begin declare procedure exec(p_stmt in varchar2) is begin execute immediate p_stmt; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('===>' ||sqlcode || ' ' || sqlerrm); dbms_output.put_line(' ' || substr(p_stmt, 1, 250)); end; begin --Repositories exec('create sequence owbb_repository_seq start with 1 increment by 1'); exec('create table owbb_repositories ( repository_id number(38) not null, workspace_id number(9) default sys_context(''owb_workspace'',''workspaceID'') not null, repos_type varchar2(128) not null, repos_version varchar2(128) not null, name varchar2(128) not null, dblink_name varchar2(128) not null, description varchar2(4000), primary key (repository_id,workspace_id), foreign key (repos_type, repos_version) references owbb_repos_types (repos_type, repos_version), unique (name), unique (dblink_name) ) '); exec('create or replace view owbb_db_links_v as SELECT a.db_link, a.USERNAME, a.PASSWORD, a.HOST, a.CREATED, b.REPOSITORY_ID, b.WORKSPACE_ID, repository_name, substr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''HOST='')+5, instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), '')'', instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''HOST='')) -instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''HOST='') -5) host_name, substr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SERVICE_NAME='')+13, instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), '')'', instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SERVICE_NAME='')) -instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SERVICE_NAME='') -13) || substr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SID='')+4, instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), '')'', instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SID='')) -instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SID='') -4) db_sid, substr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''PORT='')+5, instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), '')'', instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''PORT='')) -instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''PORT='') -5) port, b.DESCRIPTION from user_db_links a, owbb_repositories b where a.db_link = b.dblink_name(+) '); exec('create or replace view owbb_repository_statuses_v as SELECT b.REPOSITORY_ID, b.WORKSPACE_ID, b.repository_name, owbb_api_administration.application_type(b.db_link) repository_type, owbb_api_administration.status(b.db_link) status, owbb_api_administration.view_version(b.db_link) version, owbb_api_administration.application_type_nls_id(b.db_link) application_type_nls_id, b.db_link dblink_name, b.HOST_NAME, b.DB_SID, b.username REPOS_SCHEMA, b.DESCRIPTION, owbb_api_administration.sql_error(b.db_link) sql_error from owbb_db_links_v b where b.REPOSITORY_ID is not null '); exec('create table owbb_user_repositories ( user_id number(38) not null, repository_id number(38) not null, workspace_id number(9) default sys_context(''owb_workspace'',''workspaceID'') not null, primary key (user_id, repository_id, workspace_id), foreign key (repository_id, workspace_id) references owbb_repositories (repository_id, workspace_id) ) '); exec('create table owbb_group_repositories ( group_id number(38) not null, repository_id number(38) not null, workspace_id number(9) default sys_context(''owb_workspace'',''workspaceID'') not null, primary key (group_id, repository_id, workspace_id), foreign key (repository_id, workspace_id) references owbb_repositories (repository_id, workspace_id) ) '); exec('create or replace view owbb_repositories_v as SELECT a.db_link, a.USERNAME, a.PASSWORD, a.HOST, a.CREATED, b.REPOSITORY_ID, b.WORKSPACE_ID, repository_name, owbb_api_administration.application_type(a.db_link) repository_type, owbb_api_administration.status(a.db_link) status, owbb_api_administration.view_version(a.db_link) version, owbb_api_administration.application_type_nls_id(a.db_link) application_type_nls_id, substr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''HOST='')+5, instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), '')'', instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''HOST='')) -instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''HOST='') -5) host_name, substr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SERVICE_NAME='')+13, instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), '')'', instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SERVICE_NAME='')) -instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SERVICE_NAME='') -13) || substr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SID='')+4, instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), '')'', instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SID='')) -instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''SID='') -4) db_sid, substr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''PORT='')+5, instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), '')'', instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''PORT='')) -instr(replace(upper(, '' '', ''''), ''PORT='') -5) port, a.USERNAME REPOS_SCHEMA, b.DESCRIPTION, owbb_api_administration.sql_error(a.db_link) sql_error from user_db_links a, owbb_repositories b where a.db_link = b.dblink_name(+) union SELECT b.dblink_name db_link, username, null password, b.dblink_name host, null CREATED, b.REPOSITORY_ID, b.WORKSPACE_ID, repository_name, b.repos_type repository_type, owbb_api_administration.status status, owbb_api_administration.view_version version, owbb_api_administration.application_type_nls_id application_type_nls_id, b.dblink_name host_name, null db_sid, null port, REPOS_SCHEMA, b.DESCRIPTION, owbb_api_administration.sql_error sql_error from owbb_repositories b where b.dblink_name not in (select db_link from user_db_links) '); exec('create table owbb_group_roles ( group_id number(38) not null, role_name varchar2(128) not null, primary key (group_id, role_name), foreign key (role_name) references owbb_roles (role_name) ) '); exec('create table owbb_user_roles ( user_id number(38) not null, role_name varchar2(128) not null, primary key (user_id, role_name), foreign key (role_name) references owbb_roles (role_name) ) '); exec('create table owbb_administrators ( id number not null, type varchar2(8) check (type in (''USER'', ''GROUP'')) not null, primary key (id, type) ) '); exec('create or replace view owbb_administrators_v as select id, decode(type, ''USER'', owbb_api_administration.user_name(id), owbb_api_administration.group_name(id)) name, type from owbb_administrators where id >= 0 '); exec('create or replace view owbb_role_access_v as select role_name, user_id access_id, owbb_api_administration.user_name(user_id) name, ''USER'' access_type, ''N'' is_admin from owbb_user_roles where user_id not in (select id from owbb_administrators where type =''USER'') and user_id >= 0 union select role_name, group_id access_id, owbb_api_administration.group_name(group_id) name, ''GROUP'' access_type, ''N'' is_admin from owbb_group_roles where group_id not in (select id from owbb_administrators where type =''GROUP'') and group_id >= 0 union select a.ROLE_NAME, access_id,, b.type access_type, ''Y'' is_admin from owbb_roles a, owbb_administrators_v b where a.role_name <> ''*'' and >= 0 '); exec('create or replace view owbb_repository_access_v as select repository_id, workspace_id, user_id access_id, owbb_api_administration.user_name(user_id) name, ''USER'' access_type, ''N'' is_admin from owbb_user_repositories where user_id not in (select id from owbb_administrators where type =''USER'') and user_id >= 0 union select a.repository_id, a.workspace_id, access_id, owbb_api_administration.user_name( name, ''USER'' access_type, ''Y'' is_admin from owbb_repositories a, owbb_administrators b where b.type =''USER'' and >= 0 union select repository_id, workspace_id, group_id access_id, owbb_api_administration.group_name(group_id) name, ''GROUP'' access_type, ''N'' is_admin from owbb_group_repositories where group_id not in (select id from owbb_administrators where type =''GROUP'') and group_id >= 0 union select a.repository_id, a.workspace_id, access_id, owbb_api_administration.group_name( name, ''GROUP'' access_type, ''Y'' is_admin from owbb_repositories a, owbb_administrators b where b.type =''GROUP'' and >= 0 '); --Portlets exec('create table owbb_group_portlets ( group_name varchar2(128) not null, group_id number(38), portlet_name varchar2(128) not null, primary key (group_name, portlet_name) ) '); exec('create table owbb_user_portlets ( user_name varchar2(128) not null, user_id number(38), portlet_name varchar2(128) not null, primary key (user_name, portlet_name) ) '); exec('create table owbb_preferences ( path varchar2(256) not null, level_type varchar2(4) check (level_type in (''U'', ''G'', ''S'', ''I'')) not null, level_id number(38) not null, name varchar2(256) not null, value varchar2(256), unique (path, level_type, level_id, name) ) '); --| --|Favorites --| exec('create sequence owbb_favorites_seq start with 1 increment by 1'); exec('create table owbb_navigation_favorites ' || '( ' || ' favorite_id number(38) not null, ' || ' user_id number(38) not null, ' || ' repository_id number(38) not null, ' || ' workspace_id number(9) default sys_context(''owb_workspace'',''workspaceID'') not null, ' || ' role_name varchar2(64) not null, ' || ' type_name varchar2(64) not null, ' || ' object_id number(38), ' || ' description varchar2(4000), ' || ' primary key (favorite_id), ' || ' unique (user_id, repository_id, workspace_id, role_name, type_name, object_id), ' || ' foreign key (repository_id, workspace_id) references owbb_repositories (repository_id, workspace_id), ' || ' foreign key (role_name) references owbb_roles (role_name), ' || ' foreign key (type_name) references owbb_types (type_name) ' || ')'); exec('create table owbb_report_favorites ' || '( ' || ' favorite_id number(38) not null, ' || ' user_id number(38) not null, ' || ' repository_id number(38) not null, ' || ' workspace_id number(9) default sys_context(''owb_workspace'',''workspaceID'') not null, ' || ' role_name varchar2(64) not null, ' || ' report_id number(38) not null, ' || ' object_id number(38), ' || ' description varchar2(4000), ' || ' primary key (favorite_id), ' || ' unique (user_id, repository_id, workspace_id, role_name, report_id, object_id), ' || ' foreign key (repository_id, workspace_id) references owbb_repositories (repository_id, workspace_id), ' || ' foreign key (role_name) references owbb_roles (role_name), ' || ' foreign key (report_id) references owbb_reports (report_id) ' || ')'); --Log exec('create table owbb_errors ( timestamp date not null, user_name varchar2(128), source varchar2(100), error_code number(38), error_message varchar2(4000), other_info varchar2(4000), failed_stmt varchar2(4000) ) '); end; end;