begin declare TYPE it_128 is table of varchar(128) index by binary_integer; TYPE it_64 is table of varchar(64) index by binary_integer; TYPE it_1 is table of number(1) index by binary_integer; cg_gk it_128; cg_fn it_64; cg_in it_64; cg_gt it_1; cg_pk it_128; cg_lan it_64; cg_types it_128; cp_pk it_128; cp_pn it_64; cp_lan it_64; cp_val it_128; cp_gk it_128; cg_index it_64; cp_index it_64; cg_i number := 0; cp_i number := 0; procedure add_cg ( g_gk in varchar2, g_fn in varchar2, g_in in varchar2, g_gt in number, g_pk in varchar2, g_lan in varchar2, g_types in varchar2, g_key in varchar2 ) is l_gk varchar2(128) := g_gk; l_fn varchar2(64) := g_fn; l_gt number(1) := g_gt; l_lan varchar2(64) := g_lan; l_types varchar2(128) := g_types; begin if l_gk is null then l_gk := 'A'; end if; if l_fn is null then l_fn := 'A'; end if; if l_gt is null then l_gt := 0; end if; if l_lan is null then l_lan := 'en'; end if; if l_types is null then l_types := 'A'; end if; cg_i := cg_i +1; cg_gk(cg_i) := l_gk; cg_fn(cg_i) := l_fn; cg_in(cg_i) := g_in; cg_gt(cg_i) := l_gt; cg_pk(cg_i) := g_pk; cg_lan(cg_i) := l_lan; cg_types(cg_i) := l_types; cg_index(cg_i) := g_key; end; procedure add_cp ( p_pk in varchar2, p_pn in varchar2, p_gk in varchar2, p_lan in varchar2, p_val in varchar2, p_key in varchar2 ) is l_pk varchar2(128) := p_pk; l_pn varchar2(64) := p_pn; l_gk varchar2(128) := p_gk; l_lan varchar2(64) := p_lan; l_val varchar2(128) := p_val; begin if l_pk is null then l_pk := 'A'; end if; if l_pn is null then l_pn := 'A'; end if; if l_gk is null then l_gk := 'A'; end if; if l_lan is null then l_lan := 'en'; end if; if l_val is null then l_val := 'A'; end if; cp_i := cp_i + 1; cp_pk(cp_i) := l_pk; cp_pn(cp_i) := l_pn; cp_gk(cp_i) := l_gk; cp_lan(cp_i) := l_lan; cp_val(cp_i) := l_val; cp_index(cp_i) := p_key; end; begin -- File /owb/oracle/wh/service/impl/integrator/xml/files/ProcessFlowOWFOEMb2.xml add_cg('OWF.OEM.1', 'Process Flows', 'Process Flow', '0', null, 'en', 'CMPProcessInstalledModule', '12229' ); add_cg('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES', 'Packages', 'Package', '0', null, 'en', 'CMPProcessPackage', '12230' ); add_cg('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS', 'Processes', 'Process', '0', null, 'en', 'CMPProcess', '12231' ); add_cg('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES', 'Process Activities', 'Process Activity', '3', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS', 'en', 'CMPProcessActivity,CMPBaseProcessActivity, CMPSubProcess', '12232' ); add_cg('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.GENERALPROPERTIES', 'General Properties', null, '4', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES', 'en', 'CMPProcess', '12233' ); add_cp('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.GENERALPROPERTIES.BOUNDNAME', 'Bound name', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.GENERALPROPERTIES', 'en', '','12234' ); add_cg('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.PATHSETTING', 'Path Settings', null, '4', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES', 'en', 'CMPProcess', '12235' ); add_cp('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.EXECUTIONLOCATION', 'Execution Location', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.PATHSETTING', 'en', 'NATIVE_EXECUTION','12236' ); add_cp('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.REMOTELOCATION', 'Remote Location', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.PATHSETTING', 'en', 'USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION','12237' ); add_cp('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.WORKINGLOCATION', 'Working Location', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.PATHSETTING', 'en', 'USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION','12238' ); add_cp('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.DEPLOYEDLOCATION', 'Deployed Location', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.PATHSETTING', 'en', 'USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION','12239' ); add_cg('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.EXECSETTING', 'Execution Settings', null, '4', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES', 'en', 'CMPProcess', '12240' ); add_cp('OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.USERETURNASSTATUS', 'Use Return as Status', 'OWF.OEM.PACKAGES.PROCESSFLOWS.ACTIVITIES.EXECSETTING', 'en', 'false', '12241' ); begin forall p in 1..cg_gk.count insert into OWB_UTIL_CONFIGGROUPS(groupkey, foldername, instancename, grouptype, parentkey, language, logicaltypes, nlskey) values (cg_gk(p), cg_fn(p),cg_in(p),cg_gt(p),cg_pk(p),cg_lan(p),cg_types(p), cg_index(p)); exception when others then for p in 1..cg_gk.count loop begin insert into OWB_UTIL_CONFIGGROUPS(groupkey, foldername, instancename, grouptype, parentkey, language, logicaltypes, nlskey) values (cg_gk(p), cg_fn(p),cg_in(p),cg_gt(p),cg_pk(p),cg_lan(p),cg_types(p), cg_index(p)); exception when others then null; end; end loop; end; begin forall q in 1..cp_pk.count insert into OWB_UTIL_CONFIGPARAMS(paramkey, paramname, groupkey, language, defaultvalue, nlskey) values (cp_pk(q), cp_pn(q),cp_gk(q),cp_lan(q), cp_val(q), cp_index(q)); exception when others then for q in 1..cp_pk.count loop begin insert into OWB_UTIL_CONFIGPARAMS(paramkey, paramname, groupkey, language, defaultvalue, nlskey) values (cp_pk(q), cp_pn(q),cp_gk(q),cp_lan(q), cp_val(q), cp_index(q)); exception when others then null; end; end loop; end; end; end; /