Change History
rabbott 1/25/2005 -- Add more comments
rabbott 6/10/2004 -- Created
This is the Oracle Multimedia schema for metadata stored in Application
record sets of the IPTC-NAA Information Interchange Model Version 4.
This metadata is often referred to as 'IPTC' tags.
For the JPEG file format, IPTC metadata is parsed from the APP13 marker.
For the TIFF file format, IPTC metadata is parsed from tag 33723.
All tags with string values are decoded using the ISO-8859-1 character
set. The resulting strings may contain characters that are legal in the
character set but are illegal in XML documents. Illegal XML characters
are replaced with the space (0x20) character.
Supported datasets
The following datasets from the application record are extracted.
2:00 recordVersion
2:05 objectName
2:07 editStatus
2:10 urgency
2:15 category
2:20 supplementalCategory
2:22 fixtureIdentifer
2:25 keyword
2:26 contentLocation:code
2:27 contentLocation:name
2:40 instructions
2:55 dateCreated
2:60 timeCreated
2:62 digitalCreationDate
2:63 digitalCreationTime
2:80 byline:author
2:85 byline:authorTitle
2:90 city
2:92 subLocation
2:95 provinceState
2:100 country
2:101 location
2:103 transmissionReference
2:105 headline
2:110 credit
2:115 source
2:116 copyright
2:118 contact
2:120 caption
2:122 captionWriter
2:135 languageId
The schema defines a number of types, both simple and complex,
to represent some of the IPTC tags. The itpcMetadataType is defined
as a sequence of all the supported IPTC tags. This type is used to define
a single global element that can appear in an instance document.