CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY MODELSERVICE AS FUNCTION_C VARCHAR2(255) := 'CMPFunction'; UNIQUEKEY_C VARCHAR2(255) := 'CMPUniqueKey'; PK_FC VARCHAR2(255) := 'oracle.wh.repos.impl.items.CMPPrimaryKey'; UK_FC VARCHAR2(255) := 'oracle.wh.repos.impl.items.CMPUniqueKey'; FUNCTION deleteAllPropertyValues(propDef IN NUMBER, cname IN VARCHAR2, viewName IN VARCHAR2, isFCO IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS phyID NUMBER; fcoID NUMBER; isPK NUMBER; BEGIN if (viewName=UNIQUEKEY_C) then if (cname=PK_FC) then isPK := 1; else isPK := 0; end if; for c in (select /*+ORDERED*/ nvl(pu.definitionkey, pd.definitionkey) definitionkey from PropertyUsageDefinition_v pu, PropertyDefinition_v pd where pu.propertyDefinition=propDef and pu.propertydefinition=pd.elementId ) loop delete /*+ORDERED*/ CMPStringPropertyValue_v where propertyowner in ( select /*+ORDERED*/ r.elementId from CMPPhysicalObject_v p, CMPReferencePropertyValue_v r, CMPUniqueKey_v u where r.referencedelement=u.elementid and r.logicalname=UDP_KEY and r.propertyowner=p.elementid ) and logicalname=c.definitionKey; delete /*+ORDERED*/ CMPClobPropertyValue_v where propertyowner in ( select /*+ORDERED*/ r.elementId from CMPPhysicalObject_v p, CMPReferencePropertyValue_v r, CMPUniqueKey_v u where r.referencedelement=u.elementid and r.logicalname=UDP_KEY and r.propertyowner=p.elementid ) and logicalName=c.definitionKey; end loop; return 0; else for c in (select /*+ORDERED*/ nvl(pu.definitionkey, pd.definitionkey) definitionkey from PropertyUsageDefinition_v pu, PropertyDefinition_v pd where pu.propertyDefinition=propDef and pu.propertydefinition=pd.elementId ) loop if (isFCO=1) then delete /*+ORDERED*/ CMPStringPropertyValue_v where propertyowner in ( select /*+ORDERED*/ p.elementId from CMPPhysicalObject_v p, FirstClassObject_v u where p.logicalObject=u.elementId and (u.strongtypename= cname or (u.strongtypename is null and u.className=viewName)) ) and logicalname=c.definitionKey; delete /*+ORDERED*/ CMPClobPropertyValue_v where propertyowner in ( select /*+ORDERED*/ p.elementId from CMPPhysicalObject_v p, FirstClassObject_v u where p.logicalObject=u.elementid and (u.strongtypename= cname or (u.strongtypename is null and u.className=viewName)) ) and logicalName=c.definitionKey; else delete /*+ORDERED*/ CMPStringPropertyValue_v where propertyowner in ( select /*+ORDERED*/ r.elementId from CMPPhysicalObject_v p, CMPReferencePropertyValue_v r, SecondClassObject_v u where p.elementId=r.propertyowner and r.logicalName=UDP_KEY and r.referencedelement=u.elementid and (u.strongtypename= cname or (u.strongtypename is null and u.className=viewName)) ) and logicalname=c.definitionKey; delete /*+ORDERED*/ CMPClobPropertyValue_v where propertyowner in ( select /*+ORDERED*/ r.elementId from CMPPhysicalObject_v p, CMPReferencePropertyValue_v r, SecondClassObject_v u where r.referencedelement=u.elementid and r.logicalname=UDP_KEY and r.propertyowner=p.elementid and (u.strongtypename= cname or (u.strongtypename is null and u.className=viewName)) ) and logicalName=c.definitionKey; end if; end loop; return 0; end if; --return 0; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN return 1; END; FUNCTION getClassID(cName IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS defID NUMBER(9); BEGIN select elementId into defID from ClassDefinition_v where name like '%.' || cName or name like cName; return defID; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN snapshot.debug('getClassID(VARCHAR2) failed on ', cName); return 0; END; /* FUNCTION unclear(cname IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN if (cname=RELATIONALDBITEM_C OR cname=FUNCTION_C OR cname=UNIQUEKEY_C OR cname=STAGECOMPONENT_C OR cname=MAPPING_C) then return true; else return false; end if; END; */ PROCEDURE cleanProperties IS BEGIN for c in (select elementId, type from tempfco where type=SnapshotCreateRestore.FCOCHILDREN) loop --snapshot.debug('cleanProperties for ', -- 'Element ' || c.elementId || ' type ' || c.type); cleanProperties(c.elementId); end loop; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN snapshot.debug('cleanProperties() failed ', ''); END; -- process 8 primitive types FUNCTION isValid(tname IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS d DATE; f NUMBER(38); t DATE; dp VARCHAR2(255); sp VARCHAR2(255); idx NUMBER(9); BEGIN if (tname=STRING_TYPE) THEN return 'Y'; elsif (tname=URL_TYPE) THEN return 'Y'; elsif (tname=BOOLEAN_TYPE) THEN if (value='true' OR value='false') then return 'Y'; else return 'N'; end if; elsif (tname=DATE_TYPE) THEN d := to_date(value, 'FXYYYY-MM-DD'); return 'Y'; elsif (tname=DOUBLE_TYPE) THEN f := to_number(value, 'TM9'); return 'Y'; elsif (tname=FLOAT_TYPE) THEN f := to_number(value, '99999999.99999999'); return 'Y'; elsif (tname=INTEGER_TYPE) THEN f := to_number(value, '999999'); return 'Y'; elsif (tname=LONG_TYPE) THEN f := to_number(value, '999999999999'); return 'Y'; elsif (tname=TIMESTAMP_TYPE) THEN idx := instr(value, ','); --snapshot.debug('isValid(VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2): ', 'idx for , is ' || idx); if (idx>0) then return 'N'; end if; idx := instr(value, '.', -1); --snapshot.debug('isValid(VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2): ', 'idx for . is ' || idx); if (idx=0) then return 'N'; end if; dp := substr(value, 1, idx-1); --snapshot.debug('isValid(VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2): ', 'dp is "' || dp || '"'); sp := substr(value, idx+1); --snapshot.debug('isValid(VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2): ', 'sp is "' || sp || '"'); t := to_date(dp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.'); --snapshot.debug('isValid(VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2): ', 't is ' || t); f := to_number(sp, '999999999'); --snapshot.debug('isValid(VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2): ', 'f is ' || f); return 'Y'; else return 'N'; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN snapshot.debug('isValid(VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2) failed for ', tname || '/' || value); return 'N'; END; PROCEDURE cleanPropertiesInOwner (cDef IN NUMBER, powner IN NUMBER) IS cnt NUMBER; BEGIN -- delete invalid string properties delete /*+ORDERED*/ CMPStringPropertyValue_V where elementId in ( select /*+ORDERED*/ v.elementId from propertysetdefinition_v s, propertyusagedefinition_v u, PropertyDefinition_V p, WBPrimitiveType_V t, CMPStringPropertyValue_V v where s.classdefinition in (select distinct inheritancechild from classinheritancedefinition_v i start with inheritancechild = cDef connect by prior inheritanceparent = inheritancechild ) and s.propertytype=USER_DEFINED and s.elementid=u.propertysetdefinition and p.elementId=u.propertydefinition and t.elementid=p.datatype and v.propertyowner=powner and v.logicalname=nvl(u.definitionkey, p.definitionkey) and isValid(, v.value)<>'Y' ); -- CLOB contains lines so need some special process delete /*+ORDERED*/ CMPCLOBPropertyValue_V where elementId in ( select /*+ORDERED*/ v.elementId from propertysetdefinition_v s, propertyusagedefinition_v u, PropertyDefinition_V p, WBPrimitiveType_V t, CMPCLOBPropertyValue_V v where s.classdefinition in (select distinct inheritancechild from classinheritancedefinition_v i start with inheritancechild = cDef connect by prior inheritanceparent = inheritancechild ) and s.propertytype=USER_DEFINED and s.elementid=u.propertysetdefinition and p.elementId=u.propertydefinition and t.elementid=p.datatype and v.propertyowner=powner and v.logicalname=nvl(u.definitionkey, p.definitionkey) and<>'String' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN snapshot.debug('cleanPropertiesInOwner(NUMBER, NUMBER) failed on ', 'ClassDef ' || cDef || ', Property Owner ' || powner); END; PROCEDURE cleanProperties (logId IN NUMBER, phyID IN NUMBER) IS cname VARCHAR2(255); uid VARCHAR2(255); fcoDefID NUMBER(38); BEGIN for c in (select o.elementId ownerId, decideClassDefId(s.className, s.elementId) defId from SecondClassObject_v s, CMPReferencePropertyValue_v o where s.firstClassObject=logId and o.propertyOwner=phyId and o.referencedElement=s.elementId and o.firstClassObject=logId and o.logicalname=UDP_KEY) loop -- snapshot.debug('cleanProperties(NUMBER, NUMBER): ', -- 'owner is ' || c.ownerId || ', def is ' || c.defId); cleanPropertiesInOwner(c.defId, c.ownerId); end loop; select decideClassDefId(className, logId) into fcoDefID from CMPElement_V where elementId=logId; --snapshot.debug('cleanProperties(NUMBER, NUMBER): ', -- 'physical ID is ' || phyID || ', fcoDefID is ' || fcoDefID); cleanPropertiesInOwner(fcoDefID, phyID); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN snapshot.debug('cleanProperties(NUMBER, NUMBER) failed on ', 'Logical ' || logID || ', Physical ' || phyID); END; PROCEDURE cleanProperties (elemId IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN for c in (select elementId from CMPPhysicalObject_V where logicalObject=elemId) loop -- snapshot.debug('cleanProperties(NUMBER): ', '' || elemId); cleanProperties(elemId, c.elementId); end loop; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN snapshot.debug('cleanProperties(NUMBER) failed on ', 'Element ' || elemId); END; FUNCTION decideClassDefId(viewName IN VARCHAR2, elemId IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS cName VARCHAR2(255); BEGIN cName := viewName; if (viewName=UNIQUEKEY_C) then select decode(primaryKey, 1, 'CMPPrimaryKey', 'CMPUniqueKey') into cName from CMPUniqueKey_V where elementId=elemId; else select nvl(StrongTypeName, className) into cName from CMPElement_v where elementId=elemId; end if; return getClassID(cName); EXCEPTIOn WHEN OTHERS THEN snapshot.debug('decideClassDefId(NUMBER) failed on ', 'Element ' || elemId); return 0; END; FUNCTION getFullClassName(cname in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS fname VARCHAR2(255); BEGIN select fullname into fname from FullClassNameLookup where name=cname; return fname; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return cname; END; FUNCTION getClassId(cname IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS fname VARCHAR2(255); cid NUMBER; BEGIN fname := getFullClassName(cname); select elementId into cid from ClassDefinition_v where name=fname; return cid; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return null; END; FUNCTION getComponentKind(cname IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS cid NUMBER; BEGIN cid := getClassId(cname); return getComponentKind(cid); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN return UNKNOWN; END; FUNCTION getComponentKind(cid IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS res NUMBER(1); BEGIN if (cid is null) then return UNKNOWN; end if; if (FCO_ID is null) then select elementId into FCO_ID from ClassDefinition_v where name=FCO_CLASS; select elementId into SCO_ID from ClassDefinition_v where name=SCO_CLASS; select elementId into FOLDER_ID from ClassDefinition_v where name=FOLDER_CLASS; end if; if (cid = FCO_ID) THEN return FCO; elsif (cid = SCO_ID) THEN return SCO; elsif (cid = FOLDER_ID) THEN return FOLDER; end if; for c in (select inheritanceParent pid from ClassInheritanceDefinition_V where inheritanceChild=cid) loop res := getComponentKind(cid); if (res <> UNKNOWN) THEN return res; end if; end loop; return UNKNOWN; END; END MODELSERVICE; /