CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_owbmeta AS PROCEDURE validate; END dbms_owbmeta; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_owbmeta AS PROCEDURE validate IS BEGIN dbms_registry.valid('OWB'); END validate; END dbms_owbmeta; / CREATE USER OWBMETA IDENTIFIED BY OWBMETA DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS; BEGIN IF dbms_registry.status('OWB') = 'VALID' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWB is VALID'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWB Begin dbms register '); dbms_registry.loading('OWB','OWB','dbms_owbmeta.validate','OWBMETA'); END IF; END; / GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_REGISTRY to OWBMETA; rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rem Run this script to grant all the necessary roles and system/object rem privileges to OWB unified repository OWBMETA. rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --roles: grant aq_administrator_role to OWBMETA; grant aq_user_role to OWBMETA; grant javaidpriv to OWBMETA; grant javauserpriv to OWBMETA; grant java_admin to OWBMETA; grant select_catalog_role to OWBMETA; grant connect to OWBMETA with admin option; --system privileges: grant CREATE ROLE to OWBMETA; grant CREATE ANY CONTEXT to OWBMETA; grant select any dictionary to OWBMETA; grant select any sequence to OWBMETA; --grant select any table to OWBMETA; grant alter session to OWBMETA with admin option; --Bug 7507745: ANALYZE PRIVILEGES LIKE *ANY* TO OWBSYS WITH ADMIN OPTION --grant create any directory to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create database link to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create dimension to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create indextype to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create procedure to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create job to OWBMETA with admin option; grant CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create sequence to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create session to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create synonym to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create public synonym to OWBMETA; grant drop public synonym to OWBMETA; grant create table to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create trigger to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create view to OWBMETA with admin option; grant create type to OWBMETA with admin option; --Bug 7507745: ANALYZE PRIVILEGES LIKE *ANY* TO OWBSYS WITH ADMIN OPTION --grant drop any directory to OWBMETA with admin option; grant global query rewrite to OWBMETA with admin option; grant unlimited tablespace to OWBMETA with admin option; grant alter user to OWBMETA; --object privileges: grant select on sys.dba_tablespaces to OWBMETA; grant execute on sys.dbms_aq_bqview to OWBMETA; grant execute on sys.dbms_capture_adm to OWBMETA; grant execute on sys.dbms_job to OWBMETA; grant execute on sys.dbms_lob to OWBMETA; grant execute on sys.dbms_lock to OWBMETA; grant select on sys.dbms_lock_allocated to OWBMETA; grant execute on sys.dbms_snapshot to OWBMETA; grant execute on sys.dbms_streams_adm to OWBMETA; grant select on sys.v_$lock to OWBMETA; grant select on sys.v_$parameter to OWBMETA; grant select on sys.v_$system_parameter to OWBMETA; grant execute on$_agent to OWBMETA with grant option; grant select on sys.dba_advisor_log to OWBMETA; grant select on sys.dba_role_privs to OWBMETA with grant option; grant execute on sys.dbms_aqadm to OWBMETA with grant option; grant execute on sys.dbms_aq to OWBMETA with grant option; grant execute on sys.dbms_obfuscation_toolkit to OWBMETA with grant option; grant select on sys.gv_$session to OWBMETA with grant option; grant execute on sys.interactionExecute to OWBMETA with grant option; grant select on sys.v_$active_instances to OWBMETA with grant option; grant select on sys.v_$instance to OWBMETA with grant option; grant select on sys.v_$session to OWBMETA with grant option; grant select on sys.v_$mystat to OWBMETA with grant option; begin dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBMETA'), 'java.util.PropertyPermission', '*', 'read,write'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBMETA'),'', '<>', 'read,write,execute,delete'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBMETA'),'java.lang.RuntimePermission','*','writeFileDescriptor'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBMETA'), '','*', 'connect'); end; / begin execute immediate('grant create external job to OWBMETA'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate('grant OLAP_USER to OWBMETA with admin option'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate('grant all on olapsys.xml_loadid_sequence to OWBMETA with grant option'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate('grant all on olapsys.xml_load_log to OWBMETA with grant option'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; --first create the role,and use a dummy password, will alter the password later... CREATE ROLE OWBM$CLIENT IDENTIFIED by s; GRANT OWBM$CLIENT to OWBMETA with ADMIN OPTION; --fix bug 5560480 CREATE ROLE OWBM_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW IDENTIFIED by s; GRANT OWBM_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW to OWBMETA with ADMIN OPTION; CREATE ROLE OWBM_USER; GRANT OWBM_USER to OWBMETA with ADMIN OPTION; --then grant the necessary sys obj privs grant select on sys.v_$system_parameter to OWBM$CLIENT; grant select on sys.v_$session to OWBM$CLIENT; grant select on sys.gv_$session to OWBM$CLIENT; grant select on sys.v_$instance to OWBM$CLIENT; grant select on sys.v_$mystat to OWBM$CLIENT; grant execute on sys.dbms_lock to OWBM$CLIENT; grant select on sys.dbms_lock_allocated to OWBM$CLIENT; grant select on sys.v_$lock to OWBM$CLIENT; grant execute on sys.dbms_snapshot to OWBM$CLIENT; grant execute on sys.dbms_obfuscation_toolkit to OWBM$CLIENT; grant execute on sys.dbms_stats to OWBM$CLIENT; grant select on sys.dba_tablespaces to OWBM$CLIENT; grant select on sys.dba_role_privs to OWBM$CLIENT; --then grant other system privileges --fix bug 5115009 , move to wb_rti_target_schema_privs.plb --move this back otherwize we need to grant analyze any with grant option to repos owner... grant ANALYZE ANY to OWBM$CLIENT; grant CREATE DATABASE LINK to OWBM$CLIENT; --fix bug 4715583,add the following 2 back since find them in grantprivs.sql grant CREATE DIMENSION to OWBM$CLIENT; grant CREATE INDEXTYPE to OWBM$CLIENT; grant CREATE SEQUENCE to OWBM$CLIENT; grant CREATE SESSION to OWBM$CLIENT; grant ALTER SESSION to OWBM$CLIENT; grant create snapshot to OWBM$CLIENT; grant CREATE SYNONYM to OWBM$CLIENT; grant CREATE TYPE to OWBM$CLIENT; --fix bug 3090158(to add the create proc,exe any proc and create type) grant CREATE PROCEDURE to OWBM$CLIENT; --fix bug 5115009 --grant DROP ANY PROCEDURE to OWBM$CLIENT; --grant CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM to OWBM$CLIENT; --grant DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM to OWBM$CLIENT; --grant CREATE TABLE to OWBM$CLIENT; BEGIN IF dbms_registry.status('OWB') = 'VALID' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWB is VALID'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWB finish dbms register '); dbms_registry.loaded('OWB'); dbms_owbmeta.validate; END IF; END; /