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This tutorial shows how to change the EMP_EVAL
procedure so that it uses a cursor variable instead of an explicit cursor, which lets it process multiple departments. The change includes adding a procedure that uses the cursor variable.
This tutorial also shows how to make EMP_EVAL
more efficient: Instead of passing one field of a record to add_eval
and having add_eval
use three queries to extract three other fields of the same record, eval_department
passes the entire record to add_eval
, and add_eval
uses dot notation to access the values of the other three fields.
To change the EMP_EVAL.eval_department procedure to use a cursor variable:
package specification, add the procedure declaration and the REF
type definition, as shown in bold font:
create or replace PACKAGE emp_eval AS PROCEDURE eval_department (dept_id IN employees.department_id%TYPE); PROCEDURE eval_everyone; FUNCTION calculate_score(eval_id IN scores.evaluation_id%TYPE , perf_id IN scores.performance_id%TYPE) RETURN NUMBER; TYPE SAL_INFO IS RECORD ( j_id jobs.job_id%type , sal_min jobs.min_salary%type , sal_max jobs.max_salary%type , salary employees.salary%type , sal_raise NUMBER(3,3)); TYPE emp_refcursor_type IS REF CURSOR RETURN employees%ROWTYPE; END emp_eval;
(For instructions for changing a package specification, see "Tutorial: Changing a Package Specification".)
package body, add a forward declaration for the procedure eval_loop_control
and change the declaration of the procedure add_eval
, as shown in bold font:
create or replace PACKAGE BODY EMP_EVAL AS FUNCTION eval_frequency (emp_id IN EMPLOYEES.EMPLOYEE_ID%TYPE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; PROCEDURE salary_schedule(emp IN sal_info); PROCEDURE add_eval(emp_record IN EMPLOYEES%ROWTYPE, today IN DATE); PROCEDURE eval_loop_control(emp_cursor IN emp_refcursor_type); ...
(For a step-by-step example of changing a package body, see "Tutorial: Declaring Variables and Constants in a Subprogram".)
Change the eval_department
procedure to retrieve three separate result sets based on the department, and to call the eval_loop_control
procedure, as shown in bold font:
PROCEDURE eval_department(dept_id IN employees.department_id%TYPE) AS emp_cursor emp_refcursor_type; current_dept departments.department_id%TYPE; BEGIN current_dept := dept_id; FOR loop_c IN 1..3 LOOP OPEN emp_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM employees WHERE current_dept = dept_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Determining necessary evaluations in department #' || current_dept); eval_loop_control(emp_cursor); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Processed ' || emp_cursor%ROWCOUNT || ' records.'); CLOSE emp_cursor; current_dept := current_dept + 10; END LOOP; END eval_department;
Change the add_eval
as shown in bold font:
PROCEDURE add_eval(emp_record IN employees%ROWTYPE, today IN DATE) AS -- (Delete local variables) BEGIN INSERT INTO EVALUATIONS ( evaluation_id, employee_id, evaluation_date, job_id, manager_id, department_id, total_score ) VALUES ( evaluations_seq.NEXTVAL, -- evaluation_id emp_record.employee_id, -- employee_id today, -- evaluation_date emp_record.job_id, -- job_id emp_record.manager_id, -- manager_id emp_record.department_id, -- department_id 0 -- total_score ); END add_eval;
Before END
, add the following procedure, which fetches the individual records from the result set and processes them:
PROCEDURE eval_loop_control (emp_cursor IN emp_refcursor_type) AS emp_record EMPLOYEES%ROWTYPE; all_evals BOOLEAN; today DATE; BEGIN today := SYSDATE; IF (EXTRACT(MONTH FROM today) < 6) THEN all_evals := FALSE; ELSE all_evals := TRUE; END IF; LOOP FETCH emp_cursor INTO emp_record; EXIT WHEN emp_cursor%NOTFOUND; IF all_evals THEN add_eval(emp_record, today); ELSIF (eval_frequency(emp_record.employee_id) = 2) THEN add_eval(emp_record, today); END IF; END LOOP; END eval_loop_control;
Before END
, add the following procedure, which retrieves a result set that contains all employees in the company:
PROCEDURE eval_everyone AS emp_cursor emp_refcursor_type; BEGIN OPEN emp_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM employees; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Determining number of necessary evaluations.'); eval_loop_control(emp_cursor); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Processed ' || emp_cursor%ROWCOUNT || ' records.'); CLOSE emp_cursor; END eval_everyone;
Compile the EMP_EVAL
package specification.
Compile the EMP_EVAL
package body.