<%-- -- Page: diskGroups.jsp -- Controller: oracle.sysman.db.adm.osm.OsmAdminController -- -- Description: ASM instance Administration tab - disk groups -- -- MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) -- mpawelko 03/20/09 - replace incorrect USERS_SUMMARY -- asubba 09/12/08 - fix logging issues -- dchakumk 03/10/08 - XbranchMerge dchakumk_6752_xbmsrc from -- st_emdbsa_11.1 -- chanchan 02/14/08 - Add related links -- asubba 10/28/07 - XbranchMerge asubba_asm_message_issues from main -- asubba 09/11/07 - fix the fonts for unmounted disk -- chanchan 07/16/07 - Hide/show OFS tab -- asubba 05/28/07 - XbranchMerge asubba_bug-5886001_main from main -- asubba 03/15/07 - XbranchMerge asubba_bug-5886001 from -- qsong 03/06/07 - hide rebalance column -- gmahaney 02/01/07 - XbranchMerge gmahaney_emdb_pt_main from main -- gmahaney 02/01/07 - XbranchMerge gmahaney_emdb_pt_main from main -- qsong 01/19/07 - remove requires rebalance column -- qsong 01/19/07 - remove requires rebalance column -- asubba 01/08/07 - XbranchMerge asubba_asm_bugs from main -- asubba 12/15/06 - add mount all tip -- yozhang 11/27/06 - fix ADA issues -- qsong 11/03/06 - -- asubba 10/27/06 - hide users tab from non sysasm user -- qsong 10/27/06 - -- qsong 10/17/06 - -- chanchan 06/05/06 - Add OFS tab -- chanchan 05/09/06 - -- qsong 02/23/06 - add metadata backup restore buttons -- asubba 09/11/06 - rolling migration -- qsong 07/20/06 - -- asubba 07/18/06 - -- qsong 06/29/06 - -- asubba 06/19/06 - Enable multiselection -- qsong 06/06/06 - -- qsong 06/06/06 - -- asubba 03/21/06 - add buttons for dropdown -- qsong 02/23/06 - add metadata backup restore buttons -- rajeshar 04/26/05 - putting summary binding for table, ADA issue -- rajeshar 02/03/05 - using oemTitle for pageHeader -- chanchan 10/19/04 - Add ASM licensing -- jochen 07/14/04 - Only show offline tip if offline disks -- jochen 06/26/04 - Add tip for offline disks -- many ? - Many edits by many people -- spanchum 08/22/02 - Creation --%> <%@ include file="/sdk/oemTop.jspf" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag" prefix="oem" %> <%@ include file="/oemNoscript.jspf" %> <%-- Imports --%> <%@ page import="oracle.sysman.db.adm.osm.ofs.Constant" %> <%-- Imports --%> <%@ page import="oracle.sysman.emo.adm.osm.OsmConst" %> <%@ include file="/enablePPR.jspf" %> <%@ include file="/oemTitle.jspf" %> <%-- --%> <%@ include file="/database/global.jspf" %> <%-- --%> <%-- Support pageMsgBox for any apps that return to this page --%> <%-- and support it. This include must be positioned AFTER --%> <%-- any other uix:messages or messageBox tags. --%> <%-- --%> <%@ include file="/sdk/page/pageMsgBox.jspf" %> <%-- If user is currently connected to the db instance, don't show the tabs --%> <% Object fromDB = request.getAttribute("accessViaAsmConnection"); if ( fromDB != null && ((Boolean)fromDB).booleanValue() == true){ %> <% } %> <%-- ASM access warning message --%> <%-- ASM Rolling Migration Info --%> <%-- uix:header textBinding="DISKGROUPS@OsmObjectBundle@servletRequest" --%> "/> <%-- --%> <%-- metadata backup/restore features have been postponed to later release --%> <%-- --%> <%-- uix:column renderedBinding="verGE11@osmAdminBean@servletRequest"> --%> <%-- --%> <%-- /uix:header --%> <%------------------------------ End of File -------------------------------%>