" ô° ôô2‰ãM|±ëThe system might have ran out of memory while allocating the LSF data object. [%s] [%d]Illegal argument %d given for extracting numeric value from a specific descriptor element.Illegal to insert LSFEND with lsfdi() or lsfdiv().Argument index %d exceeds actual number of arguments %d.Argument type %s is invalid for format code %s.Buffer overflow detected in %s with %d bytes written.Insufficient arguments for format: %d expected, %d actual.8 € ¡ É ò .žêDescriptor overflow: argument count exceeds descriptor size limit of %d.Duplicate flag %s in format code.Invalid format code %s in format string.Invalid argument index %d in format code.Missing argument list in lsfp() or lsfpv().NLS call failure.Integer in argument index position in format specification is not immediately followed by a closing parenthesis.An LSF type-passing macro in the argument list was passed a negative length.,rÞ>a¸Null descriptor passed into lsfdiv(), lsfdi(), lsfdrm(), or lsfdcnt().Could not parse argument index due to invalid argument index (non-digit character) or possible out of range.Parse error in field width specifier.Illegal insert position %d passed into lsfdi() or lsfdiv().Parse error in precision specifier.An error occurred in allocating an SLTS data type or the system ran out of mutex locks.lô¡ÓUnknown argument type for format code passed into lsfdlv(), lsfdiv(), or lsfdrm().String with invalid characters passed into lsfpcst().Internal exception code, arguments: %s %s %s %s %dÿÿÿÿ