%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix"%><%--
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
* pageButtonsInclude.jsp
* A common included file shared by Create Job pages.
* The caller JSP must have a bundle JobsResource as follows:
* One can include this file immediately following
* a body-form-pageLayout(w/titleBinding) sequence.
* <%@ include file="pageButtonsInclude.jspf" %>
* ashugupt 07/01/05 - button layout in Create Job UI
* ashugupt 06/20/05 - added continue button for task page
* pkantawa 07/21/04 - pkantawa_create_job_ui_fwk_2
* pkantawa 06/29/04 -
* rdabbott 02/21/04 - rm basic mode
* pkantawa 01/23/04 - Fix-3351255: Re-order Cancel, Submit, etc buttons
* rdabbott 11/12/03 - fix 3238912: ok instead of submit for edit active
* rdabbott 08/07/03 - hide advanced features
* xshen 07/23/03 - xshen_job_library
* xshen 07/17/03 - rendered binding for save button
* xshen 07/10/03 - Created.
<%-- ........... Start Included Contents ........... --%>
<%-- ........... End Included Contents ........... --%>