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If you declared the RECORD
type sal_info
in "Tutorial: Declaring a RECORD Type", this tutorial shows how to use the SQL Developer tool Edit to do the following:
Create a procedure, salary_schedule
, which has a parameter of type sal_info
Change the eval_frequency
function so that it declares a record, emp_sal
, of the type sal_info
, populates its fields, and passes it to the salary_schedule
Because eval_frequency
will invoke salary_schedule
, the declaration of salary_schedule
must precede the declaration of eval_frequency
(otherwise, the package will not compile). However, the definition of salary_schedule
can be anywhere in the package body.
To create salary_schedule and change eval_frequency:
On the Connections tab, expand the hr_conn
information by clicking the plus sign (+) to the left of the hr_conn
Under the hr_conn
icon, a list of schema object types appears.
Expand Packages.
A list of packages appears.
Expand EMP_EVAL.
A list appears.
Right-click EMP_EVAL Body.
A list of choices appears.
Click Edit.
Body pane appears, showing the code for the package body.
Body pane, immediately before END emp_eval
, add this definition of the salary_schedule
PROCEDURE salary_schedule (emp IN sal_info) AS accumulating_sal NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('If salary ' || emp.sal || ' increases by ' || ROUND((emp.sal_raise * 100),0) || '% each year, it will be:'); accumulating_sal := emp.sal; WHILE accumulating_sal <= emp.sal_max LOOP accumulating_sal := accumulating_sal * (1 + emp.sal_raise); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(ROUND(accumulating_sal,2) ||', '); END LOOP; END salary_schedule;
Body pane opens, showing the changed CREATE
statement. The title of the pane is in italic font, which indicates that the changes have not been saved to the database.
Body pane, enter the code shown in bold font, in this position:
create or replace PACKAGE BODY EMP_EVAL AS FUNCTION eval_frequency (emp_id EMPLOYEES.EMPLOYEE_ID%TYPE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; PROCEDURE salary_schedule(emp IN sal_info); PROCEDURE add_eval(employee_id IN NUMBER, today IN DATE); PROCEDURE eval_department (dept_id IN NUMBER) AS
Edit the eval_frequency
function, making the changes shown in bold font:
FUNCTION eval_frequency (emp_id EMPLOYEES.EMPLOYEE_ID%TYPE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER AS h_date EMPLOYEES.HIRE_DATE%TYPE; today EMPLOYEES.HIRE_DATE%TYPE; eval_freq PLS_INTEGER; emp_sal SAL_INFO; -- replaces sal, sal_raise, and sal_max BEGIN SELECT SYSDATE INTO today FROM DUAL; SELECT HIRE_DATE INTO h_date FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID = emp_id; IF ((h_date + (INTERVAL '120' MONTH)) < today) THEN eval_freq := 1; /* populate emp_sal */ SELECT JOB_ID INTO emp_sal.j_id FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID = emp_id; SELECT MIN_SALARY INTO emp_sal.sal_min FROM JOBS WHERE JOB_ID = emp_sal.j_id; SELECT MAX_SALARY INTO emp_sal.sal_max FROM JOBS WHERE JOB_ID = emp_sal.j_id; SELECT SALARY INTO emp_sal.sal FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID = emp_id; emp_sal.sal_raise := 0; -- default CASE emp_sal.j_id WHEN 'PU_CLERK' THEN emp_sal.sal_raise := 0.08; WHEN 'SH_CLERK' THEN emp_sal.sal_raise := 0.07; WHEN 'ST_CLERK' THEN emp_sal.sal_raise := 0.06; WHEN 'HR_REP' THEN emp_sal.sal_raise := 0.05; WHEN 'PR_REP' THEN emp_sal.sal_raise := 0.05; WHEN 'MK_REP' THEN emp_sal.sal_raise := 0.04; ELSE NULL; END CASE; IF (emp_sal.sal_raise != 0) THEN salary_schedule(emp_sal); END IF; ELSE eval_freq := 2; END IF; RETURN eval_freq; END eval_frequency;
Click Compile.