CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SnapshotGenerated AS FCOPARENTS NUMBER(1):= 0; FCOCHILDREN NUMBER(1):= 1; PROCEDURE takeSnapshot(idTable IN SnapshotCreateRestore.elemidType, snap IN NUMBER) IS vCounter BINARY_INTEGER; tcount NUMBER; BEGIN Snapshot.debug('SnapshotGenerated.takeSnapshot: ','Insert parentage of objects'); if (idTable.COUNT > 0) then vCounter:= idTable.FIRST; loop BEGIN insert into CMPFCOStorage ( select WorkspaceID, snap, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15, f_1, f_2, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s1_12, s1_13, s1_14, s1_15, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s2_10, s2_11, s2_12, s2_13, s2_14, s2_15, s2_16, s2_17, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, cl_4, cl_5, bl_1, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19 from CMPFCOClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and cmp.i_1 = idTable(vCounter) ); insert into CMPSCOStorage ( select WorkspaceID, snap, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, b_19, b_20, b_21, b_22, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_14, i_15, i_16, i_17, i_18, i_19, i_20, d_1, d_2, d_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s2_10, s2_11, s2_12, s2_13, s2_14, s2_15, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18 from CMPSCOClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and cmp.i_1 = idTable(vCounter) ); insert into CMPSCOCfgStorage ( select WorkspaceID, snap, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, b_19, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_14, i_15, i_16, i_17, i_18, i_19, i_20, i_21, i_22, i_23, d_1, d_2, d_3, d_4, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15, t_16, t_17, t_18, t_19, t_20, t_21, t_22, t_23, f_1, f_2, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s1_12, s1_13, s1_14, s1_15, s1_16, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, s3_10, s3_11, s3_12, s3_13, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19, r_20, r_21, r_22, r_23 from CMPSCOCfgClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and cmp.i_1 = idTable(vCounter) ); insert into CMPSCOMapStorage ( select WorkspaceID, snap, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, s3_10, s3_11, s3_12, cl_1, cl_2, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19 from CMPSCOMapClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and cmp.i_1 = idTable(vCounter) ); insert into CMPSCOPrpStorage ( select WorkspaceID, snap, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16 from CMPSCOPrpClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and cmp.i_1 = idTable(vCounter) ); insert into CMPSYSStorage ( select WorkspaceID, snap, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, d_1, d_2, d_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, cl_1, cl_2, bl_1, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15 from CMPSYSClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = 1 and cmp.i_1 = idTable(vCounter) ); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotGenerated.takeSnapshot: ','Inserting parentage into association tables'); insert into pctreestorage select p.workspaceID, snap, ' ', p.parentID, p.childID, p.parentRole, p.childRole from pctree p where p.childid = idTable(vCounter); insert into interlinkstorage select i.workspaceID, snap, ' ', i.linkfrom, i.linkto, i.linkfromrole, i.linktorole from interlink i where i.linkfrom = idTable(vCounter); insert into intralinkstorage select i.workspaceID, snap, ' ', i.linkFrom, i.linkTo, i.linkFromRole, i.linkToRole from intralink i where i.linkfrom = idTable(vCounter); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotGenerated.takeSnapshot: ','Inserting parentage into namespace storage table'); insert into fcofoldernamespacestorage select cmp.workspaceID, snap, 1, 1, cmp.parentID, cmp.domain,, cmp.isPhys, cmp.elementid, cmp.aggregateParent, cmp.languageISOID from cmpallfolderfconames cmp where cmp.elementid = idTable(vCounter); EXCEPTION when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then null; END; exit when vCounter = idTable.LAST; vCounter:= idTable.NEXT(vCounter); end loop; end if; Snapshot.debug('SnapshotGenerated.takeSnapshot: ','Insert actual repository objects'); delete from temptable t where exists (( select 1 from CMPFCOStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid and snapshotid = snap ) union all ( select 1 from CMPSCOStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid and snapshotid = snap ) union all ( select 1 from CMPSCOCfgStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid and snapshotid = snap ) union all ( select 1 from CMPSCOMapStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid and snapshotid = snap ) union all ( select 1 from CMPSCOPrpStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid and snapshotid = snap ) union all ( select 1 from CMPSYSStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid and snapshotid = snap )); insert into CMPFCOStorage ( select /*+ LEADING(t) USE_NL_WITH_INDEX(cmp IDX_FCOELEMENTID) */ t.WorkspaceID, snap, t.compuoid, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15, f_1, f_2, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s1_12, s1_13, s1_14, s1_15, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s2_10, s2_11, s2_12, s2_13, s2_14, s2_15, s2_16, s2_17, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, cl_4, cl_5, bl_1, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19 from temptable t, CMPFCOClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid ); insert into CMPSCOStorage ( select /*+ LEADING(t) USE_NL_WITH_INDEX(cmp IDX_SCOELEMENTID) */ t.WorkspaceID, snap, t.compuoid, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, b_19, b_20, b_21, b_22, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_14, i_15, i_16, i_17, i_18, i_19, i_20, d_1, d_2, d_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s2_10, s2_11, s2_12, s2_13, s2_14, s2_15, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18 from temptable t, CMPSCOClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid ); insert into CMPSCOCfgStorage ( select /*+ LEADING(t) USE_NL_WITH_INDEX(cmp IDX_SCOCFGELEMENTID)*/ t.WorkspaceID, snap, t.compuoid, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, b_19, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_14, i_15, i_16, i_17, i_18, i_19, i_20, i_21, i_22, i_23, d_1, d_2, d_3, d_4, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15, t_16, t_17, t_18, t_19, t_20, t_21, t_22, t_23, f_1, f_2, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s1_12, s1_13, s1_14, s1_15, s1_16, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, s3_10, s3_11, s3_12, s3_13, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19, r_20, r_21, r_22, r_23 from temptable t, CMPSCOCfgClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid ); insert into CMPSCOMapStorage ( select /*+ LEADING(t) USE_NL_WITH_INDEX(cmp IDX_SCOMAPELEMENTID) */ t.WorkspaceID, snap, t.compuoid, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, s3_10, s3_11, s3_12, cl_1, cl_2, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19 from temptable t, CMPSCOMapClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid ); insert into CMPSCOPrpStorage ( select /*+ LEADING(t) USE_NL_WITH_INDEX(cmp IDX_SCOPRPELEMENTID) */ t.WorkspaceID, snap, t.compuoid, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16 from temptable t, CMPSCOPrpClasses cmp where cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid ); insert into CMPSYSStorage ( select /*+ LEADING(t) USE_NL_WITH_INDEX(cmp IDX_SYSELEMENTID) */ t.WorkspaceID, snap, t.compuoid, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, d_1, d_2, d_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, cl_1, cl_2, bl_1, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15 from temptable t, CMPSYSClasses cmp where t.workspaceID = 1 and cmp.workspaceID = t.workspaceID and cmp.i_1 = t.elementid ); END takeSnapshot; PROCEDURE reconcileAssociations(hashTable IN SnapshotCreateRestore.elemidType, snap IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN for c in (select /*+full (a) */ cmp.rowid, i_1,r_1,r_2,r_3,r_4,r_5,r_6,r_7,r_8,r_9,r_10,r_11,r_12,r_13,r_14,r_15,r_16,r_17,r_18,r_19 from AssocTable a, CMPFCOStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = a.workspaceId and cmp.i_1 = a.oldID and snapshotid = snap) loop if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.i_1)) then update CMPFCOStorage set i_1 = hashTable(c.i_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_1)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_1 = hashTable(c.r_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_2)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_2 = hashTable(c.r_2) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_3)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_3 = hashTable(c.r_3) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_4)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_4 = hashTable(c.r_4) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_5)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_5 = hashTable(c.r_5) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_6)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_6 = hashTable(c.r_6) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_7)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_7 = hashTable(c.r_7) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_8)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_8 = hashTable(c.r_8) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_9)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_9 = hashTable(c.r_9) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_10)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_10 = hashTable(c.r_10) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_11)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_11 = hashTable(c.r_11) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_12)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_12 = hashTable(c.r_12) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_13)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_13 = hashTable(c.r_13) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_14)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_14 = hashTable(c.r_14) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_15)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_15 = hashTable(c.r_15) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_16)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_16 = hashTable(c.r_16) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_17)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_17 = hashTable(c.r_17) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_18)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_18 = hashTable(c.r_18) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_19)) then update CMPFCOStorage set r_19 = hashTable(c.r_19) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; end loop; for c in (select /*+full (a) */ cmp.rowid, i_1,r_1,r_2,r_3,r_4,r_5,r_6 from AssocTable a, CMPMMMStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = a.workspaceId and cmp.i_1 = a.oldID and snapshotid = snap) loop if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.i_1)) then update CMPMMMStorage set i_1 = hashTable(c.i_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_1)) then update CMPMMMStorage set r_1 = hashTable(c.r_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_2)) then update CMPMMMStorage set r_2 = hashTable(c.r_2) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_3)) then update CMPMMMStorage set r_3 = hashTable(c.r_3) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_4)) then update CMPMMMStorage set r_4 = hashTable(c.r_4) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_5)) then update CMPMMMStorage set r_5 = hashTable(c.r_5) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_6)) then update CMPMMMStorage set r_6 = hashTable(c.r_6) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; end loop; for c in (select /*+full (a) */ cmp.rowid, i_1,r_1,r_2,r_3,r_4,r_5,r_6,r_7,r_8,r_9,r_10,r_11,r_12,r_13,r_14,r_15,r_16,r_17,r_18 from AssocTable a, CMPSCOStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = a.workspaceId and cmp.i_1 = a.oldID and snapshotid = snap) loop if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.i_1)) then update CMPSCOStorage set i_1 = hashTable(c.i_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_1)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_1 = hashTable(c.r_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_2)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_2 = hashTable(c.r_2) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_3)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_3 = hashTable(c.r_3) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_4)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_4 = hashTable(c.r_4) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_5)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_5 = hashTable(c.r_5) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_6)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_6 = hashTable(c.r_6) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_7)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_7 = hashTable(c.r_7) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_8)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_8 = hashTable(c.r_8) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_9)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_9 = hashTable(c.r_9) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_10)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_10 = hashTable(c.r_10) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_11)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_11 = hashTable(c.r_11) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_12)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_12 = hashTable(c.r_12) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_13)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_13 = hashTable(c.r_13) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_14)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_14 = hashTable(c.r_14) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_15)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_15 = hashTable(c.r_15) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_16)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_16 = hashTable(c.r_16) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_17)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_17 = hashTable(c.r_17) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_18)) then update CMPSCOStorage set r_18 = hashTable(c.r_18) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; end loop; for c in (select /*+full (a) */ cmp.rowid, i_1,r_1,r_2,r_3,r_4,r_5,r_6,r_7,r_8,r_9,r_10,r_11,r_12,r_13,r_14,r_15,r_16,r_17,r_18,r_19,r_20,r_21,r_22,r_23 from AssocTable a, CMPSCOCfgStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = a.workspaceId and cmp.i_1 = a.oldID and snapshotid = snap) loop if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.i_1)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set i_1 = hashTable(c.i_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_1)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_1 = hashTable(c.r_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_2)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_2 = hashTable(c.r_2) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_3)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_3 = hashTable(c.r_3) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_4)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_4 = hashTable(c.r_4) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_5)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_5 = hashTable(c.r_5) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_6)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_6 = hashTable(c.r_6) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_7)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_7 = hashTable(c.r_7) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_8)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_8 = hashTable(c.r_8) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_9)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_9 = hashTable(c.r_9) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_10)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_10 = hashTable(c.r_10) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_11)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_11 = hashTable(c.r_11) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_12)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_12 = hashTable(c.r_12) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_13)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_13 = hashTable(c.r_13) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_14)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_14 = hashTable(c.r_14) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_15)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_15 = hashTable(c.r_15) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_16)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_16 = hashTable(c.r_16) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_17)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_17 = hashTable(c.r_17) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_18)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_18 = hashTable(c.r_18) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_19)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_19 = hashTable(c.r_19) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_20)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_20 = hashTable(c.r_20) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_21)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_21 = hashTable(c.r_21) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_22)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_22 = hashTable(c.r_22) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_23)) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_23 = hashTable(c.r_23) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; end loop; for c in (select /*+full (a) */ cmp.rowid, i_1,r_1,r_2,r_3,r_4,r_5,r_6,r_7,r_8,r_9,r_10,r_11,r_12,r_13,r_14,r_15,r_16,r_17,r_18,r_19 from AssocTable a, CMPSCOMapStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = a.workspaceId and cmp.i_1 = a.oldID and snapshotid = snap) loop if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.i_1)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set i_1 = hashTable(c.i_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_1)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_1 = hashTable(c.r_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_2)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_2 = hashTable(c.r_2) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_3)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_3 = hashTable(c.r_3) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_4)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_4 = hashTable(c.r_4) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_5)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_5 = hashTable(c.r_5) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_6)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_6 = hashTable(c.r_6) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_7)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_7 = hashTable(c.r_7) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_8)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_8 = hashTable(c.r_8) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_9)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_9 = hashTable(c.r_9) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_10)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_10 = hashTable(c.r_10) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_11)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_11 = hashTable(c.r_11) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_12)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_12 = hashTable(c.r_12) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_13)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_13 = hashTable(c.r_13) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_14)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_14 = hashTable(c.r_14) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_15)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_15 = hashTable(c.r_15) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_16)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_16 = hashTable(c.r_16) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_17)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_17 = hashTable(c.r_17) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_18)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_18 = hashTable(c.r_18) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_19)) then update CMPSCOMapStorage set r_19 = hashTable(c.r_19) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; end loop; for c in (select /*+full (a) */ cmp.rowid, i_1,r_1,r_2,r_3,r_4,r_5,r_6,r_7,r_8,r_9,r_10,r_11,r_12,r_13,r_14,r_15,r_16 from AssocTable a, CMPSCOPrpStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = a.workspaceId and cmp.i_1 = a.oldID and snapshotid = snap) loop if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.i_1)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set i_1 = hashTable(c.i_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_1)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_1 = hashTable(c.r_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_2)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_2 = hashTable(c.r_2) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_3)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_3 = hashTable(c.r_3) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_4)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_4 = hashTable(c.r_4) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_5)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_5 = hashTable(c.r_5) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_6)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_6 = hashTable(c.r_6) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_7)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_7 = hashTable(c.r_7) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_8)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_8 = hashTable(c.r_8) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_9)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_9 = hashTable(c.r_9) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_10)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_10 = hashTable(c.r_10) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_11)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_11 = hashTable(c.r_11) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_12)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_12 = hashTable(c.r_12) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_13)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_13 = hashTable(c.r_13) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_14)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_14 = hashTable(c.r_14) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_15)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_15 = hashTable(c.r_15) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_16)) then update CMPSCOPrpStorage set r_16 = hashTable(c.r_16) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; end loop; for c in (select /*+full (a) */ cmp.rowid, i_1,r_1,r_2,r_3,r_4,r_5,r_6,r_7,r_8,r_9,r_10,r_11,r_12,r_13,r_14,r_15 from AssocTable a, CMPSYSStorage cmp where cmp.workspaceID = a.workspaceId and cmp.i_1 = a.oldID and snapshotid = snap) loop if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.i_1)) then update CMPSYSStorage set i_1 = hashTable(c.i_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_1)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_1 = hashTable(c.r_1) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_2)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_2 = hashTable(c.r_2) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_3)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_3 = hashTable(c.r_3) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_4)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_4 = hashTable(c.r_4) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_5)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_5 = hashTable(c.r_5) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_6)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_6 = hashTable(c.r_6) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_7)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_7 = hashTable(c.r_7) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_8)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_8 = hashTable(c.r_8) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_9)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_9 = hashTable(c.r_9) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_10)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_10 = hashTable(c.r_10) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_11)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_11 = hashTable(c.r_11) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_12)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_12 = hashTable(c.r_12) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_13)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_13 = hashTable(c.r_13) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_14)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_14 = hashTable(c.r_14) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; if (hashTable.EXISTS(c.r_15)) then update CMPSYSStorage set r_15 = hashTable(c.r_15) where rowid = c.rowid; end if; end loop; END reconcileAssociations; PROCEDURE insertIntoCurrentRepos(snap IN NUMBER,compId IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN Snapshot.debug('SnapshotGenerated.insertIntoCurrentRepos: ',''); if (Snapshot.isDebug()) then for c in (select * from tempfco where type = FCOCHILDREN) loop Snapshot.debug('SnapshotGenerated.insertIntoCurrentRepos: uoid = ',c.uoid); end loop; end if; insert into CMPFCOClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15, f_1, f_2, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s1_12, s1_13, s1_14, s1_15, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s2_10, s2_11, s2_12, s2_13, s2_14, s2_15, s2_16, s2_17, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, cl_4, cl_5, bl_1, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19 from CMPFCOStorage a where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and ( a.compuoid in (select uoid from tempfco where type = FCOCHILDREN) or a.i_1 = compid ) and a.snapshotID = snap ); insert into CMPSCOClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, b_19, b_20, b_21, b_22, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_14, i_15, i_16, i_17, i_18, i_19, i_20, d_1, d_2, d_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s2_10, s2_11, s2_12, s2_13, s2_14, s2_15, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18 from CMPSCOStorage a where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and ( a.compuoid in (select uoid from tempfco where type = FCOCHILDREN) or a.i_1 = compid ) and a.snapshotID = snap ); insert into CMPSCOCfgClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, b_19, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_14, i_15, i_16, i_17, i_18, i_19, i_20, i_21, i_22, i_23, d_1, d_2, d_3, d_4, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15, t_16, t_17, t_18, t_19, t_20, t_21, t_22, t_23, f_1, f_2, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s1_12, s1_13, s1_14, s1_15, s1_16, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, s3_10, s3_11, s3_12, s3_13, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19, r_20, r_21, r_22, r_23 from CMPSCOCfgStorage a where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and ( a.compuoid in (select uoid from tempfco where type = FCOCHILDREN) or a.i_1 = compid ) and a.snapshotID = snap ); insert into CMPSCOMapClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, s3_10, s3_11, s3_12, cl_1, cl_2, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19 from CMPSCOMapStorage a where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and ( a.compuoid in (select uoid from tempfco where type = FCOCHILDREN) or a.i_1 = compid ) and a.snapshotID = snap ); insert into CMPSCOPrpClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16 from CMPSCOPrpStorage a where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and ( a.compuoid in (select uoid from tempfco where type = FCOCHILDREN) or a.i_1 = compid ) and a.snapshotID = snap ); insert into CMPSYSClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, d_1, d_2, d_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, cl_1, cl_2, bl_1, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15 from CMPSYSStorage a where a.workspaceID = 1 and ( a.compuoid in (select uoid from tempfco where type = FCOCHILDREN) or a.i_1 = compid ) and a.snapshotID = snap ); END insertIntoCurrentRepos; PROCEDURE restoreParentage(snap IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN Snapshot.debug('SnapshotGenerated.restoreParentage:',''); /* for c in (select elementid from tempfco where type = FCOPARENTS) loop Snapshot.debug('SnapshotGenerated.restoreParentage: elementid = ',c.elementid); end loop; */ insert into CMPFCOClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15, f_1, f_2, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s1_12, s1_13, s1_14, s1_15, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s2_10, s2_11, s2_12, s2_13, s2_14, s2_15, s2_16, s2_17, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, cl_4, cl_5, bl_1, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19 from CMPFCOStorage a,tempfco t where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and a.i_1 = t.elementid and a.snapshotID = snap and t.type = FCOPARENTS ); insert into CMPSCOClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, b_19, b_20, b_21, b_22, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_14, i_15, i_16, i_17, i_18, i_19, i_20, d_1, d_2, d_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s2_10, s2_11, s2_12, s2_13, s2_14, s2_15, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18 from CMPSCOStorage a,tempfco t where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and a.i_1 = t.elementid and a.snapshotID = snap and t.type = FCOPARENTS ); insert into CMPSCOCfgClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14, b_15, b_16, b_17, b_18, b_19, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_14, i_15, i_16, i_17, i_18, i_19, i_20, i_21, i_22, i_23, d_1, d_2, d_3, d_4, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15, t_16, t_17, t_18, t_19, t_20, t_21, t_22, t_23, f_1, f_2, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s1_12, s1_13, s1_14, s1_15, s1_16, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s2_4, s2_5, s2_6, s2_7, s2_8, s2_9, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, s3_10, s3_11, s3_12, s3_13, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19, r_20, r_21, r_22, r_23 from CMPSCOCfgStorage a,tempfco t where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and a.i_1 = t.elementid and a.snapshotID = snap and t.type = FCOPARENTS ); insert into CMPSCOMapClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, s3_8, s3_9, s3_10, s3_11, s3_12, cl_1, cl_2, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16, r_17, r_18, r_19 from CMPSCOMapStorage a,tempfco t where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and a.i_1 = t.elementid and a.snapshotID = snap and t.type = FCOPARENTS ); insert into CMPSCOPrpClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, d_1, d_2, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, t_10, t_11, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, s3_7, cl_1, cl_2, cl_3, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15, r_16 from CMPSCOPrpStorage a,tempfco t where a.workspaceID = (select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual) and a.i_1 = t.elementid and a.snapshotID = snap and t.type = FCOPARENTS ); insert into CMPSYSClasses ( select WorkspaceID, 0, null, 1, 0, DeletionParent, LoadingParent, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6, b_7, b_8, b_9, b_10, b_11, b_12, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7, d_1, d_2, d_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_9, s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, s1_4, s1_5, s1_6, s1_7, s1_8, s1_9, s1_10, s1_11, s2_1, s2_2, s2_3, s4_1, s4_2, s3_1, s3_2, s3_3, s3_4, s3_5, s3_6, cl_1, cl_2, bl_1, r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5, r_6, r_7, r_8, r_9, r_10, r_11, r_12, r_13, r_14, r_15 from CMPSYSStorage a,tempfco t where a.workspaceID = 1 and a.i_1 = t.elementid and a.snapshotID = snap and t.type = FCOPARENTS ); END restoreParentage; FUNCTION getClassBasedSet(class IN VARCHAR) RETURN NUMBER IS result NUMBER; BEGIN if ('CMPRelationalDBItem' = class) then result := 1; elsif ('CMPBusinessRuleItemParam' = class) then result := 1; elsif ('CMPProfileAttribute' = class) then result := 1; elsif ('CMPWBField' = class) then result := 1; elsif ('CMPFunctionArgument' = class) then result := 1; elsif ('CMPRecordField' = class) then result := 1; elsif ('CMPExternalTableItem' = class) then result := 1; elsif ('CMPItem' = class) then result := 1; elsif ('CMPDimensionAttribute' = class) then result := 2; elsif ('CMPCubeMeasure' = class) then result := 2; elsif ('CMPProcessActivityParameter' = class) then result := 3; elsif ('CMPVariable' = class) then result := 3; elsif ('CMPBaseVariable' = class) then result := 3; else result := null; end if; return result; END getClassBasedSet; FUNCTION getSetBasedValue(set IN NUMBER, v1 IN NUMBER, v2 IN NUMBER, v3 IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS result NUMBER; BEGIN if (set = 1) then result := v1; elsif (set = 2) then result := v2; elsif (set = 3) then result := v3; else result := null; end if; return result; END getSetBasedValue; PROCEDURE resetDataTypes(elemID IN NUMBER, platformId IN NUMBER) IS targetDataType NUMBER; targetDataSet NUMBER; propertyValues SnapshotDataTypeService.mappedPairType; BEGIN for fco in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_v start with elementid = elemID connect by prior elementid = owningfolder ) loop for dt in ( select rowid, r_10, s2_1, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_15, i_16 from CMPSCOCfgClasses where r_7 = fco.elementid and r_10 is not null ) loop targetDataSet := getClassBasedSet(dt.s2_1); propertyValues('size') := getSetBasedValue(targetDataSet, dt.i_13, dt.i_10, dt.i_7); propertyValues('precision') := getSetBasedValue(targetDataSet, dt.i_15, dt.i_11, dt.i_8); propertyValues('scale') := getSetBasedValue(targetDataSet, dt.i_16, dt.i_12, dt.i_9); targetDataType := SnapshotDataTypeService.getMappedDataType(dt.r_10, platformId, propertyValues); if (targetDataType is not null) then update CMPSCOCfgClasses set r_10 = targetDataType ,s3_5 = SnapshotDataTypeService.getMappedDataTypeFQN(targetDataType) ,s1_7 = SnapshotDataTypeService.getMappedDataTypeUOID(targetDataType) ,i_7 = decode(targetDataSet,3,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_7),i_7) ,i_8 = decode(targetDataSet,3,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_8),i_8) ,i_9 = decode(targetDataSet,3,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_9),i_9) ,i_10 = decode(targetDataSet,2,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_10),i_10) ,i_11 = decode(targetDataSet,2,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_11),i_11) ,i_12 = decode(targetDataSet,2,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_12),i_12) ,i_13 = decode(targetDataSet,1,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_13),i_13) ,i_15 = decode(targetDataSet,1,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_15),i_15) ,i_16 = decode(targetDataSet,1,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_16),i_16) where rowid = dt.rowid; end if; end loop; end loop; END resetDataTypes; PROCEDURE resetDataTypes(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2, snap IN NUMBER, platformId IN NUMBER) IS targetDataType NUMBER; targetDataSet NUMBER; propertyValues SnapshotDataTypeService.mappedPairType; BEGIN for fco in ( select elementid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = snap start with uoid = uoidStr connect by prior elementid = owningfolder ) loop for dt in ( select rowid, r_10, s2_1, i_7, i_8, i_9, i_10, i_11, i_12, i_13, i_15, i_16 from CMPSCOCfgStorage where snapshotid = snap and r_7 = fco.elementid and r_10 is not null ) loop targetDataSet := getClassBasedSet(dt.s2_1); propertyValues('size') := getSetBasedValue(targetDataSet, dt.i_13, dt.i_10, dt.i_7); propertyValues('precision') := getSetBasedValue(targetDataSet, dt.i_15, dt.i_11, dt.i_8); propertyValues('scale') := getSetBasedValue(targetDataSet, dt.i_16, dt.i_12, dt.i_9); targetDataType := SnapshotDataTypeService.getMappedDataType(dt.r_10, platformId, propertyValues); if (targetDataType is not null) then update CMPSCOCfgStorage set r_10 = targetDataType ,s3_5 = SnapshotDataTypeService.getMappedDataTypeFQN(targetDataType) ,s1_7 = SnapshotDataTypeService.getMappedDataTypeUOID(targetDataType) ,i_7 = decode(targetDataSet,3,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_7),i_7) ,i_8 = decode(targetDataSet,3,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_8),i_8) ,i_9 = decode(targetDataSet,3,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_9),i_9) ,i_10 = decode(targetDataSet,2,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_10),i_10) ,i_11 = decode(targetDataSet,2,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_11),i_11) ,i_12 = decode(targetDataSet,2,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_12),i_12) ,i_13 = decode(targetDataSet,1,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_13),i_13) ,i_15 = decode(targetDataSet,1,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_15),i_15) ,i_16 = decode(targetDataSet,1,SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale(dt.r_10,targetDataType,i_16),i_16) where rowid = dt.rowid; end if; end loop; end loop; END resetDataTypes; END SnapshotGenerated; /