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Start the Provisioning Daemon

The Procedure Manager allows you to view, edit, run, and monitor deployment procedures. Deployment procedures are best practices provided by Oracle for various provisioning tasks.

In order for the Deployment Procedure Manager to function properly, the Provisioning Daemon job should be running. This job is used to monitor the status of running deployment procedures. You can start or stop a job and also view the status of the job using the pafctl utility. You can find this utility in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. The syntax for this utility is as follows:

pafctl { start │ stop │ status } [sysman_password] [interval]

The keywords for this command indicate the following:

To start the Provisioning Daemon job, enter the following command at the operating system prompt"

$ pafctl start
Enter the repository user password:
Enter interval [default 3]: