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The following example shows, in bold font, how to change the EMP_EVAL
function to declare and handle two user-defined exceptions, wrong_weight
and wrong_score
. Make this change and compile the changed function. (For an example of how to change a package body, see Tutorial: Declaring Variables and Constants in a Subprogram.)
Handling User-Defined Exceptions
FUNCTION calculate_score ( evaluation_id IN scores.evaluation_id%TYPE , performance_id IN scores.performance_id%TYPE ) RETURN NUMBER AS weight_wrong EXCEPTION; score_wrong EXCEPTION; n_score scores.score%TYPE; n_weight performance_parts.weight%TYPE; running_total NUMBER := 0; max_score CONSTANT scores.score%TYPE := 9; max_weight CONSTANT performance_parts.weight%TYPE:= 1; BEGIN SELECT s.score INTO n_score FROM SCORES s WHERE evaluation_id = s.evaluation_id AND performance_id = s.performance_id; SELECT p.weight INTO n_weight FROM PERFORMANCE_PARTS p WHERE performance_id = p.performance_id; BEGIN IF (n_weight > max_weight) OR (n_weight < 0) THEN RAISE weight_wrong; END IF; END; BEGIN IF (n_score > max_score) OR (n_score < 0) THEN RAISE score_wrong; END IF; END; running_total := n_score * n_weight; RETURN running_total; EXCEPTION WHEN weight_wrong THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'The weight of a score must be between 0 and ' || max_weight); RETURN -1; WHEN score_wrong THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'The score must be between 0 and ' || max_score); RETURN -1; END calculate_score;
Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for more information about user-defined exceptions
Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for more information about handling raised exceptions