-- Page: editRecActions.jsp
-- Controller: oracle.sysman.db.util.SqlAccessController
-- Description: Displays list of actions and SQL statements associated with 1 recommendation (drilldown)
-- or all selected recommendations (View Recommendation Details)
-- misun 03/06/07 - fix SQL Access Advisor UI Exit Review bugs.
-- misun 01/05/07 - XbranchMerge misun_bug-5675432 from main
-- misun 12/14/06 - fix bug 5675432
-- misun 08/03/06 - Add Partition Key and SQL Partiton Column
-- mpawelko 05/13/05 - fix oac violations
-- mpawelko 03/28/05 - final 10.2 gui review changes
-- mpawelko 10/16/04 - convert actions table to uix:table
-- mpawelko 10/14/04 - convert sql statements table to uix:table
-- mpawelko 10/11/04 - add Return button if not editable
-- mpawelko 10/05/04 - try to fix focus problem of LOV beans
-- mpawelko 09/07/04 - add icon legend for status column
-- glavash 03/03/03 - created
<%@ include file="/sdk/oemTop.jspf" %>
<%@ include file="/oemNoscript.jspf" %>
<%-- Tag Libraries --%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag" prefix="oem" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag/db" prefix="db" %>
<%-- Imports --%>
<%@ page import="oracle.sysman.emo.util.UIXDataSource" %>
<%@ page import="oracle.sysman.emo.util.sqlaccess.AccessParameterConstants" %>
<%-- Browser title. Page name from controller getPageHeader() --%>
<%@ include file="/oemTitle.jspf" %>
<%@ include file="/enablePPR.jspf" %>
<%-- Include body tag so page is slightly indented from edge of window --%>
<%-- HTML Form --%>
<%-- Oracle Logo and Tabs --%>
<%@ include file="/database/global.jspf" %>
<%-- Warning/Error display --%>
<%-- Set all schemas in actions table to same value --%>
<%-- Add some vertical space between 2 LOV fields --%>
<%-- Set all tablespaces in actions table to same value --%>
<%-- Status column --%>
<%-- List of Recommendation ID column (View Recommendation Details only) --%>
<%-- Action column (link to full SQL text) --%>
<%-- Object Name column --%>
<%-- Object Attributes column --%>
<%-- Index Columns column --%>
<%-- Base Table column --%>
<%-- Schema column --%>
<%-- Tablespace column --%>
<%-- Partition Key column --%>
<%-- SQL Partition column --%>
<%-- Estimated Space Used column --%>
<%-- Statement ID column (link to full SQL text) --%>
<%-- SQL Statement column --%>
<%-- Recommendation ID column (link to Actions drilldown) --%>
<%-- Orignal Cost column --%>
<%-- New Cost column --%>
<%-- Cost Improvement column --%>
<%-- Cost Improvement (%) column --%>
<%-- Execution Count column --%>
<%-- Without spacer, buttons display right against pageStatus text - Cabo bug? --%>
<%-- Can edit, display Apply/Cancel/OK buttons --%>
<%--uix:submitButton name="event"
textBinding="APPLY@AAMsgs" /--%>
<%-- Can't edit or nothing to edit, just display Done button --%>
<%-- END: HTML Form --%>