/* * @(#)Util.java 0.3-3 06/05/2001 * * This file is part of the HTTPClient package * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Ronald Tschalär * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA * * For questions, suggestions, bug-reports, enhancement-requests etc. * I may be contacted at: * * ronald@innovation.ch * * The HTTPClient's home page is located at: * * http://www.innovation.ch/java/HTTPClient/ * */ package HTTPClient; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Date; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.SimpleTimeZone; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; /** * This class holds various utility methods. * * @version 0.3-3 06/05/2001 * @author Ronald Tschalär */ public class Util { private static final BitSet Separators = new BitSet(128); private static final BitSet TokenChar = new BitSet(128); private static final BitSet UnsafeChar = new BitSet(128); private static DateFormat http_format; private static DateFormat parse_1123; private static DateFormat parse_850; private static DateFormat parse_asctime; private static final Object http_format_lock = new Object(); private static final Object http_parse_lock = new Object(); static { // rfc-2616 tspecial Separators.set('('); Separators.set(')'); Separators.set('<'); Separators.set('>'); Separators.set('@'); Separators.set(','); Separators.set(';'); Separators.set(':'); Separators.set('\\'); Separators.set('"'); Separators.set('/'); Separators.set('['); Separators.set(']'); Separators.set('?'); Separators.set('='); Separators.set('{'); Separators.set('}'); Separators.set(' '); Separators.set('\t'); // rfc-2616 token for (int ch=32; ch<127; ch++) TokenChar.set(ch); TokenChar.xor(Separators); // rfc-1738 unsafe characters, including CTL and SP, and excluding // "#" and "%" for (int ch=0; ch<32; ch++) UnsafeChar.set(ch); UnsafeChar.set(' '); UnsafeChar.set('<'); UnsafeChar.set('>'); UnsafeChar.set('"'); UnsafeChar.set('{'); UnsafeChar.set('}'); UnsafeChar.set('|'); UnsafeChar.set('\\'); UnsafeChar.set('^'); UnsafeChar.set('~'); UnsafeChar.set('['); UnsafeChar.set(']'); UnsafeChar.set('`'); UnsafeChar.set(127); // rfc-1123 date format (restricted to GMT, as per rfc-2616) /* This initialization has been moved to httpDate() because it * takes an awfully long time and is often not needed * http_format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", Locale.US); http_format.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); */ } // Constructors /** * This class isn't meant to be instantiated. */ private Util() {} // Methods final static Object[] resizeArray(Object[] src, int new_size) { Class compClass = src.getClass().getComponentType(); Object tmp[] = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(compClass, new_size); System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } final static NVPair[] resizeArray(NVPair[] src, int new_size) { NVPair tmp[] = new NVPair[new_size]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } final static AuthorizationInfo[] resizeArray(AuthorizationInfo[] src, int new_size) { AuthorizationInfo tmp[] = new AuthorizationInfo[new_size]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } final static Cookie[] resizeArray(Cookie[] src, int new_size) { Cookie tmp[] = new Cookie[new_size]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } final static String[] resizeArray(String[] src, int new_size) { String tmp[] = new String[new_size]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } final static boolean[] resizeArray(boolean[] src, int new_size) { boolean tmp[] = new boolean[new_size]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } final static byte[] resizeArray(byte[] src, int new_size) { byte tmp[] = new byte[new_size]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } final static char[] resizeArray(char[] src, int new_size) { char tmp[] = new char[new_size]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } final static int[] resizeArray(int[] src, int new_size) { int tmp[] = new int[new_size]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, (src.length < new_size ? src.length : new_size)); return tmp; } /** * Split a property into an array of Strings, using "|" as the * separator. */ static String[] splitProperty(String prop) { if (prop == null) return new String[0]; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(prop, "|"); String[] list = new String[tok.countTokens()]; for (int idx=0; idx cmp[1]) { cmp[4] = cmp[2]; cmp[5] = cmp[3]; cmp[2] = cmp[0]; cmp[3] = cmp[1]; cmp[0] = idx; cmp[1] = end - idx; } else if ((end-idx) > cmp[3]) { cmp[4] = cmp[2]; cmp[5] = cmp[3]; cmp[2] = idx; cmp[3] = end - idx; } else if ((end-idx) > cmp[3]) { cmp[4] = idx; cmp[5] = end - idx; } } } cmp[1] += cmp[0]; cmp[3] += cmp[2]; cmp[5] += cmp[4]; return cmp; } /** * Search for a string. Use compile_search() to first generate the second * argument. This uses a Knuth-Morris-Pratt like algorithm. * * @param search the string to search for. * @param cmp the the array returned by compile_search. * @param str the string in which to look for search. * @param beg the position at which to start the search in * str. * @param end the position at which to end the search in str, * noninclusive. * @return the position in str where search was * found, or -1 if not found. */ final static int findStr(byte[] search, int[] cmp, byte[] str, int beg, int end) { int c1f = cmp[0], c1l = cmp[1], d1 = c1l - c1f, c2f = cmp[2], c2l = cmp[3], d2 = c2l - c2f, c3f = cmp[4], c3l = cmp[5], d3 = c3l - c3f; Find: while (beg+search.length <= end) { if (search[c1l] == str[beg+c1l]) { /* This is correct, but Visual J++ can't cope with it... Comp: if (search[c1f] == str[beg+c1f]) { for (int idx=0; idx end) return -1; else return beg; } /** * Replace quoted characters by their unquoted version. Quoted characters * are characters preceded by a slash. E.g. "\c" would be replaced by "c". * This is used in parsing http headers where quoted-characters are * allowed in quoted-strings and often used to quote the quote character * <">. * * @param str the string do dequote * @return the string do with all quoted characters replaced by their * true value. */ public final static String dequoteString(String str) { if (str.indexOf('\\') == -1) return str; char[] buf = str.toCharArray(); int pos = 0, num_deq = 0; while (pos < buf.length) { if (buf[pos] == '\\' && pos+1 < buf.length) { System.arraycopy(buf, pos+1, buf, pos, buf.length-pos-1); num_deq++; } pos++; } return new String(buf, 0, buf.length-num_deq); } /** * Replace given characters by their quoted version. Quoted characters * are characters preceded by a slash. E.g. "c" would be replaced by "\c". * This is used in generating http headers where certain characters need * to be quoted, such as the quote character <">. * * @param str the string do quote * @param qlist the list of characters to quote * @return the string do with all characters replaced by their * quoted version. */ public final static String quoteString(String str, String qlist) { char[] list = qlist.toCharArray(); int idx; for (idx=0; idxHttpHeaderElement. * @exception ParseException if the syntax rules are violated. */ public final static Vector parseHeader(String header) throws ParseException { return parseHeader(header, true); } /** * This parses the value part of a header. The result is a Vector of * HttpHeaderElement's. The syntax the header must conform to is: * *
     * header  = [ element ] *( "," [ element ] )
     * element = name [ "=" [ value ] ] *( ";" [ param ] )
     * param   = name [ "=" [ value ] ]
     * name    = token
     * value   = ( token | quoted-string )
     * token         = 1*<any char except "=", ",", ";", <"> and
     *                       white space>
     * quoted-string = <"> *( text | quoted-char ) <">
     * text          = any char except <">
     * quoted-char   = "\" char
* * Any amount of white space is allowed between any part of the header, * element or param and is ignored. A missing value in any element or * param will be stored as the empty string; if the "=" is also missing * null will be stored instead. * * @param header the value part of the header. * @param dequote if true all quoted strings are dequoted. * @return a Vector containing all the elements; each entry is an * instance of HttpHeaderElement. * @exception ParseException if the above syntax rules are violated. * @see HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement */ public final static Vector parseHeader(String header, boolean dequote) throws ParseException { if (header == null) return null; char[] buf = header.toCharArray(); Vector elems = new Vector(); boolean first = true; int beg = -1, end = 0, len = buf.length, abeg[] = new int[1]; String elem_name, elem_value; elements: while (true) { if (!first) // find required "," { beg = skipSpace(buf, end); if (beg == len) break; if (buf[beg] != ',') throw new ParseException("Bad header format: '" + header + "'\nExpected \",\" at position " + beg); } first = false; beg = skipSpace(buf, beg+1); if (beg == len) break elements; if (buf[beg] == ',') // skip empty elements { end = beg; continue elements; } if (buf[beg] == '=' || buf[beg] == ';' || buf[beg] == '"') throw new ParseException("Bad header format: '" + header + "'\nEmpty element name at position " + beg); end = beg+1; // extract element name while (end < len && !Character.isWhitespace(buf[end]) && buf[end] != '=' && buf[end] != ',' && buf[end] != ';') end++; elem_name = new String(buf, beg, end-beg); beg = skipSpace(buf, end); if (beg < len && buf[beg] == '=') // element value { abeg[0] = beg+1; elem_value = parseValue(buf, abeg, header, dequote); end = abeg[0]; } else { elem_value = null; end = beg; } NVPair[] params = new NVPair[0]; params: while (true) { String param_name, param_value; beg = skipSpace(buf, end); // expect ";" if (beg == len || buf[beg] != ';') break params; beg = skipSpace(buf, beg+1); if (beg == len || buf[beg] == ',') { end = beg; break params; } if (buf[beg] == ';') // skip empty parameters { end = beg; continue params; } if (buf[beg] == '=' || buf[beg] == '"') throw new ParseException("Bad header format: '" + header + "'\nEmpty parameter name at position "+ beg); end = beg+1; // extract param name while (end < len && !Character.isWhitespace(buf[end]) && buf[end] != '=' && buf[end] != ',' && buf[end] != ';') end++; param_name = new String(buf, beg, end-beg); beg = skipSpace(buf, end); if (beg < len && buf[beg] == '=') // element value { abeg[0] = beg+1; param_value = parseValue(buf, abeg, header, dequote); end = abeg[0]; } else { param_value = null; end = beg; } params = Util.resizeArray(params, params.length+1); params[params.length-1] = new NVPair(param_name, param_value); } elems.addElement( new HttpHeaderElement(elem_name, elem_value, params)); } return elems; } /** * Parse the value part. Accepts either token or quoted string. */ private static String parseValue(char[] buf, int[] abeg, String header, boolean dequote) throws ParseException { int beg = abeg[0], end = beg, len = buf.length; String value; beg = skipSpace(buf, beg); if (beg < len && buf[beg] == '"') // it's a quoted-string { beg++; end = beg; char[] deq_buf = null; int deq_pos = 0, lst_pos = beg; while (end < len && buf[end] != '"') { if (buf[end] == '\\') { if (dequote) // dequote char { if (deq_buf == null) deq_buf = new char[buf.length]; System.arraycopy(buf, lst_pos, deq_buf, deq_pos, end-lst_pos); deq_pos += end-lst_pos; lst_pos = ++end; } else end++; // skip quoted char } end++; } if (end == len) throw new ParseException("Bad header format: '" + header + "'\nClosing <\"> for quoted-string"+ " starting at position " + (beg-1) + " not found"); if (deq_buf != null) { System.arraycopy(buf, lst_pos, deq_buf, deq_pos, end-lst_pos); deq_pos += end-lst_pos; value = new String(deq_buf, 0, deq_pos); } else value = new String(buf, beg, end-beg); end++; } else // it's a simple token value { end = beg; while (end < len && !Character.isWhitespace(buf[end]) && buf[end] != ',' && buf[end] != ';') end++; value = new String(buf, beg, end-beg); } abeg[0] = end; return value; } /** * Determines if the given header contains a certain token. The header * must conform to the rules outlined in parseHeader(). * * @see #parseHeader(java.lang.String) * @param header the header value. * @param token the token to find; the match is case-insensitive. * @return true if the token is present, false otherwise. * @exception ParseException if this is thrown parseHeader(). */ public final static boolean hasToken(String header, String token) throws ParseException { if (header == null) return false; else return parseHeader(header).contains(new HttpHeaderElement(token)); } /** * Get the HttpHeaderElement with the name name. * * @param header a vector of HttpHeaderElement's, such as is returned * from parseHeader() * @param name the name of element to retrieve; matching is * case-insensitive * @return the request element, or null if none found. * @see #parseHeader(java.lang.String) */ public final static HttpHeaderElement getElement(Vector header, String name) { int idx = header.indexOf(new HttpHeaderElement(name)); if (idx == -1) return null; else return (HttpHeaderElement) header.elementAt(idx); } /** * retrieves the value associated with the parameter param in * a given header string. It parses the header using * parseHeader() and then searches the first element for the * given parameter. This is used especially in headers like * 'Content-type' and 'Content-Disposition'. * *

quoted characters ("\x") in a quoted string are dequoted. * * @see #parseHeader(java.lang.String) * @param param the parameter name * @param hdr the header value * @return the value for this parameter, or null if not found. * @exception ParseException if the above syntax rules are violated. */ public final static String getParameter(String param, String hdr) throws ParseException { NVPair[] params = ((HttpHeaderElement) parseHeader(hdr).firstElement()). getParams(); for (int idx=0; idxjava.net.URL.sameFile() is broken (an explicit port 80 * doesn't compare equal to an implicit port, and it doesn't take * escapes into account). * *

Two http urls are considered equal if they have the same protocol * (case-insensitive match), the same host (case-insensitive), the * same port and the same file (after decoding escaped characters). * * @param url1 the first url * @param url1 the second url * @return true if url1 and url2 compare equal */ public final static boolean sameHttpURL(URL url1, URL url2) { if (!url1.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase(url2.getProtocol())) return false; if (!url1.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(url2.getHost())) return false; int port1 = url1.getPort(), port2 = url2.getPort(); if (port1 == -1) port1 = URI.defaultPort(url1.getProtocol()); if (port2 == -1) port2 = URI.defaultPort(url1.getProtocol()); if (port1 != port2) return false; try { return URI.unescape(url1.getFile(), null).equals(URI.unescape(url2.getFile(), null)); } catch (ParseException pe) { return url1.getFile().equals(url2.getFile());} } /** * Return the default port used by a given protocol. * * @param protocol the protocol * @return the port number, or 0 if unknown * @deprecated use URI.defaultPort() instead * @see HTTPClient.URI#defaultPort(java.lang.String) */ public final static int defaultPort(String protocol) { return URI.defaultPort(protocol); } /** * Parse the http date string. java.util.Date will do this fine, but * is deprecated, so we use SimpleDateFormat instead. * * @param dstr the date string to parse * @return the Date object */ final static Date parseHttpDate(String dstr) { synchronized (http_parse_lock) { if (parse_1123 == null) setupParsers(); } try { return parse_1123.parse(dstr); } catch (java.text.ParseException pe) { } try { return parse_850.parse(dstr); } catch (java.text.ParseException pe) { } try { return parse_asctime.parse(dstr); } catch (java.text.ParseException pe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(pe.toString()); } } private static final void setupParsers() { parse_1123 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", Locale.US); parse_850 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", Locale.US); parse_asctime = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy", Locale.US); parse_1123.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); parse_850.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); parse_asctime.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); parse_1123.setLenient(true); parse_850.setLenient(true); parse_asctime.setLenient(true); } /** * This returns a string containing the date and time in date * formatted according to a subset of RFC-1123. The format is defined in * the HTTP/1.0 spec (RFC-1945), section 3.3, and the HTTP/1.1 spec * (RFC-2616), section 3.3.1. Note that Date.toGMTString() is close, but * is missing the weekday and supresses the leading zero if the day is * less than the 10th. Instead we use the SimpleDateFormat class. * *

Some versions of JDK 1.1.x are bugged in that their GMT uses * daylight savings time... Therefore we use our own timezone * definitions. * * @param date the date and time to be converted * @return a string containg the date and time as used in http */ public static final String httpDate(Date date) { synchronized (http_format_lock) { if (http_format == null) setupFormatter(); } return http_format.format(date); } private static final void setupFormatter() { http_format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", Locale.US); http_format.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); } /** * Escape unsafe characters in a path. * * @param path the original path * @return the path with all unsafe characters escaped */ final static String escapeUnsafeChars(String path) { int len = path.length(); char[] buf = new char[3*len]; int dst = 0; for (int src=0; src= 128 || UnsafeChar.get(ch)) { buf[dst++] = '%'; buf[dst++] = hex_map[(ch & 0xf0) >>> 4]; buf[dst++] = hex_map[ch & 0x0f]; } else buf[dst++] = ch; } if (dst > len) return new String(buf, 0, dst); else return path; } static final char[] hex_map = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; /** * Extract the path from an http resource. * *

The "resource" part of an HTTP URI can contain a number of parts, * some of which are not always of interest. These methods here will * extract the various parts, assuming the following syntanx (taken from * RFC-2616): * *

     * resource = [ "/" ] [ path ] [ ";" params ] [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
* * @param the resource to split * @return the path, including any leading "/" * @see #getParams * @see #getQuery * @see #getFragment */ public final static String getPath(String resource) { int p, end = resource.length(); if ((p = resource.indexOf('#')) != -1) // find fragment end = p; if ((p = resource.indexOf('?')) != -1 && p < end) // find query end = p; if ((p = resource.indexOf(';')) != -1 && p < end) // find params end = p; return resource.substring(0, end); } /** * Extract the params part from an http resource. * * @param the resource to split * @return the params, or null if there are none * @see #getPath */ public final static String getParams(String resource) { int beg, f, q; if ((beg = resource.indexOf(';')) == -1) // find params return null; if ((f = resource.indexOf('#')) != -1 && f < beg) // find fragment return null; if ((q = resource.indexOf('?')) != -1 && q < beg) // find query return null; if (q == -1 && f == -1) return resource.substring(beg+1); if (f == -1 || (q != -1 && q < f)) return resource.substring(beg+1, q); else return resource.substring(beg+1, f); } /** * Extract the query string from an http resource. * * @param the resource to split * @return the query, or null if there was none * @see #getPath */ public final static String getQuery(String resource) { int beg, f; if ((beg = resource.indexOf('?')) == -1) // find query return null; if ((f = resource.indexOf('#')) != -1 && f < beg) // find fragment return null; // '?' is in fragment if (f == -1) return resource.substring(beg+1); // no fragment else return resource.substring(beg+1, f); // strip fragment } /** * Extract the fragment part from an http resource. * * @param the resource to split * @return the fragment, or null if there was none * @see #getPath */ public final static String getFragment(String resource) { int beg; if ((beg = resource.indexOf('#')) == -1) // find fragment return null; else return resource.substring(beg+1); } /** * Match pattern against name, where * pattern may contain wildcards ('*'). * * @param pattern the pattern to match; may contain '*' which match * any number (0 or more) of any character (think file * globbing) * @param name the name to match against the pattern * @return true if the name matches the pattern; false otherwise */ public static final boolean wildcardMatch(String pattern, String name) { return wildcardMatch(pattern, name, 0, 0, pattern.length(), name.length()); } private static final boolean wildcardMatch(String pattern, String name, int ppos, int npos, int plen, int nlen) { // find wildcard int star = pattern.indexOf('*', ppos); if (star < 0) { return ((plen-ppos) == (nlen-npos) && pattern.regionMatches(ppos, name, npos, plen-ppos)); } // match prefix if (!pattern.regionMatches(ppos, name, npos, star-ppos)) return false; // match suffix if (star == plen-1) return true; while(!wildcardMatch(pattern, name, star+1, npos, plen, nlen) && npos < nlen) npos++; return (npos < nlen); } }