CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE NamespaceServiceImpl AS -- reserve a name PROCEDURE reserveName(outcome out VARCHAR2, pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, elemId IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, classification IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, desiredName IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhys IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, isProp IN NUMBER, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID IN NUMBER, isReposCheckRequired IN NUMBER, upperCaseGenedPhyName IN NUMBER, bulkMode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, ISOID in Reservation_Store.languageISOID%TYPE, db_platform_name in varchar2); -- generate unique name and reserve PROCEDURE generateAndReserveUniqueName(outcome out VARCHAR2, pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, classification IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, desiredName IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhys IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID IN NUMBER, isReposCheckRequired IN NUMBER, bulkMode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, db_platform_name in varchar2 ); -- generate unique name and reserve(old one) PROCEDURE generateNewUniqueName(outcome out VARCHAR2, pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, classification IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, desiredName IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhys IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID IN NUMBER, isReposCheckRequired IN NUMBER, bulkMode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, db_platform_name in varchar2 ); -- generate unique name and reserve(new one) PROCEDURE generateNewUniqueName(outcome out VARCHAR2, pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, classification IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, desiredName IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhys IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID IN NUMBER, isReposCheckRequired IN NUMBER, ISOID IN Reservation_Store.languageISOID%TYPE, db_platform_name in varchar2 ); -- Commit and Rollback event behave exactly same As repository name cache -- is built on demand and there is no cahes stored until next call so -- unlike CORBA thingy's Commit and Rollback behave exctly the same -- so this method is used for both commit and rollback events PROCEDURE unReserveSession(currSession IN Reservation_store.sessID%TYPE,currInstance in number); --sochen:remove it from pks, since nobody call it outside of this pkg --FUNCTION getInstalledModule(id in CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE) -- RETURN CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE; --sochen:nobody use it, hence remove it totally(pks/pkb)... --PROCEDURE delTree(elemid in CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE); --sochen:nobody use it outside the pkb, remove it from pks --FUNCTION getParentID(id in Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE) -- RETURN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE; /* PROCEDURE reserveAllNamesForDeletion(pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID IN NUMBER, bulkMode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER); */ PROCEDURE cleanSIDs; --sochen:nobody use it, hence remove it totally(pks/pkb) --FUNCTION getOwningFolder(id in Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE) -- RETURN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE; --sochen: this one is specific for pkged function PROCEDURE saveNameToDBCacheForFunction( isoid CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.languageISOID%TYPE, parentid CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.parentID%TYPE, domain CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.domain%TYPE, name, isPhysical CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.isPhys%TYPE, elemId CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.elementid%TYPE, snapshot_view NUMBER ); /* PROCEDURE reserveNameForFnBeforeDelete( elemId CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.elementid%TYPE, isoid CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.LANGUAGEISOID%TYPE, classification CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.domain%type, snapshot_view NUMBER, theSessId NUMBER, instID IN NUMBER, theOsUser reservation_store.osuser%type ); */ ---return 1: means ok, 0 not ok, and if ok also reserve the name FUNCTION isUniqueWorkspaceName(ws_name varchar2 ,ws_owner varchar2, toReserve boolean) return number; PROCEDURE unReserveWorkspaceName(ws_name varchar2 ,ws_owner varchar2); END NamespaceServiceImpl;