cl_1 ,i_5 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,r_19 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPTaskFlow' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPRecordField_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,AppsLabel ,AttOffset ,CharLength ,DatabaseLength ,DayPrecision ,DecimalPlaces ,DefaultValue ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Nullable ,Placement ,Precision ,Scale ,TypeCode ,Variable ,Virtual ,YearPrecision ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,OrderByAgSg ,OrderByFQN ,OrderByLUpd ,OrderByUOID ,PartitionedByAgSg ,PartitionedByFQN ,PartitionedByLUpd ,PartitionedByUOID ,OrderBy ,PartitionedBy ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,s2_5 ,i_8 ,b_13 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_14 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,i_17 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,t_10 ,s3_9 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,t_12 ,s3_10 ,t_13 ,s1_11 ,r_17 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPRecordField' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWeakFolder_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,WeakFirstClassObjectOwner ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,r_16 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWeakFolder' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPWeakModule_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,DatabaseLink ,ImportUsage ,Status ,TypeCode ,Platform ,MIVDefinition ,OwningProject ,ApplicationType ,GatewayType ,Type ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,cl_3 ,s1_10 ,s2_4 ,r_16 ,r_17 ,r_18 ,s1_11 ,s1_12 ,s1_13 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWeakModule' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPProfileTable_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ,ExternalElementName ,Proxy ,SynonymFor ,Tt ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,Loaded ,Profiled ,ProfileMask ,ReferencedRelationAgSg ,ReferencedRelationFQN ,ReferencedRelationLUpd ,ReferencedRelationUOID ,ReferencedRelation ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 ,s1_10 ,b_12 ,s2_4 ,r_17 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,b_13 ,b_14 ,i_7 ,t_10 ,s3_7 ,t_11 ,s1_11 ,r_18 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileTable' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPExternalTableItem_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,MetaImportBytesPerChar ,MetaImportCharset ,MetaImportUseCharSemantics ,OwningRelation ,AppsLabel ,AttOffset ,CharLength ,DatabaseLength ,DayPrecision ,DecimalPlaces ,DefaultValue ,Expression ,FractionalSecondsPrecision ,Length ,Nullable ,Placement ,Precision ,Scale ,TypeCode ,Variable ,Virtual ,YearPrecision ,ReferencedItem ,FirstClassObject ,Position ,TypeDefinitionAgSg ,TypeDefinitionFQN ,TypeDefinitionLUpd ,TypeDefinitionUOID ,TypeDefinition ,ExternalTableFieldAgSg ,ExternalTableFieldFQN ,ExternalTableFieldLUpd ,ExternalTableFieldUOID ,ExternalTableField ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,i_7 ,s2_4 ,b_12 ,r_16 ,s2_5 ,i_8 ,b_13 ,i_9 ,i_10 ,i_11 ,s3_7 ,s3_8 ,i_12 ,i_13 ,b_14 ,i_14 ,i_15 ,i_16 ,s1_9 ,b_15 ,b_16 ,i_17 ,r_17 ,r_7 ,i_5 ,t_6 ,s3_5 ,t_7 ,s1_7 ,r_10 ,t_10 ,s3_9 ,t_11 ,s1_10 ,r_18 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPExternalTableItem' ) and (workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ); create or replace view CMPFCOElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and ( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ; create or replace view CMPSCOElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessTreeShortcut', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPGenerationResult', 'CMPRdntItemSetUsage', 'CMPDependency', 'CMPDerivationLink', 'CMPDiagram', 'CMPDiagramComponent', 'CMPDiagramFolder', 'CMPDiagramNode', 'CMPRange', 'CMPLocationUsage', 'CMPFunctionImplementation', 'CMPFunctionParallel', 'CMPRecordFieldUsage', 'CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut', 'CMPWBItemSetUsage', 'CMPArrayModelAttribute', 'CMPClassUsage', 'CMPClassUsageGroup', 'CMPDependencyDefinition', 'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute', 'CMPPropertyDefinition', 'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition', 'CMPPropertySetDefinition', 'CMPRoleDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVView', 'CMPTranslation', 'CMPDefaultKMUsage', 'CMPModelUsage', 'CMPProcessTransition', 'CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage', 'CMPDrillPathJoinUsage', 'CMPDrillPathSegment', 'CMPJoinComponent', 'CMPObjectJoinUsage', 'CMPQueryAggregationLevel', 'CMPQueryDBObjectUsage', 'CMPQueryExpRef', 'CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage', 'CMPAccessControlList', 'CMPAccessPreference', 'CMPRoleAssignment', 'CMPWBOracleDatafile', 'CMPWBOracleTTSUsage', 'CMPFCOFolderReference', 'CMPWBValidationResult', 'CMPWeakAssociation' ) and ( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPSCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ; create or replace view CMPSCOCfgElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleItemParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPBusinessRuleUsage', 'CMPRelationUsage', 'CMPAggregationSpecification', 'CMPAggSpecUsage', 'CMPCompositeDimension', 'CMPCompositeDimensionUsage', 'CMPCubeDefAggrMethod', 'CMPCubeDimReference', 'CMPCubeMeasure', 'CMPFunctionalDependency', 'CMPInclusionDependency', 'CMPProfileAttribute', 'CMPProfileForeignKey', 'CMPProfileUniqueKey', 'CMPTargetTableUsage', 'CMPTargetUsage', 'CMPKMExecUnit', 'CMPKMExecUnitParam', 'CMPDimensionAttribute', 'CMPDimensionRole', 'CMPHierarchy', 'CMPHierarchyLevelUsage', 'CMPLevel', 'CMPLevelAttribute', 'CMPSkipLevelRelationship', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPWBField', 'CMPFunctionArgument', 'CMPExternalTableItem', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPRelationalDBItem', 'CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint', 'CMPWBNamedItemSet', 'CMPMapExecutionUnit', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter', 'CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage', 'CMPMapTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPProcessActivity', 'CMPProcessActivityParameter', 'CMPSubProcess', 'CMPDrillItem', 'CMPDrillLevel', 'CMPDrillLevelKey', 'CMPJoin', 'CMPQueryCondition', 'CMPQueryItem', 'CMPIndex', 'CMPPartition', 'CMPPartitionKey', 'CMPLocalCalendar', 'CMPTimeWindow', 'CMPTask', 'CMPTaskFlowUsage', 'CMPTaskInstruction', 'CMPRecordField', 'CMPVariable', 'CMPWeakSecondClassObject' ) and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ; create or replace view CMPSCOMapElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOMapClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPMapAttribute', 'CMPMapAttributeGroup', 'CMPMapDisplaySet', 'CMPMapDisplaySetUsage', 'CMPMapOperator' ) and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ; create or replace view CMPSCOPrpElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,FirstClassObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_7 from CMPSCOPrpClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue', 'CMPPurePhysicalObject', 'CMPReferencePropertyValue', 'CMPStringPropertyValue' ) and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ; create or replace view CMPSYSElement_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 from CMPSYSClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPLanguage', 'CMPInstallation', 'CMPSupportedLanguage' ) and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ; create or replace view CMPFCORelation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPObjectType' ) and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ; create or replace view CMPSCOCfgRelation_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,Project ,Prefix ,InstalledModule ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_15 ,s1_9 ,r_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPBusinessRuleRelParam', 'CMPRecord', 'CMPDrillLevel' ) and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) ; create or replace view TreeView_V ( WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, AggregatedSignature ,ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,DeleteInOverride ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,MetadataSignature ,Name ,Note ,NOTM ,OverrideAttributes ,OverrideChildren ,OverrideRoles ,Persistent ,Seeded ,StrongTypeName ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,IconObject ,ACLContainer ,ValidationResult ,OwningFolder ,signature ) as select WorkspaceID, DeletionParent, t_1 ,s2_1 ,b_1 ,s1_1 ,d_1 ,b_2 ,b_3 ,b_4 ,s3_1 ,b_5 ,i_1 ,b_6 ,s4_1 ,s2_2 ,s4_2 ,s3_2 ,i_2 ,b_7 ,b_8 ,b_9 ,b_10 ,b_11 ,s2_3 ,s1_2 ,s1_3 ,d_2 ,r_1 ,r_4 ,r_5 ,r_6 ,s3_8 from CMPFCOClasses tbl where s2_1 in ( 'CMPDatabaseModule', 'CMPSharedInstalledModule', 'CMPWBFileInstalledModule', 'CMPWBRepInstalledModule', 'CMPWBSAPInstalledModule', 'CMPIcon', 'CMPBusinessRuleDefinition', 'CMPBusinessRuleModule', 'CMPDataRuleMap', 'CMPCatalog', 'CMPNamedConfiguration', 'CMPNamedConfigurationUsage', 'CMPPhysicalObject', 'CMPPlatformConfiguration', 'CMPCube', 'CMPDerivationSchema', 'CMPProfile', 'CMPProfileTable', 'CMPDerivationSet', 'CMPDimension', 'CMPAnonymousDomain', 'CMPArrayType', 'CMPNamedDomain', 'CMPPrimitiveType', 'CMPLogicalConnector', 'CMPLogicalLocation', 'CMPRuntimeLocation', 'CMPWBFile', 'CMPFunction', 'CMPFunctionCategory', 'CMPPLSCollection', 'CMPPLSRecord', 'CMPPLSRowtype', 'CMPRefCursorType', 'CMPIntelligenceBusArea', 'CMPIntelligenceSchema', 'CMPMap', 'CMPPhysicalMap', 'CMPPublicSubMap', 'CMPSubMapLibrary', 'CMPAssociationDefinition', 'CMPClassDefinition', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformConfigTemplate', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet', 'CMPProcess', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', 'CMPProcessPackage', 'CMPProgram', 'CMPProgramGroup', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDrillPath', 'CMPLOVItemClass', 'CMPQueryObject', 'CMPAdvancedQueue', 'CMPQueuePropagation', 'CMPQueueTable', 'CMPExternalTable', 'CMPWBMaterializedView', 'CMPWBSequence', 'CMPWBTable', 'CMPWBView', 'CMPCalendar', 'CMPCalendarInstalledModule', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser', 'CMPTaskFlow', 'CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule', 'CMPTaskFlowSet', 'CMPTaskImplementation', 'CMPWBOracleTTS', 'CMPWBOracleTTSSet', 'CMPObjectType', 'CMPSQLCollection', 'CMPUserFolder', 'CMPWeakFirstClassObject', 'CMPWeakFolder', 'CMPWeakModule', 'CMPAppServerInstalledModule', 'CMPWebService', 'CMPWebServicePackage', 'CMPWorkspace' ) and ( workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) or (workspaceid=1 and (not exists (select * from CMPFCOClasses where i_1=tbl.i_1 and workspaceid = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) )))) ; create view pctree_v ( workspaceId, parentId, childId, parentRole, childRole ) As ( SELECT workspaceId,0,elementId,'repository' parentRole,'project' childRole from CMPWBProject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPWBNamedItemSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningInstalledModule, elementId, 'OwningInstalledModule' parentRole, 'WebServicePackages' childRole from CMPWebServicePackage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPWBSAPInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningHierarchy, elementId, 'OwningHierarchy' parentRole, 'OwnedLevelUsages' childRole from CMPHierarchyLevelUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPBusinessRuleItemParam_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'ObjectJoinUsages' childRole from CMPObjectJoinUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, RedundantItemSet, elementId, 'RedundantItemSet' parentRole, 'RedundantItemSetUsage' childRole from CMPRdntItemSetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ProcessInstalledModule, elementId, 'ProcessInstalledModule' parentRole, 'ProcessPackages' childRole from CMPProcessPackage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'Cubes' childRole from CMPCube_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ModelOwner, elementId, 'ModelOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedModels' childRole from CMPPlatformConfigTemplate_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningClassDefinition, elementId, 'OwningClassDefinition' parentRole, 'OwnedPropertySetDefinitions' childRole from CMPPropertySetDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPArrayType_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedAssociationDefs' childRole from CMPAssociationDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, QueryExpOwner, elementId, 'QueryExpOwner' parentRole, 'QueryExpRefs' childRole from CMPQueryExpRef_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, PropertyOwner, elementId, 'PropertyOwner' parentRole, 'Properties' childRole from CMPReferencePropertyValue_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, WeakFirstClassObjectOwner, elementId, 'WeakFirstClassObjectOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedWeakFirstClassObjects' childRole from CMPWeakFirstClassObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPJoin_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPProfileAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBTable_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, MLSTranslatable, elementId, 'MLSTranslatable' parentRole, 'Translation' childRole from CMPTranslation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'BinaryObject' childRole from CMPIcon_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ModelAttributeOwner, elementId, 'ModelAttributeOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedModelAttributes' childRole from CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Domain, elementId, 'Domain' parentRole, 'Ranges' childRole from CMPRange_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPDrillLevelKey_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningCube, elementId, 'OwningCube' parentRole, 'OwningMeasures' childRole from CMPCubeMeasure_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPProcessInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ModelUsageOwner, elementId, 'ModelUsageOwner' parentRole, 'ModelUsages' childRole from CMPModelUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPUniqueKey_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN Library is not null THEN Library WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN OwningProject ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN Library is not null THEN 'Library' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'OwningProject' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN Library is not null THEN 'SubMaps' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'SubMaps' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPublicSubMap_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningMeasure, elementId, 'OwningMeasure' parentRole, 'AggSpecs' childRole from CMPAggregationSpecification_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningDerivationSchema, elementId, 'OwningDerivationSchema' parentRole, 'OwnedMapTargetUsage' childRole from CMPTargetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningLevel, elementId, 'OwningLevel' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPLevelAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, NamedConfiguration, elementId, 'NamedConfiguration' parentRole, 'PlatformConfigurations' childRole from CMPPlatformConfiguration_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProgramGroup, elementId, 'OwningProgramGroup' parentRole, 'OwnedPrograms' childRole from CMPProgram_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN ParentCatalog WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN OwningProject ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN 'ParentCatalog' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'OwningProject' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN 'ChildCatalogs' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'Catalogs' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPCatalog_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningPlatform, elementId, 'OwningPlatform' parentRole, 'PlatformTypeSet' childRole from CMPPlatformTypeSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, BusinessArea, elementId, 'BusinessArea' parentRole, 'Shortcuts' childRole from CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, PlatformConfiguration, elementId, 'PlatformConfiguration' parentRole, 'OwnedConfigs' childRole from CMPPhysicalObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Owner, elementId, 'Owner' parentRole, 'OwnedLocalVariable' childRole from CMPVariable_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningCube is not null THEN OwningCube WHEN OwningMeasure is not null THEN OwningMeasure ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningCube is not null THEN 'OwningCube' WHEN OwningMeasure is not null THEN 'OwningMeasure' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningCube is not null THEN 'CompositeDimensions' WHEN OwningMeasure is not null THEN 'CompositeDimensions' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPCompositeDimension_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN ParentPartition is not null THEN ParentPartition WHEN PartitionKey is not null THEN PartitionKey ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN ParentPartition is not null THEN 'ParentPartition' WHEN PartitionKey is not null THEN 'PartitionKey' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN ParentPartition is not null THEN 'SubPartitions' WHEN PartitionKey is not null THEN 'Partitions' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPartition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningModule, elementId, 'OwningModule' parentRole, 'OwnedCollections' childRole from CMPSQLCollection_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Function, elementId, 'Function' parentRole, 'ParallelImplementation' childRole from CMPFunctionParallel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningPropertySetDefinition, elementId, 'OwningPropertySetDefinition' parentRole, 'PropertyDefinitions' childRole from CMPPropertyDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'UserConfigTemplateSets' childRole from CMPUserConfigTemplateSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, FunctionParallel, elementId, 'FunctionParallel' parentRole, 'RecordFieldUsage' childRole from CMPRecordFieldUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningCompositeDimension, elementId, 'OwningCompositeDimension' parentRole, 'DimensionUsages' childRole from CMPCompositeDimensionUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, WeakAssociationOwner, elementId, 'WeakAssociationOwner' parentRole, 'WeakAssociations' childRole from CMPWeakAssociation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'TaskFlowSets' childRole from CMPTaskFlowSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ExecutionUnit, elementId, 'ExecutionUnit' parentRole, 'TaskFlowUsages' childRole from CMPMapTaskFlowUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, FunctionCategory, elementId, 'FunctionCategory' parentRole, 'NestedTables' childRole from CMPPLSCollection_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'RegisteredUser' childRole from CMPWBUser_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, PropertyOwner, elementId, 'PropertyOwner' parentRole, 'Properties' childRole from CMPStringPropertyValue_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ExecutionUnit, elementId, 'ExecutionUnit' parentRole, 'ExecutionUnitUsages' childRole from CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Wbuser, elementId, 'Wbuser' parentRole, 'AccessPreference' childRole from CMPAccessPreference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningClassDefinition, elementId, 'OwningClassDefinition' parentRole, 'RoleDefinitions' childRole from CMPRoleDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningBaseProcess, elementId, 'OwningBaseProcess' parentRole, 'OwnedProcessActivities' childRole from CMPProcessActivity_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ExecUnit, elementId, 'ExecUnit' parentRole, 'ExecUnitParam' childRole from CMPKMExecUnitParam_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'FunctionCategories' childRole from CMPFunctionCategory_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, DerivationSchema, elementId, 'DerivationSchema' parentRole, 'OwnedTargetTableUsage' childRole from CMPTargetTableUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedBusinessRuleUsage' childRole from CMPBusinessRuleUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ClassUsageOwner, elementId, 'ClassUsageOwner' parentRole, 'ClassUsageGroups' childRole from CMPClassUsageGroup_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'Project' childRole from CMPWBProject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'ForeignKeyUsages' childRole from CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'ACLContainers' childRole from CMPACLContainer_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, DerivationSet, elementId, 'DerivationSet' parentRole, 'DerivationLinks' childRole from CMPDerivationLink_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPBusinessRuleModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'Maps' childRole from CMPMap_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPWBFileInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, FunctionCategory, elementId, 'FunctionCategory' parentRole, 'RefCursors' childRole from CMPRefCursorType_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ACLContainer, elementId, 'ACLContainer' parentRole, 'AccessControlList' childRole from CMPAccessControlList_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Owner, elementId, 'Owner' parentRole, 'Parameters' childRole from CMPProcessActivityParameter_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningDimension, elementId, 'OwningDimension' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPDimensionAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPInclusionDependency_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, IntelligenceSchema, elementId, 'IntelligenceSchema' parentRole, 'DrillPaths' childRole from CMPDrillPath_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPDrillItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningDimension, elementId, 'OwningDimension' parentRole, 'OwnedLevels' childRole from CMPLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningMeasure, elementId, 'OwningMeasure' parentRole, 'OwnedDefAggrMethod' childRole from CMPCubeDefAggrMethod_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, DisplaySet, elementId, 'DisplaySet' parentRole, 'DisplaySetUsages' childRole from CMPMapDisplaySetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPAnonymousDomain_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, AssociationDefinition, elementId, 'AssociationDefinition' parentRole, 'DependencyDefinitions' childRole from CMPDependencyDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningPackage, elementId, 'OwningPackage' parentRole, 'ProcessFCO' childRole from CMPProcess_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPWBField_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPRelationalDBItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPQueryItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ModelAttributeOwner, elementId, 'ModelAttributeOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedModelAttributes' childRole from CMPArrayModelAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBFile_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningHierarchy, elementId, 'OwningHierarchy' parentRole, 'OwnedSkipLevelRelationship' childRole from CMPSkipLevelRelationship_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN Catalog WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN ParentShortcut ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN 'Catalog' WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN 'ParentShortcut' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN 'ACEUsages' WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN 'ChildShortcuts' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPBusinessTreeShortcut_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Function, elementId, 'Function' parentRole, 'FunctionImplementations' childRole from CMPFunctionImplementation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ItemSet, elementId, 'ItemSet' parentRole, 'ItemSetUsages' childRole from CMPWBItemSetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPRecordField_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningProcess is not null THEN OwningProcess WHEN OwningTaskFlow is not null THEN OwningTaskFlow ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningProcess is not null THEN 'OwningProcess' WHEN OwningTaskFlow is not null THEN 'OwningTaskFlow' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningProcess is not null THEN 'Activities' WHEN OwningTaskFlow is not null THEN 'SubTaskFlows' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPSubProcess_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Owner, elementId, 'Owner' parentRole, 'OwnedTimeWindows' childRole from CMPTimeWindow_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningWorkspace is not null THEN OwningWorkspace WHEN ModelOwner is not null THEN ModelOwner ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningWorkspace is not null THEN 'OwningWorkspace' WHEN ModelOwner is not null THEN 'ModelOwner' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningWorkspace is not null THEN 'Platform' WHEN ModelOwner is not null THEN 'OwnedModels' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPlatform_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN TtsSet is not null THEN TtsSet WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN TtsSet is not null THEN 'TtsSet' WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN TtsSet is not null THEN 'LocationUsages' WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'LocationUsages' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPLocationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, DrillPathSegment, elementId, 'DrillPathSegment' parentRole, 'DrillPathJoinUsages' childRole from CMPDrillPathJoinUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPRelationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningUserFolder, elementId, 'OwningUserFolder' parentRole, 'FCOReference' childRole from CMPFCOFolderReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'OwnedLocations' childRole from CMPLogicalLocation_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule WHEN OwningFile is not null THEN OwningFile ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' WHEN OwningFile is not null THEN 'OwningFile' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' WHEN OwningFile is not null THEN 'Records' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPRecord_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'Dimensions' childRole from CMPDimension_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Wbuser, elementId, 'Wbuser' parentRole, 'RoleAssignment' childRole from CMPRoleAssignment_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, IntelligenceSchema, elementId, 'IntelligenceSchema' parentRole, 'OwnedDerivationSets' childRole from CMPDerivationSet_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningWebServiceCategory is not null THEN OwningWebServiceCategory WHEN OwningInstalledModule is not null THEN OwningInstalledModule ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningWebServiceCategory is not null THEN 'OwningWebServiceCategory' WHEN OwningInstalledModule is not null THEN 'OwningInstalledModule' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningWebServiceCategory is not null THEN 'WebServices' WHEN OwningInstalledModule is not null THEN 'WebServices' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPWebService_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'OwnedLocations' childRole from CMPRuntimeLocation_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN FunctionCategory WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN 'FunctionCategory' WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN 'Records' WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPLSRecord_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningTask, elementId, 'OwningTask' parentRole, 'Instruction' childRole from CMPTaskInstruction_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPDatabaseModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, TargetFCO, elementId, 'TargetFCO' parentRole, 'Dependencies' childRole from CMPDependency_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPForeignKey_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningPlatformMappingSet, elementId, 'OwningPlatformMappingSet' parentRole, 'TypeMapping' childRole from CMPTypeMapping_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPNamedDomain_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, AttributeGroupOwner, elementId, 'AttributeGroupOwner' parentRole, 'AttributeGroups' childRole from CMPMapAttributeGroup_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningInstalledModule, elementId, 'OwningInstalledModule' parentRole, 'TaskFlows' childRole from CMPTaskFlow_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, IntelligenceSchema, elementId, 'IntelligenceSchema' parentRole, 'ItemClasses' childRole from CMPLOVItemClass_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'Role' childRole from CMPWBRole_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, DrillPath, elementId, 'DrillPath' parentRole, 'Segments' childRole from CMPDrillPathSegment_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPObjectType_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningTaskFlowSet, elementId, 'OwningTaskFlowSet' parentRole, 'TaskFlowUsages' childRole from CMPTaskFlowUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, MIVDefinition, elementId, 'MIVDefinition' parentRole, 'MIVView' childRole from CMPWBMIVView_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'NamedConfigurations' childRole from CMPNamedConfiguration_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPFunctionArgument_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN FunctionCategory ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN 'FunctionCategory' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN 'Functions' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPFunction_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'SubMapLibraries' childRole from CMPSubMapLibrary_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPFunctionalDependency_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningDimension, elementId, 'OwningDimension' parentRole, 'OwnedRoles' childRole from CMPDimensionRole_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, DataService, elementId, 'DataService' parentRole, 'KmExecUnit' childRole from CMPKMExecUnit_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule WHEN OwningRuleDefinition is not null THEN OwningRuleDefinition ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' WHEN OwningRuleDefinition is not null THEN 'OwningRuleDefinition' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' WHEN OwningRuleDefinition is not null THEN 'RelationalParam' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPBusinessRuleRelParam_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, AttributeGroup, elementId, 'AttributeGroup' parentRole, 'Attributes' childRole from CMPMapAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ClassUsageGroup, elementId, 'ClassUsageGroup' parentRole, 'ClassUsages' childRole from CMPClassUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningDimension, elementId, 'OwningDimension' parentRole, 'OwnedHierarchies' childRole from CMPHierarchy_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPSharedInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPWBCheckConstraint_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBSequence_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'QueryConditions' childRole from CMPQueryCondition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPPrimitiveType_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPWBRepInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningLocation, elementId, 'OwningLocation' parentRole, 'OwnedConnectors' childRole from CMPLogicalConnector_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, PropertyGroupOwner, elementId, 'PropertyGroupOwner' parentRole, 'PropertyGroupDefinitions' childRole from CMPPropertyGroupDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'DatabaseObjectUsages' childRole from CMPQueryDBObjectUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPIndex_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBView_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, CalendarModule, elementId, 'CalendarModule' parentRole, 'GlobalCalendars' childRole from CMPCalendar_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPAdvancedQueue_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'AggregationLevels' childRole from CMPQueryAggregationLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPCalendarInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, NamedConfiguration, elementId, 'NamedConfiguration' parentRole, 'ConfigurationUsages' childRole from CMPNamedConfigurationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'OwnedProgramGroups' childRole from CMPProgramGroup_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, PhysicalMap, elementId, 'PhysicalMap' parentRole, 'ExecutionUnits' childRole from CMPMapExecutionUnit_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, ExecutionUnit, elementId, 'ExecutionUnit' parentRole, 'Parameters' childRole from CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, Schedulable, elementId, 'Schedulable' parentRole, 'OwnedCalendars' childRole from CMPLocalCalendar_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, PropertyOwner, elementId, 'PropertyOwner' parentRole, 'Properties' childRole from CMPCLOBPropertyValue_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, FunctionCategory, elementId, 'FunctionCategory' parentRole, 'PLSRowtypes' childRole from CMPPLSRowtype_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, IntelligenceSchema, elementId, 'IntelligenceSchema' parentRole, 'BusinessAreas' childRole from CMPIntelligenceBusArea_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule WHEN DrillPath is not null THEN DrillPath ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' WHEN DrillPath is not null THEN 'DrillPath' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' WHEN DrillPath is not null THEN 'DrillLevels' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPDrillLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'MIVDefinition' childRole from CMPWBMIVDefinition_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningRelation is not null THEN OwningRelation WHEN OwningIndex is not null THEN OwningIndex ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningRelation is not null THEN 'OwningRelation' WHEN OwningIndex is not null THEN 'OwningIndex' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningRelation is not null THEN 'OwnedItemSets' WHEN OwningIndex is not null THEN 'PartitionKeys' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPartitionKey_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningPlatform, elementId, 'OwningPlatform' parentRole, 'PlatformMappingSet' childRole from CMPPlatformMappingSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPIntelligenceSchema_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProfile, elementId, 'OwningProfile' parentRole, 'OwnedDerivationSchema' childRole from CMPDerivationSchema_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPAppServerInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningSpecification, elementId, 'OwningSpecification' parentRole, 'AggSpecUsages' childRole from CMPAggSpecUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningCube, elementId, 'OwningCube' parentRole, 'OwnedCubeDimRefs' childRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProcess, elementId, 'OwningProcess' parentRole, 'OwnedProcessTransitions' childRole from CMPProcessTransition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningPlatformTypeSet, elementId, 'OwningPlatformTypeSet' parentRole, 'Datatype' childRole from CMPDatatype_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, WeakSecondClassObjectOwner, elementId, 'WeakSecondClassObjectOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedWeakSecondClassObjs' childRole from CMPWeakSecondClassObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPQueueTable_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPQueryObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPExternalTable_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, AdvancedQueue, elementId, 'AdvancedQueue' parentRole, 'QueueSubscriber' childRole from CMPQueuePropagation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, TargetPlatform, elementId, 'TargetPlatform' parentRole, 'DefaultSourceKMUsage' childRole from CMPDefaultKMUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, PropertyOwner, elementId, 'PropertyOwner' parentRole, 'Properties' childRole from CMPPurePhysicalObject_V UNION ALL SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningModule is not null THEN OwningModule WHEN ParentFolder is not null THEN ParentFolder WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN OwningProject WHEN OwningSubMapLibrary is not null THEN OwningSubMapLibrary ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningModule is not null THEN 'OwningModule' WHEN ParentFolder is not null THEN 'ParentFolder' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'OwningProject' WHEN OwningSubMapLibrary is not null THEN 'OwningSubMapLibrary' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningModule is not null THEN 'UserFolders' WHEN ParentFolder is not null THEN 'ChildFolders' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'UserFolders' WHEN OwningSubMapLibrary is not null THEN 'UserFolders' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPUserFolder_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OperatorOwner, elementId, 'OperatorOwner' parentRole, 'Operators' childRole from CMPMapOperator_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBMaterializedView_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningTaskFlow, elementId, 'OwningTaskFlow' parentRole, 'TaskImplementations' childRole from CMPTaskImplementation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPClassDefinition_V ); create view pctree_uv ( workspaceId, parentId, childId, parentRole, childRole ) As ( SELECT workspaceId,0,elementId,'repository' parentRole,'project' childRole from CMPWBProject_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPWBNamedItemSet_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningInstalledModule, elementId, 'OwningInstalledModule' parentRole, 'WebServicePackages' childRole from CMPWebServicePackage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPWBSAPInstalledModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningHierarchy, elementId, 'OwningHierarchy' parentRole, 'OwnedLevelUsages' childRole from CMPHierarchyLevelUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPBusinessRuleItemParam_V UNION Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'ObjectJoinUsages' childRole from CMPObjectJoinUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, RedundantItemSet, elementId, 'RedundantItemSet' parentRole, 'RedundantItemSetUsage' childRole from CMPRdntItemSetUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, ProcessInstalledModule, elementId, 'ProcessInstalledModule' parentRole, 'ProcessPackages' childRole from CMPProcessPackage_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'Cubes' childRole from CMPCube_V UNION Select workspaceId, ModelOwner, elementId, 'ModelOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedModels' childRole from CMPPlatformConfigTemplate_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningClassDefinition, elementId, 'OwningClassDefinition' parentRole, 'OwnedPropertySetDefinitions' childRole from CMPPropertySetDefinition_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPArrayType_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedAssociationDefs' childRole from CMPAssociationDefinition_V UNION Select workspaceId, QueryExpOwner, elementId, 'QueryExpOwner' parentRole, 'QueryExpRefs' childRole from CMPQueryExpRef_V UNION Select workspaceId, PropertyOwner, elementId, 'PropertyOwner' parentRole, 'Properties' childRole from CMPReferencePropertyValue_V UNION Select workspaceId, WeakFirstClassObjectOwner, elementId, 'WeakFirstClassObjectOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedWeakFirstClassObjects' childRole from CMPWeakFolder_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPJoin_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPProfileAttribute_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPProfileTable_V UNION Select workspaceId, MLSTranslatable, elementId, 'MLSTranslatable' parentRole, 'Translation' childRole from CMPTranslation_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'BinaryObject' childRole from CMPIcon_V UNION Select workspaceId, ModelAttributeOwner, elementId, 'ModelAttributeOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedModelAttributes' childRole from CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute_V UNION Select workspaceId, Domain, elementId, 'Domain' parentRole, 'Ranges' childRole from CMPRange_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPDrillLevelKey_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningCube, elementId, 'OwningCube' parentRole, 'OwningMeasures' childRole from CMPCubeMeasure_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPProcessInstalledModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, ModelUsageOwner, elementId, 'ModelUsageOwner' parentRole, 'ModelUsages' childRole from CMPModelUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPProfileUniqueKey_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN Library is not null THEN Library WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN OwningProject ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN Library is not null THEN 'Library' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'OwningProject' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN Library is not null THEN 'SubMaps' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'SubMaps' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPublicSubMap_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningMeasure, elementId, 'OwningMeasure' parentRole, 'AggSpecs' childRole from CMPAggregationSpecification_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningDerivationSchema, elementId, 'OwningDerivationSchema' parentRole, 'OwnedMapTargetUsage' childRole from CMPTargetUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningLevel, elementId, 'OwningLevel' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPLevelAttribute_V UNION Select workspaceId, NamedConfiguration, elementId, 'NamedConfiguration' parentRole, 'PlatformConfigurations' childRole from CMPPlatformConfiguration_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProgramGroup, elementId, 'OwningProgramGroup' parentRole, 'OwnedPrograms' childRole from CMPProgram_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN ParentCatalog WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN OwningProject ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN 'ParentCatalog' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'OwningProject' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN 'ChildCatalogs' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'Catalogs' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPWBOracleTTSSet_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningPlatform, elementId, 'OwningPlatform' parentRole, 'PlatformTypeSet' childRole from CMPPlatformTypeSet_V UNION Select workspaceId, BusinessArea, elementId, 'BusinessArea' parentRole, 'Shortcuts' childRole from CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut_V UNION Select workspaceId, PlatformConfiguration, elementId, 'PlatformConfiguration' parentRole, 'OwnedConfigs' childRole from CMPPhysicalObject_V UNION Select workspaceId, Owner, elementId, 'Owner' parentRole, 'OwnedLocalVariable' childRole from CMPVariable_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningCube is not null THEN OwningCube WHEN OwningMeasure is not null THEN OwningMeasure ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningCube is not null THEN 'OwningCube' WHEN OwningMeasure is not null THEN 'OwningMeasure' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningCube is not null THEN 'CompositeDimensions' WHEN OwningMeasure is not null THEN 'CompositeDimensions' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPCompositeDimension_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN ParentCatalog WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN OwningProject ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN 'ParentCatalog' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'OwningProject' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN 'ChildCatalogs' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'Catalogs' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPCatalog_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN ParentPartition is not null THEN ParentPartition WHEN PartitionKey is not null THEN PartitionKey ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN ParentPartition is not null THEN 'ParentPartition' WHEN PartitionKey is not null THEN 'PartitionKey' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN ParentPartition is not null THEN 'SubPartitions' WHEN PartitionKey is not null THEN 'Partitions' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPartition_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningModule, elementId, 'OwningModule' parentRole, 'OwnedCollections' childRole from CMPSQLCollection_V UNION Select workspaceId, Function, elementId, 'Function' parentRole, 'ParallelImplementation' childRole from CMPFunctionParallel_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningPropertySetDefinition, elementId, 'OwningPropertySetDefinition' parentRole, 'PropertyDefinitions' childRole from CMPPropertyDefinition_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'UserConfigTemplateSets' childRole from CMPUserConfigTemplateSet_V UNION Select workspaceId, FunctionParallel, elementId, 'FunctionParallel' parentRole, 'RecordFieldUsage' childRole from CMPRecordFieldUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningCompositeDimension, elementId, 'OwningCompositeDimension' parentRole, 'DimensionUsages' childRole from CMPCompositeDimensionUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, WeakAssociationOwner, elementId, 'WeakAssociationOwner' parentRole, 'WeakAssociations' childRole from CMPWeakAssociation_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'TaskFlowSets' childRole from CMPTaskFlowSet_V UNION Select workspaceId, ExecutionUnit, elementId, 'ExecutionUnit' parentRole, 'TaskFlowUsages' childRole from CMPMapTaskFlowUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, FunctionCategory, elementId, 'FunctionCategory' parentRole, 'NestedTables' childRole from CMPPLSCollection_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'RegisteredUser' childRole from CMPWBUser_V UNION Select workspaceId, PropertyOwner, elementId, 'PropertyOwner' parentRole, 'Properties' childRole from CMPStringPropertyValue_V UNION Select workspaceId, ExecutionUnit, elementId, 'ExecutionUnit' parentRole, 'ExecutionUnitUsages' childRole from CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, Wbuser, elementId, 'Wbuser' parentRole, 'AccessPreference' childRole from CMPAccessPreference_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningClassDefinition, elementId, 'OwningClassDefinition' parentRole, 'RoleDefinitions' childRole from CMPRoleDefinition_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningBaseProcess, elementId, 'OwningBaseProcess' parentRole, 'OwnedProcessActivities' childRole from CMPTask_V UNION Select workspaceId, ExecUnit, elementId, 'ExecUnit' parentRole, 'ExecUnitParam' childRole from CMPKMExecUnitParam_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'FunctionCategories' childRole from CMPFunctionCategory_V UNION Select workspaceId, DerivationSchema, elementId, 'DerivationSchema' parentRole, 'OwnedTargetTableUsage' childRole from CMPTargetTableUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedBusinessRuleUsage' childRole from CMPBusinessRuleUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, ClassUsageOwner, elementId, 'ClassUsageOwner' parentRole, 'ClassUsageGroups' childRole from CMPClassUsageGroup_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'Project' childRole from CMPWBProject_V UNION Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'ForeignKeyUsages' childRole from CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'ACLContainers' childRole from CMPACLContainer_V UNION Select workspaceId, DerivationSet, elementId, 'DerivationSet' parentRole, 'DerivationLinks' childRole from CMPDerivationLink_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPBusinessRuleModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'Maps' childRole from CMPDataRuleMap_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPWBFileInstalledModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, FunctionCategory, elementId, 'FunctionCategory' parentRole, 'RefCursors' childRole from CMPRefCursorType_V UNION Select workspaceId, ACLContainer, elementId, 'ACLContainer' parentRole, 'AccessControlList' childRole from CMPAccessControlList_V UNION Select workspaceId, Owner, elementId, 'Owner' parentRole, 'Parameters' childRole from CMPProcessActivityParameter_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningDimension, elementId, 'OwningDimension' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPDimensionAttribute_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPInclusionDependency_V UNION Select workspaceId, IntelligenceSchema, elementId, 'IntelligenceSchema' parentRole, 'DrillPaths' childRole from CMPDrillPath_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPDrillItem_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningDimension, elementId, 'OwningDimension' parentRole, 'OwnedLevels' childRole from CMPLevel_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningMeasure, elementId, 'OwningMeasure' parentRole, 'OwnedDefAggrMethod' childRole from CMPCubeDefAggrMethod_V UNION Select workspaceId, DisplaySet, elementId, 'DisplaySet' parentRole, 'DisplaySetUsages' childRole from CMPMapDisplaySetUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPAnonymousDomain_V UNION Select workspaceId, AssociationDefinition, elementId, 'AssociationDefinition' parentRole, 'DependencyDefinitions' childRole from CMPDependencyDefinition_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningPackage, elementId, 'OwningPackage' parentRole, 'ProcessFCO' childRole from CMPProcess_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPWBField_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPRelationalDBItem_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPQueryItem_V UNION Select workspaceId, ModelAttributeOwner, elementId, 'ModelAttributeOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedModelAttributes' childRole from CMPArrayModelAttribute_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBFile_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningHierarchy, elementId, 'OwningHierarchy' parentRole, 'OwnedSkipLevelRelationship' childRole from CMPSkipLevelRelationship_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN Catalog WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN ParentShortcut ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN 'Catalog' WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN 'ParentShortcut' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN 'ACEUsages' WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN 'ChildShortcuts' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPWBOracleTTSUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, Function, elementId, 'Function' parentRole, 'FunctionImplementations' childRole from CMPFunctionImplementation_V UNION Select workspaceId, ItemSet, elementId, 'ItemSet' parentRole, 'ItemSetUsages' childRole from CMPDrillLevelKeyUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPRecordField_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningProcess is not null THEN OwningProcess WHEN OwningTaskFlow is not null THEN OwningTaskFlow ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningProcess is not null THEN 'OwningProcess' WHEN OwningTaskFlow is not null THEN 'OwningTaskFlow' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningProcess is not null THEN 'Activities' WHEN OwningTaskFlow is not null THEN 'SubTaskFlows' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPSubProcess_V UNION Select workspaceId, Owner, elementId, 'Owner' parentRole, 'OwnedTimeWindows' childRole from CMPTimeWindow_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningWorkspace is not null THEN OwningWorkspace WHEN ModelOwner is not null THEN ModelOwner ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningWorkspace is not null THEN 'OwningWorkspace' WHEN ModelOwner is not null THEN 'ModelOwner' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningWorkspace is not null THEN 'Platform' WHEN ModelOwner is not null THEN 'OwnedModels' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPlatform_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN TtsSet is not null THEN TtsSet WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN TtsSet is not null THEN 'TtsSet' WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN TtsSet is not null THEN 'LocationUsages' WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'LocationUsages' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPLocationUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, DrillPathSegment, elementId, 'DrillPathSegment' parentRole, 'DrillPathJoinUsages' childRole from CMPDrillPathJoinUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPRelationUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningUserFolder, elementId, 'OwningUserFolder' parentRole, 'FCOReference' childRole from CMPFCOFolderReference_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'OwnedLocations' childRole from CMPLogicalLocation_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule WHEN OwningFile is not null THEN OwningFile ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' WHEN OwningFile is not null THEN 'OwningFile' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' WHEN OwningFile is not null THEN 'Records' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPRecord_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'Dimensions' childRole from CMPDimension_V UNION Select workspaceId, Wbuser, elementId, 'Wbuser' parentRole, 'RoleAssignment' childRole from CMPRoleAssignment_V UNION Select workspaceId, IntelligenceSchema, elementId, 'IntelligenceSchema' parentRole, 'OwnedDerivationSets' childRole from CMPDerivationSet_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningWebServiceCategory is not null THEN OwningWebServiceCategory WHEN OwningInstalledModule is not null THEN OwningInstalledModule ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningWebServiceCategory is not null THEN 'OwningWebServiceCategory' WHEN OwningInstalledModule is not null THEN 'OwningInstalledModule' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningWebServiceCategory is not null THEN 'WebServices' WHEN OwningInstalledModule is not null THEN 'WebServices' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPWebService_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'OwnedLocations' childRole from CMPRuntimeLocation_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN FunctionCategory WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN 'FunctionCategory' WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN 'Records' WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPLSRecord_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningTask, elementId, 'OwningTask' parentRole, 'Instruction' childRole from CMPTaskInstruction_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPWeakModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, TargetFCO, elementId, 'TargetFCO' parentRole, 'Dependencies' childRole from CMPDependency_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPProfileForeignKey_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningPlatformMappingSet, elementId, 'OwningPlatformMappingSet' parentRole, 'TypeMapping' childRole from CMPTypeMapping_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPNamedDomain_V UNION Select workspaceId, ItemSet, elementId, 'ItemSet' parentRole, 'ItemSetUsages' childRole from CMPJoinComponent_V UNION Select workspaceId, WeakFirstClassObjectOwner, elementId, 'WeakFirstClassObjectOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedWeakFirstClassObjects' childRole from CMPWeakFirstClassObject_V UNION Select workspaceId, AttributeGroupOwner, elementId, 'AttributeGroupOwner' parentRole, 'AttributeGroups' childRole from CMPMapAttributeGroup_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningInstalledModule, elementId, 'OwningInstalledModule' parentRole, 'TaskFlows' childRole from CMPTaskFlow_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPDatabaseModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, IntelligenceSchema, elementId, 'IntelligenceSchema' parentRole, 'ItemClasses' childRole from CMPLOVItemClass_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'Role' childRole from CMPWBRole_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN ParentCatalog WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN OwningProject ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN 'ParentCatalog' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'OwningProject' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN ParentCatalog is not null THEN 'ChildCatalogs' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'Catalogs' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPWBOracleTTS_V UNION Select workspaceId, DrillPath, elementId, 'DrillPath' parentRole, 'Segments' childRole from CMPDrillPathSegment_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPObjectType_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningTaskFlowSet, elementId, 'OwningTaskFlowSet' parentRole, 'TaskFlowUsages' childRole from CMPTaskFlowUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, MIVDefinition, elementId, 'MIVDefinition' parentRole, 'MIVView' childRole from CMPWBMIVView_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'NamedConfigurations' childRole from CMPNamedConfiguration_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPFunctionArgument_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN FunctionCategory ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN 'FunctionCategory' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' WHEN FunctionCategory is not null THEN 'Functions' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPFunction_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'SubMapLibraries' childRole from CMPSubMapLibrary_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPFunctionalDependency_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPProfile_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningDimension, elementId, 'OwningDimension' parentRole, 'OwnedRoles' childRole from CMPDimensionRole_V UNION Select workspaceId, DataService, elementId, 'DataService' parentRole, 'KmExecUnit' childRole from CMPKMExecUnit_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule WHEN OwningRuleDefinition is not null THEN OwningRuleDefinition ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' WHEN OwningRuleDefinition is not null THEN 'OwningRuleDefinition' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' WHEN OwningRuleDefinition is not null THEN 'RelationalParam' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPBusinessRuleRelParam_V UNION Select workspaceId, AttributeGroup, elementId, 'AttributeGroup' parentRole, 'Attributes' childRole from CMPMapAttribute_V UNION Select workspaceId, ClassUsageGroup, elementId, 'ClassUsageGroup' parentRole, 'ClassUsages' childRole from CMPClassUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningDimension, elementId, 'OwningDimension' parentRole, 'OwnedHierarchies' childRole from CMPHierarchy_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPSharedInstalledModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'Maps' childRole from CMPMap_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPWBCheckConstraint_V UNION Select workspaceId, PlatformConfiguration, elementId, 'PlatformConfiguration' parentRole, 'OwnedConfigs' childRole from CMPPhysicalMap_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBSequence_V UNION Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'QueryConditions' childRole from CMPQueryCondition_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPPrimitiveType_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPWBRepInstalledModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningLocation, elementId, 'OwningLocation' parentRole, 'OwnedConnectors' childRole from CMPLogicalConnector_V UNION Select workspaceId, PropertyGroupOwner, elementId, 'PropertyGroupOwner' parentRole, 'PropertyGroupDefinitions' childRole from CMPPropertyGroupDefinition_V UNION Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'DatabaseObjectUsages' childRole from CMPQueryDBObjectUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPIndex_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBView_V UNION Select workspaceId, CalendarModule, elementId, 'CalendarModule' parentRole, 'GlobalCalendars' childRole from CMPCalendar_V UNION Select workspaceId, ItemSet, elementId, 'ItemSet' parentRole, 'ItemSetUsages' childRole from CMPWBItemSetUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPAdvancedQueue_V UNION Select workspaceId, QueryObject, elementId, 'QueryObject' parentRole, 'AggregationLevels' childRole from CMPQueryAggregationLevel_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPCalendarInstalledModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedAttributes' childRole from CMPExternalTableItem_V UNION Select workspaceId, NamedConfiguration, elementId, 'NamedConfiguration' parentRole, 'ConfigurationUsages' childRole from CMPNamedConfigurationUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'OwnedProgramGroups' childRole from CMPProgramGroup_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPForeignKey_V UNION Select workspaceId, PhysicalMap, elementId, 'PhysicalMap' parentRole, 'ExecutionUnits' childRole from CMPMapExecutionUnit_V UNION Select workspaceId, ExecutionUnit, elementId, 'ExecutionUnit' parentRole, 'Parameters' childRole from CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBTable_V UNION Select workspaceId, Schedulable, elementId, 'Schedulable' parentRole, 'OwnedCalendars' childRole from CMPLocalCalendar_V UNION Select workspaceId, PropertyOwner, elementId, 'PropertyOwner' parentRole, 'Properties' childRole from CMPCLOBPropertyValue_V UNION Select workspaceId, FunctionCategory, elementId, 'FunctionCategory' parentRole, 'PLSRowtypes' childRole from CMPPLSRowtype_V UNION Select workspaceId, IntelligenceSchema, elementId, 'IntelligenceSchema' parentRole, 'BusinessAreas' childRole from CMPIntelligenceBusArea_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN InstalledModule WHEN DrillPath is not null THEN DrillPath ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'InstalledModule' WHEN DrillPath is not null THEN 'DrillPath' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN InstalledModule is not null THEN 'DAEs' WHEN DrillPath is not null THEN 'DrillLevels' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPDrillLevel_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningWorkspace, elementId, 'OwningWorkspace' parentRole, 'MIVDefinition' childRole from CMPWBMIVDefinition_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningRelation is not null THEN OwningRelation WHEN OwningIndex is not null THEN OwningIndex ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningRelation is not null THEN 'OwningRelation' WHEN OwningIndex is not null THEN 'OwningIndex' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningRelation is not null THEN 'OwnedItemSets' WHEN OwningIndex is not null THEN 'PartitionKeys' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPPartitionKey_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningRelation, elementId, 'OwningRelation' parentRole, 'OwnedItemSets' childRole from CMPUniqueKey_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningPlatform, elementId, 'OwningPlatform' parentRole, 'PlatformMappingSet' childRole from CMPPlatformMappingSet_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPIntelligenceSchema_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProfile, elementId, 'OwningProfile' parentRole, 'OwnedDerivationSchema' childRole from CMPDerivationSchema_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPAppServerInstalledModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningSpecification, elementId, 'OwningSpecification' parentRole, 'AggSpecUsages' childRole from CMPAggSpecUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningModule, elementId, 'OwningModule' parentRole, 'OwnedRuleDefinition' childRole from CMPBusinessRuleDefinition_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningCube, elementId, 'OwningCube' parentRole, 'OwnedCubeDimRefs' childRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProcess, elementId, 'OwningProcess' parentRole, 'OwnedProcessTransitions' childRole from CMPProcessTransition_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningPlatformTypeSet, elementId, 'OwningPlatformTypeSet' parentRole, 'Datatype' childRole from CMPDatatype_V UNION Select workspaceId, WeakSecondClassObjectOwner, elementId, 'WeakSecondClassObjectOwner' parentRole, 'OwnedWeakSecondClassObjs' childRole from CMPWeakSecondClassObject_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningBaseProcess, elementId, 'OwningBaseProcess' parentRole, 'OwnedProcessActivities' childRole from CMPProcessActivity_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPQueueTable_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningProject, elementId, 'OwningProject' parentRole, 'InstalledModules' childRole from CMPTaskFlowInstalledModule_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPQueryObject_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPExternalTable_V UNION Select workspaceId, AdvancedQueue, elementId, 'AdvancedQueue' parentRole, 'QueueSubscriber' childRole from CMPQueuePropagation_V UNION Select workspaceId, TargetPlatform, elementId, 'TargetPlatform' parentRole, 'DefaultSourceKMUsage' childRole from CMPDefaultKMUsage_V UNION Select workspaceId, PropertyOwner, elementId, 'PropertyOwner' parentRole, 'Properties' childRole from CMPPurePhysicalObject_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN OwningModule is not null THEN OwningModule WHEN ParentFolder is not null THEN ParentFolder WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN OwningProject WHEN OwningSubMapLibrary is not null THEN OwningSubMapLibrary ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN OwningModule is not null THEN 'OwningModule' WHEN ParentFolder is not null THEN 'ParentFolder' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'OwningProject' WHEN OwningSubMapLibrary is not null THEN 'OwningSubMapLibrary' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN OwningModule is not null THEN 'UserFolders' WHEN ParentFolder is not null THEN 'ChildFolders' WHEN OwningProject is not null THEN 'UserFolders' WHEN OwningSubMapLibrary is not null THEN 'UserFolders' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPUserFolder_V UNION Select workspaceId, OperatorOwner, elementId, 'OperatorOwner' parentRole, 'Operators' childRole from CMPMapOperator_V UNION Select workspaceId, InstalledModule, elementId, 'InstalledModule' parentRole, 'DAEs' childRole from CMPWBMaterializedView_V UNION SELECT workspaceId, (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN Catalog WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN ParentShortcut ELSE 1 END ), elementid, (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN 'Catalog' WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN 'ParentShortcut' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ), (CASE WHEN Catalog is not null THEN 'ACEUsages' WHEN ParentShortcut is not null THEN 'ChildShortcuts' ELSE 'UNKNOWN ROLE' END ) FROM CMPBusinessTreeShortcut_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningTaskFlow, elementId, 'OwningTaskFlow' parentRole, 'TaskImplementations' childRole from CMPTaskImplementation_V UNION Select workspaceId, OwningModel, elementId, 'OwningModel' parentRole, 'OwnedTypes' childRole from CMPClassDefinition_V ); create view interlink_v ( workspaceId, linkFrom, linkTo, linkFromRole, linkToRole ) As ( Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingAttribute,'BoundLVRelns' linkFromRole,'BindingAttribute' linkToRole from CMPHierarchyLevelUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingForeignKey,'BoundLVRelns' linkFromRole,'BindingForeignKey' linkToRole from CMPHierarchyLevelUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Join,'ObjectJoinUsages' linkFromRole,'Join' linkToRole from CMPObjectJoinUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Remote,'Local' linkFromRole,'Remote' linkToRole from CMPRdntItemSetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Local,'Remote' linkFromRole,'Local' linkToRole from CMPRdntItemSetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,MIVDefinition,'MIVInstalledModule' linkFromRole,'MIVDefinition' linkToRole from CMPInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Platform,'Modules' linkFromRole,'Platform' linkToRole from CMPInstalledModule_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingFact,'BoundCube' linkFromRole,'BindingFact' linkToRole from CMPCube_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,PartitionHierarchy,'PartitionCube' linkFromRole,'PartitionHierarchy' linkToRole from CMPCube_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,PartitionLevel,'PartitionCube' linkFromRole,'PartitionLevel' linkToRole from CMPCube_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Overridee,'Overridable' linkFromRole,'Overridee' linkToRole from CMPPropertySetDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,SuperPropertySet,'SubPropertySets' linkFromRole,'SuperPropertySet' linkToRole from CMPPropertySetDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ParentPropertySet,'ChildPropertySets' linkFromRole,'ParentPropertySet' linkToRole from CMPPropertySetDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BaseElementType,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'BaseElementType' linkToRole from CMPArrayType_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedSCO,'QueryExpDependents' linkFromRole,'ReferencedSCO' linkToRole from CMPQueryExpRef_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedFunction,'QueryExpDependents' linkFromRole,'ReferencedFunction' linkToRole from CMPQueryExpRef_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DataType,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'DataType' linkToRole from CMPDomain_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedElement,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'ReferencedElement' linkToRole from CMPReferencePropertyValue_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedObject,'ReferencingJoins' linkFromRole,'ReferencedObject' linkToRole from CMPJoin_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedForeignKey,'Joins' linkFromRole,'RelatedForeignKey' linkToRole from CMPJoin_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedItem,'ProfileAttribute' linkFromRole,'ReferencedItem' linkToRole from CMPProfileAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedRelation,'ReferencingPrfTable' linkFromRole,'ReferencedRelation' linkToRole from CMPProfileTable_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingAttribute,'BoundCubeMeasure' linkFromRole,'BindingAttribute' linkToRole from CMPCubeMeasure_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Domain,'Measures' linkFromRole,'Domain' linkToRole from CMPCubeMeasure_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedMap,'TargetUsage' linkFromRole,'ReferencedMap' linkToRole from CMPTargetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingAttribute,'BoundLVAttributes' linkFromRole,'BindingAttribute' linkToRole from CMPLevelAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,FCO,'BusinessAreaShortcut' linkFromRole,'FCO' linkToRole from CMPIntellBusAreaShortcut_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ScriptLocation,'GeneratedScript' linkFromRole,'ScriptLocation' linkToRole from CMPGenerationResult_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,LogicalObject,'PhysicalConfigs' linkFromRole,'LogicalObject' linkToRole from CMPPhysicalObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,NamedConfiguration,'PhysicalConfigs' linkFromRole,'NamedConfiguration' linkToRole from CMPPhysicalObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,CopyOf,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'CopyOf' linkToRole from CMPBaseProcessActivity_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Overridee,'Overridable' linkFromRole,'Overridee' linkToRole from CMPPropertyDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Type,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'Type' linkToRole from CMPPropertyDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RecordField,'RecordFieldUsage' linkFromRole,'RecordField' linkToRole from CMPRecordFieldUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedDimension,'ReferencingDimensionUsages' linkFromRole,'ReferencedDimension' linkToRole from CMPCompositeDimensionUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,AssociatedElement,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'AssociatedElement' linkToRole from CMPWeakAssociation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,MivDefinition,'Location' linkFromRole,'MivDefinition' linkToRole from CMPLocation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Platform,'Locations' linkFromRole,'Platform' linkToRole from CMPLocation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TriggeringElement,'TriggerTaskFlowSets' linkFromRole,'TriggeringElement' linkToRole from CMPTaskFlowSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencingTaskFlow,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'ReferencingTaskFlow' linkToRole from CMPMapTaskFlowUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DefaultLogicalLocation,'DefaultOwningUser' linkFromRole,'DefaultLogicalLocation' linkToRole from CMPWBUser_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Mappable,'ExecutionUnitUsages' linkFromRole,'Mappable' linkToRole from CMPMapExecutionUnitUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,AssociationDefinition,'RoleDefinitions' linkFromRole,'AssociationDefinition' linkToRole from CMPRoleDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TaskImplementation,'ReferringTask' linkFromRole,'TaskImplementation' linkToRole from CMPTask_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ProcessActivityParameter,'ExecUnitParam' linkFromRole,'ProcessActivityParameter' linkToRole from CMPKMExecUnitParam_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ProfileTable,'TargetUsage' linkFromRole,'ProfileTable' linkToRole from CMPTargetTableUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TargetTable,'TargetUsage' linkFromRole,'TargetTable' linkToRole from CMPTargetTableUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,StageTable,'StageUsage' linkFromRole,'StageTable' linkToRole from CMPTargetTableUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Tmp1Table,'Tmp1Usage' linkFromRole,'Tmp1Table' linkToRole from CMPTargetTableUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Tmp2Table,'Tmp2Usage' linkFromRole,'Tmp2Table' linkToRole from CMPTargetTableUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RuleDefinition,'RuleUsage' linkFromRole,'RuleDefinition' linkToRole from CMPBusinessRuleUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ForeignKey,'QueryObjectUsages' linkFromRole,'ForeignKey' linkToRole from CMPQueryForeignKeyUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReturnType,'ReferringCursor' linkFromRole,'ReturnType' linkToRole from CMPRefCursorType_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ParamOrArg,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'ParamOrArg' linkToRole from CMPProcessActivityParameter_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Domain,'DimAttrs' linkFromRole,'Domain' linkToRole from CMPDimensionAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TargetIND,'SourceIND' linkFromRole,'TargetIND' linkToRole from CMPInclusionDependency_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedHierarchy,'DrillPaths' linkFromRole,'RelatedHierarchy' linkToRole from CMPDrillPath_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedDimensionRole,'DrillPaths' linkFromRole,'RelatedDimensionRole' linkToRole from CMPDrillPath_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedDimension,'DrillPaths' linkFromRole,'RelatedDimension' linkToRole from CMPDrillPath_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,QueryItem,'DrillItems' linkFromRole,'QueryItem' linkToRole from CMPDrillItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingRelation,'BoundLevels' linkFromRole,'BindingRelation' linkToRole from CMPLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingDimensionKey,'BindingLevels' linkFromRole,'BindingDimensionKey' linkToRole from CMPLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingDimensionKeyAttr,'BindingLevels' linkFromRole,'BindingDimensionKeyAttr' linkToRole from CMPLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,AssociatedLevelAttr,'AggOperator' linkFromRole,'AssociatedLevelAttr' linkToRole from CMPCubeDefAggrMethod_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,SourceRole,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'SourceRole' linkToRole from CMPDependencyDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,IconObject,'Element' linkFromRole,'IconObject' linkToRole from CMPElement_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,LovItemClass,'QueryItems' linkFromRole,'LovItemClass' linkToRole from CMPQueryItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingAttribute,'BoundSkipLVRelns' linkFromRole,'BindingAttribute' linkToRole from CMPSkipLevelRelationship_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingForeignKey,'BoundSkipLVRelns' linkFromRole,'BindingForeignKey' linkToRole from CMPSkipLevelRelationship_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Platform,'FunctionBody' linkFromRole,'Platform' linkToRole from CMPFunctionImplementation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,OrderBy,'OrderedFields' linkFromRole,'OrderBy' linkToRole from CMPRecordField_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,PartitionedBy,'PartitionedFields' linkFromRole,'PartitionedBy' linkToRole from CMPRecordField_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ParentPlatform,'ChildPlatforms' linkFromRole,'ParentPlatform' linkToRole from CMPPlatform_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,MIVDefinition,'Platform' linkFromRole,'MIVDefinition' linkToRole from CMPPlatform_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Location,'LocationUsages' linkFromRole,'Location' linkToRole from CMPLocationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Join,'DrillPathJoinUsages' linkFromRole,'Join' linkToRole from CMPDrillPathJoinUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedRelDefinition,'RelationUsage' linkFromRole,'ReferencedRelDefinition' linkToRole from CMPRelationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedRelation,'RelationUsage' linkFromRole,'ReferencedRelation' linkToRole from CMPRelationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,FCO,'FolderReference' linkFromRole,'FCO' linkToRole from CMPFCOFolderReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DefaultOwningUser,'DefaultLogicalLocation' linkFromRole,'DefaultOwningUser' linkToRole from CMPLogicalLocation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TimeDimPopulationMap,'TimeDimensions' linkFromRole,'TimeDimPopulationMap' linkToRole from CMPDimension_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DimensionKeySequence,'KeyedDimensions' linkFromRole,'DimensionKeySequence' linkToRole from CMPDimension_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Wbrole,'RoleAssignment' linkFromRole,'Wbrole' linkToRole from CMPRoleAssignment_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DerivationSourceFCO,'DerivationSets' linkFromRole,'DerivationSourceFCO' linkToRole from CMPDerivationSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedObject,'WebService' linkFromRole,'ReferencedObject' linkToRole from CMPWebService_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,SourceFCO,'Dependents' linkFromRole,'SourceFCO' linkToRole from CMPDependency_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,FromDatatype,'TypeMappingAsSource' linkFromRole,'FromDatatype' linkToRole from CMPTypeMapping_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ToDatatype,'TypeMappingAsTarget' linkFromRole,'ToDatatype' linkToRole from CMPTypeMapping_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RemoteItem,'RemoteJoinComponentRefs' linkFromRole,'RemoteItem' linkToRole from CMPJoinComponent_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencingObject,'AttributeGroup' linkFromRole,'ReferencingObject' linkToRole from CMPMapAttributeGroup_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,PlatformTgt,'SourceKM' linkFromRole,'PlatformTgt' linkToRole from CMPTaskFlow_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,PlatformSrc,'TargetKM' linkFromRole,'PlatformSrc' linkToRole from CMPTaskFlow_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ItemDefiningLOV,'ItemClassesUsingValues' linkFromRole,'ItemDefiningLOV' linkToRole from CMPLOVItemClass_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ItemDefiningOrder,'ItemClassesOrdered' linkFromRole,'ItemDefiningOrder' linkToRole from CMPLOVItemClass_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TaskFlow,'TaskFlowUsages' linkFromRole,'TaskFlow' linkToRole from CMPTaskFlowUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ConfigTemplateSet,'NamedConfigurations' linkFromRole,'ConfigTemplateSet' linkToRole from CMPNamedConfiguration_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DesignFunction,'EulFunction' linkFromRole,'DesignFunction' linkToRole from CMPFunction_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,KmtaskFlow,'KmExecUnit' linkFromRole,'KmtaskFlow' linkToRole from CMPKMExecUnit_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencingObject,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'ReferencingObject' linkToRole from CMPMapAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedClassDefinition,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'ReferencedClassDefinition' linkToRole from CMPClassUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedLocation,'ReferencingConnector' linkFromRole,'ReferencedLocation' linkToRole from CMPLogicalConnector_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedAttribute,'IntelligenceItems' linkFromRole,'RelatedAttribute' linkToRole from CMPIntelligenceItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DatabaseObject,'QueryObjectUsages' linkFromRole,'DatabaseObject' linkToRole from CMPQueryDBObjectUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,AttributeType,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'AttributeType' linkToRole from CMPModelAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedItemDefinition,'ItemUsage' linkFromRole,'ReferencedItemDefinition' linkToRole from CMPWBItemSetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,QueueTable,'AdvancedQueue' linkFromRole,'QueueTable' linkToRole from CMPAdvancedQueue_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DrillLevel,'AggregationUsages' linkFromRole,'DrillLevel' linkToRole from CMPQueryAggregationLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ExternalTableField,'ExternalTableItem' linkFromRole,'ExternalTableField' linkToRole from CMPExternalTableItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RuntimeLocation,'ConfigurationUsages' linkFromRole,'RuntimeLocation' linkToRole from CMPNamedConfigurationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RemoteAgent,'ConfigurationUsages' linkFromRole,'RemoteAgent' linkToRole from CMPNamedConfigurationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,UniqueKey,'ForeignKeys' linkFromRole,'UniqueKey' linkToRole from CMPForeignKey_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencingParameter,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'ReferencingParameter' linkToRole from CMPMapExecutionUnitParameter_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Tt,'Tables' linkFromRole,'Tt' linkToRole from CMPWBTable_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RefersTo,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'RefersTo' linkToRole from CMPPLSRowtype_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedLevel,'DrillLevels' linkFromRole,'RelatedLevel' linkToRole from CMPDrillLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,QueryObject,'DrillLevels' linkFromRole,'QueryObject' linkToRole from CMPDrillLevel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Platform,'MIVDefinition' linkFromRole,'Platform' linkToRole from CMPWBMIVDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,FromPlatformTypeSet,'PlatformMappingSetAsSource' linkFromRole,'FromPlatformTypeSet' linkToRole from CMPPlatformMappingSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ToPlatformTypeSet,'PlatformMappingSetAsTarget' linkFromRole,'ToPlatformTypeSet' linkToRole from CMPPlatformMappingSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,CorrectedModule,'DerivationSchema' linkFromRole,'CorrectedModule' linkToRole from CMPDerivationSchema_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedLevel,'ReferencingAggSpecUsages' linkFromRole,'ReferencedLevel' linkToRole from CMPAggSpecUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedHierarchy,'ReferencingAggSpecUsages' linkFromRole,'ReferencedHierarchy' linkToRole from CMPAggSpecUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ProfileObject,'DerivedRule' linkFromRole,'ProfileObject' linkToRole from CMPBusinessRuleDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedDimension,'ReferencingCubeDimRef' linkFromRole,'ReferencedDimension' linkToRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedDimensionRole,'ReferencingCubeDimRef' linkFromRole,'ReferencedDimensionRole' linkToRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedLevel,'ReferencingCubeDimRef' linkFromRole,'ReferencedLevel' linkToRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingAttribute,'BoundCubeDimReference' linkFromRole,'BindingAttribute' linkToRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BindingForeignKey,'BoundCubeDimReference' linkFromRole,'BindingForeignKey' linkToRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DefaultCalculatedHierarchy,'CalculatedCubeDimRef' linkFromRole,'DefaultCalculatedHierarchy' linkToRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedLevelAttribute,'ReferencingCubeDimRef' linkFromRole,'ReferencedLevelAttribute' linkToRole from CMPCubeDimReference_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,PayloadType,'ReferredBy1' linkFromRole,'PayloadType' linkToRole from CMPQueueTable_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencingObject,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'ReferencingObject' linkToRole from CMPMapDisplaySet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedDesignFCO,'QueryObjects' linkFromRole,'RelatedDesignFCO' linkToRole from CMPQueryObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedLevel,'QueryObjects' linkFromRole,'RelatedLevel' linkToRole from CMPQueryObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RelatedDimensionRole,'QueryObjects' linkFromRole,'RelatedDimensionRole' linkToRole from CMPQueryObject_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RefersTo,'Representation' linkFromRole,'RefersTo' linkToRole from CMPExternalTable_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DefaultLocation,'ExternalTables' linkFromRole,'DefaultLocation' linkToRole from CMPExternalTable_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TargetQueue,'Dummy' linkFromRole,'TargetQueue' linkToRole from CMPQueuePropagation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,SourcePlatform,'DefaultTargetKMUsage' linkFromRole,'SourcePlatform' linkToRole from CMPDefaultKMUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ActualKM,'DefaultKMUsage' linkFromRole,'ActualKM' linkToRole from CMPDefaultKMUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Project,'DefaultKMUsage' linkFromRole,'Project' linkToRole from CMPDefaultKMUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencingObject,'BindingOperator' linkFromRole,'ReferencingObject' linkToRole from CMPMapOperator_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,FCO,'ReferencingShortcuts' linkFromRole,'FCO' linkToRole from CMPBusinessTreeShortcut_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferringTask,'TaskImplementation' linkFromRole,'ReferringTask' linkToRole from CMPTaskImplementation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Superclass,'Subclasses' linkFromRole,'Superclass' linkToRole from CMPClassDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Overridee,'Overridable' linkFromRole,'Overridee' linkToRole from CMPClassDefinition_V ); create view intralink_v ( workspaceId, linkFrom, linkTo, linkFromRole, linkToRole ) As ( Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedLevel,'HierLevelUsages' linkFromRole,'ReferencedLevel' linkToRole from CMPHierarchyLevelUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Dependency,'ObjectJoinUsages' linkFromRole,'Dependency' linkToRole from CMPObjectJoinUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RedundantAttribute,'RedundantItemSetUsage' linkFromRole,'RedundantAttribute' linkToRole from CMPRdntItemSetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Dependency,'QueryExpRefs' linkFromRole,'Dependency' linkToRole from CMPQueryExpRef_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Model,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'Model' linkToRole from CMPModelUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedRelation,'TargetUsage' linkFromRole,'ReferencedRelation' linkToRole from CMPTargetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedDimensionAttr,'ReferencingLevelAttributes' linkFromRole,'ReferencedDimensionAttr' linkToRole from CMPLevelAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,T3PrevAttribute,'T3CurrAttribute' linkFromRole,'T3PrevAttribute' linkToRole from CMPLevelAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,T3CurrAttribute,'T3PrevAttribute' linkFromRole,'T3CurrAttribute' linkToRole from CMPLevelAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,FunctionArgument,'ParallelImplementation' linkFromRole,'FunctionArgument' linkToRole from CMPFunctionParallel_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,PropertyGroupDefinition,'PropertyDefinitions' linkFromRole,'PropertyGroupDefinition' linkToRole from CMPPropertyDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BoundData,'Parameter' linkFromRole,'BoundData' linkToRole from CMPProcessActivityParameter_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Dependency,'DrillItems' linkFromRole,'Dependency' linkToRole from CMPDrillItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ReferencedCubeDimRef,'ReferencingDefAggrMethod' linkFromRole,'ReferencedCubeDimRef' linkToRole from CMPCubeDefAggrMethod_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,AssociatedHierarchy,'DefaultAggMethod' linkFromRole,'AssociatedHierarchy' linkToRole from CMPCubeDefAggrMethod_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Attribute,'DisplaySetUsages' linkFromRole,'Attribute' linkToRole from CMPMapDisplaySetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TargetRole,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'TargetRole' linkToRole from CMPDependencyDefinition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Dependency,'QueryItems' linkFromRole,'Dependency' linkToRole from CMPQueryItem_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ChildLevel,'LevelSkipsAsChild' linkFromRole,'ChildLevel' linkToRole from CMPSkipLevelRelationship_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ParentLevel,'LevelSkipsAsParent' linkFromRole,'ParentLevel' linkToRole from CMPSkipLevelRelationship_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Language,'NOT MARKED IN MODEL' linkFromRole,'Language' linkToRole from CMPFunctionImplementation_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Dependency,'DrillPathJoinUsages' linkFromRole,'Dependency' linkToRole from CMPDrillPathJoinUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,BusinessRuleUsage,'RelationUsage' linkFromRole,'BusinessRuleUsage' linkToRole from CMPRelationUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DefaultDisplayHierarchy,'DisplayDimension' linkFromRole,'DefaultDisplayHierarchy' linkToRole from CMPDimension_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RootLink,'RootSet' linkFromRole,'RootLink' linkToRole from CMPDerivationSet_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ParentAttributeGroup,'ChildAttributeGroup' linkFromRole,'ParentAttributeGroup' linkToRole from CMPMapAttributeGroup_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,CardinalitySource,'CardinalityTarget' linkFromRole,'CardinalitySource' linkToRole from CMPMapAttributeGroup_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ParentLevel,'ParentOfSegment' linkFromRole,'ParentLevel' linkToRole from CMPDrillPathSegment_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ChildLevel,'ChildOfSegment' linkFromRole,'ChildLevel' linkToRole from CMPDrillPathSegment_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ParallelImplementation,'Function' linkFromRole,'ParallelImplementation' linkToRole from CMPFunction_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,RhsAttribute,'OwningFD' linkFromRole,'RhsAttribute' linkToRole from CMPFunctionalDependency_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ConnectFrom,'ConnectTo' linkFromRole,'ConnectFrom' linkToRole from CMPMapAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,ParentAttribute,'ChildAttribute' linkFromRole,'ParentAttribute' linkToRole from CMPMapAttribute_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,DisplayDimension,'DefaultDisplayHierarchy' linkFromRole,'DisplayDimension' linkToRole from CMPHierarchy_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,SortOrderLevelAttribute,'SortOrderHierarchy' linkFromRole,'SortOrderLevelAttribute' linkToRole from CMPHierarchy_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,Attribute,'ItemSetUsage' linkFromRole,'Attribute' linkToRole from CMPWBItemSetUsage_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,TargetActivity,'IncomingTransition' linkFromRole,'TargetActivity' linkToRole from CMPProcessTransition_V UNION ALL Select workspaceId, elementId,SourceActivity,'OutgoingTransition' linkFromRole,'SourceActivity' linkToRole from CMPProcessTransition_V );