CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SnapshotImport AS PROCEDURE runChange(snap IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN -- The fcofoldernamespacestorage view is workspace sensitive update fcofoldernamespacestorage set active = 1 where active = 0 and isSeed = 1; update fcofoldernamespacestorage set active = 0 where snapshotid = snap; update cmpfcostorage set active = 1 where active = 0 and isSeed = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); -- Bug 5666460: The current workspace must also be active during snapshot import. update cmpfcostorage set active = 0 where (snapshotid = snap or s2_1 = 'CMPWorkspace') and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); -- Static meta-metadata is in the global workspace -- UserDefinedObject meta-metadata goes into the current workspace --update cmpmmmstorage set active = 1 -- where active = 0 and isSeed = 1 -- and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); --update cmpmmmstorage set active = 0 -- where snapshotid = snap -- and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscostorage set active = 1 where active = 0 and isSeed = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscostorage set active = 0 where snapshotid = snap and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscocfgstorage set active = 1 where active = 0 and isSeed = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscocfgstorage set active = 0 where snapshotid = snap and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscomapstorage set active = 1 where active = 0 and isSeed = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscomapstorage set active = 0 where snapshotid = snap and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscoprpstorage set active = 1 where active = 0 and isSeed = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscoprpstorage set active = 0 where snapshotid = snap and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); -- Static metadata is in the global workspace -- Probably no end-user ever goes into current workspace, but just in case... update cmpsysstorage set active = 1 where active = 0 and isSeed = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpsysstorage set active = 0 where snapshotid = snap and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); END runChange; PROCEDURE beforeSnapshotImport(snapName IN VARCHAR2) IS snap NUMBER; BEGIN null; END beforeSnapshotImport; PROCEDURE afterSnapshotExport IS BEGIN update cmpfcostorage set active = 0 where active = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); --update cmpmmmstorage set active = 0 -- where active = 1 -- and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscostorage set active = 0 where active = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscocfgstorage set active = 0 where active = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscomapstorage set active = 0 where active = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpscoprpstorage set active = 0 where active = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); update cmpsysstorage set active = 0 where active = 1 and workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual); -- The fcofoldernamespacestorage view is workspace sensitive update fcofoldernamespacestorage set active = 0 where active = 1; commit; END afterSnapshotExport; PROCEDURE afterSnapshotImport IS BEGIN afterSnapshotExport(); END afterSnapshotImport; FUNCTION getFullyQualifiedName(elemID IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS str VARCHAR2(1000):= ''; i NUMBER:= 0; objName VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN for c in (select name,elementid,level from firstclassobject start with elementid = elemID connect by prior owningfolder = elementid order by level desc) loop if (Snapshot.isFunction(c.elementid,Snapshot.VERSION_SNAPSHOT)) then select signature into objName from cmpfunction where elementid = c.elementid; else objName:=; end if; if (i=0) then str:= str || objName; else str:= str || '/' || objName; end if; i:= i+1; end loop; return str; END getFullyQualifiedName; /** * This procedure inserts the snapshot information into the snapshot * store table. This assumes that checking if the snapshot already * exists is done from the client. * @param elemID element id of the root object taking a snapshot of * @param labelStr the snapshot name * @param description the description of this snapshot */ FUNCTION insertSnapshotStore(elemID IN NUMBER,snap IN NUMBER, description IN VARCHAR2,isHeavy IN NUMBER,isCascade IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS isCascadeFlag snapshotstoretable.iscascade%TYPE; type recordType IS RECORD ( name, logicalname cmpelement_v.logicalname%TYPE, uoid cmpelement_v.uoid%TYPE, classname cmpelement_v.classname%TYPE ); /** * get all fco-only element ids of objects * that belong to the component being taken */ vRecord recordType; isRoot NUMBER(1); fullName VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN for c in (select fco.elementid from firstclassobject fco, temptable t where fco.elementid = t.elementid) loop select name,logicalname,uoid,classname into vRecord from cmpelement where elementid = c.elementid; if (c.elementid = elemID) then if (isCascade = 0) then isCascadeFlag:= 0; else isCascadeFlag:= 1; end if; isRoot:= 0; else isRoot:= 1; end if; fullName:= getFullyQualifiedName(c.elementid); BEGIN insert into snapshotstoretable values ( snap,fullName,vRecord.logicalname,vRecord.classname, vRecord.uoid,sysdate,description,Snapshot.HEAVY_SNAPSHOT, isCascadeFlag,isRoot,Snapshot.currentUser,Snapshot.currentUser, sysdate()); EXCEPTION when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then SnapshotError.handleGeneralSnapshotError(vRecord.uoid,snap, SnapshotError.SNAPSHOT_ALRDY_HAS_OBJECT,TRUE); return SnapshotError.SNAPSHOT_ALRDY_HAS_OBJECT; END; end loop; return 0; END insertSnapshotStore; FUNCTION takeLWSnapshot(snapName IN VARCHAR2,snapUOID IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2,owbuser IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS retVal NUMBER; retCode NUMBER; snap NUMBER; elemID NUMBER; BEGIN Snapshot.debug('SnapshotImport.takeLWSnapshot: ',''); select snapshotid into snap from snapshotlookup where snapshotName = snapName; insert into cmpwbproject select * from cmpwbproject_x; insert into cmpelement select * from cmpelement_x; insert into firstclassobject select * from firstclassobject_x; insert into secondclassobject select * from secondclassobject_x; insert into cmpreferencepropertyvalue select * from cmpreferencepropertyvalue_x; insert into cmpfunction select * from cmpfunction_x; insert into cmpphysicalobject select * from cmpphysicalobject_x; insert into pctreedebug select parentid,childid,parentrole,childrole from pctreestorage where snapshotid = snap; insert into interlinkdebug select linkfrom,linkto,linkfromrole,linktorole from interlinkstorage where snapshotid = snap; insert into intralinkdebug select linkfrom,linkto,linkfromrole,linktorole from intralinkstorage where snapshotid = snap; retCode:= Snapshot.doMCMOperation(Snapshot.CREATE_SNAPSHOT,snapName,retVal, owbuser,description,Snapshot.LIGHT_SNAPSHOT,Snapshot.VERSION_SNAPSHOT); if (retCode > 0) then return retCode; end if; return retCode; END takeLWSnapshot; END SnapshotImport; /