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Tuning the Database Proactively

This section lists and describes the proactive steps required to keep the database properly tuned on a regular basis. Perform these steps as part of your daily maintenance of Oracle Database. Repeat the tuning process until your performance goals are met or become impossible to achieve because of other constraints.

To tune the database proactively

  1. Review the ADDM findings, as described in Automatic Database Performance Monitoring.

    ADDM automatically detects and reports on performance problems with the database, including most of the "Common Performance Problems Found in Oracle Databases". The results are displayed as ADDM findings on the Database Home page in Oracle Enterprise Manager (Enterprise Manager). Reviewing these findings enables you to quickly identify the performance problems that require your attention.

  2. Implement the ADDM recommendations, as described in Automatic Database Performance Monitoring.

    ADDM automatically provides a list of recommendations for reducing the impact of the performance problem with each ADDM finding. Implementing a recommendation applies the suggested changes to improve the database performance.

  3. Monitor performance problems with the database in real time, as described in Monitoring Real-Time Database Performance.

    The Performance page in Enterprise Manager enables you to identify and respond to real-time performance problems. By drilling down to the appropriate pages, you can identify and resolve performance problems with the database in real time, without having to wait until the next ADDM analysis.

  4. Respond to performance-related alerts, as described in Monitoring Performance Alerts.

    The Database Home page in Enterprise Manager enables you to view performance-related alerts generated by the database. Typically, these alerts reveal performance problems whose resolutions will improve the database performance.

  5. Validate that any changes made have produced the desired effect, and verify that the users perceive performance improvements.

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Using the Oracle Performance Method