SPOOL LOG_cat_owb.TXT prompt Enter Tablespace Name for OWBSYS user: set termout off define owbsys_tbs = &1 set termout on CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_owb AS PROCEDURE validate; END dbms_owb; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_owb AS PROCEDURE validate IS BEGIN dbms_registry.valid('OWB'); END validate; END dbms_owb; / WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE prompt Create user OWBSYS with default tablespace &owbsys_tbs ... CREATE USER OWBSYS IDENTIFIED BY OWBSYS DEFAULT TABLESPACE &owbsys_tbs; prompt User OWBSYS has been created. WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE BEGIN IF dbms_registry.status('OWB') = 'VALID' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWB is VALID'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWB Begin dbms register '); dbms_registry.loading('OWB','OWB','dbms_owb.validate','OWBSYS'); END IF; END; / GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_REGISTRY to OWBSYS; rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rem Run this script to grant all the necessary roles and system/object rem privileges to OWB unified repository OWBSYS. rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --roles: grant aq_administrator_role to OWBSYS; grant aq_user_role to OWBSYS; --grant javaidpriv to OWBSYS; grant javauserpriv to OWBSYS; grant java_admin to OWBSYS; --grant select_catalog_role to OWBSYS; grant connect to OWBSYS with admin option; --system privileges: -- grant CREATE ROLE to OWBSYS; grant CREATE ANY CONTEXT to owbsys; --grant select any dictionary to OWBSYS; --grant select any sequence to OWBSYS; --grant select any table to OWBSYS; grant alter session to OWBSYS with admin option; --Bug 7507745: ANALYZE PRIVILEGES LIKE *ANY* TO OWBSYS WITH ADMIN OPTION --grant create any directory to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create database link to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create dimension to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create indextype to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create procedure to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create job to OWBSYS with admin option; grant CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create sequence to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create session to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create synonym to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create public synonym to owbsys; grant drop public synonym to owbsys; grant create table to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create trigger to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create view to OWBSYS with admin option; grant create type to OWBSYS with admin option; --Bug 7507745: ANALYZE PRIVILEGES LIKE *ANY* TO OWBSYS WITH ADMIN OPTION --grant drop any directory to OWBSYS with admin option; grant global query rewrite to OWBSYS with admin option; grant unlimited tablespace to OWBSYS with admin option; grant alter user to OWBSYS; grant create any trigger to OWBSYS with admin option; --object privileges: grant select on sys.dba_free_space to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.dba_data_files to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.dba_tablespaces to OWBSYS; grant execute on sys.dbms_aq_bqview to OWBSYS; grant execute on sys.dbms_capture_adm to OWBSYS; grant execute on sys.dbms_job to OWBSYS; grant execute on sys.dbms_lob to OWBSYS with grant option; grant execute on sys.dbms_lock to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.dbms_lock_allocated to OWBSYS; grant execute on sys.dbms_snapshot to OWBSYS; grant execute on sys.dbms_streams_adm to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.v_$lock to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.v_$parameter to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.v_$system_parameter to OWBSYS; grant execute on sys.aq$_agent to OWBSYS with grant option; grant select on sys.dba_advisor_log to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.dba_apply_error to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.dba_role_privs to OWBSYS; grant execute on sys.dbms_aqadm to OWBSYS with grant option; grant execute on sys.dbms_aq to OWBSYS with grant option; grant execute on sys.dbms_crypto to OWBSYS with grant option; --grant execute on sys.dbms_obfuscation_toolkit to OWBSYS with grant option; grant select on sys.gv_$session to OWBSYS with grant option; grant execute on sys.interactionExecute to OWBSYS with grant option; grant select on sys.v_$active_instances to OWBSYS with grant option; grant select on sys.v_$instance to OWBSYS with grant option; grant select on sys.v_$session to OWBSYS with grant option; grant select on sys.v_$mystat to OWBSYS with grant option; --fix bug 5906692: used by wb_rt_mapaudit_util to search for a object name(resolve_name procedure) grant select on sys.dba_tables to OWBSYS; grant select on sys.dba_synonyms to OWBSYS; begin -- NAStart launches the name/address server process dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'),'java.io.FilePermission', 'owb/bin/unix/NAStart.sh', 'execute'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'),'java.io.FilePermission', 'owb/bin/win32/NAStart.bat', 'execute'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'),'java.io.FilePermission', 'owb/bin/admin/rtrepos.properties', 'read,write'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'),'java.io.FilePermission', 'OWB/BIN/ADMIN/RTREPOS.PROPERTIES', 'read,write'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'),'java.io.FilePermission', 'owb/bin/unix/run_service.sh', 'read,execute'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'),'java.io.FilePermission', 'OWB/BIN/WIN32/RUN_SERVICE.BAT', 'read,execute'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'),'java.io.FilePermission', 'owb/bin/win32/run_service.bat', 'read,execute'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'), 'java.util.PropertyPermission', '*', 'read,write'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'),'java.lang.RuntimePermission','*','writeFileDescriptor'); dbms_java.grant_permission(upper('OWBSYS'), 'java.net.SocketPermission','*', 'connect'); end; / begin execute immediate('grant create external job to OWBSYS'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate('grant OLAP_USER to OWBSYS with admin option'); execute immediate('grant select on olapsys.xml_load_log to OWBSYS with admin option'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate('grant CWM_USER to OWBSYS with admin option'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate('grant all on olapsys.xml_loadid_sequence to OWBSYS with grant option'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate('grant all on olapsys.xml_load_log to OWBSYS with grant option'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; begin execute immediate('grant execute on olapsys.dbms_awm to OWBSYS with grant option'); exception when others then null; end; / commit; --first create the role,and use a dummy password, will alter the password later... CREATE ROLE OWB$CLIENT IDENTIFIED by s; GRANT OWB$CLIENT to OWBSYS with ADMIN OPTION; --fix bug 5560480 CREATE ROLE OWB_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW; GRANT OWB_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW to OWBSYS with ADMIN OPTION; CREATE ROLE OWB_USER; GRANT OWB_USER to OWBSYS with ADMIN OPTION; --then grant the necessary sys obj privs grant select on sys.v_$system_parameter to OWB$CLIENT; grant select on sys.v_$session to OWB$CLIENT; grant select on sys.gv_$session to OWB$CLIENT; grant select on sys.v_$instance to OWB$CLIENT; grant select on sys.v_$mystat to OWB$CLIENT; grant execute on sys.dbms_lock to OWB$CLIENT; grant select on sys.dbms_lock_allocated to OWB$CLIENT; grant select on sys.v_$lock to OWB$CLIENT; grant execute on sys.dbms_snapshot to OWB$CLIENT; --grant execute on sys.dbms_obfuscation_toolkit to OWB$CLIENT; grant execute on sys.dbms_stats to OWB$CLIENT; grant select on sys.dba_tablespaces to OWB$CLIENT; --grant select on sys.dba_role_privs to OWB$CLIENT; --then grant other system privileges --fix bug 5115009 , move to wb_rti_target_schema_privs.plb --move this back otherwize we need to grant analyze any with grant option to repos owner... grant ANALYZE ANY to OWB$CLIENT; grant CREATE DATABASE LINK to OWB$CLIENT; --fix bug 4715583,add the following 2 back since find them in grantprivs.sql grant CREATE DIMENSION to OWB$CLIENT; grant CREATE INDEXTYPE to OWB$CLIENT; grant CREATE SEQUENCE to OWB$CLIENT; grant CREATE SESSION to OWB$CLIENT; grant ALTER SESSION to OWB$CLIENT; grant create snapshot to OWB$CLIENT; grant CREATE SYNONYM to OWB$CLIENT; grant CREATE TYPE to OWB$CLIENT; --fix bug 3090158(to add the create proc,exe any proc and create type) grant CREATE PROCEDURE to OWB$CLIENT; --fix bug 5115009 --grant DROP ANY PROCEDURE to OWB$CLIENT; --grant CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM to OWB$CLIENT; --grant DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM to OWB$CLIENT; --grant CREATE TABLE to OWB$CLIENT; --create owbsys_audit to be used as default for JRT audit datasource CREATE USER owbsys_audit IDENTIFIED BY owbsys_audit DEFAULT TABLESPACE &owbsys_tbs; grant create session to owbsys_audit; grant alter session to owbsys_audit; --uses private synonyms to avoid direct access to OWBSYS tables --note that the schema object need not currently exist and you need not have privileges to access the object CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_sequence FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_sequence; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_job FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_job; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_phase FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_phase; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_task FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_task; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_step FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_step; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_struct FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_struct; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_error FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_error; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_error_source FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_error_source; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_trace FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_trace; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_file FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_file; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_param FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_param; CREATE synonym owbsys_audit.wb_rt_ht_audit_msg FOR OWBSYS.wb_rt_ht_audit_msg; -- create owbrtps table to store the home value create table OWBSYS.OWBRTPS ( KEY VARCHAR2(35) NOT NULL, VALUE VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE (KEY) ); BEGIN IF dbms_registry.status('OWB') = 'VALID' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWB is VALID'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWB finish dbms register '); dbms_registry.loaded('OWB'); dbms_owb.validate; END IF; END; / alter user OWBSYS account lock; alter user owbsys_audit account lock; prompt NOTE: To associate the Control Center with the correct OWB home, now run owb/UnifiedRepos/reset_owbcc_home.sql. You must run the script as a user with java admin privileges. For example, connect as sys as sysdba to run the script. SPOOL OFF