%@ include file="/sdk/oemTop.jspf" %>
-- Page: wizAction.jsp
-- Controller: oracle.sysman.db.adm.sec.AuditController
-- Description: Introduction page for security Audit
-- sshastr 03/20/06 - To fix Translation error
-- mnihala 05/09/05 - Fix ADA bugs
-- qsong 05/02/05 - remove auditedObjectsSummaryInclude
-- qsong 01/14/05 - change layout
-- qsong 12/21/04 -
-- qsong 11/23/04 -
-- qsong 11/10/04 -
-- qsong 09/14/04 -
-- qsong 08/25/04 -
-- qsong 06/17/04 -
-- qsong 06/16/04 -
-- qsong 06/15/04 - qsong_db_audit
-- qsong 04/21/04 - Creation
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag" prefix="oem" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag/db" prefix="db" %>
<%@ include file="/oemNoscript.jspf" %>
<%-- Imports --%>
<%@ page import="oracle.sysman.emo.adm.security.audit.AuditConstants" %>
<%-- Browser title. Page name from controller getPageHeader() --%>
<%@ include file="/oemTitle.jspf" %>
<%@ include file="/enablePPR.jspf" %>
<%-- HTML Form --%>
<%-- Oracle Logo and Tabs, breadcrumb data from --%>
<%-- controller getNavigatorPath() --%>
<%@ include file="/database/global.jspf" %>
<%-- Warning/Error display --%>
<%-- Audit Trail Instruction Text --%>
<%-- audit config/summary include --%>
<%-- adding this empty header so that the subTabs will align with the upper section --%>