declare type CurType is ref cursor; procedure lp_drop_style(p_style in varchar2) is l_style_id number := 0; l_count number := 0; l_cur CurType; begin begin open l_cur for ' select from ~portalSchema.wwpob_style$ a ,~portalSchema.wwnls_strings$ b where a.title_id = and b.text_string = ''' || p_style || ''' and b.language = ''' || wwnls_api.AMERICAN || ''' '; fetch l_cur into l_style_id; close l_cur; exception when others then l_style_id := -1; end; if l_style_id >= 0 then execute immediate 'begin wwpob_api_style.delete_style (:1); end;' using l_style_id; else execute immediate ' declare l_id number := 0; begin l_id := wwv_settingsdb.GetSettingsSetID( p_settingssetname=> :1, p_siteid =>0 ); wwv_settingsdb.delete_style(l_id, 0); end;' using upper(p_style); end if; exception when others then return; end; begin lp_drop_style('OWB_Browser_Navigation_Style_~userSchema'); lp_drop_style('OWB_Browser_Report_Style_~userSchema'); -- null; end;